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2. He shall attend daily at the penitentiary from 7 o'clock in the morning until after the convicts shall have been locked up at night.

3. In the absence of the warden from the penitentiary the deputy warden shall perform his duties and shall not leave the penitentiary until the warden returns.

4. He shall not be absent from the penitentiary premises at any time during the day when the convicts are out of their cells without first obtaining leave from the warden.

5. He shall visit the penitentiary occasionally during the night by surprise, and personally ascertain that the convicts are all secure and that the officers are on duty

and alert.

6. Under the orders of the warden, he shall have special control and direction of the guards, foremen, and other employees of the penitentiary, excepting the officers in charge of the archives and finance, and shall be responsible that every one performs his respective duties with intelligence, fidelity, and zeal. And it shall be his duty to report to the warden, strictly and promptly, every neglect of duty, impropriety, or misconduct on the part of any officer.

7. He shall report to the warden the name of every officer coming on duty under the influence of intoxicants or without being in uniform.

8. He shall not grant leave of absence to any officer for a longer period than one day without consulting the warden, except in cases of emergency.

9. He shall enforce obedience to the penitentiary rules and regulations and to all orders given from time to time by the warden, and shall maintain generally the police and discipline of the penitentiary with exactness, for which purpose he shall frequently during the day, but at irregular periods and without notice, visit the shops, yards, hospital, kitchen, cells, and other apartments of the penitentiary and the different places where work is in hand, taking every precaution for the security of the penitentiary and convicts, seeing that the officers are vigilant and attentive to their duties and that they keep the convicts under them diligently employed during their hours of labor.

10. He shall not permit any book, pamphlet, or newspaper to be read by any officer, nor to be in his possession, while on duty in or about the penitentiary.

11. When a convict is received the deputy warden shall see that he is properly bathed, clothed in a penitentiary suit, and duly inspected by the physician and vaccinated. He shall then read and explain to him the rules and regulations for the government of convicts, give him his privilege tickets, and assign him to duty under the direction of the warden.

12. He shall at short intervals examine the locks, levers, and gratings in and about the entire penitentiary and see that they are in good condition.

13. He shall exercise due vigilance to see that there is no misappropriation of the property of the penitentiary; that not only no willful waste, but also no want of economy in the necessary consumption or the use of supplies takes place, without making such known to the warden immediately.

14. He shall consider it his duty to make himself acquainted with the social habits and conduct of every subordinate officer and employee, and particularly whether, when off duty, he is a frequenter of saloons or other houses of similar resort, or associates with idle or loose characters, and report the facts to the warden.

15. He shall see that no material is allowed to be placed near the inclosing walls, and that nothing is accessible to convicts which can facilitate escape. He shall especially see that ladders are properly secured.

16. He shall have a vigilant eye over every person who may have business about the penitentiary, to see that nothing is carried in or out for a convict, and, so far as he can, that no communication of any description is attempted by such person with any convict except by authority and in the presence of an officer.

17. He shall every evening, before relieving the guard from duty, verify by actual count the written daily count report furnished him from the office.

18. It will be incumbent upon all the officers of the penitentiary to give the strictest attention to the conduct and character of every convict, and especially it shall be the duty of the deputy warden to satisfy himself as to the behavior of every convict, his industry, alacrity, and zeal in the execution of his work, so that the deputy may be able to advise with the warden as to the recommendations to be made in the case of each convict; and for this pupose he shall communicate freely with every officer in charge of convicts when making his rounds.

19. The deputy warden shall, under orders from the warden, investigate all reports of offenses committed by convicts and make disposition of the same. In these investigations the deputy warden shall be careful in endeavoring to arrive at the truth concerning each case; in awarding punishment he shall take into consideration the age, previous conduct, habits, and disposition of the offender, so far as he may be

able to ascertain the same, and in the administration of punishment he shall take special care to deprive it of all appearance of personal vindictiveness, even under great provocation, at the same time making it sufficiently severe, without cruelty, to secure the end desired. He shall make daily written report to the warden of all convicts reported to him, the nature of their offenses, and of all punishments awarded or administered.

