Imágenes de páginas

Revival, a great, x. 121.

signs of a, vi. 257.
Welsh, vi. 219.
Reward of serving God, iv. 278.

unexpected, ii. 235.
Rich and poor, one law for, iv. 96.
for a moment, ii. 372; vii.


liberal soul made, vii. 117,
man and son, vi. 97.
Richmond, son of Legh, vi. 78.
Right, divine, iv. 11.
Righteousness, v. 283.

of Job, v. 185.
Ring, ancient, vi. 232.
Rings in the nose, viii. 224.
Robber and Abd-el-Kadir, vii.

Robberies by a boy, x. 272.
Robbers, ii. 351.
Robbing God, x. 312.

the widow, vii. 200.
Robespierre, fall of, vi. 140.
Rochester, Earl of, viii. 326.
Rock to rest on, v. 220.
Roll-call, x. 75.

Romaine, story of, ii. 329.
Rope, they've forgotten the, x..

Rose of Sharon, vii. 377.
Ross-berg, fall of the, i. 76.
Ruin and rum, viii. 142.
Rule, Rev. Gilbert, vi. 72.
Rum and ruin, viii. 142.

[blocks in formation]

Running before the chariot, iv. Scolding, Eastern, vii. 201.


footmen, iii. 213.


SABAT, wretchedness of, iv. 185.
Sabbath, ix. 291.

argument for the, i. 351.
breaking, vi. 294; ix. 290,
306; x. 159.

Bishop Porteus on the, v.
keeping, v. 90.

keeping the, i. 299.

observance of the, v. 106.
Sack of Dundee, ii. 357.
Sacred chests, i. 374.
Sacrifice, Christ's, ii. 221.

human, iv. 118; viii. 346.
principle of, ii. 167.
Safe! safe! safe! viii. 211.
Safety, vi. 15.

in Christ, ii. 221.

true, iv. 149.

Sailor, a blind, ii. 349.

and crocodile, vii. 205.
Saint, citizen, viii. 201.
Salt, covenant of, iv. 318.
Salted with salt, v. 22.
Saltpetre in walls, ii. 56.
Salutation in the East, iv. 122.
Salvation from God, x. 105.
illustrated, vi. 273.
joy at finding, viii, 327.
of souls, x. 72.

rock of, vi. 226.

Scorn, bearing, v. 302.

Scots at Preston Pans, iii. 316.
Scott and Mr. Powys, Capt. x.


Rev. T. vi. 236.
Scourge of the tongue, v. 177.
Scripture, Christ in, ix. 356.
Sea, dangers of the, viii. 137.

deep places in the, vi. 353.
waves of, vi. 240.
Scaling of documents, v. 125.
Seaman, mutinous, vii. 180.
Secret errand, iii 94.

telling a, iii. 142.

Sedan after the battle, iii. 164.
Seeking, earnest, v. 130.

first God, viii. 146.
Self-deception, vi. 70.
denial, iv. 283.

denial, benevolent, ii. 91.
denial, heroic, ii. 288.
denial, rare, iii. 116; vii. 203.
examination, iv. 366.
sacrifice, iii. 383.

sacrifice, conquest, ii. 356;

vii. 146.

sacrifice noble, viii. 11.
Selfish religionists, ii. 26.
Selfishness and cruelty, iii. 123.
Senator, wise, vi. 270.

Sennacherib, invasion of, iv. 173,

Sepulchres, Hebrew, viii. 93.
Sermon, funeral, ix. 288.

of a pope, ix. 209.
powerful, vii. 74.

recollections of a, viii. 13.

Sermon to one hearer, vii. 114.
Serpents, charming, vi. 139.
fiery, ii. 189.

in Eastern houses, x. 150.
in Palestine, ii. 189.
Servant, a faithful, i. 98.
a wise, v. 53.
conscientious, ii. 93.
faithful, iv. 98, 110.
think of Thy, vi. 317.
Servants, faithful, ii. 140.
honoured, iv. 58

Servilia, viii. 27.
Serving the Lord, iii. 9.
Shame, moral beauty of, viii. 17,
Sharp, Granville, ii. 333.
Shaving, iii. 327.

Sheep in East, ix. 341.

lost, ix. 342.

