College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York. Founded in 1807. President. Thomas Cock, M. D. Vice President. John A. Smith, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. Joseph M. Smith, M. D. Professor of Theor. and Prac. Edward Delafield, M. D. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. John B. Beck, M. D. Professor of Mat. Med. and Med. Jurisprudence. John Torrey, M. D. Professor of Chemistry and Botany. The Lectures commence on the first Monday of November, and con linue four months. College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Western District. This Institution is located at Fairfield in the county of Herkimer, James McNaughton, M. D. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery. Theodore R. Beck, Professor of Physic and Medical Jurisprudence. Westell Willoughby, M. D. Professor of Obstet. and Diseases of Women and Children. James Hadley, M. D. Professor of Chemistry. James Delamater, M. D. Professor of Surgery. STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. Officers for 1831. Jonathan Eights, President. Platt Williams, Treasurer. CENSORS. Southern District.-Charles D. Townsend, William Bay, James McNaughton. Eastern District.-John H. Steel, Daniel Ayres, Moses Hale. Western District.-Thomas Spencer, John G. Morgan, William Taylor. Committee of Correspondence.-John H. Steel, Saratoga, Alexander Coventry, Oneida, William Taylor, Cayuga, T. Romeyn Beck, Albany, Joel Foster, Schoharie, A. G. Smith, Monroe, William Horton, Orange Colonization Society of the City of New York. This Society was organized January 11, 1831. William A. Duer, President. Walter Bowne, Abraham Van Nest, Ogden Edwards, Vice Presidents. John T. Irving, William Colgate, Nathan Bangs, Ira B. Underhill, Recording Secretary. |