20. The only disciplinary punishments of convicts allowed to be administered in the penitentiary are:

a. Taking from convicts one or all of their privilege tickets.

b. Reduction in grade.

c. Solitary confinement on short rations of bread and water.

d. Handcuffing convicts to the grated cell door at the height of his breast.

e. Extra work in cleaning penitentiary.

Corporal punishment of any kind is prohibited.



The clerical force of the penitentiary will consist of three clerks, designated as "officer in charge of archives,' officer in charge of finances,' "officer in charge of shops," and one assistant for each.


1. He shall be the warden's accountant and his assistant and agent in matters of the accounts and fiscal affairs of the penitentiary and shall, as such, be responsible for the safe-keeping and orderly arrangement of all the accounts, vouchers, bills, and other documents of every kind confided to him.

2. It shall be the duty of this clerk to keep a complete and systematic set of books, which shall show the amounts of money under the several appropriations that have been advanced the warden by the treasury department for the maintenance of the convicts in the penitentiary and the expenditures incurred on account of the institution.

3. He shall also keep a regular account with all contractors furnishing supplies to the penitentiary and of all purchases of whatever kind and description made by the warden.

4. His accounts shall be prepared monthly and in the hands of the warden for transmission to the secretary of state and government on or before the 10th day of each succeeding month.

5. He shall make to the warden a detailed financial report at the end of each fiscal year and from time to time furnish him, as required, with such other statements and exhibits as the warden may direct.

6. He shall assist the warden in making such statements and exhibits as are, under the instructions of the secretary of state and government, required of the warden.


1. He shall have charge and be responsible for the preservation, under the supervision and immediate direction of the warden, of the archives of the penitentiary and of the following books and records:

a. The warden's record of official orders.

b. The convict register and complete index thereto.

c. The discharge register and records.

d. The record of statistics.

e. Punishment record.

f. The commitment of all convicts received and all papers bearing upon their


2. He shall preserve and take care of the measurements, photographs, and negatives of every incoming convict and keep the respective photographs and measurements in orderly arrangement.

3. He shall, on the blanks furnished him, take a detailed personal description of every incoming convict, and also take his written consent to the examination of his incoming and outgoing mail by the warden or an officer authorized by him. If such written consent is not given, the convict will be notified that his mail shall not be received by him until the completion of his sentence.

4. He shall, at the end of every month, make from the discharge register a complete list of all convicts to be released during the succeeding month by expiration of sentence and furnish a copy of this list to all officers whose business it is to be acquainted with it.

5. He shall keep such miscellaneous records and other records as the warden may direct, rendering a report at the close of the fiscal year with such statistical information as may be required, and shall perform such other clerical duties as the warden may require.


1. He shall be the warden's agent in all matters pertaining to the control of the workshops of the penitentiary.

2. He shall, on the approval of the warden, select foremen and workmen for the shops; he shall also keep a record of convicts who enter and are discharged from the shops.

3. He shall receive from the captain of the day watch all supplies, material, etc., received for the use of the shops and shall be accountable to him for the same.

4. He shall make daily reports to the warden of all material, supplies, etc., received by him for use in the shops, all manufactured articles that leave the shops, the output of the shops for the day, and such other reports as the warden may call for from time to time.

5. He shall be responsible to the warden for the proper and economical expenditure and use of all material received in the shops.

6. He shall keep an account of the work done by all convicts, and distribute the proceeds as ordered by the military governor, which shall be for the present in accordance with the laws in force.


1. The captain of the day watch shall attend daily at the penitentiary from the hour of unlocking in the morning until 6 o'clock at night.

2. He shall assist the deputy warden in the discharge of his duties whenever called on by him; and in the absence of the deputy warden from the penitentiary, he shall perform all the duties incumbent upon that officer.

3. He shall assist the deputy warden in maintaining and executing the rules of government of the penitentiary, and report to him any violations of the same, by either the officers or convicts, that may come under his notice.

4. He shall keep, mornings and evenings, the time of noncommissioned officers on duty during the day and report the same to the deputy warden on the first of each month.

5. He shall attend the daily sick call, accompanying convicts who are to see the physicians from the different workshops to the hospital, and ordering them to sick cell or on duty as the physician may direct.

