Imágenes de páginas

No. 40.


Habana, January 25, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following: I. Vidal Morales is hereby appointed chief of archives of the island of Cuba, said appointment to date from February 1, 1900.

II. Jose Dolores Poyo, Nestor Carbonell, and Julio Ponce de Leon are appointed assistants, said appointments to date from February 1, 1900.


III. The chief of archives will immediately examine into the present condition of the archives and submit a plan for their proper classification and future care. archives in question are at present in "La Fuerza," where they are receiving very

little care or attention.

IV. All records and documents will be preserved and classified as may be deter mined by the military governor upon recommendation of the chief of archives.

Recommendations should be at once submitted as to a suitable place for the storage and preservation of these valuable documents.

It is the desire of the military governor to preserve these records with the greatest care and to have them carefully classified, as they contain a great deal of valuable historical and statistical information.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 41.

Habana, January 26, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of state and government, directs the publication of the following order:

I. The municipal district of Casiguas, belonging to the judicial circuit of Jaruco, province of Habana, is hereby abolished, and the whole territory within the administrative jurisdiction of the municipality of Casiguas is transferred to the municipal district of San Pablo de Bainoa, of the circuit of Jaruco, province of Habana.

II. The archives and other property of the former municipality of Casiguas shall be transferred to the ayuntamiento of San Pablo de Bainoa, which shall hereafter assume all obligations and rights that pertained to Casiguas.

III. The abolition of the said municipal district of Casiguas shall not interfere in any way with existing rights of property or with existing public and private easements. IV. The civil governor of Habana will proceed to appoint the ayuntamiento of San Pablo de Bainoa in accordance with the provisions of the existing municipal law. V. The ayuntamiento of San Pablo de Bainoa will select persons to fill the offices of mayor and assistant mayors, and thereupon submit the corresponding ternary numbers to the civil governor of Habana.

VI. The ayuntamiento of San Pablo de Bainoa, in accordance with the provisions of the municipal law, shall proceed to make a new division of its municipal territory into suburbs and wards.

VII. The mayor of San Pablo de Bainoa will appoint such "mayors of the suburbs" (alcaldes de barrios) as may be necessary.

VIII. The civil governor of Habana is charged with the enforcement of this order, and he will take such steps as may be necessary for the prompt fulfillment of its provisions.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

[Corrected copy.]

No. 42.

Habana, January 26, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, directs the publication of the following order:

Article 86 of the civil code is hereby amended to read as follows:

I. In proceedings instituted for the purpose of celebrating marriages, it is permissible, whenever it may be desired, to substitute the church certificates of birth of the

contracting parties and the certificate of the death of their parents and other ancestors by sworn evidence. This evidence may be given before the same municipal judge who is to have cognizance of the proceedings, or any other judge, and shall consist of the sworn statements of two witnesses as to the age, place of birth or death, and nativity of the person to whom it refers.

Whenever the birth or death may have occurred outside of the island of Cuba, evidence may be also given thereof in the manner prescribed above.

Certificates of the civil register may also be substituted in the cases and manner above prescribed, but only when proof is given that the books of registry in which the inscriptions were or should have been made have either been lost or destroyed or have never existed, by others which shall be furnished by the judge of primera instancia and which must be asked for by the municipal judge at the request of the interested party or parties.

II. In the case of foreigners who have resided less than two years in the island of Cuba, no evidence of the publication of the marriage they intend to contract in the territory where they have had their domicile or residence during the last two years will be required, provided a certificate is furnished by competent authority or other evidence is submitted satisfactory to the municipal judge who is to authorize the marriage that the requirement for such publication does not exist in that territory. III. Municipal judges will charge a fee of $1, United States currency, for their services in such proceedings and no more, no matter what may be the extent thereof nor the procedure that they may take or whether it refers to one or more persons.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 43.

Habana, January 26, 1900.

