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vicious habits, and all tendencies towards them, in the rising generation -To impress their minds with a becoming regard to the word and worship of Almighty God-To teach them to keep holy the Sabbath day-To explain, in a manner suited to their understandings, the grand doctrines and duties of Christianity; particularly, their lost and undone state by nature, Eph. ii. 3; their total depravity, Jer. xvii. 9; their entire helplessness in themselves, John xv. 5; their absolute need of a thorough change of heart, John iii. 3; and the only possible way of salvation, by faith in a crucified Saviour, Acts iv. 12.

4. Before you come to the school, pray fervently, that a Divine blessing may attend all your labours, ever remembering that the whole work of conversion is of God.

5. Rest not satisfied, till you see in the children intrusted to your care, evidences of a real change of heart.

6. Be careful to maintain a consistent walk and conversation yourself; endeavour to have your own heart suitably impressed with these all important truths, and seek earnestly the salvation of your own soul.

Questions for the Self-examination of a Sunday School Teacher at the close of the School.

I. Have I this day particularly prayed for a blessing on my labours in the school?

II. Have I done my utmost this day to show an example of early and punctual attendance?

III. Have the hours I have been in the school this day been fully occupied in my duties as a teacher?

IV. Have I this day spoken seriously and affectionately to the scholars of my class, respecting the salvation of their souls, and in hearing Scripture lessons, was my prayer like that of David? Psalm cxix. 18.

V. If I never again enter these walls, am I clear, in the sight of Him who knoweth all things, from the blood of any child in my class who may perish in its sins?

VI. Do I leave the school in peace with all my fellow labourers?


The object of this Society is to maintain, throughout life, a friendly and Christian intercourse between the conductors of the school and those persons who have formerly been scholars in it.

Address and Rules.

My dear young friend, You are about to leave the school which you have attended with regularity, and, I trust, with some profit to your soul, and to undertake important duties in life. In all situations you must expect trials; in some you may be exposed to many temptations. You will henceforth be called to put in practice those principles in which you have been instructed. It will now be seen whether you have received the Word of God into a heart prepared by the Spirit of God, or whether you have been a stony-ground hearer. It is the wish of those, who have watched over you with much anxiety from Sabbath


to Sabbath, to keep up an affectionate interest in your welfare; it is their desire still, as far as possible, to watch over you; to council you in difficulty, to warn you, if tempted to depart from the narrow way, —and to rejoice with you, if you are enabled, by the grace of God, to "do your duty in that state of life into which it has pleased God to call you.' With these objects in view, they have formed a little society, of which the following are the regulations; and if you are willing to agree to these, you may become a member :

1. It is proposed that the young women formerly belonging to theSunday schools, shall assemble on Easter Tuesday, in every year, at the where tea will be prepared for them, and their old friends and teachers will have pleasure in meeting them.

2. Those only can be admitted on this occasion who conducted themselves, while in the school, to the satisfaction of their teachers, and the superintendent, and who continued in the school until they went to service, or any other situation approved by their friends.

3. Each member must bring a certificate of approbation from her mistress at the time, stating also how long she has been in her service.

4. Every servant, who wishes to continue a member of this society, is expected, on leaving a situation, to send to the superintendent a certificate of conduct from her last mistress, stating the reason of her leaving. She must also give notice to the superintendent when she undertakes another place.

5. Every member, when out of place, and in the neighbourhood, is requested to attend the -Sunday school, either as a teacher or scholar. 6. If it be not convenient to the mistress of member to spare any her to attend the annual meeting, every member so prevented from attending is requested to send a letter to her old friends, stating how she is going on, temporally and spiritually; whether she regularly attends a place of worship; reads her bible daily; continues in the habit of private prayer; and attends the Lord's table whenever she has an opportunity. She must request her mistress to send a certificate of conduct with her letter, -in which case such member will have the same privilege as if she were present.

7. To every servant who brings a certificate of having remained in her place, and conducted herself well, for a period not less than a year, shall be given, at the yearly meeting, a book, or some other token of approbation. If, on first going to service, she remain in her place, and conduct herself well for twelve months, she shall have a present of a Bible, if she has not one already, (which of course will seldom be the case) or a gown. Other marks of approbation will be bestowed on those who continue year after year in the same place.

N.B. It is hoped that the members of this society will never take a situation where they cannot go to church once every Sunday, and that they will never let a day pass without reading a portion of the Bible, as well as praying to God every night and morning. The plan of learning one verse, either at night or in the morning, is earnestly pressed upon them. It will take a very short time, and will serve as a motto for the day, and supply them with a subject for useful meditation,-as servants cannot have much time for reading.