6. He shall have charge of the armory, assigning to guards and keepers their arms and accouterments and seeing that everything belonging to the armory, including the special supply of lanterns, is in good condition and serviceable at a moment's notice.

7. He shall inspect the arms and equipments of the guards at least once a week, and report any officer whose rifle or equipments are not in good order. He shall frequently inspect all the arms and equipments not in daily use, and see that they are kept in thorough repair.

8. He shall be the custodian and keeper of all supplies purchased for the use of the penitentiary by the warden or his agent, and shall be held strictly responsible for the proper expenditure of same.

9. He shall personally receive, check from bills of particulars, and inspect all goods delivered to him, and report deficiencies in quantity and quality of the same to the officer in charge of finance, and also to the warden, who will decide as to their receipt or rejection. He will have charge of issuing supplies to the different departments on requisitions approved by the warden, and shall not issue anything without having the warden's approval therefor, and without taking and filing receipts, in all cases. 10. He shall, under the direction and supervision of the warden, keep accurate accounts of all transactions in the store, and of all receipts and issues, and shall each day report such transactions, receipts, and issues in detail to the warden.

11. He shall every three months take inventory of all property in the penitentiary and give a transcript of the same to the warden, on forms prepared for that purpose.


1. He shall assign the night guards to their respective posts. The night force shall go on duty at the sound of the trumpet, and remain on duty until the signal is given in the morning for unlocking the cells in the prison.

2. The captain shall be held responsible for the security of the prison, and see that good order is maintained during the night. He shall make report to the warden in the morning of any unusual occurrence, or any violations of the rules and regulations of the penitentiary that may have taken place during the night. It shall be his duty to call the warden at any hour during the night that he may regard his presence


3. It shall be his duty to make a thorough inspection of the penitentiary during the night, often enough to personally convince himself of the watchfulness of his subordinates in the different parts of the prison.

4. He shall require of all officers or citizens who work inside of the walls at night a strict compliance with all the rules that prevail in the daytime. Any violation of these rules shall be reported to the warden, who, with the deputy warden and the reporting officer, shall decide as to whether or not the officer or employee should be discharged.

5. He shall not, under any circumstances, leave the penitentiary during his time of duty, or until properly relieved, without the consent of the warden.

6. The night guards having charge of the cell houses shall not hold conversation with the convicts, or suffer the convicts to speak to them, except to make known immediate wants; they must use their utmost exertions to suppress noise of any kind, and report to the captain of the night watch any violations of the rules and regulations of the penitentiary by the convicts while in their cells.

7. The guard in charge of the solitary shall closely follow the instructions of the warden and deputy in regard to inmates of punishment cells, and shall every morning make written report to the warden of the number of convicts in solitary and their condition during the night, noting every unusual occurrence coming under his observation.

8. The night guard in the hospital shall observe the rules governing the hospital steward in regard to inmates of the hospital, and attend conscientiously to the wants of the sick.

9. The night guard shall at all times be very careful to avoid the outbreak of fire, and in such cases immediately sound the alarm, and use all his own efforts to check



1. He shall attend at all times to the wants of the sick convicts, whether in the hospital or in their cells, and shall render them all necessary medical service.

2. He shall examine weekly the cells of the convicts, for the purpose of ascertaining whether they are kept in a proper state of cleanliness and ventilation, and report the same weekly to the warden.

3. He shall examine at least once a week, and oftener if he thinks proper, into the quality and condition of the provisions provided for the convicts, and whenever he shall have reason to believe that any provisions are prejudicial to the health of the convicts, he shall immediately make report thereof to the warden. He shall also have power, and it shall be his duty, to prescribe the diet of the sick convicts, and his directions in relation thereto shall be followed by the warden and steward.

4. He shall vaccinate every convict on his entering the penitentiary, and examine him as to the condition of his heart, lungs, and chest, evidence of previous or present hereditary disease, and keep a record of such examination in a book provided for that purpose.

5. He shall visit the penitentiary every day between the hours of 6 and 10 in the morning. When the state of a sick convict requires it, he shall visit at such other hours as he may think the case demands, and if sent for at any time by the warden or deputy warden, he shall immediately repair to the penitentiary to the exclusion of all other engagements.

