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regulations for ports in Cuba in possession of the United States" is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the following paragraph:

377. Crude petroleum.

This order shall take effect and be in force on and after January 29, 1900.
This order shall be duly proclaimed in the island of Cuba.

G. D. MEIKLEJOHN, Assistant Secretary of War.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 4.


Habana, January 6, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs me to announce the following appointments: Province of Habana-Güines: To be first assistant mayor, Alberto García Mendoza; to be second assistant mayor, Jose de la Vallina Varela; to be third assistant mayor, Manuel A. de Villiers Suarez; to be fourth assistant mayor, Pastor Alfonso Rodriguez. ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 5.


Habana, January 8, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order: I. A light-house board is hereby constituted to consist of Mario Garcia Menocal y Deop, chief of the board, with a salary of $5,000 per annum, and Jose Primelles Agramonte, assistant, with a salary of $3,000 per annum.

II. The board will employ such clerical assistance as the interests of the service require.

III. The duty of the board is to attend to the construction and maintenance of all light-houses, the supervision of, supplying, and placing of all proper buoys, beacons, etc., in the several harbors of the island of Cuba.

IV. The board will report its operation directly to and receive instructions from the military governor.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 6.

Habana, January 8, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs me to announce the following appointment and resignation:

I. To be subsecretary of justice, department of justice of the island of Cuba, Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso, vice Ramon Ebra, resigned; said appointment to date from January 3, 1900.

II. The resignation of Alfredo Grovas Badia, as mayor of San Nicolas, province of Habana, having been submitted, is hereby accepted.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 7.

Habana, January 9, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs me to announce the following appointment: Province of Pinar del Rio-Pinar del Rio: To be fourth assistant mayor, Fernando

Bencomo, vice Jose Miguel Valdes, resigned.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 8.

Habana, January 10, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs me to announce the following appointments and resignation:

I. To be subsecretary of state and government, department of state and government of the island of Cuba, Fernando Figueredo; said appointment to date from January 2, 1900. To be subsecretary of public instruction, department of public instruction of the island of Cuba, Esteban Borrero Echeverría; said appointment to date from January 2, 1900.

II. The resignation of Eduardo Desvernine, as substitute justice of the audiencia of Habana, having been submitted, is hereby accepted.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 9.

Habana, January 10, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs me to announce the following appointments: Province of Pinar del Rio.-Consolacion del Norte: To be first assistant mayor, Antonio Bonin y Garcia.

Province of Habana.-Santa Maria del Rosario: To be first assistant mayor, Francisco Diaz Gonzalez, vice Manuel Bustillo, resigned.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 10.

Habana, January 12, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order: I. Article 23 of the royal decree, dated August 12, 1887, which regulates the exercise of pardon is hereby revoked.

II. In all cases of special pardon the governor-general will determine as to whether or not the opinion of the court rendering the decision shall be heard.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staf

[Corrected copy.]
No. 11.

Habana, January 12, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs me to announce the following appointment: To be assistant secretary of the department of agriculture, commerce, and industries of the island of Cuba, Baldomero Pichardo y Jimenez; said appointment to date from January 2, 1900.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 12.

Habana, January 12, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order: Federico Mora, fiscal of the supreme court, is hereby removed from office for the good of the public service.

This removal is the result of an investigation of the conditions existing in the administration of justice under his supervision.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 13.

Habana, January 13, 1900.

By virtue of the authority vested in him, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, the military governor of Cuba directs:

I. Full pardon of the unexpired time of sentence in the following cases: (1) Enrique Salina Cabrera, (2) Leandro Navarro y Montesinos, (3) Benalio Seijas Delgado, (4) Joaquin Andrade y Álvarez, (5) Pedro Valdes o Perico Noya, (6) Luis Mazorra y Mazorra, (7) Bernardino Gonzalez, (8) Emilio Mendive, (9) Ramon Reyes Espriu, (10) Genovevo Nuñez y Perez, (11) Angel Gomez Toca, (12) Juan Perez, (13) Manuel Montero Peñaflor, (14) Valeriano Blanco y Lozano, (15) Indalecio Huergo Valle, (16) Jose Abito Achoy, (17) Francisco Rios y Cañizares, (18) Basilio Castillo Alonso, (19) Isidro Garcia y Campos, (20) Cecilio Hernandez Villara, (21) Alfredo Martinez y Valdéz, (22) Eduardo Commellas y Prado, and (23) Enrique Cordova Leveija. The secretary of justice will institute measures to set the aforementioned at liberty

at once.

