and bonnets made of cotton cloth, except the lining and band, 30 per cent. made of rattan, 50 per cent. Hemp unmanufactured, uutil 30th June, 1829, $45 per ton. and $5 per ton annually, until the duty shall be $60 per ton; all manufactures of, not herein specified, or of which hemp shall be a component part. Indigo, 15 cts. per lb. until June 30, 1829, 20 cts. per lb. and so on with an addition of 10 cents per lb. annually, to 30th June, 1832, and until the duty shall be 50 cts. per lb. Iron, Anchors, and parts of, 2 cts. Spikes, 4 cts. per lb. all others not specified, 1 ct. per Ib. Nails, cut or wrought, 5 cts. per Ib. Cast, slit or rolled, and all inanufactures of iron, steel, tin, pew. ter, copper, or brass, not otherwise enumerated, and of which either metal is the article of chief value, 25 per cent. in bars or bolts, not manufactured in whole or in part, by rolling, 90 cts. per cwt. after 1st. Sep.1829, 1 cent per lb. Iron, when manufactured by rolling $1 50 per cwt. after 1st September, 1828, $37 per ton. in sheets, rods or hoops, 3 cis. per lb. after 1st Sept. 1828, 3 1-2 cts. brads, sprigs, and tacks, not exceeding 16 oz. per m, 5 cts. per M. exceeding 16 oz. per m. 5 cts. in pigs, 62 1-2 cts. per 112 lbs nails or spiks rods, slit, and after 1st September, 1829, whether slit or rolled, 3 1-2, 3 cents per lb. slit or rolled, for band and scroll, or case,nt. rods, 3 1-2 cts. per lb. mill saws, $1 each. mill irons, and mill cranks of wrought iron, 4 cts. per lb. anvils, 2 cts. blacksmiths' hammers & sledges, 2 1-2 cts. or steel cutting knives, sickles, reaping hooks, spades and shovels of, 40 per cent. screws of, weighing 25 lbs, or upwards, 30 per cent. for wood, called wood screws, 40 per cent. cast, vessels of, not otherwise specified, 1 1-2 cts. per lb. square wire used in the manufacture of stretchers for umbrellas, 12 per cent. weights, cast, 25 per cent. without any wrought iron, I ct. per lb. or steel squares of, 35 per cent. in slabs, blooms, loops, or other form, less finished than bars or bolts except pigs or cut iron, $37 per ton. or steel wire, not exceeding No. 18, 5 cts. per lb. over No. 18, 9 cents per lb. after 1st Sept. 1828, not exeseding No. 14, 6 cts. over No. 14, 10 ets. Jappaned wares of all kinds, 25 per cent. Jewellery and paste work, 12 1-2 per cent. Lace, gold or silver, 12 1-2 per ct. fringes, lines, &c. used by up holsterers, coachmakers and saddlers, 35 per cent. veils, shawls, & shades of thread gowns and dresses, 50 per cent. all other, 12 1-2 per cent. Leather, tanned or tawed, and all manufactures of, or of which leather is the article of chief value, except such as are herein otherwise rated, 30 per cent. Lead, bar and other, in pigs, bars and sheets, 3 cents mannfactured into shot, 4 cts. red and white, dry or ground in oil, 2. cts. per lh. Manufactures, of all articles of brass copper, iron, lead, pewter, steel, tin or of which eithor of these metals is the material of chief valne, not otherwise enumerated or of which either of them 18 a component material, 25 cent. per of cotton, not herein specified, or of which cotten shall be a component material; with special provisions us to cotton cloth and twist, yarn and thread, and not including nankeens direct from China, 25 per cent, of cotton cloths, (excepting nan keens direct from China) the original cost of which at the place whence imported, with the addition of 20 per centum if im ported from the Cape of Good Hope, or from places beyond it, and 10 per cent, from any other place, shall be less than 35 cents, shall be deemed to have cost 35 cents per square yard, and pay 25 per cent. of twist, yarn and thread, unbleach- Wool, of all descriptions, or of of Wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, (except worsted stuff goods and blankets, and such mauufactures of wool, not including flannels and baizes) the actual value of whịch, at the place whence imported, shall not exceed 33 1-3 cents per square yard, until the 30th June, 1825. after the 30th June, 1825, 33 1.3 per cent. (except flannels and baizes) the actual value of which at the place whence imported, shall not exceed 33 1-3 cents per sqaure yard. ditto, shall pay 14 cents per square yard, and 40 per cent. after 30th June, 1829, 45 per cent. (except carpeting, blankets, worsted stuff goods, bombazines, hosiery, mits, gloves, caps and bindings) the actual value of which at the place whence imported shall not exceed 50 cents the square yard, shall be deemed to