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Organization may decide that the provisions of this Chapter, together with any other requirements it may establish, shall apply to intergovernmental agreements regarding that commodity.

Article 57

Objectives of Inter-governmental Commodity Agreements

The Members recognize that inter-governmental commodity agreements are appropriate for the achievement of the following objectives: (a) to prevent or alleviate the serious economic difficulties which may arise when adjustments between production and consumption cannot be effected by normal market forces alone as rapidly as the circumstances require;

(b) to provide, during the period which may be necessary, a framework for the consideration and development of measures which have as their purpose economic adjustments designed to promote the expansion of consumption or a shift of resources and man-power out of over-expanded industries into new and productive occupations, including as far as possible in appropriate cases, the development of secondary industries based upon domestic production of primary commodities;

(c) to prevent or moderate pronounced fluctuations in the price of a primary commodity with a view to achieving a reasonable degree of stability on a basis of such prices as are fair to consumers and provide a reasonable return to producers, having regard to the desirability of securing long-term equilibrium between the forces of supply and demand;

(d) to maintain and develop the natural resources of the world and protect them from unnecessary exhaustion;

(e) to provide for the expansion of the production of a primary commodity where this can be accomplished with advantage to consumers and producers, including in appropriate cases the distribution of basic foods at special prices;

(f) to assure the equitable distribution of a primary commodity in short supply.


Article 58

Commodity Studies

1. Any Member which considers itself substantially interested in the production or consumption of, or trade in, a particular primary commodity, and which considers that international trade in that

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commodity is, or is likely to be, affected by special difficulties, shall be entitled to ask that a study of the commodity be made.

2. Unless the Organization decides that the case put forward in support of the request does not warrant such action, it shall promptly invite each Member to appoint representatives to a study group for the commodity, if the Member considers itself substantially interested in the production or consumption of, or trade in, the commodity. Non-Members may also be invited.

3. The study group shall promptly investigate the production, consumption and trade situation in regard to the commodity, and shall report to the participating governments and to the Organization its findings and its recommendations as to how best to deal with any special difficulties which exist or may be expected to arise. The Organization shall promptly transmit to the Members these findings and recommendations.

Article 59

Commodity Conferences

1. The Organization shall promptly convene an inter-governmental conference to discuss measures designed to meet the special difficulties which exist or are expected to arise concerning a particular primary commodity:

(a) on the basis of the recommendations of a study group, or (b) at the request of Members whose interests represent a significant part of world production or consumption of, or trade in, that commodity, or

(c) at the request of Members which consider that their economies are dependent to an important extent on that commodity, unless the Organization considers that no useful purpose could be achieved by convening the conference, or

(d) on its own initiative, on the basis of information agreed to be adequate by the Members substantially interested in the production or consumption of, or trade in, that commodity.

2. Each Member which considers itself substantially interested in the production or consumption of, or trade in, the commodity concerned, shall be invited to participate in such a conference. NonMembers may also be invited to participate.

Article 60

General Principles governing Commodity Agreements

1. The Members shall observe the following principles in the conclusion and operation of all types of inter-governmental commodity agreements:

(a) Such agreements shall be open to participation, initially by any Member on terms no less favourable than those accorded to any other country, and thereafter in accordance with such procedure and upon such terms as may be established in the agreement, subject to approval by the Organization.

(b) Non-Members may be invited by the Organization to participate in such agreements and the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) applying to Members shall also apply to any non-Member so invited.

(c) Under such agreements there shall be equitable treatment as between participating countries and non-participating Members, and the treatment accorded by participating countries to non-participating Members shall be no less favourable than that accorded to any non-participating non-Member, due consideration being given in each case to policies adopted by nonparticipants in relation to obligations assumed and advantages conferred under the agreement.

(d) Such agreements shall include provision for adequate participation of countries substantially interested in the importation or consumption of the commodity as well as those substantially interested in its exportation or production.

