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be ordered by the minister, until they have learned the same. And if any minister neglect his duty herein, let him be sharply reproved upon the first complaint, and true notice thereof given to the bishop, or ordinary of the place. If, after submitting himself, he shall wilfully offend therein again, let him be suspended; if so the third time, there being little hope that he will be therein reformed, then excommunicated, and so remain until he will be reformed. And likewise if any of the said fathers, mothers, masters, or mistresses, children, servants, or apprentices, shall neglect their duties; as the one sort in not causing them to come, and the other in refusing to learn, as aforesaid; let them be suspended by their ordinaries if they be not children and if they so persist by the space of a month, then let them be excommunicated."

It will be well for the minister, when he gives notice of his intention to catechize, to state the portion on which he purposes to question the children, and to request them, in the mean time, to look out as many passages of Scripture as they can find, which may serve to illustrate and confirm it. The minister will find it of infinite service to provide himself with facts and anecdotes explanatory of his subject. The following outlines of a course of catechetical lectures on "the Lord's prayer" may furnish hints to such as have not been accustomed to this most interesting part of a minister's "work of faith, and labour of love."

Catechetical Lectures on the Lord's Prayer.

Began by singing.



Children have souls, as well as men and women-the worth of the soul.. Matthew xvi. 26. * Souls will perish, or be saved, as attention is paid to them. There are but two ways, in one or other of which we are walking. Matt. vii. 13, 14. Ignorance is the great cause of destruction. Hos. iv. 6.

Therefore God commands us to teach little children. Deut. vi. ?; xxxi. 11, 12; John xxi. 15, 16; Eph. vi. 4.

And promises. Proverbs xxii. 6.

"train up" means "catechize."

Find many examples of good men training up children. Gen. xviii. 19; Luke i. 4; Acts xviii. 25; 2 Timothy iii. 15; Romans ii. 18.

In the Jewish Church there were particular persons appointed, called "teachers of babes," Rom. ii. 20, who used to teach them the "law," till ten years old and the Talmud till fifteen. When thirteen years old they were publicly examined in the synagogues.

Our blessed Saviour Jesus, when twelve years old, was found in the temple. Luke ii. 42.

So in the Christian Church there were persons appointed who were termed "catechists," and children instructed by them were called

* Let the children look for the Scriptures, according to the references, and read them aloud, the boys and girls taking alternate portions.

"catechumens." -All were examined for two years-besides Lent and Easter.

Churches and families prosper where this is attended to.

On the contrary, God punishes those who neglect. 1 Sam. iii. 13.Instruction is not all that is necessary-but we must see that they attend to it-Eli reproved, but did not restrain.

In our Church "a catechism" is provided and ministers are directed to teach it. Canon lix.

What a blessing it is to be born in happy old England-and to be members of the Established Church-No place where children are more attended to.

Contrast the state of poor heathen's children-state in China, "hung up in baskets," and in India, "mothers throw them to alligators, &c. We should thank God for our mercies and privileges. - Who can repeat Dr. Watts' hymn viii. "The praises of my tongue," &c.-Who can tell me a verse which speaks of privileges, Watts' xii. - Who can tell me a verse with examples, Watts' xiv. "What blest examples," &c. Let me then now hear if you can repeat the catechism?

Well, this catechism I shall endeavour to explain to you-I will begin with the LORD'S PRAYER, because you all know that; and let me beg of you, before next Sunday, to try to find me some texts in the Bible about prayer.

Concluded with two little stories,

I. Some parents never instruct, nor correct their children, but let them do as they like, the consequences,

A Farmer robbed by his Son.

A certain farmer in England had an only son, to whom he was greatly attached, and never could think of chastising him for his faults. When his son arrived at the age of twelve years, he ran away from his father's house, and went with a band of gipsies. For nearly twenty years he was never heard of. One day, however, it happened that the old man was under the necessity of taking a journey with a large sum of money. On his road he had to pass by a wood, and as he was going along, a man rushed out of it, seized his horse's bridle, and demanded his money. The old man remonstrated with him in vain. He would not hear, but again demanded his money. Most reluctantly the poor old man at last gave it to him. The robber then stared him in the face, and said, "Do you know me?" "No," said the old man. "Do not you know me?" he repeated. "No, I do not know you," said the old man. "Well," said the robber, "I am YOUR SON!" and returning him his money, added, "Had you corrected me when I was young, I might have been a comfort to you, but now, I am a disgrace to you, and a pest to society." Infants' School Repository, No. xxviii. p. 59.