Shelter only in Christ, vii. 381.
Shepherd, good, ix. 344.
Sheshonk, court of, iv. 316.
Shibboleth of a fast man, iii. 133.
Shield of the soldier, vii. 322.

Word of God a, vi. 229.
Shimei, a modern, iii. 351.
Shoes, putting off the, i. 234.
Shopman, American, x. 74.
Shot at a venture, iv. 104.
Shushan or Susa, v. 48.

palace of, v. 117.

Shut your ash-pan, vi. 302.
Sick, kindness to the, vi. 85.
Sickness, deceitfulness of, iv.


Siege of Genoa, iv. 175.

of St. Jean d'Acre, iv. 175.
Sighing of the prisoner, vi. 203. »
Silence before God, vi. 114.
Silent building of the temple,
iv. 29.

Silk for one year's spinning, vii.

Sin a trouble, iii. 26.

and consequences, vi. 232.
and shame, relation of, vi.
. 128.

anger without, iii. 223.
aroused by law, viii. 40; ix.

atonement for, iv. 362.
bravery in reproving, x. 127.
brought to remembrance, x.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

trade, origin of, ii. 337.
Slavery and Clarkson, iv. 47.
moral, ii. 309.

Slaves to self, ii. 295.
Sleep, withholding, v. 132.
Sleeping in chapel, x. 306.
Sleepless night, v. 133.
Slippering, v. 238.

Small beginnings, x. 270.
things, x. 270.

Smell of Lebanon, x. 108.

Smythe, Lord Chief Baron, ix.

Snare, evil companions a, vii.

Snow for cooling drinks, vii.

Socialism, vii. 53.

Socinian, fear of a, iii. 205.
Socrates and Charicles, vii. 315.
self-control of, vii. 182.
Soldier and wife, vi. 76.

dying, viii. 34.
grateful, iii. 259.

offered kindness, x. 278.
thoughtless, vii. 345.
Soldiers, Christian, ii. 110.
pious, vi. 13.

praying, ii. 110.
Solicitude, infant, vi. 173.
Son and Father, vi. 261.
ungrateful, vii. 283.

Song, a last, x. 295.

before captors. vi. 34.

Songs of the well, ii. 190.

on the battle-field, iii. 99.
Sorrow, false remedy for, ix.


[blocks in formation]

Sovereign, a merchant, iv. 24.
Spaniard and Moor, iii. 67.
Speaker, evil, v. 316.

the chief, i. 194.
Spear and the bolster, iii. 281.
Speech, flowery, vii. 112.

reproachful, v. 299.
Spendthrift and miser, vi. 148.
Spira, death bed of, vii. 93.
Spirit, wounded, vii, 170.
Spot, the freckled, ii. 50.
Standard, the tribal, ii. 114.
Starving and houseless, iii. 291.
Statesmen. vii. 207.
Staunton, Dr. ix. 295.

Staves, Runic, ix. 355.

Step, one false, vii. 12.

St. Margaret, legend of, i. 166.
Stocks, v. 222.

Story of a sailor, v. 41.
Strafford and Charles I. iv. 358.
Straggling from church, v. 13,


Strasburg, siege of, iii. 40.
Stratagem, suspected, iv. 136.
Strong in Him, iii. 148.
Stronghold assailed, viii. 277.
Students, two hard, vii. 10.
Study and prayer, vi. 312.
Swearer admonished, ii. 89.

reproved, vii. 139; viii. 179.
Swearing, cure of, ii. 271.
profane, vi. 66.

satanic, ii. 88.

Tenderness of Christ, viii. 365.
Terror, priestly, viii. 172.
Terry, Master, vi. 82.
Test, a good, vi. 155.
Testimony, conscious and un-
conscious, x. 233.
from antiquity, iv. 172.
of a physician, vi. 33.
Text, a seasonable, v. 255.

comfort from a, vi. 369.
Thankfulness, v. 18; vi. 278.
example of, ii. 24.

in trouble, v. 153.

Thanks due to God, v. 34.
Thebes, the No of prophecy, L

Themistocles, project of, ii. 170.
Thirst for gold, x. 282.

Swift and the lady, Dean, vii. Thorns in the eye. iii. 75.

ships, v. 200.

Swooning, x. 50.

Thoughtfulness taught, vi. 280.
Thoughtlessness, parental, ix.

Sword against his fellow, every Thoughts of God, children's, v.

man's, iii. 232.

