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William Allen White Calls "Vandemark's Folly" the best historical novel of Middle America he ever read

Critics call Herbert Quick's new book a truer and greater historical novel than "Richard Carvel."

R. D. Townsend says in The Outlook of Mr. Quick's novel: "It does for the open Iowa prairie country in the early settlement days, say from 1855 on, exactly what Main Street' didn't do for the small town. It gives a fair picture of men, women, and things." Here at last is the epic of the Middle West, embodying both the romantic glamour and the bitter realities that attended man's conquest of the soil.

It is a book of terrific climaxes without distortion of historical accuracy. It is written with the singular understanding of the heart of America and the battling of its pioneers.

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By special arrangement with its publishers, we are able to offer “Vandemark's Folly " for a limited period in combination with The Outlook for one year (new subscription or renewal) for $6. The regular subscription price of The Outlook alone is $5 per year; the book retails for $2. You save $1. You save $2.80 if you are buying The Outlook each week from a news-stand.

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"Vandemark's Folly" contains more than 400 pages of thrilling and informing reading-wholesome and bracing reading for the entire family. It is brilliantly illustrated by Wyeth.

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THE OUTLOOK. April 5, 1922. Volume 130, Number 14. Published weekly by the Outlook Company at 381 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Subscription price $5.00 a year. Entered as second-class matter, July 21, 1893, at the Post Office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879



ELMANISM is a big, vital, signifi

cant contribution to the mental life of America. I have the deep coniction that it is going to strike at the ery roots of individual failure, for I see 1 it a new power, a great driving force. I first heard of Pelmanism while in ngland on war work. Sooner or later most every conversation touched on it, or the movement seemed to have the weep of a religious conviction. Men and omen of every class and circumstance ere acclaiming it as a new departure in ental training that gave promise of endg that preventable inefficiency which ts as a brake on human progress. Even France I did not escape the word, for ousands of officers and men were Pelanizing in order to fit themselves for turn to civil life.

When I learned that Pelmanism had en brought to America by Americans r Americans, I was among the first to roll. My reasons were two: first, beuse I have always felt that every mind eded regular, systematic and scientific ercise, and secondly, because I wanted find out if Pelmanism was the thing at I could recommend to the hundreds o continually ask my advice in relation their lives, problems and ambitions. Failure is a sad word in any language, - it is peculiarly tragic here in America ere institutions and resources join to I success within the reach of every inidual. In the twenty years that I have on the bench of the Juvenile Court of ver, almost every variety of human ure has passed before me in melanly procession. By failure I do not in the merely criminal mistakes of the vidual, but the faults of training that Da life from full development and plete expression.

Pelmanism the Answer

I were asked to set down the principal e of the average failure, I would have ut the blame at the door of our educaal

system. It is there that trouble ns-trouble that only the gifted and fortunate are strong enough to over- in later life.

her think back on your own expee or else look into a schoolroom in own town. Routine the ideal, with s drilled to do the same thing at the time in the same way. There is no for originality or initiative because qualities would throw the machinery -f gear. Individuality is discouraged magination frowned upon for the same n. No steadfast attempt to appeal to est or to arouse and develop latent


at wonder that our boys and girls forth into the world with something han firm purpose, full confidence and g courage? What wonder that mind ering and wool gathering are common,


Judge Ben B. Lindsey is known throughout the whole modern world for his work in the Juvenile Court of Denver. Years ago his vision and courage lifted children out of the cruelties and stupidities of the criminal law, and forced society to recognize its duties and responsibilities in connection with the "citizens of tomorrow."

and that so many individuals are shackled by indecisions, doubts and fears?

It is to these needs and these lacks that Pelmanism comes as an answer. The "twelve little gray books" are a remarkable achievement. Not only do they contain the discoveries that science knows about the mind and its workings, but the treatment is so simple that the truths may be grasped by anyone of average education.

In plain words, what Pelmanism has done is to take psychology out of the college and put it into harness for the day's work. It lifts great, helpful truths out of the back water and plants them in the living stream.

As a matter of fact, Pelmanism ought to be the beginning of education instead of a remedy for its faults. First of all, it teaches the science of self-realization; it makes the student discover himself; it acquaints him with his sleeping powers and shows him how to develop them. The method is exercise, not of the haphazard sort, but a steady, increasing kind that brings each hidden power to full strength without strain or break.

Pelmanism's Large Returns

The human mind is not an automatic device. It will not "take care of itself." Will power, originality, decision, resourcefulness, imagination, initiative, couragethese things are not gifts but results. Every one of these qualities can be developed by effort just as muscles can be developed by exercise. I do not mean by this that the individual can add to the brains that God gave him, but he can learn to make use of the brains that he has instead of letting them fall into flabbiness through disuse.


By Judge

Other methods and systems that I have examined, while realizing the value of mental exercise, have made the mistake of limiting their efforts to the development of some single sense. What Pelmanism does is to consider the mind as a whole and treat it as a whole. It goes in for mental team play, training the mind as a unity.

Its big value, however, is the instructional note. Each lesson is accompanied by a work sheet that is really a progress sheet. The student goes forward under a teacher in the sense that he is followed through from first to last, helped, guided and encouraged at every turn by conscientious experts. Pelmanism is no miracle. It calls for application. But I know of nothing that pays larger returns on an investment of one's spare time from day to day.

(Signed) BEN B. LINDSEY.

Note: As Judge Lindsey has pointed out, Pelmanism is neither an experiment nor a theory. It has stood the test of twenty years. Its students are in every country in the world. Its benefits are attested by 650,000 men and women in all walks and conditions of life.

The course takes no account of class, creed or circumstance. Its values are for all. Business men, from the great captains of commerce to their clerks, are ardent Pelmanists.

Professional men-lawyers, doctors, clergymen, teachers, artists, authors-have come to the knowledge that Pelmanism will help them to surmount difficulties and achieve a greater degree of success in their vocations. Women-both in the home and in business-find Pelmanism an answer to their problems.

Pelmanism is taught entirely by correspondence. There are twelve lessonstwelve "Little Gray Books." The course

can be completed in three to twelve months, depending entirely upon the amount of time devoted to study. Half an hour daily will enable the student to finish in three months.


How to Become a Pelmanist "Mind and Memory" is the name of the booklet which describes Pelmanism down to the last detail. It is fascinating in itself with its wealth of original thought and incisive observation. It has benefits of its own that will make the reader keep it.

Your copy is ready for you. Immediately upon receipt of your request it will be mailed to you absolutely free of charge and free of any obligation. Send for "Mind and Memory" now. Don't "put it off." Fill in the coupon at once and mail it to-day-Now! PELMAN INSTITUTE OF AMERICA Suite 34, 2575 Broadway, New York

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