arrival of other medical officers. The reported illness of three of the medical officers now in this department renders this necessary. Very respectfully, Colonel, your obedient servant, B. RILEY, Brevet Brigadier General U. S. A., commanding Department. Lieut. Col. W. G. FREEMAN, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters of the Army. [No. 28.] HEADQUARTERS TENTH MILITARY DEPARTMENT, GENERAL: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, this morning, from your office, of general orders Nos. 36, 38, and 42; your communication of August 14th, enclosing instructions from the War Department of the same date to the commanders of the 8th and 9th military departments; of August 20th, in relation to Lieutenant Stevenson, 7th infantry; certificates for discharge in the cases of privates O'Brien, of company "E," 1st dragoons, and Tillett, of company "F," 3d artillery; and letter of promotion for Lieutenant N. H. Davis, 2d infantry. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, B. RILEY, Brevet Brigadier General U. S. A., commanding Department. Major General R. JONES, Adjutant General U. S. A., Washington, D. C. [No. 30.] HEADQUARTERS TENTH MILITARY DEPARTMENT, GENERAL: Lieutenant M. R. Stevenson, 7th infantry, after being discharged from the volunteer service, was assigned to duty at Monterey redoubt by Colonel Mason, under the authority of your instructions to him of April 13, 1848. A general court martial was assembled at this place in February of this year for his trial, upon charges preferred by Captain H. S. Burton, 3d artillery; but the court adjourned without completing the case, and the proceedings were referred by Colonel Mason to the Secretary of War, transmitting them through division headquarters. In your letter of acknowledgment of June 23, this despatch (No. 52) is mentioned as missing, and was so reported by me to division headquarters on the 6th of August last. Lieutenant Stevenson has been constantly since his assignment borne upon the post returns of Monterey redoubt. Very respectfûlly, General, your obedient servant, B. RILEY, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., commanding Department. Major General R. JONES, 60 Adjutant General U. S. A., Washington, D. C. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. NAVY DEPARTMENT, January 23, 1850" SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the resolution the Senate of the 17th instant, and referred by you to this departme requesting the President of the United States to communicate certain formation in reference to the appointment of a civil and military governm for the Territory of California, and the organization of a government said Territory. In answer thereto, I herewith transmit all the informat in this department called for by said resolution. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, WM. BALLARD PRESTON. To the PRESIDENT. NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 2, 1849. SIR: This will be handed to you by the Hon. T. Butler King, if there should be, in his opinion, occasion for so doing. The object of this ter is to impress upon you the desire of the President that you should, all matters connected with Mr. King's mission, aid and assist him in c rying out the views of the government as expressed in his instructions from the Department of State, and that you should be guided by his ac vice and counsel in the conduct of all proper measures within the scope of those instructions. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Commodore THOS. AP C. JONES, WM. BALLARD PRESTON. Commanding U. S. naval forces, Pacific ocean. NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 3, 1849. SIR: I have the honor to request that you will be pleased to furnis for the use of this department the articles named in the within encloses memorandum. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Hon. GEO. W. CRAWFORD, Secretary of War. WM. BALLARD PRESTON. NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 3, 1849. SIR: You will be pleased to furnish for the Navy Department, if i your power, the articles named in the enclosed memorandum. Shoul you be unable to supply all, you will name those you cannot furnish, and state where they can be purchased. The articles are wanted with despatch. I am your obedient servant, WM. BALLARD PRESTON.. Lieutenant M. F. MAURY, Superintendent of the U. S. Observatory. NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 3, 1849. SIR: You will be pleased to furnish this department with the articles named in the within-enclosed memorandum. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Commodore CHARLES WILKES, WM. BALLARD PRESTON. Washington. Memorandum. 