II. Some children, who have kind parents, that would have them instructed, will not attend, -the consequences,

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Two boys fell into a coal-pit and were killed// mart

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The following instance may shew to young persons the danger of disobeying their parents, though but for once, and may at the same time guard them from profaning the Sabbath. A poor, but pious man, who was employed as a collier, one Sunday sent four of his children, two boys and two girls, to attend, as usual, the Sunday school and divine service, at a neighbouring town, with suitable admonitions against loitering and playing by the way. The boys, however, contrary to their usual practice, separated from their sisters, and trifled away a part of the day in the fields, instead of attending school, and going to church. About noon they were discovered, and pursued by a person who designed to take them to their parents; but they escaped, and being afraid of correction for their sinful conduct, came to the resolution of hiding themselves in a neighbouring coal-pit, where their father and others worked, and where they probably expected to be found, and released the next day. They cast off the rope to the depth of two hundred feet, and attempted to descend by it; but both missed their hold, fell down the pit, and were killed by the fall. In a few hours their mangled bodies were found, and presented a melancholy spectacle to their almost distracted parents." - Pleas. Exposit. 218.

Sang a hymn, and used prayer from the "baptismal service," "the Lord's prayer,"-" the grace," &c.


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Preliminary remarks on a sudden death, which took place during the past week and asked, if God had called them, where would they now be? Observed how good God is to spare us if I had been called away, I could not teach them.


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What is prayer? Psalms xxv. 1; lxii. 8. "drowning boy."gang ot Whence are we commanded to pray? Matt. vi. 5; Phil iv. 68; 11 Thess. v. 17; 1 Tim. ii. 8.

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To whom should we pray? Luke xi. 11, &c.; Matt. vi. 5; Eph.iii. 13, &c.

When should we pray? Psalm v. 3; lv. 17, lxxxvi. 3; lxxxviii. 1; ** Eph. vi. 18. To Pagod

For what should we pray? Heb. iv. 16; Psalm xxxii. 5, 6; Ezek. xxxvi. 25, &c.

For whom should we pray? 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2; parents for children,


masters for servants, brothers for sisters, &c.

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In whose name should we pray? John xiv. 13; xv. 16; xvi. 23; Heb.

Who must help us to pray? Romans viii. 26; Jude 20.

God knows what we want, does he not? Matt. via 820erar

Why should we pray? Ezekiel xxxvi, 37.11


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What encouragement have we to pray? Job xxii. 27; Psalm 1. 15; Psalm xxxiv. 15; Isaiah lxv. 24; Matt. vii. 7, 11; Luke xi. 13; Romans x. 13; James i. 5.

How should we pray? with humility, Psalm ix. 12; sincerity, Jer. xxix. 12, 13; xxiv. 7; Joel ii. 13; faith, Matt. xxi. 22; Mark xi. 24; fervency, Rom. xii. 11; Jas. v. 16; perseverance, Rom. xii. 12; Eph. vi. 18; Luke xviii. 1, &c.; love, 1 Tim. ii. 8. What has prayer done? Daniel ii. 17-19; Acts xii. 5; Heb. xi. 33, &c. Examples of praying people? Abraham, Gen. xvii. 18. 20; Jacob, Gen. xxxii. 24; Jabez, 1 Chron. iv. 9, 10; Hannah, 1 Sam. i. 10; David, 2 Sam. xv. 31; Daniel vi. 10; Hosea xii. 4; Nehemiah i. 4-11, ii. 4; v. 19; xiii. 31; Matt. xxv. 25; Luke xviii. 15; Acts x. 2; JESUS, Matt. xxvi. 39, and passim.


Prayer of a poor Hottentot, and his deliverance from the lion.

Mr. Kay, on one of his journeys among the natives, records the following :

I visited a poor sick Hottentot, who recently experienced one of the most remarkable and providential deliverances which I ever heard or read of. I found him in great pain, from the shocking wounds which he had received on the occasion: in the course of conversation, he furnished me with the following particulars of his escape from the jaws of a lion, which he ascribes wholly to the gracious interposition of the Father of Mercies, and which are therefore worthy of being recorded to His glory.

