TABLE OF CONTENTS. Letter of transmittal. Introduction.............. The German credit unions, or people's banks Collective credit vs. individual credit. Sources of the capital handled.. Methods of employing capital. Growth of the credit unions. Raiffeisen loan associations... Sources of capital handled Growth of associations... German legislation on coöperative associations People's banks of Austria-Hungary Austria, statistical statement of condition 1873 to 1888. Italy, coöperative banking in Growth of popular banking Distribution of coöperative banks. Rate of discount and interest for 1888 Capital of various classes of institutions. Benefits to agriculture Groups of popular banks and prominent individual banks.. Wollemborg rural banks Russia, cooperative banks in Rules and regulations of Capital of banks.. Methods of loans.. Leading features of. General observations. Page. 7 19 21 27 32 39 42 45 56 58 61 64 72 78 79 83 88 89 90 91 92 94 99 102 105 106 107 107 108 110 3 |