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before annexation by Japan was the bone of contention between the three neighboring great Powers of China, Russia, and Japan, and constituted the storm center of the Far East. As has many times been observed, this peninsula, protruding itself .far into the Sea of Japan from the Asiatic Continent, is like a dagger pointed at the heart of Japan. For the safeguarding of herself, Japan could scarcely look calmly on and see Korea falling into the hands of either China or Russia, both of which, it should be remembered, were very strong Powers. That is the reason why Japan, staking all on the throw, was obliged to fight China in 1894-5 and Russia ten years later, and why she put forth strenuous efforts to enable Korea to stand on her own feet and become strong enough to protect herself against all foreign encroachment.


Japan did everything she could to help Korea by lending her service of some of her best sons and large amounts of money. Korea, however, was too degenerate and her whole government machinery too disorganized for her to derive much benefit from Japan's good offices. There were continual and violent changes in the Korean Government, corruption and intrigue were the order of the day in the Court, disturbances prevailed throughout the peninsula, brigandage was rife in the interior, and epidemics yearly carried off thousands of people; the state treasury was always empty, bankruptcy constantly stared the Korean Government in the face. Making Korea her protectorate, Japan attempted to reform her Government, adjust her finances, reorganize her army, and introduce other features of civilization into the country. These efforts seemed to be attended by more or less success, but, after all, proved but patchwork and too ineffective to hold together the rotten system. In the end the Governments of Japan and Korea both found no other way than the union of the two countries for the safeguarding of the interests of the two peoples, and by mutual agreement the annexation was carried out. This memorable step was taken amid profound peace and was recognized by all the Powers in August, 1910.


To recapitulate a little more fully, to all practical intent and purpose, Korea was never independent except the ten years after the Chino-Japanese War, by gaining which Japan enabled Korea to cast off the suzerainty China had exercised over her for many centuries.



Korea should have seized the opportunity thus presented to make herself strong and really independent with the help Japan was only too willing to give her. She did not. On the contrary, her politicians engaged in perpetual intrigues and frequent were the changes in the Government, and these were invariably attended with the assassination of those in power and the execution of those out of it. Matters went from bad to worse, until the Korean Court and Government were completely dominated by Russian influence, in consequence of which the Russo-Japanese War broke out in 1904. As a result of the Japanese victory in this war, Korea was made a protectorate of Japan, and, as already mentioned, Japan attempted to introduce many reforms in the administration of the country. All her efforts, however, were frustrated or impeded by those in the Korean Court and Government, to whom any change for the better in the old order of things was unwelcome. In October, 1909, Prince Ito, who as first Resident-General in Korea rendered imperishable services in the promotion of the welfare of the Korean masses, was assassinated at Harbin by a Korean malcontent when on his way to Europe, and a few months later Mr. Yi Wanyong, the Premier of Korea, was attacked and seriously injured in one of the streets of Seoul by another Korean fanatic. These events made it plain, as nothing else did, that the Japanese protectorate régime would not work well. A great political party called the Ilchin Hoi, comprising among its million members the most intelligent and progressive men of Korea, memorialized the Korean Government, advocating the union of Japan and Korea. In Japan, too, similar opinion steadily gained ground and eventually the annexation of Korea by Japan was carried out in August, 1910. All this is a matter of history and is recognized by the world; so much so that even such a severe critic of Japanese doings in Korea as Mr. F. A. McKenzie says: "There was much to excuse the policy of Japanese statesmen who took action to prevent a continental land so close to themselves from being a mere stepping-off ground for their foes."

WHAT THE KOREAN GOVERNMENT WAS LIKE The Korean Court and Government were one and the same, there being no distinction between the two. The King was an autocrat and his will was the law. He had his own agents for collecting taxes besides those imposed by the Government, so that the masses never knew how much and when they would be required to pay in taxes. All the


high officials of the Government were exclusively appointed from among men belonging to the Yangban, or noble class, and no commoner, however capable, could aspire to a high official position; not only that, natives of the northwestern provinces were denied the privilege of becoming officials. Bribery and squeezing rampant and openly practiced, and official positions and Court honors were sold. A provincial governor, or even a district magistrate, held the life of the people under his jurisdiction in the hollow of his hand, so that the surest and quickest way for one of the Yangban class to become rich was to obtain an appointment in the country. As Mr. Charles H. Sherrill pertinently says in a chapter on Korea in his very interesting book, "Have We a Far Eastern Policy?" Korea was "a land of but two classes: the robbers and the robbed."