have cost 50 cents the square yard, and be charged thereon with a duty of 40 per cent. ad valorem until 30th June, 1829. after that time with 45 per cent(except as aforesaid) the actual value of which at the place whence imported, shall not exceed 50 cents, $1, $2 50 and $4, respectively, the sq. yard, a duty of 40 per cent shall be levied and paid on such valuation until 30th June, 1829, 40 per cent: after that time with 45 per cent. ---same, and (except as above) when the value shall exceed $4 the square yard, 45 per cent uutil 30th June, 1829, 45. of wool-after that time with 50 per cent. all of silk, or of which silk shall be a component material, from beyond Cape of G. Hope, 25 p ct. after 30th June, 1829, 30 per ct. all other of silk, or of which silk shall be a comp't material, com- Molasses, 10 cents per gallon. all, except those imported direct direct from China, 25 per cent. Oil, castor, 40 cents per gallon. rapeseed, linseed, and hemp. Pack thread and twine, 5 cents. and frames foreign, 30 per cent. folio and quarto post of all kinds 20 cents per pound. foolscap and all drawing and writing, 17 cents per lb. sheathing, binders, boxboards, and wrapping of all kinds, 3 cts. all other, 15 cents. printing, copperplate and stainers, 10 cents per lb. Pastework, jewellery and pearls of all kinds, set or not set, and precious stones, 12 1-2 per cent. Pewter, (see manufactures of) Pepper, 8 cents per lb. Cayenne, 15 cents. Perfumes, 30 per cent. Pictures and prints, 15 Plated ware of all kinds, 25 per ct. Porcelain, 20 per cent. per cent. Prussian blue, 20 per cent. Quills prepared or manufact'd. 25 Raisins, muscatel in jars or boxes, 4 cents per lb. all other, 3 Ravens duck, (see duck) Rifles, $2 50 each, Saddles, [see bridles] Sail duck, [see duck] Salt, 20 cents per bushel. Salt-petre, 12 1-2 per cent. refined, 3 cents per lb. glauber, 2 cents. epsom, 4 cents. Seines, untarred 5 cents Shoes, or slippers of silk, 30 cents per pair. other shoes, slippers, clogs, and goloshes, 25 cents per pair. other shoes and slippers for children, 15 cents per pair. beside prunelle, stuff, or nan above 5th do. 85 cents. Sugar, brown 3 cents per lb. white, clayed or powdered 4 ot lump, 10 cents per lb. loaf, 12 cents candy, 12 cents Tallow, 1 cent per lb. Tin in plates or sheets, 15 per cent all manuf's. of, not enumerated, [see manufactures] Teas, from China and India, bohea, 12 cents per lb. souchong and other black 25 cts. hyson and young hyson 40 cents imperial, gunpowder and gomee 50 cents per lb. hyson skin and other green 28 cts from any other place than China, bohea, 14 cents per Ib. souchong, and other black 34 cts. hyson and young hyson 56 cents imperial, gunpowder and gomee 68 cents per lb. hyson skin and other green 38 cts Tobacco manufactured, other than snuff and segars 10 cents per lb. Twine, packthread and seine 5 cts. Types for printing, 25 per cent. Umbrellas, (see parasols,] Vinegar, 8 cents per gallon Watches, all kinds and parts of 12 1-2 per cent. Wood, all manufactures of, [see manufactures] Wines, Sherry, 50 cents per gall. Teneriffe, Fayal, Malaga, and the Western Isl. 40 cents per gall. Madeira, Burgundy, Champaign Rhenish, Tokay $1 Lisbon, Oporto and wines of Portugal and Sicily, 50 cents per gal. Madeira and Sherry, whether imported in bottles, camer or casks, in addition to the duty on the bottles when so imported, 50 - cents per gallon. Sicily, do. do. 30 cents per gall. of France, Germany, Spain and the Mediterranean, (except the red wines of France and Spain) imported in casks, unless specially noted, 15 cents per gallon. red, of France and Spain, when not in bottles, 10 cents per gall. of all countries, when inported in bottles or cases, unless specially enumerated, in addition to duty on bottles when so imported, 30 cents per gallon. all, not enumerated, whether imported in bottles, cases or casks, in addition to the duty on bottles when so imported, 30 cts. per gal Wool, unmanufactured, after 30th. June, 1829, until the 30th June, 1830, 45 cents per ib. after the 30th June, 1830, 50 cts. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. The appointments made during the Session of the Legislature, have caused numerous changes, most of which are noticed in the following pages. 1831 John A. Dix, 1789 to 1828, read 1789 to 1830. Cecilius, Cattaraugus county. Nathaniel Benton, read Nathaniel S. Benton. 1823 Samuel Beardsley, read 1831 Nathaniel S. Benton. 1829 William L. Marcy, read 1831 Samuel Nelson. |