There are twenty five branches of the United States' Bank now in operation in different parts of the Union. COINS OF THE UNITED STATES. Mr. Sanford's Report in the Senate, on the 15th of December, on the state of the coins and on the amendments which may be expedient in the laws concerning them, states the currency of the country to amount to 85 millions, consisting of 77 millions of bank notes, and eight millions of coins, there are, besides, 15 millions of coins estimated to be held by the banks; in all 100 millions. TARIFF OF 1828-29-30. [According to the Act of Congress of May 19, 1828.] An advance of ten per cent. is made on importations in foreign vessels not placed on an equality with vessels of the U. S.. Ale, beer, and porter, in bottles, 20 cts. per gal. Otherwise than in bottles, 15 cts. Almonds, 3 cts. per lb. Alum, $2 50 per cwt. Artificial Flowers, 30 per cent. Arms, fire and side do. do. Articles composed wholly or chiefly of gold, silver, pearls & precious stones, except bridle bits and gig handles, 12 1-2 per cent. Articles all, not free, & not subject to any other rate of duty, 15 per all others, when bound, 30 cts. in sheets or boards, 26 cts, Brass, in plates or sheets, 12 peret. wire, 25 per cent. all manufactures of, not otherwise specified, or of which brass is a component material, 15 per cent. Bridles, saddles, and harness,30 per cent. Button moulds, 20 per cent. without shanks or eyes for coats, Cabinet wares, 30 per cent. Cables and cordage, tarred, 4 cts. per lb. of grass or bark, 5 cts. Candles, tallow, 5 cts. per lb. wax, 6 cts. Spermacetti, 8 cts. Canes, walking sticks ond whips, 30 per cent. Canvass, for oil cloth, carpeting, or oil floor cloths, 25 per cent. Caps or hats of wool, beaver, felt, fur, leather, chip, straw, or silk, [see hats] Cards, playing, 30 cts. per pack. wool and cotton, 25 per cent. Carpets, Brussels, Turkey and Wilton, 70 cts. per sq. yd. Venetian and ingrain, 40 cts. all other kinds of, wool, fax, hemp, or cotton or parts of either, 32 cents. all other, made of tow, flags, or any other material, 15 cts. Coaches, and other carriages, and Coal, heaped, 6 cts. per bush. Comfits or sweatmeats, preserved vessels of, coal hods, scales, and chafing dishes, 35 per cent. manufactures, of which copper is the material of chief value, 25. Cordage, untarred, and yarns, 5 cts. per lb. Corks, 12 cts. per lb. . Cosmetics, balsams, &c. 30 per ct. Cotton, 3 cts. per lb. twist, yarn, and thread, 25 per ct. Cotton cloths costing less than 35 cts. per sq. yd. 25 per cent. bagging until 30th June, 1829, afterwards 5 cents. cloths, hats and bonnets made of, except the lining and band, 30 per cent. shawls with woollen fringes, 33 1-2 per cent. Camphor, crude, 8 cts. per lb. refined, 12 cents. Currants 3 cts. per lb. Cutlery, 25 per cent. Drugs medical, except those used for dyeing, 15 per cent. dyeing, and materials used for composing dyes, not subject to other rates of duty, 12 1-2 per ct. Duck, sail, 15 per ceut. and half duck, Holland, Russia, English, Ravens and sail, and all other, whether of hemp or flax, until 30th June, 1829, 9 cts. per sq. yd. And so on with an addition of one half cent, per square yard, annually, until the duty shall be 12 1-2 cts. per sq. yd. Earthen and stone ware, 20 per ct. Embroidery and epaulets, 12 1-2 per cent. Fruits, comfits, &c. preserved in sugar or brandy not preserved in sugar or brandy nor used in dyeing, 30 per cent. Fringes, commonly used by upholsterers, coachmakers, and saddlers. (See manufactures of wool cotton, or silk.] Flowers, artificial, fans, and feath mackeral, $1 50 per bbl, all other pickled, $1. Flannels, from 1 Sept. 1828, to 30 June, 1829, 40 per cent. after that time, 45 per cent. Flats, for making hats or bonnets, 50 per cent. Flax, all manufactures of, not herein specified, or of which flax shall be a component part, 25 per cent. unmanufactured, until 30th Jnne 1829, 35 cts. per ton. and $5 per ton, anuually, until the duty shall be $60 per ton. Floor cloths, printed or painted, & mats of grass made of tow, flags, or any other materials, 50 cts. per sq. yd. Gilt wares of all kinds, 25 per ct. Ginger, 2 cts. per lb. Gold and silver watches, and parts thereof, 12 1-2 per cent. plated ware, 25 per cent. all articles composed wholly or chiefly of lace, 12 1-2 per cent. lace, embroidery, and epauletts, 12 1-2 per cent. leaf, and all articles not free, and not subject to other duty, 12 1-2 per cent. Gum, Arabic and Senegal, 15 per cent. Glass, window, not abave 8 by 10 inches, $3 00 per 100s.f. not above 10 by 12, $3 50 above 10 by 12, 84 00 above 10 by 15, 85 00 cut all wares of, not speciffed in addition to 30 per cent. ad valorem, 3 cts. per lb. all wares of, not specified, in addition to 3 ots. per lb. 30 per ct. Glass, all other articles of, in addi tion to 20 per cent, ad valorem, 2 cts per lb. in addition to 2 cts. per Ib. 20 per cent. Glass manufactures, or articles of glass which cannot fairly be brought within the Act of 22d May, 1821, such as lookingglasses in frames, and lookingglass plates, silvered, &c, 20 per cent. not silvered, in addition to 2 cts. exceeding, 1 quart and not more over 2 quarts and not exceeding 1 gallon, $3 per groce knobs, commode, with brass shanks, 25 per cent. bottles, empty, in gin cases, $2.50 per groce. and vials, not exceeding 6 oz. each, $1 75. above 6 oz. each, $1 25. Glue, 5 cts. per lb. Hair cloth and seating, 30 per cent. Hats of Beaver, or caps of wool, fur, leather, chip or silk, 30 per centor bonnets, Leghorn, and all hats or bonnets of straw, chip or grass, which, with the addition of 10 per cent, shall have cost less than one dollar, shall with such addition, be deemed to have cost one dollar, and be charged with duty accordingly. 50 per ct.. |