If you

These, my dear young friend, form the simple rules which are proposed as a bond of union between you and your teachers, when, in the providence of God, you are removed from their watchful care. profess to love God, more will be expected from you than from others. Give no cause for your mistress to say, as too many have been forced to do, "I do not wish for religious servants; they are worse than others." Take care that you do not spend that time in reading which ought to be spent in work. Study the Bible carefully, not only as your guide to heaven, but as a guide to your daily duty. Study especially those parts which point out what God requires of persons in your stations of life, and do not follow the sinful ways of any servants whom you see around you. I must say one word on dress. Let nothing induce you to deck yourself out in finery; it is the mark of a vain mind, and leads to many evils. Seek to lay by a part of your wages for future wants, and always find some to bestow on the cause of God. I have put down a few references to passages of Scripture, which I wish you frequently to dwell upon; and now I commend you to God, who alone is able to keep you in the way that leads to everlasting life.*


am your sincere friend,

The Superintendent of-School

Gen. xxiv.; Eph. vi.; Titus ii. 9. 15; Luke xii. 22. 48; Col. iii. 22. 25; 1 Peter ii.; Rom. xii.; 1 Tim. vi. 1, 2; 1 Peter iii. 3, 4; Rom. xiii.


Great facilities are afforded for those who wish to erect school rooms, both as to the obtaining sites, and pecuniary assistance in building. There are also several institutions for supplying books &c. to Sunday and other schools.

The Society for the support and encouragement of SUNDAY SCHOOLS throughout the British Dominions. (Established 1785.)

Grants of Bibles, Testaments, class-books, collective lessons, and alphabets, and monosyllables on boards, and spelling books, are made to such applicants as come within the terms of the society. Forms of queries to be answered by applicants may be had of the assistant secretary, 1 Trump-street, King-street, Cheapside.

The committee meet on the third Wednesday in every month to consider applications.

The object of this institution is to promote the establishment of Sunday schools throughout the British dominions, and to assist, by gratuitous supplies of Bibles, Testaments, and spelling books or lessons, Sunday schools which cannot obtain sufficient local support. It is necessary that specific answers to the following questions should be addressed to the assistant secretary, which will be submitted to the committee, for consideration, at the next meeting after they are received. The committee meet on the third Wednesday in every month.

* Memoir of the Rev. J. G. Breay. Appendix.


** Should there be a Bible society in your neighbourhood, your attention is called to the following resolution of the British and Foreign Bible Society:

"RESOLVED That auxiliary and branch societies, and Bible associations, be authorized to supply Sunday schools with Nonpareil Bibles, in calf, at 2s. each; and Brevier Testaments, in sheep, at 9d. each, as school stock exclusively; and that this society will furnish its auxiliaries, branch societies, and Bible associations, with whatever number of Bibles and Testaments they may require for that purpose, at the prices above mentioned."


1. In what town, or village, and in what county, is the school situated?

2. By what name is it called.?

3. With what denomination of Christians is the school connected? 4. What other schools are there in the place?

5. When was the school established?

6. What is the number of scholars on your books?

7. How many usually attend?

8. How many children do you suppose

there are, in your


neighbourhood, who do not attend a Sunday school?

9. Is writing taught; and, if so, on what days?

10. Is there a probability of the school being increased, and to what number?

11. If an increase is expected, on what grounds do you look for it? 12. Who has the direction or superintendence of the school?

13. How many teachers are engaged? State the number of each


14. Are they gratuitous? If not, how much are they paid? 15. Name the place where the children attend public worship. 16. Have any of the teachers formerly been scholars; and if so, how many?

17. What is the annual income of the school, and how does it arise? 18. What is paid for the rent of the Sunday school room, and what are the other annual expenses?

19. Has any prior application for books been made? and if so, state the month and year.

20. What books have you at present? State the number of each.

[blocks in formation]


It is most important to answer this question with precision.

22. How many of the scholars bring their own Bibles and Testaments? 23. How many scholars have you in the Bible class?

24. How many scholars have you in the Testament class?

25. Who, in London, can be referred to, as knowing the school or any of its managers?

(A reference to some minister in the neighbourhood must be given, when no individual in London is known; and no grant can be made unless this question be answered.)

26. Should a supply of books be voted, by what conveyance, and from what inn, should they be forwarded; and how should the parcel be directed?

27. Are there any situations in your neighbourhood where new Sunday schools could be established, if the committee granted a supply of books for this purpose?

28. Are there any persons in your neighbourhood who would be likely to subscribe to this institution, if a report were forwarded to them? If so, please to state their names.

29. Are the books to be Welsh or English?

You will oblige the committee by sending to them full particulars of the state of your neighbourhood, as to moral and religious education, together with any facts showing the beneficial influence of Sunday schools.

Signed this day of18.


This paper is forwarded to you to be filled up and returned, in consequence of your application in behalf of the Sunday school atwhich I received on the


W. H. BRUCE, Assistant Secretary. No. 1, Trump Street, King Street, Cheapside.


(60, Paternoster Row. Established 1803.)

The objects of this union are:-1. To stimulate and encourage those who are engaged as Sunday school teachers to greater exertions in the education and religious instruction of the ignorant. 2. By mutual communications to improve the methods of tuition. 3. To enlarge existing schools. 4. To supply books and stationery suited for Sunday schools at reduced prices. 5. To correspond with clergymen and others, in the United Kingdom, and abroad, relative to Sunday schools, and to afford them such assistance, in the formation of Sunday schools, as the funds will permit. In the carrying these objects into effect, the society does not, in any way, interfere with the private concerns of Sunday


Subscribers are entitled to purchase books, &c. annually, to five times the amount of their subscription, at the reduced prices.

Depositary, P. Jackson.


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