By virtue of the authority vested in him, upon the recommendatio.. of the secretary of justice, the military governor of Cuba directs

I. Full pardon of the unexpired time of sentence in the following cases: (1) Nicasio Valle, (2) Juan Reyes, (3) Manual Sainz Casals, (4) Antonio Aragon Gomez. The secretary of justice will institute measures to set the aforementioned at liberty at


II. Penal action is hereby declared ended in the matters of crime that caused the imprisonment of the following-named prisoners: (1) Juan Santa Cruz Valdes, (2) Jose Maria Gonzalez, (3) Vicente Garcia Diaz, (4) Ruperto Larrazabal Baro, (5) Generoso Hernandez Arguelles, (6) Pedro Pablo Martinez, (7) Adolfo Casanova Arango, (8) Cecilio Hernandez, (9) Jose Jesus Acan, (10) Jose Eleno Lopez, (11) Francisco Rodriguez Roque, (12) Emilio Valdes Selpa, (13) Federico Carcases Madera, (14) Antonio Gonzalez Laredo, (15) Daniel Fresneda y Fresneda, (16) Francisco Valdes Castellano, (17) Francisco Reyes, (18) Jose de la Cruz Averhoff, (19) Jose Gonzalez Rodriguez, (20) Eusebio Suse, (21) Venancio Abreu Rodriguez, and (22) Dimas Hernandez.

The secretary of justice will at once instruct the officers of public prosecution to discontinue criminal action and proceedings against these men for the offenses with which they now stand charged, and will institute measures to set them at liberty at


III. Penal action is hereby declared ended against the prisoner Juan Diaz Valles in any and all proceedings that may be pending against him, and he will be set at liberty May 10, 1900, the date of his ending the sentence he is now serving. Without any appeal therefrom the department of justice will decide all matters of doubt that may arise in the enforcement of this order.

The above-named persons are all in the presidio or cárcel of Habana, except Venancio Abreu Rodriguez and Dimas Hernandez who are in the carcel of Cardenas. ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 44.

Habana, January 27, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of state and government, directs the publication of the following:

I. Angel Revuelta, mayor of Sagua de Tanamo, province of Santiago de Cuba, having been suspended from office by the military governor of the department of Santiago de Cuba, the suspension is hereby approved and the office is declared vacant.

II. The civil governor of Santiago de Cuba will proceed at once to the reorganization of the ayuntamiento of Sagua de Tanamo, of the same province, in accordance with the provisions of the existing municipal law.

III. The ayuntamiento, as soon as it is reorganized, shall forward ternary lists, in accordance with articles 49 and 50 of the aforesaid municipal law, for the appointment of mayor and assistant mayors to fill vacancies.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 45.

Habana, January 27, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of state and government, directs me to announce the following appointments and resignations: Province of Habana-Guira de Melena: To be second assistant mayor, Abelardo Sosa, vice Octaviano Herrera, resigned. Isle of Pines: To be first assistant mayor, Matias Ortiz y Hierro, vice Manuel Blanco, resigned.

Province of Matanzas-Matanzas: To be first assistant mayor, Narciso Davalos y Dominguez, vice Joaquin Ferreiro, resigned; to be third assistant mayor, Leopoldo Canton y Vicente, vice Luis Dulzaides, resigned.

Province of Santa Clara-Santa Clara: To be third assistant mayor, Enrique Canal Becali, vice Damian Silva, resigned; to be fifth assistant mayor, Fernando Graso Valdes, vice Eugenio Ledon, resigned. The resignation of Luis Guerra Perez, as second assistant mayor of San Juan y Martinez, province of Pinar del Rio, having been submitted, is hereby accepted.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 46.

Habana, January 30, 1900.

By virtue of the authority vested in him, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, the military governor of Cuba directs

Full pardon of the unexpired time of sentence in the following cases: (1) Lucia Suarez, (2) Nieves Rodriguez Monterrey, (3) Benita Pinto Hernandez, (4) Benigna Larrinaga Lopez, and (5) Nicolasa Pesante Monagas. The secretary of justice will institute measures to set the aforementioned at liberty at once.