All this, however, is now a thing of the past. Korea is now administered by law, and the executive and the judiciary are independent of each other. Government officials are appointed from among all classes of people without regard to anything but talent and integrity, and all positions are open to both Japanese and Koreans without dis crimination, they being given equal treatment in all respects. Five provin cial governors, one administrative inspector, nearly all district magistrates, and many judges are well-educated Koreans. No taxes other than those sanctioned by the law are levied, and these so far as affecting the Koreans are very light compared with those borne by Japanese. To be particular, the amount yearly paid by the Koreans is only 11.03 yen (less than $6.50) per household, or 2.08 yen ($1) per capita; while Japanese living in Korea, numbering about 300,000, pay 43.75 yen (nearly $22) per household, or 11.12 yen (about $6.50) per capita. There is no fear whatever of the Korean masses being despoiled of their hard-earned money by corrupt officials, as in former days, nor are they in danger of losing their heads simply because they fail to please the tyrant lording it over them. The Korean people were once notorious for being extremely lazy. No wonder they were disinclined to work much, seeing that, did they accumulate wealth by hard work, they courted for themselves the danger of being visited either by official squeezers or by brigands. If they possessed gold or silver, they buried it in the ground. They now realize that no such danger as that mentioned above still exists, so they are


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ALL PEOPLE BENEFITED BY REFORMS Since 1910, when Korea was incorporated into Japan, the Government has been energetically introducing and carrying on sweeping reforms along all lines, and the progress attained by the country and the people is by no means insignificant. To begin with, the position of the royal family of Korea has been made safe and freed from all the intrigues formerly surrounding it. The members of the family are accorded treatment due to those of the Imperial family of Japan, and a civil list amounting to 1,800,000 yen, or $900,000, is annually appropriated for their expenses from the national treasury. As for the people in general, since agriculture is the mainstay of eighty per cent of them, great efforts have been put forth for the encouragement and development of the industry, large amounts of money being expended in doing so. Model farms,

experimental stations, schools, and training stations have been set up in many places, improved seeds and tools have been distributed among the farmers, and irrigation and reclamation works have been undertaken throughout the peninsula. Thanks to all this, the amount of agricultural products has been increasing by leaps and bounds. For instance, the rice crop, which amounted in 1910 to 8,142,852 koku, increased to 15,294,109 koku in 1918 and 12,708,208 koku in 1919. It is a remarkable fact that the rice crop of the latter year was so large, considering the great damage wrought to the growing plant by a severe drought (the severest in the last half-century) that visited the northwestern and middle parts of Korea, and that even during this lean year 2,882,586 koku of rice, worth 110,066,878 yen, and 1,288,733 koku of beans, worth 20,720,342 yen, were exported. Afforestation has been carried out on mountains denuded by improvident natives, so that the physical features of the country are rapidly changing for the better. Forests are protected and millions of young trees are planted year after year. Last year 156,860,000 trees were planted, an increase of 560 per cent as compared with 2,820,000 planted in 1919.


Formerly Korea had practically no highway permitting traffic by wheel ex

cepting one from Wiju, on the Manchurian frontier to Seoul, which was maintained chiefly for the passage of envoys coming annually from the Chinese Emperor to the Korean King, who acknowledged allegiance to Peking. In consequence traffic was maintained on foot and goods transported by means of beasts of burden or on the backs of men. Since Japan undertook the administration of Korea the Government has put forth great efforts in the construction of highways. Up to the end of 1919 a network of 3,400 ri, or 8,500 miles, of good highways has been built at the cost of 1,500,000 yen, or $750,000, so that traveling by automobile is now possible even to the remote corners of the country. As for railways, in 1910 there existed 674.6 miles of standard gauge and 25.4 miles of narrow gauge. These had increased to 1,153.2 miles and 212.6 miles, respectively, by the end of 1919. Post, telegraph, and telephone services have been equally advanced, the business dealt with by the post offices having increased 300 per cent during the past ten years, while principal ports have had their harbors improved during the past decade at the cost of 23,398,390 yen.



