FOREWORD This volume is intended to make readily accessible the New York, New Jersey and Federal legislation dealing with The Port of New York Authority. The material is arranged in chronological order. In order to avoid needless repetition the text of the Compact creating the Port Authority is omitted from the various statutes in which it appears and a reference made to the portion of the volume in which it is set forth in full. Similarly, the text of the Comprehensive Plan for the development of the Port of New York District appears only once, with appropriate references in those statutes from which it has been omitted. The text of statutes which have been repealed in whole or in part will be found in the appendix. In view of the familiar canon of statutory construction requiring interpretation to effectuate the legislative intent, no compilation of Port Authority statutes would be complete without mention of the conditions which gave rise to the creation of the Port Authority and to the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. The ever increasing concentration of industry and population within the Port District, now commercially one metropolis, has resulted in a large and growing volume of commerce which in turn has created a transportation problem, both rail and highway, of great complexity. Since the condition is a continuing one, facilities which are adequate today will be antiquated tomorrow. The problem is a |