(e) Full publicity shall be given to any inter-governmental commodity agreement proposed or concluded, to the statements of considerations and objectives advanced by the proposing Members, to the nature and development of measures adopted to correct the underlying situation which gave rise to the agreement and, periodically, to the operation of the agreement.

2. The Members, including Members not parties to a particular commodity agreement, shall give favourable consideration to any recommendation made under the agreement for expanding consumption of the commodity in question.

Article 61

Types of Agreements

1. For the purposes of this Chapter, there are two types of intergovernmental commodity agreements:

(a) commodity control agreements as defined in this Article; and (b) other inter-governmental commodity agreements.

2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5, a commodity control agreement is an inter-governmental agreement which involves: (a) the regulation of production or the quantitative control of

exports or imports of a primary commodity and which has the

(b) Under such agreements, participating countries which are mainly interested in imports of the commodity concerned shall, in decisions on substantive matters, have together a number of votes equal to that of those mainly interested in obtaining export markets for the commodity. Any participating country, which is interested in the commodity but which does not fall precisely under either of the above classes, shall have an appropriate voice within such classes.

(c) Such agreements shall make appropriate provision to afford increasing opportunities for satisfying national consumption and world market requirements from sources from which such requirements can be supplied in the most effective and economic manner, due regard being had to the need for preventing serious economic and social dislocation and to the position of producing areas suffering from abnormal disabilities.

(d) Participating countries shall formulate and adopt programmes of internal economic adjustment believed to be adequate to ensure as much progress as practicable within the duration of the agreement towards solution of the commodity problem involved.

Article 64

Administration of Commodity Control Agreements

1. Each commodity control agreement shall provide for the establishment of a governing body, herein referred to as a Commodity Council, which shall operate in conformity with the provisions of this Article.

2. Each participating country shall be entitled to have one representative on the Commodity Council. The voting power of the representatives shall be determined in conformity with the provisions of Article 63 (b).

3. The Organization shall be entitled to appoint a non-voting representative to each Commodity Council and may invite any competent inter-governmental organization to nominate a non-voting representative for appointment to a Commodity Council.

4. Each Commodity Council shall appoint a non-voting chairman who, if the Council so requests, may be nominated by the Organization. 5. The Secretariat of each Commodity Council shall be appointed by the Council after consultation with the Organization.

6. Each Commodity Council shall adopt appropriate rules of procedure and regulations regarding its activities. The Organization may at any time require their amendment if it considers that they are inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter.

7. Each Commodity Council shall make periodic reports to the Organization on the operation of the agreement which it administers. It shall also make such special reports as the Organization may require or as the Council itself considers to be of value to the Organization. 8. The expenses of a Commodity Council shall be borne by the participating countries.

9. When an agreement is terminated, the Organization shall take charge of the archives and statistical material of the Commodity Council.

Article 65

Initial Term, Renewal and Review of Commodity Control Agreements

1. Commodity control agreements shall be concluded for a period of not more than five years. Any renewal of a commodity control agreement, including agreements referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 68, shall be for a period not exceeding five years. The provisions of such renewed agreements shall conform to the provisions of this Chapter.

2. The Organization shall prepare and publish periodically, at intervals not greater than three years, a review of the operation of each agreement in the light of the principles set forth in this Chapter. 3. Each commodity control agreement shall provide that, if the Organization finds that its operation has failed substantially to conform to the principles laid down in this Chapter, participating countries shall either revise the agreement to conform to the principles or terminate it.

4. Commodity control agreements shall include provisions relating to withdrawal of any party.

Article 66

Settlement of Disputes

Each commodity control agreement shall provide that:

(a) any question or difference concerning the interpretation of the provisions of the agreement or arising out of its operation shall be discussed originally by the Commodity Council; and (b) if the question or difference cannot be resolved by the Council in accordance with the terms of the agreement, it shall be referred by the Council to the Organization, which shall apply the procedure set forth in Chapter VIII with appropriate adjustments to cover the case of non-Members.

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