II. Penal action is hereby declared ended in the matters of crime that caused the imprisonment of the following-named prisoners: (1) Petrona Suarez Blanco, (2) Antonia Collado Matamoro, (3) Juana Poverana, and (4) Rosario Gato Padron.

The secretary of justice will at once instruct the officers of public prosecution to discontinue criminal action and proceedings against these women for the offenses with which they now stand charged, and will institute measures to set them at liberty at


Without any appeal therefrom the department of justice will decide all matters of doubt that may arise in the enforcement of this order.

The above-named persons are all in the casa de recogidas of Habana.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff'.

No. 47.

Habana, January 31, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of public instruction, directs the publication of the following order:

I. The institutes (institutos de segunda enseñanza) of Santa Clara, Puerto Principe, and Santiago de Cuba shall be reestablished on February 1, 1900.

II. The herein-named persons are hereby appointed to fill the following professorships in the Institute of Santa Clara: Spanish grammar (first and second year), Angel Plaza; Latin grammar (first and second year), Pedro Camps y Camps; rhetoric and poetic art, psychology, logic, and ethics, Manuel Felipe Ledon; universal geography and history of America and Cuba, Jose Maria Concepcion; universal history and civic instruction, Benito Besada Fernandez; higher arithmetic, algebra, and trigonometry, etc., Julio Jover y Anido; geometry and physics, Juan Rojas; anatomy, physiology and hygiene, and natural history, Pedro Cue; chemistry and agriculture, Federico Alvarez de la Campa; English (four years), Frank Agramonte; French (four years), Rafael Martinez Ortiz.

III. Manuel Felipe Ledon, appointed professor of rhetoric and poetic art, psychology, logic and ethics, will fulfill the duties of director of said institute.

IV. The herein-named persons are hereby appointed to fill the following professorships in the Institute of Puerto Principe: Spanish grammar (first and second year), Antonio P. Pichardo; Latin grammar (first and second year), Francisco Perez Vizcaino; universal geography and history of America and Cuba, Luis Vilardell; universal history and civic instruction, Temistocles Betancourt; rhetoric and poetic art, psychology, logic and ethics, Augusto Betancourt; higher arithmetic and physics, Octavio Freire; geometry, algebra, and trigonometry, etc., Florentino Romero; anatomy, physiology and hygiene, and natural history, Manuel Ramon Silva; chemistry and agriculture, Antonio Moya Pichardo; English (four years), Ricardo Hernandez; French (four years), Mariano Aguero.

V. Manuel Ramon Silva, appointed professor of anatomy, physiology and hygiene, and natural history, will fulfill the duties of director of said institute.

VI. The herein-named persons are hereby appointed to the following professorships in the Institute of Santiago de Cuba: Spanish grammar (first and second year), Luís Hechavarria; Latin grammar (first and second year), Francisco Marcer; universal geography and history of America and Cuba, Luis Fernand y Marcane; universal history and civic instruction, Luis Garriga; rhetoric and poetic art, psychology, logic and ethics, Ignacio Santa Cruz Pacheco; higher arithmetic and natural history, Silvestre Castillo; geometry, algebra, and trigonometry, Faustino Manduley; anatomy, physiology and hygiene, and agriculture, Jose N. Ferrer; physics and chemistry, Guillermo Fernandez Mascaro; English (four years), Ricardo Navarro; French (four years), Federico Rey.

VII. Guillermo Fernandez Mascaro, appointed professor of physics and chemistry, will fulfill the duties of director of said institute.

VIII. The classes of agriculture shall be daily in all the institutes of the island. IX. The position of instructor of gymnastic and military exercises shall not be filled till the following academic year.

X. An assistant professor in belles-lettres and one in sciences in each of the institutes shall be appointed by the secretary of public instruction upon recommendation of the respective faculties. If, in any case, there should not be unanimity, the names of all persons who have obtained votes shall be mentioned, together with the number of votes obtained by each one. The names of the persons voting shall, however, be omitted. The rector of the university shall appoint the secretary of each institute upon the recommendation of its director.