6. He shall keep a daily record of all admissions to the hospital, and the cases treated in the cells or elsewhere, indicating the sex, color, nativity, age, occupation, habits of life, period of entrance, and discharge from the hospital, disease, and the prescription and treatment in each case.

7. He shall have full control over the patients in the hospital, subject to the rules of the penitentiary and instructions of the warden, and shall leave his general daily instructions as to the government, etc., of the patients with the assistant.

8. It shall be the duty of the physician, in case of any convict claiming to be unable to labor by reason of sickness, to examine such convict, and if in his opinion, upon examination, said convict is unable to labor, he shall immediately certify the same to the warden, and such convict shall thereupon be released from labor and admitted to the hospital or placed in his cell or elsewhere for medical treatment,

as the physician shall direct, having a due regard for the safekeeping of such convict; and whenever the physician shall certify to the warden that such convict is sufficiently recovered to be able to labor, said convict shall be required to labor, and not before.

9. He shall examine carefully every morning all convicts in punishment in the solitary cells, and shall make written report to the warden of their condition. He shall be particular to report to the warden, in writing, any convict whose health he thinks is suffering or endangered by the punishment he is undergoing, and shall recommend such changes in the diet of convicts in punishment as he may think necessary. He shall require the assistant to make a similar examination every evening between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock, and make a written report of the same.

10. He shall, whenever in his opinion a convict becomes insane, certify that fact to the warden, giving his reasons therefor, and make on blanks furnished him for that purpose a brief statement of the general condition of the patient, together with recommendation of what disposition shall be made of him.

11. When a convict dies, the physician shall record the nature of the complaint and all the circumstances connected therewith that he may deem proper and necessary, and report to the warden.

12. When the physician considers it necessary, or when required by the warden, to make a post-mortem examination on the body of a deceased prisoner, he shall do so within twelve hours after the decease. He shall make written report of his examination to the warden, and of his conclusion as to the cause of death.

13. He shall make a written report daily to the warden of the attendance at sick call in the morning, and of the disposition made of those reported sick; also of all admissions to and discharges from hospital, deaths, etc.

14. He shall, whenever requested so to do by the warden, make a careful examination of any convict, and make a written report of his condition.

15. He shall make report monthly to the warden of patients received into the hospital, or treated in the cells or elsewhere, during the preceding month, stating their respective ages, color, diseases, occupation in penitentiary, quantity and kinds of medicines administered during the month, the time they have remained in the hospital, date of commencement and termination of treatment, and number of days during which said patients, in consequence of sickness, have been relieved from labor; also of all deaths and causes thereof, transfers to insane asylums, etc.

16. He shall make a yearly report to the warden, for transmission to the secretary of state and government, of sanitary conditions of the penitentiary for the past year, in which all information in his daily and monthly reports shall be condensed. This report shall also contain lists of convicts who have died, or been certified to be insane during the year.


1. Two undergraduates shall be assistants to and shall act under the immediate direction of the physician. At least one assistant shall be at the hospital at all hours during the day, except when called by his duties to other parts of the penitentiary or when relieved by the warden.

2. He shall be responsible for the nurses, orderlies, and other persons employed about the hospital, and shall see that discipline is at all times maintained and the security of the inmates carefully guarded.

3. He shall have charge of the hospital, for the good order and cleanliness of which, and of all its approaches and surroundings, he shall be responsible.

4. He shall have charge of the sick in the hospital and of the convalescent convicts so long as they are receiving advice from the physician, and shall strictly attend to all instructions that may be given him as to their medicines, diet, and treatment. 5. He shall also attend to ailing convicts not in hospital to whom medicine is administered.

6. He shall see that every ward in the hospital is well ventilated, the bedding and clothing cleansed and changed when necessary, the ceilings, walls, and floors kept clean, and that all impurities of every description are instantly removed.

7. He shall attend the physician in his visits to the sick, make up all the prescriptions, compound all the medicines, and see that they are administered in the form and at the times ordered by the physician.

8. Should the symptoms of any patient appear to him to become aggravated, he shall at once report to the warden or deputy in order that if necessary the physician may be sent for without loss of time.

9. Should he observe the death of a convict approaching, he shall at once notify the warden or deputy.

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