Submission, iv. 284.

etiquette of, iv. 95.
Subscription recanted, iv. 357.
Substitute, Jesus my, viii. 311.
Success, earnestness needful to,
iv. 365.
key to, v. 331.

secret of, i. 94.
Suffering, benefits of, vi. 319.
Suicide, highway to, iii. 355.
moral, x. 96.
Sunday, making briefs on, viii.

Sunstroke, iv. 121.
Superstition, Chinese, x. 174,

exposure of, ii. 202.
heathen, x. 175.
Suppliant, a fortunate, iii. 179.
Surgeon and patient, vi. 82.

reply of the, vi. 320.
Symbol, answer by, iv. 155.
Sympathy, Christian, vii. 211.
with poor vii. 205.

[blocks in formation]

Talent without principle, vii.

Talk, high-falutin, vii. 339.
Talker, advice to a, vii. 132.
Tapestry, Bayeux, i. 373.
Teacher, reward of a, vi. 344.
Teaching, Divine, vi. 64.
Temper, good, vii. 239.
Temperance, doubtful, ii. 129.

saint of, ii. 128.
testimony to, ii. 257.
Temple, chambers in, ix. 367.
Temptation, iv. 369.

avoiding, vii. 34.
resisted, vii. 36.
running into, vii. 39.


Threshold, ix. 372.

Thwarted, an evil purpose, iii.


Tide retarded, iii. 19.
Tiger, ix. 270.

Tillotson, Archbishop, vii. 156,


Time, an inch of, vi. 118.
Tithes, bring ye all the, x. 313.
Title and character, vii. 232.
of books, vi. 51.
Titles, spreading, iii. 48.
Titus, arch of, i, 368.
Tomb of Esther and Mordecai,
v. 144.

Tongue, ruling the, vii. 87.
Trade in the East, x. 86.

infancy of British, ix. 321.
morality, vii. 25, 73.
Tradesman and prince, vii. 271.
reduced, vi. 209.

Tradition, Hindoo, x. 159.

of the Fall, i. 19.

Training, female, x. 95.
Traitor, reward of a, iii. 88.
Traveller, improvident, vii. 39.
Treachery, iv. 351.

victims of, viii. 196.
Treasure, hidden, viii. 273; vi


Trees, figurative use of, viii. 334.
Trials might have been greater,
our, iii. 383.

of missionaries, early, iii.


save us, our, iii. 77.
Triarii, the, iii. 255.
Triumphing before the battle,
iv. 92.

Trouble at midnight, v. 329.
God present in, vi. 104.
God's presence in, vi. 281.
help in, vi. 379.

of an aged Christian, iii.

prayer in time of, ix. 34.
Trust, vi. 321, 339.

in God, iv. 255; v. 137.

Trust in God, ground for, iv. 175.
in God, proof of, iv. 177.
in God, value of, v. 235.
in man, iv. 174.

in mercy of God, ix. 113.

in the living God, vi. 241.
versus anxiety, viii. 130.
Trusting in God, vii. 281.

the promises, i. 68.
Truth, vii. 111.

influence of, i. 112.
power of, vi. 330.
rewarded, vii. 157.
speaking the, vii. 23.
Turenne, Marshal, vii. 30.
Two standpoints, v. 165.
Tyrants, death of, i. 244.


UGOLINO and children, Count,
ix. 203.

Uncomfortableness in church,
x. 151.

Unconsciously guided, iii. 217.
Undecision and decision con-
trasted, iii. 98.
Understanding, believing with-
out, viii. 228.

Unfound, lost and, vii. 122.
Union, Christian, vii. 312.
Universalism, x. 313.
Universalists, four, vii. 15.
Unveiled, Christ, x. 49.
Uprightness, iv. 265.


VALLEY, walking in the, vi.


Value depends on place, iii. 357.
Vanity, all is, vii. 319.

of worldly greatness, vii.

rebuked, v. 131.

reward of, v. 122.

Vashti, beauty of, v. 115.
Vendetta, ii. 240.
Venus, vii. 63.

Victoria and the Bible, Queen,

viii. 237.

Victors, welcoming the, iii. 254.
Victory in death, viii. 148.
Village of Abbott's Inn, viii.

Vinegar, vi. 166.