About three weeks or a month ago, he went out on a hunting excursion, accompanied by several other natives. Arriving on an extensive plain, where there was abundance of game, they discovered a number of lions, which appeared to be disturbed by their approach. A prodigiously large male lion immediately separated himself from the troop, and began slowly to advance toward the party; the majority of whom were young, and altogether unaccustomed to encounters of so formidable a nature. While the animal was yet at a distance, they all dismounted, to prepare for firing; and, according to the custom on such occasions, began tying their horses together by means of the bridles, with the view of keeping them between themselves and the lion, as an object to attract his attention, until they were able to take deliberate aim. His movements, however, were at length too swift for them. Before the horses were properly fastened to one another, the monster made a tremendous bound or two, and suddenly pounced upon the hind parts of one of them; which, in its fright, plunged forward, and knocked down the poor man in question, who was holding the reins in his hand. His comrades instantly took flight, and ran off with all speed; and he, of course, rose as quickly as possible, in order to follow them. But no sooner had he regained his feet, than the majestic beast, with a seeming consciousness of his superior might, stretched forth his paw, and, striking him just behind the neck, immediately brought him to the ground again. He then rolled on his back; when the lion set his foot upon his breast, and lay down upon him. The poor man now became almost breathless :


partly from fear, but principally from the intolerable pressure of his terrific load. He endeavoured to move a little to one side, in order to breathe; but, feeling this, the creature seized his left arm, close to the elbow; and after once laying hold with his teeth, he continued to amuse himself with the limb for some time, biting it in sundry different places down to the hand, the thick part of which seemed to have been pierced entirely through. All this time the lion did not appear to be angry, but merely caught at his prey like a cat sporting with a mouse which is not quite dead; so that there was not a single bone fractured, as would in all probability have been the case had the creature been hungry or irritated. While writhing in agony, gasping for breath, and expecting every moment to be torn limb from limb, the sufferer cried to his companions for assistance, but cried in vain. On raising his head a little, the beast opened his dreadful jaws to receive it; but, providentially, the hat, which I saw in its rent state, slipped off, so that the points of the teeth only just grazed the surface of the skull. The lion now set his foot on the arm from which the blood was freely flowing: his fearful paw was soon covered therewith, and he again and again licked it clean. The idea verily makes me shudder while I write. But this was not the worst; for the animal, then steadily fixing his flaming eyes on those of the man, smelt on one side, and then on the other, of his face; and having tasted the blood, he appeared half inclined to devour his helpless victim. "At this critical moment," said the poor man, "I recollected having heard that there is a God in the heavens, who is able to deliver at the very last extremity; and I began to pray that He would save me, and not allow the lion to eat my flesh and drink my blood." While thus engaged in calling on God, the beast turned himself completely round. On perceiving this, the Hottentot made an effort to get from under him; but no sooner did the creature observe his movement, than he laid terrible hold of his right thigh: this wound was dreadfully deep, and evidently occasioned the sufferer most excruciating pain. He again sent up his cry to God for help; nor were his prayers in vain. The huge animal soon afterward quietly relinquished his prey, though he had not been in the least interrupted. Having deliberately risen from his seat, he walked majestically off, to the distance of thirty or forty paces; and then lay down in the grass, as if for the purpose of watching the man. Being happily relieved of his load, he ventured to sit up, which immediately attracted the lion's attention: nevertheless, it did not induce another attack, as the poor fellow naturally expected; but, as if bereft of power, he again arose, took his departure, and was seen no more. The man seeing this, took up his gun, and hasted away to his terrified companions, who had given him up for dead. Being in a state of extreme exhaustion, from loss of blood, he was immediately set upon his horse, and brought, as soon as was practicable, to the place where I found him.

Dr. Gaulter, son of the Rev. John Gaulter, being stationed at a military post in the neighbourhood, and hearing of the case, hastened to his relief, and has very humanely rendered him all necessary attention ever since. Mr. Gaulter informs me, that, on his arrival, the appearance of the wounds was truly alarming, and amputation of the arm seemed absolutely necessary. To this, however, the patient was not willing to

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