It is but natural that, along with the development of agricultural and other productive industries, as well as with that of the means of communication as briefly described above, there has been a steady expansion in the foreign trade of Korea. To be particular, the total amount of foreign trade done in Korea, which was only 22,161,000 yen in 1902 and 59,696,000 yen in 1910, rose to 316,327,000 yen in 1918 and 505,024,000 yen in 1919. It may be mentioned, by the way, that the total value of trade done with the United States of America was 10,341,000 yen in 1918 and 24,201,000 yen in 1919. As for banks, in 1919 there were 26 of them with 120 branches and an aggregate capital of 144,950,000 yen, besides 398 small farmers' banks having 5,082,900 yen between them as capital. The total number of companies doing business in Korea in 1919 was 366, with an aggregate nominal capital of 200,500,100 yen, of which 107,761,577 yen was paid up. In addition, there were 59 Japanese and 10 foreign companies having branches and doing business in Korea, the latter including two big mining companies working the famous Unsan and Suan gold mines with American and British capital.


In Korea as late as less than two decades ago Confucianism was taught only in part to the people and there existed no modern schools worthy of the name except a few excellent ones established by foreign missionaries in big cities. Accordingly, on the Japanese Government undertaking the admi tration of Korea, it at once s' the establishment of variou


the spread of modern education. those days, however, the Korean people at large scarcely felt the need of education and the authorities encountered much difficulty in enrolling pupils for the new schools established in their interest. It is only in recent times that the people have begun to feel the necessity of education for their children and the number of children going to school shown any tendency toward increase. Correspondingly, the number of schools established, both Government and private, has been on the increase year after year, until at the end of May, 1920, the number of schools for Koreans, Government and private, and that of pupils attending them showed as follows:

[blocks in formation]

1,403 154,064 It is the intention of the Government to establish many more schools in the course of a few years to come. Among others, a university and an academy of music and art will be founded.


In former times Korea was a breeding-place for epidemics. Tens of thousands were yearly carried off by cholera, smallpox, and other infectious diseases, but the Korean people, steeped in ignorance and superstition and knowing nothing of modern medicine, did practically nothing to combat and suppress the epidemics. This was another cause of constant menace to Japan, and so no sooner had Japan taken a hand in the administration of the peninsular Kingdom than she started the general cleaning up of the country. Among other measures taken, the Government has so far established twenty-one hospitals in the principal cities and has appointed 215 doctors to local centers in the interior. Vaccination against smallpox is enforced on children in spring and autumn throughout the country, and itinerant doctors are despatched from time to time to out-of-the-way places. Treatment and medicine are mostly given free. The Government is also training many Korean young men and women as doctors and nurses.

UPHEAVAL OF THE SPRING OF 1919 The above is a brief statement of some of the more important of the reforms introduced into, and of the progress achieved by, Korea since Japan From annexed the country in 1910.

this all fair-minded men will concede that Japan has done fairly well in her task of rejuvenating Korea and uplifting the Korean people. Why, then, it will be naturally asked, did the upheaval of


the spring of 1919 take place? Was it not the expression of popular discontent against the Government? To answer this question it is best to quote what


impartial foreign observer, who lived long in Korea and was on the spot at the time of the disturbances, has said on their causes. Writing in the "Japan Advertiser" in the spring of 1920, this foreign critic, the Rev. Dr. Frank Herron Smith, an American missionary stationed in Seoul for the preceding six years, said:

In all articles on the Korean uprising that the writer has seen it has been taken for granted that the causes lay in the defects of the Japanese administration, and among these flaws the chief ones pointed out had to do with the gendarme system and the system of education.

It is your correspondent's opinion that the defects in administration constituted only one of the minor causes of the demonstrations and at least provided a favorable setting for them, but that the chief causes must be sought for elsewhere.

The first and greatest cause of the uprising was the love that the Koreans have for liberty, independence, and their own country, and this is the reason they are not satisfied with reforms. They say, "We do not want reforms; we want our freedom." They would not be satisfied with the administration of angels from heaven unless they were Korean angels, and probably not then.