1 Gunter's chain. 1 spy-glass, strapped. 1 small lot selected drawing-paper and pencils, (in travelling case.) 1 12-inch ivory protracter. 4 Lawson's maps of Upper California. 2 box sextants. 2 pocket prismatic compasses. 2 pocket ordinary compasses. 1 sextant and artificial horizon. 1 pocket chronometer. 1 case mathematical instruments. 1 Bowditch's Navigator. 1 Nautical Almanac, 1849. 4 sets charts of Upper California, Oregon, and Rio Sacramento, by Ex- ploring Expedition, on tracing paper. Sets of Fremont's and Emory's Survey, with notes. Small lot of drawing-paper, blank-books; note-books, stationery, &c. The above, it is believed, can be furnished readily from the Hydrographical Bureau. Colt revolvers, large size, holsters, &c. Colt revolvers, small size, holsters, &c. → rifles, with necessary equipments. 4 saddles, bridles, blankets, &c. 4 tents, small size. 1 set camp equipage. 4 elastic beds, blankets and equipments. The most of the above can be supplied by War Department. Ноп. Wм. В. PRESTON, CADWALADER RINGGOLD, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. United States Navy 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. NAVY DEPARTMENT, January 23, 1850. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the resolution the Senate of the 17th instant, and referred by you to this departme requesting the President of the United States to communicate certain formation in reference to the appointment of a civil and military govent for the Territory of California, and the organization of a government said Territory. In answer thereto, I herewith transmit all the informati in this department called for by said resolution. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, WM. BALLARD PRESTON. To the PRESIDENT. NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 2, 1849. SIR: This will be handed to you by the Hon. T. Butler King, if there should be, in his opinion, occasion for so doing. The object of this ter is to impress upon you the desire of the President that you should, all matters connected with Mr. King's mission, aid and assist him in catrying out the views of the government as expressed in his instructions from the Department of State, and that you should be guided by his ad vice and counsel in the conduct of all proper measures within the scope of those instructions. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Commodore THOS. AP C. JONES, WM. BALLARD PRESTON. Commanding U. S. naval forces, Pacific ocean. NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 3, 1849. SIR: I have the honor to request that you will be pleased to furnis for the use of this department the articles named in the within enclosed memorandum. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Hon. GEO. W. CRAWFORD, Secretary of War. WM. BALLARD PRESTON. NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 3, 1849. SIR: You will be pleased to furnish for the Navy Department, if in your power, the articles named in the enclosed memorandum. Shoul you be unable to supply all, you will name those you cannot furnish, and state where they can be purchased. The articles are wanted with despatch. I am your obedient servant, Lieutenant M. F. MAURY, WM. BALLARD PRESTON.. Superintendent of the U. S. Observatory. NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 3, 1849. SIR: You will be pleased to furnish this department with the articles named in the within-enclosed memorandum. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Commodore CHARLES WILKES, WM. BALLARD PRESTON. Washington. Memorandum. 1 Gunter's chain. 1 spy-glass, strapped. 1 small lot selected drawing-paper and pencils, (in travelling case.) 1 12-inch ivory protracter. 4 Lawson's maps of Upper California. 2 box sextants. 2 pocket prismatic compasses. 2 pocket ordinary compasses. 1 pocket chronometer. 1 case mathematical instruments. 1 Bowditch's Navigator. 1 Nautical Almanac, 1849. 4 sets charts of Upper California, Oregon, and Rio Sacramento, by Ex-ploring Expedition, on tracing paper. Sets of Fremont's and Emory's Survey, with notes. Small lot of drawing-paper, blank-books, note-books, stationery, &c. The above, it is believed, can be furnished readily from the Hydrographical Bureau. 8 Colt revolvers, large size, holsters, &c. 4 Colt revolvers, small size, holsters, &c. 4 rifles, with necessary equipments. 4 saddles, bridles, blankets, &c. 4 tents, small size. 1 set camp equipage. 4 elastic beds, blankets and equipments. The most of the above can be supplied by War Department. Respectfully submitted. CADWALADER RINGGOLD, Hon. Wм. B. PRESTON, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. |