the time, on the ground that they are not money, only applies to cur-
rent bills, which are redeemed at the counter of the bank on presen-
tation, and pass at par value in business transactions at the place
where offered. Ward v. Smith, 447.
5. The "dollars" which the United States promise, by the notes issued
under Loan and Currency Acts of 1862 and 1863, are coined dollars
of the United States. Bank v. Supervisors, 26.
1. The ordinance of secession of the State of Texas, and all the acts of her
legislature intended to give effect to that ordinance, were absolutely
null and utterly without operation in law. Texas continued to be a
State of the Union, notwithstanding all her acts of rebellion, and
notwithstanding that she was still without Representatives in Con-
gress; and under the reconstruction acts was under military govern-
ment of the United States. Texas v. White, 700.
2. Purchasers of bonds of the United States, issued payable to that State
or bearer, alienated during rebellion by the insurgent government,
and acquired after the date at which the bonds became redeemable,
are affected with notice of defect of title in the seller. Ib.
UNITED STATES. See Sovereignty.
It will not be presumed that a note dated on one day for a sum payable
with interest from a day previous, was for money first lent on the day
of the date. Ewing v. Howard, 499.
A provision in a statute of, under which a town issued its bonds to a rail-
road, that a tax requisite to pay the interest on these bonds should be
levied by the supervisors of the town, is not exclusive of a right in the
town clerk to levy the tax under a general statute making it his duty
to lay a tax to pay all debts of the town; a mandamus having issued
under the first act, but after efforts to make it productive, having
produced nothing. Morgan v. Town Clerk, 610.