They have hated and despised Japan for one thousand years and would express dissatisfaction no matter what she did. The foreigneducated Koreans and many others of the most enlightened, as well as those who have large business interests or are in Government employ, in all a very large number, took no part in the demonstrations, but most of them are in sympathy with the demonstrators in this point.

The direct cause of the uprising was the activities of those outside Korea who know little or nothing of present-day conditions. President Wilson, rather than the missionaries, must carry heavy responsibility as one of the inciters of this movement. His enunciation of the doctrine of self-determination for small nations aroused the hopes of the self-exiled Korean agitators who have never been reconciled to Japanese occupation. They were led to believe that he would help them at Paris, if they could show that they had grievances. Among the outside influences too must be counted the spirit of unrest that was sweeping the world and which in many ways is still affecting Korea.

Withal it is safe to say that without the instigation from outside, from America, Hawaii, Shanghai, and Vladivostok, no demonstrations would have occurred, and it is true to the facts that it took three months at least to spread the movement throughout the country. On March 1 demonstrations took place at only a score or more of the chief centers.


The Japanese have something more to say concerning the causes of the uprising than that said in the above quotation, but it seems sufficient to serve the purpose of proving the groundlessness of many severe charges critics of Japan have preferred against her with regard to her doings in Korea. One point, however, which cannot be overlooked is the allegation which still seems to survive, that the Government carried out a systematic persecution of Korean Christian churches and Korean converts. Not many words are needed to prove the baselessness of this accusation. The truth is that Korean converts who were arrested and imprisoned in connection with the disturbances

were so dealt with, not because of their faith, but because of their participation in the rioting. As a matter of fact, practically no Korean followers of the Roman Catholic Mission, the English Church Mission, the Congregational Church, the Salvation Army, and some other denominations were arrested or imprisoned, for the simple reason that they stood entirely aloof from politics and took no part whatever in the disturbances. It will be seen that the story that the Government had persecuted Christian converts is absolutely groundless.


It must be admitted that, in spite of much excellent work done and many improvements effected by the Government-General under General Terauchi and his successor, General Hasegawa, during the eight years following annexation, it was not wholly free from blun ders and failed to keep pace with the progress of the times. To remedy all the past blunders and defects the Government of Japan reorganized the Govenrment-General of Korea in August, 1919, and appointed Baron Saito as Governor-General. Many reforms on liberal lines have since been introduced into the administration of the country. To mention some of the more important, the police system was entirely remodeled, the whole police force formerly organized by the military being replaced by civil officials; discrimination formerly existing between Japanese and Korean officials as regards treatment and salaries was entirely done away


with; restriction on the press was largely removed, with the result that the publication of three new Korean dailies has been started in Seoul; the old form of punishment by flogging for minor offenders, a relic from the old Korean Government, was abolished; and a general amnesty was proclaimed for political prisoners. Provincial, municipal, and village councils were newly instituted as a means for preparing the Korean people for local self-government,

and an extensive reform was introduced into the educational system, by which, among other things, all private schools, other than those for which the curriculum is fixed by law, have been given the liberty of teaching religion.


WHAT IS THE PRESENT SITUATION? During 1920 the situation in Korea was still rather unsettled, signs of popular unrest appearing from time to time in various places. They have now all but completely disappeared. In the course of an article on the situation published in the "Korea Mission Field" for March, 1920, Bishop Herbert Welch, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, North, in Korea, said: "In a word, a number of the grievances which the world has recognized as heavy have been dealt with, and, while nothing striking or spectacular has been done, a beginning has been made towards the practical recognition of fundamental human rights and the preparation of the people for self-government. The greatest hope, however, which the situation holds is in the genial, democratic, and sincere character of the GovernorGeneral, Baron Saito. With the authority committed to his hands in the scheme of the Japanese Empire and with the backing which he seems to have from the present Cabinet and others strong in political influence, his presence warrants, not merely an attitude of watchful waiting, but an attitude of hopeful expectation." This sanguine view has proved correct, for since this was written the situation in Korea has been gradually settling down and now it is entirely peaceful.



IRGIL'S Eneid! I'll read it for a price-in translation. The Iliad? The Odyssey? On the same conditions, if the price is high enough. Shakespeare? Milton? Chaustop! Do you want me to sell my soul? I loathe them, one and all!"