II. Partial pardon is hereby granted the following-named prisoners, reducing their sentences as hereinafter stated: (1) Antonio Herrera Martinez, will be set at liberty December 31, 1900; (2) Jose Guerra y Fariñas, will be set at liberty December 31, 1902; (3) Eduardo Perez Jimenez, will be set at liberty December 31, 1902; (4) Cesar Rojas Herci, will be set at liberty December 31, 1900; (5) Adolfo Montalvo Papa, will be set at liberty December 31, 1901; (6) Pablo de Armas y Broin, will be set at liberty December 31, 1905; (7) Cipriano Cabrera Castillon, will be set at liberty December 31, 1908; (8) Damaso Alvariño Palacio, will be set at liberty December 31, 1901.

The secretary of justice will see that due entry is made on the prison records of the aforementioned mitigation of sentences, and report execution of same to these headquarters.

III. Penal action is hereby declared ended in the matters of crime that caused the imprisonment of the following-named prisoners: (1) Candido Isoba y Toribio, (2) Felipe Escobar, (3) Jose Garcia, (4) Tomas Francisco Averoff, (5) Pablo Becerra Vinal (a) “Armando," (6) Angel Maria Eugenio Valdes, (7) Jose Martinez Rodriguez, (8) Camilo Yanes Diaz, (9) Juan Gonzalez Rodriguez, (10) Federico Gonzalez Davila, (11) Eduardo Alonso Rodriguez, (12) Higinio Lopez Solano, (13) Jose Maria Gonzalez Toledo, (14) Erasmo Padron y Vidal, (15) Manuel Bravo Betancourt, (16) Julio Untario Grana, (17) Ramon Suarez Romero, (18) Benito Abreu, (19) Ramon Martinez Rabelo, (20) Ramon Soto Prieto, (21) Crescencio Garcia Vega, (22) Jose Martinez Garcia, and (23) Carlos Gonzalez y Gonzalez.

The secretary of justice will at once instruct the officers of public prosecution to discontinue criminal action and proceedings against these men for the offenses with which they now stand charged and will institute measures to set them at liberty at


Without any appeal therefrom, the department of justice will decide all matters of doubt that may arise in the enforcement of this order.

The above-named persons are all in the presidio or cárcel of Habana.

Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 14.

Habana, January 13, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order: The following rules shall hereafter be adopted and put in force in all the jails of the island of Cuba:

1. Convicts will be kept separate from prisoners awaiting trial.

2. Prisoners under 18 years of age will be kept separate from convicts or other prisoners awaiting trial.

3. Such disposition of the buildings occupied as jails will be made as to permit enforcement of this order.

Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

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No. 15.


Habana, January 13, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order: I. The recourses known as contencioso-administrativos, in which proceedings were suspended by Order No. 124, of 1889, from these headquarters, which may have been revised and decided in accordance with the provisions of said order, as well as those wherein revisal has not been applied for within the time stipulated in said order, are hereby declared to be definitely closed and ended, and the decisions rendered in connection with the first mentioned are final, as are the decisions upon which the recourses were granted in the latter class.

II. The records of the proceedings in the preceding cases in which the recourses were instituted shall be sent by the department of justice to the office of administration where they originated.

III. In recourses relating to decisions the revisal of which is still pending and which were solicited within the time specified in Order No. 124 of these headquarters, as well as those relating to irregularity of form, that should not be revised in accordance with the provisions of said order, proceedings may be again commenced at the petition of the interested parties, in which case the department of justice shall return to the audiencia of Habana the administrative record pertaining to such cases. ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 16.

