THE WHOLE WORKS OF THE MOST REVEREND FATHER IN GOD, ROBERT LEIGHTON, D.D., ARCHBISHOP OF GLASGOW. A TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, BY THE REV. JOHN NORMAN PEARSON, M.A., OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, AND CHAPLAIN TO THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUESS WELLESLEY. Οὕτω θεῶν καὶ ἀνθρώπων θείων καὶ εὐδαιμόνων βίος, ἀπαλλαγὴ τῶν A NEW EDITION. IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. III. LONDON: PRINTED FOR JAMES DUNCAN, PATERNOSTER-ROW; JOHN HATCHARD AND SON; L. B. SEELEY AND SON; HOWELL AND AND DEIGHTON AND SON, CAMBRIDGE. MDCCCXXV. CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME. PAGE 1. The Book of the Generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham Ver. 1. Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit, into the Wilderness, to be tempted of the Devil 28 Ver. 12. And seeing the multitudes, he went up into 1. The Nature and Properties of Heavenly Wisdom 2. The Patient and Docile Sufferer 85 |