He was an intelligent-looking young fellow, about thirty years old. The expression on his face, however, only intensified his avowed attitude toward the acknowledged masters and masterpieces of literature. His questioner, a ruddycheeked man of sixty, still able to hold his own with youngsters on the ice, in the saddle, or swinging an ax, gazed at him in blank, hurt amazement. For the older man, boy that he was still, was a real scholar, a man who loved and appreciated all that was richest and deepest in the world of books; and it positively cut him to the heart to hear this frank, emphatic explosion on the part of his young friend.

They talked for nearly half an hour on the subject, while I listened. And


listening, I found myself absorbing in almost equal parts the scholar's attitude of poignant regret and the young fellow's feeling of exasperation at the former's assumption that in the classics alone could be found the worth-while things of literature. Why, oh, why, I thought, have our educators so fixed things that out of every ten persons who might enjoy the classics nine come to have an unalterable aversion to them before they are really capable of appreciating them? Why do the scholars that plan our literature courses attempt to plant the superdelicate seed of love for the classics in the hearts of our youth before the frost of savagery is out of the virgin and unplowed soil of their minds?

A farmer knows better than to sprinkle wheat in a newly cleared piece of woodland. Of course he knows that in a few isolated spots, where the soil has been thrown up by accident, there will come a luxuriant growth of wheat. But he knows still better that the bulk of

his seed will be wasted. So he waits until the ground has been sweetened by exposure to air and the growth of chance vegetation, until the stumps have for the most part rotted out and the rocks have been cleared away. Even then he plants a preparatory crop. like potatoes, first to help get the soil into condition for the wheat. And when he does plant, he prepares every foot of ground with plow and harrow and manure and fertilizer before he ventures to sow the seed. He holds up the final act, moreover, until the conditions of temperature, moisture, and so forth, are just right.

Wise farmer! Foolish scholars!

If our educators would only study the process of preparing fresh young minds for the reception of the seed of classical appreciation, we should have such a different attitude on the part of our young people to-day. The mind of a human child is literally virgin soil. We can make of it almost anything we wish if

we will only have patience and develop it through its long gamut of changes. But it is far more sensitive than earth clods, which simply refuse to produce properly until properly treated. It reacts against the persistent planting of seed for which it is not ready, just as the body of a human being reacts against the repeated onslaught of unwholesome things in its physical environment. It develops a spiritual immunity far more virile and active than the immunity of the body to the everpresent germs of disease. The immunity of the young mind against the classics developed through contact with them before the soul is ready for them is like the immunity of the armored tank as compared with the immunity of the porcupine. The porcupine causes pain to those who touch it. The tank shoots down the enemies before they can approach within hailing distance. In a like manner the youthful mind, accustomed to having the classics thrust down its throat by blind enthusiasts at every stage of school life, acquires the instinct of self-protection and learns to shoot down at sight everything that smacks of the classics to the slightest degree.

The youthful mind, by sad experiences in defending itself from foreign invasion, learns to shun all things foreign, which means all things that scholars love the best and most want the youth of this land to love.

A modern general-to use the figure already introduced-never sends his men to storm a fortress until he has prepared the ground by a long, painstaking barrage. The doting scholar of to-day, on the other hand, sends his poor loved classical masterpieces to storm the redoubt of the mind of youth without previous preparation by barrage fire of piercing quality. And as a result his cherished masterpieces are hurled back, riddled with machine-gun bullets. After that neither scholar nor classics can get within a mile of the human soul of the youth behind the ramparts. Instead of being loved by youth, the great old masters and masterpieces are hated and loathed.

What, then, is the barrage that must be used in capturing the heart of youth? What caliber guns shall we use? With what explosives shall we fill our shells? The writer only wishes he could answer with perfect definiteness. But he can't, and nobody can-exactly-because each young heart has its own type of barrier to be broken down. The best that can be done is to suggest a few possible lines of action.

Certainly, if a person is ever to love the classics, he must first learn to love to read something-good books if possible, but certainly something-if it be no better than wild Indian stories, wild pirate stories, or the exploits of Jesse James. By hook or by crook the young I mind must be captured by the delights of the printed page; and until these delights have gripped the young mind

firmly it is worse than folly to attempt any further steps in the development of true literary appreciation.