XI. The academic session shall begin February 16, 1900. The ordinary matriculation lists will be open from the 1st to the 15th of February, and the extraordinary lists from the 16th to the 28th, same month. In view of the tardiness in reopening the institutes, the session shall end July 15; the ordinary examinations shall be held from the 16th to the 31st of July, and the extraordinary ones shall range through the month of September.

XII. All dues for registry of matriculation and graduation, as well as the so-called academic fees, shall be paid to the State, in the same manner as the matriculation dues.

XIII. The annual salary of the professors shall be $1,500; assistant professors, $800, whenever they fill a vacant chair or one whose incumbent receives no salary, and $600 in all other cases.

The director shall receive $1,000 a year, the secretary $500, and the assistant professors in charge of the laboratories and cabinets $200 a year in addition to their regular salaries.

In each institute there shall also be one clerk in the secretary's office at $800 a year, one clerk at $600 a year, one beadle at $600 a year, one porter at $400 a year, one laborer at $300 a year.

The sum of $900 shall be granted annually for the purchase of material, to be divided equally among the secretary's office, the chemical laboratory, the physical, natural history, and agricultural cabinets, and library.

Four hundred dollars shall be granted annually for expenses of cleaning and preserving the building, and $100 annually for the purchase of material of other kinds and for incidentals.

XIV. Each institute shall be granted once the sum of $1,000 for the purchase of furniture, expenses of installation, etc., to be obtained in the usual legal form. XV. The reopening of the Pinar del Rio Institute and the reorganization of the Matanzas Institute will be the subject of a new order.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 48.

Habana, January 31, 1900.

By virtue of the authority vested in him, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, the military governor of Cuba directs:

I. Full pardon of the unexpired time of sentence in the following case: Luis Peñalta, who is in the presidio of Habana. The secretary of justice will institute measures to set the aforementioned at liberty at once.

II. Penal action is hereby declared ended in the matters of crime that caused the imprisonment of the following-named prisoners:

a. (1) Laureano Alvarez Suarez, who is in the carcel of Habana.

b. (1) Manuel Rodriguez Fernandez, (2) Esteban Vega Molinares, (3) Sabino Mendez Castro, (4) Felipe Cristan Alfonso, (5) Jose Esteban Mondejo, (6) Francisco Sicre Grave de Peralta, (7) Nicolas Lendian y Canet, (8) Juan Lopez Morell, (9) Hermenegildo Arenas, (10) Felipe Vega Rodriguez, who are in the carcel of Guanabacoa. c. (1) Antonio Gonzalez, (2) Manuel Tamayo, (3) Pedro Casanas, (4) Lazaro Diaz Chavez, (5) Santiago Sanchez, (6) Jose de la Luz Rodriguez, (7) Celestino Artega, (8) Jose Chavez Mondejar, and (9) Jorge Sosa Acan, who are in the carcel of Colon. The secretary of justice will at once instruct the officers of public prosecution to discontinue criminal action and proceedings against these men for the offenses with which they now stand charged, and will institute measures to set them at liberty at


Without any appeal therefrom the department of justice will decide all matters of doubt that may arise in the enforcement of this order.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 49.

Habana, February 1, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of jus tice, directs the following transfers: Jorge C. Milanes y Figueredo, associate justice of the audiencia of Santiago de Cuba, to the audiencia of Puerto Principe; Jose Ramirez Alonso, associate justice of the audiencia of Puerto Principe, to the audiencia of Santiago de Cuba; Fernando Salcedo y Bonastra, judge of primera instancia of the northern district of Santiago de Cuba, to the court of the palacio district of Matanzas; Sixto Jose Vasconcello, judge of primera instancia of the palacio district of Matanzas, to the court of the northern district of Santiago de Cuba.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 50.

Habana, February 2, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of state and government, directs me to announce the following appointments and resignation:


Province of Pinar del Rio-Consolacion del Norte: To be second assistant mayor, Domingo Luis Sanchez; to be third assistant mayor, Jose Benigno Gangonelly Ascuy.

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