Vineyard, cottage in a, viii. 10.
Violet-sower, vii. 97.
Virgin of Eden, v. 32.
Visit of God, vi. 109.
Visiting and saving His people,
vi. 273.

Voice of nature, il 279.
Volney, vii. 128.

Voltaire, vii. 188.

Voluntaryism, ii. 133.
Vow, i. 132.

a romantic, ii. 225.

Vows, heathen, ii. 334.
paying, ii. 101.


WAITING for an answer, iv. 40.

the Lord's time, vi. 72.
Wall, a tottering, vi. 147.
Want now, not what I, x. 243.
War and Christians, iii. 41.

and peace in church, iii. 167.
barbarities of, viii. 225.
chariots and horses, iv. 380.
cost of, iv. 214.
defences, folly of, ii. 260.
engines of, iii. 23.
fruits of, vi. 160.
havoc of, iv. 235.
illustrated, iii. 45.
no good in, ii. 229.
primitive, iii. 232.
Prince Eugene on, iv. 236.
reward of, iii. 30.
trophy, iv. 230.
unchristian, ii. 112.
Washington on, iii. 29.
Warfare, Eastern, x. 223.
Warlike alliances, iii. 36.
Warning, ix. 154.

an abused, iv. 45.
despised, vii. 324.
Warnings, i. 296.

Warrior and children, vi. 346.
Washing linen in the East, iii.

Washington and his friends, v.
184; x. 156.

confession of, vi. 23.
death of, vi. 212.
prayerfulness of, i. 236.
truthfulness of, vii. 111.
Watch-care of God, x. 212, 242.
Water, a cup of cold, x. 278.

Alexander's cup of, iii. 380.
facts about, vi. 272.
refusing, ii. 184.
strife of, i. 108.

the cruse of, iii. 282.
Waugh, reproof from Dr. vii. 78.
Rev. Dr. viii. 161.
Weakness of idols, vi. 247.
Wealth and extravagance, iv.


bearing loss of, vii. 220.
niggardliness of, vii. 85.
Weaning in the East, i. 83.
Weapons of war, viii. 18.
Wellington and officer, vii. 146.
Wells, stopping, i. 107.
Wesley, vii. 333.

and J. Bradford, J. vii. 321.
Wet the ropes, vii. 336.
What doest thou here? iv. 90.
Whately, death of Archbishop,
ii. 239.
Wheat imports, x. 114.
Whirlwinds, Eastern, iv. 111.
in the East, v. 154, 345.
Whitefield and Lady Hunting-
don, ix. 107.

and the church, viii. 193.
and the lantern boy, vii.

Whitefield, Mr. viii. 165.

Rev. G. vi. 28; ix. 295.
Venn's account of, ix. $5.
Wicked defeated, vi. 42.
Wickliffe, vi. 307.
Widow and the Turk, i. 197.
and two sons, vii. 142.
inquiry of a, iii. 172.
Wife after battle, ii. 358.
literary, vii. 123.
Wilberforce, W. ix. 32.
Wilderness, flowers from the,
viii. 360.

Will, how to execute a, iv.

of Luther, ix. 179.
set aside, a, ii. 309.
to work, vi. 38.
William, king, ii. 332.
Wilmer, Mr. vii. 125.
Wind and blossoms, v. 236.
Windstorm in America, ix. 46.
Wine-press, viii. 363.

Wisdom, a poor man's, vii. 26.
advantage of, vii. 35.
example of, vii. 64.
human, v. 288.

Wise, wisdom of the, v. 213.
Wishart, Rev. G. vi. 107.
Witchcraft, ii. 76.
Witness, v. 95.

a poor and honest, iv. 118.
a profligate, ii. 75.

an American, vii. 377.
an omniscient, i. 303.
apartments of, v. 119.
at Montreal, vii. 252.
judgment of, ii. 217.
old, ix. 342.

reform of an abandoned, i.
rights of, ii. 247.

Word, a good man's last, vii.


from Robert Hall, v. 368.
hearing the, x. 187.

in season, v. 324; vii. 59,
143, 153. 173, 244.
influence of the, vi. 334.
joy at having the, vi. 324.
longing for the, vi. 320.
may save a soul, viii. 178.
neglected, x. 96.

of a king, iv. 254.
of God, delighting in, vi.

of God precious, iii. 197.
power of a, vii. 240.
timely, vii. 171.
Words, acceptable, vii. 348.
not wasted, vii. 349.
suitable, v. 336.
unadvised, vi. 277.
Work and pray, 560.

in order to give, v. 63.
love of, vii. 203.
personal, v. 58.
power of, v. 99.
to the end, ii. 369.
Workers, Christian, vii. 333.
World, subjugation of the, vif.