Suppose now that we have initiated the young mind into the joys of reading, what is the next step? Surely it is to gain the confidence of the youthful mind by frank sympathy with its crude tastes. Let us admit the thrills of Jesse James, Nick Carter, or Captain Kidd. Let us admit that these books of lightning action hold our breathless attention. Let us get into rapport with the youthful mind.

Then let us casually introduce to the youthful mind something a little more worth while something still full of good, vigorous action, but something with vivid pictures too of interesting things-pictures of strange places, strange people, strange times; places, peoples, times, however, that have their part in the sum total of human experience. Suppose we talk about books with our young friends, and in our talks quite naturally dwell on those tales which have rich and worth-while backgrounds.

The next step is easier. We shall not find it difficult to lure our young book chums on to the trial of books that deal also with the growth and development of human character. It will not be hard to get a boy to read eagerly the story of "Swiss Family Robinson" or to get a girl to read "Little Women." Or, if these two do not appeal, something else can be found that will. Boys and girls are not slow to discover the joy of reading books that they can go back to and visit with as one goes back to visit with an old friend. They may go on reading the trashy time-killers-let them; it will furnish a basis for comparisonbut they will come back to the more solid things, and they will begin to read them more and more constantly and with greater and greater understanding.

It means

Before we know it our boys and girls will be eating their way out of juvenile literature, and will be wanting to read what grown-ups read. This is the time not to offer them Shakespeare, or Milton, or the semi-classical Bulwer and Thackeray and others of like ilk. It is the time for "Lorna Doone" or perhaps some of the best of our moderns. This does not mean that our classics must be denied to the youthful prospectors. It means that they must not be offered as the literary food of foods. that, frankly showing our own fondness for them, we must equally frankly admit that perhaps they are still "a little beyond" our boys and girls, that perhaps they contain ideas which the young people "could not fully understand." If the young people insist, let us feed out grudgingly those that have the most continuous action, the least long-winded description, the least elaborate wordings, phrasings, and allusions, and the simplest presentation of human character in human relationships. "Pride and Prejudice" is easier for the young mind to grapple with than is

"Vanity Fair." Scott is simpler than Shakespeare. Let us be chary about unlocking the treasure house of our literary masterpieces, lest we glut the appetites of our young adventurers with too rich food or cheapen the treasure in their eyes.

Above all, let us stop teaching the classics as if we were professors of anatomy dissecting the human body. Students of anatomy may be stimulated to further research by the marvelous dem onstrations of the dissector's art, the use of the microscope, and all that goes with the process. But books were meant to be read as wholes, loved as wholes, and lived with as wholes. They were not meant to be chopped up into small lesson sections and studied by the aid of a classical dictionary, and students of literature will not be stirred deeply by any such procedure. Even the enthusiastic professor of English does not actually cut his beloved masterpieces into microscopic segments when reading for his own joy. It is only when he is presenting them to an immature class, trained by long years of classic imposition into a spirit of numbness-only then, faced by a feeling that he must prove the beauties of his masterpieces-only then, that the real scholar smashes up his beloved art treasures to furnish a few worthless fragments for the unwilling inspection of his suspicious, antagonistic students. It is only when worked up to an insane frenzy by his own helplessness against the overwhelming odds of inbred distaste that the real scholar offers up the classics at the altar of the college entrance requirements and cuts the literary gems of the ages into miserable, ugly bits of grit and sand. This is the crime of crimes, viewed by the true lover of the classics.

Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra!

How much longer must we stand for these human sacrifices!

Love for the classics, at least for those classics that truly merit our love, will come to those of us who are capable of the most elevated of literary attachments all in good time if we be led naturally, step by step, along the way. It will never come to most of us if we are picked up and hurled bodily into a purely classical environment at an immature age. It will never come if the high priests of classicism persist in offering up their fairest children for dissection by the knife and for microscopic examination. The boy who is forced to read "The Last Days of Pompeii" at ten will never read Bulwer after he is twenty-one. The girl who analyzes "Julius Cæsar" scene by scene at sixteen will avoid Shakespeare and all his works at twenty. If a thing is worth loving, we come to love it of our own free will, in our own good time, provided we are let alone. If it is forced upon us, we hate it.

Lovers of the classics, stop killing the classics!

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