Habana, January 13, 1900.

By virtue of the authority vested in him, the military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, directs:

I. Full pardon of the unexpired time of sentence in the following cases: (1) Moreno Jose Pozo (a) Macavi, (2) Jose Pretel Gonzalez, and (3) Jose Maria Reyes Granados. The secretary of justice will institute measures to set the aforementioned at liberty

at once.

II. Partial pardon is hereby granted the following-named prisoners, reducing their sentences as hereinafter stated: (1) Juan de Mata Sabino Everardo Olvarez Cavarroniz, will be set at liberty May 1, 1901; (2) Manuel Martinez Victoria, will be set at liberty December 31, 1901; (3) Francisco Vestal Aguilera, will be set at liberty December 31, 1900.

The secretary of justice will see that due entry is made on the prison records of the aforementioned mitigation of sentences, and report execution of same to these headquarters.

The above-named prisoners are all in the presidio or cárcel of Habana.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 17.

Habana, January 15, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order: I. The royal order of February 9, 1894, decreeing the institution of proceedings required by article 234 of the decree of January 5, 1891, for the discharge from office of the secretaries of the municipal courts, is hereby annulled.

II. The municipal judges may discharge their secretaries whenever they deem proper, recommending to the respective judges of primera instancia successors to the position.

III. The judge of primera instancia may return the recommendation to the municipal judge not approved, if he knows of any disqualification to the person, stating such disqualification, in writing, and request another nomination to be made by the municipal judge.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 18.

Habana, January 15, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba directs me to announce the following resignation: The resignation of Nicolás Heredia y Mota, as director de instrucción pública, having been submitted, is hereby accepted.

No. 19.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

Habana, January 16, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, directs the publication of the following order:

The period granted by decrees of April 4 and August 28, 1899, for the inscription of births, is further extended one hundred and twenty days from the expiration of the time authorized by the decree of August 28, 1899, No. 149, i. e., to April 28, 1900. ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 20.

Habana, January 16, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of justice, directs the following transfers. Edgardo Díaz Pujol, judge of primera instancia of Holguin, to the court of Baracoa; Rodrigo Portuondo y Tamayo, judge of primera instancia of Baracoa, to the court of Holguin.

ADNA R. CHAFFEE, Brigadier-General, Chief of Staff.

No. 21.

Habana, January 16, 1900.

The military governor of Cuba, upon the recommendation of the secretary of finance, directs the publication of the following order:

I. From the publication of this order the registrars of property will cease to be liquidators of the conveyance and inheritance tax (derechos reales).

II. Hereafter the liquidation will be in charge of the administration of finance (provincial and branch offices) and of the alcaldes in the places and cases that are respectively specified in this decree.

III. The provincial administrations of finance may liquidate the tax on all classes of acts and contracts subject to the same, whatever be their character and amount. IV. The branch offices of finance may liquidate the acts and contracts subject to the tax consigned in documents the amount of which does not exceed $25,000.

V. The alcaldes of districts where a registry of property is located may liquidate deeds and documents wherein acts and contracts comprised in articles 6, 8, 9, 13, and 18 are affected, namely, contracts of purchase and sale with clause of reversion; the constitution, acknowledgment, modification, and extinction of real rights on real property; the constitution, acknowledgment, or modification of the real right of mortgage; constitution of leases in general and conveyance of real or movable property effected by virtue of judicial or administrative acts, provided that the amount of the act or contract does not exceed $10,000.

VI. Copies of documents filed for liquidation must be literal, without abbreviations or extracts, and must comprise the annexed documents. The liquidation will not be effected, to the damage of parties concerned, while these requisites are not complied with.

VII. The fee for liquidation is hereby abolished, except in cases where the operation is effected by the alcaldes, who will collect it in order to attend to the expenditures caused by the service.

VIII. The liquidators will collect the quotas liquidated by them, and the alcaldes will retain in deposit the sums that they may collect, remitting them every Saturday

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