[blocks in formation]

trade, origin of, ii. 337.
Slavery and Clarkson, iv. 47.
moral, ii. 309.

Slaves to self, ii. 295.
Sleep, withholding, v. 132.
Sleeping in chapel, x. 306.
Sleepless night, v. 133.
Slippering, v. 238.

Small beginnings, x. 270.
things, x. 270.

Smell of Lebanon, x. 108.

Smythe, Lord Chief Baron, ix.

Snare, evil companions a, vii.

Snow for cooling drinks, vii.

Socialism, vii. 53.

Socinian, fear of a, iii. 205.
Socrates and Charicles, vii. 315.
self-control of, vii. 182.
Soldier and wife, vi. 76.

dying, viii. 34.
grateful, iii. 259.

offered kindness, x. 278.
thoughtless, vii. 345.
Soldiers, Christian, ii. 110.
pious, vi. 13.

praying, ii. 110.
Solicitude, infant, vi. 173.
Son and Father, vi. 261.
ungrateful, vii. 283.

Song, a last, x. 295.

before captors, vi. 34.

Songs of the well, ii. 190.

on the battle-field, iii. 99.
Sorrow, false remedy for, ix.
Soul, vi. 54.

existence of, v. 226.
salvation of the, x. 72.
saved? is your, ix. 33.
word may save a, viii. 178.
Souls, winning, vii. 103.
Sound of the master's feet, iv.

Sovereign, a merchant, iv. 24.
Spaniard and Moor, iii. 67.
Speaker, evil, v. 316.

the chief, i. 194.
Spear and the bolster, iii. 281.
Speech, flowery, vii. 112.

reproachful, v. 299.
Spendthrift and miser, vi. 148.
Spira, death bed of, vii. 93.
Spirit, wounded, vii, 170.
Spot, the freckled, ii. 50.
Standard, the tribal, ii. 114.
Starving and houseless, iii. 291.
Statesmen, vii. 207.
Staunton, Dr. ix. 295.

Staves, Runic, ix. 355.

Step, one false, vii. 12.

St. Margaret, legend of, i. 166.
Stocks, v. 222.

Story of a sailor, v. 41.
Strafford and Charles I. iv. 358.
Straggling from church, v. 13,


Strasburg, siege of, iii. 40.
Stratagem, suspected, iv. 136.
Strong in Him, iii. 148.
Stronghold assailed, viii. 277.
Students, two hard, vii. 10.
Study and prayer, vi. 312.
Swearer admonished, ii. 89.

reproved, vii. 139; viii. 179.
Swearing, cure of, ii. 271.
profane, vi. 66.

satanic, ii. 88.

Tenderness of Christ, viii. 365.
Terror, priestly, viii. 172.
Terry, Master, vi. 82.
Test, a good, vi. 155.
Testimony, conscious and un-
conscious, x. 233.
from antiquity, iv. 172.
of a physician, vi. 33.
Text, a seasonable, v. 255.

comfort from a, vi. 369.
Thankfulness, v. 18; vi. 278.
example of, ii. 24.

in trouble, v. 153.

Thanks due to God, v. 34.
Thebes, the No of prophecy, L

Themistocles, project of, ii. 170
Thirst for gold, x. 282.

Swift and the lady, Dean, vii. Thorns in the eye. iii. 75.


ships, v. 200.

Swooning, x. 50.

Thoughtfulness taught, vi. 280.
Thoughtlessness, parental, it


Sword against his fellow, every Thoughts of God, children's, v.

man's, iii. 232.

Submission, iv. 284.

etiquette of, iv. 95.
Subscription recanted, iv. 357.
Substitute, Jesus my, viii. 311.
Success, earnestness needful to,
iv. 365.
key to, v. 331.

secret of, i. 94.
Suffering, benefits of, vi. 319.
Suicide, highway to, iii. 355.
moral, x. 96.
Sunday, making briefs on, viii.

Sunstroke, iv. 121.
Superstition, Chinese, x. 174,

exposure of, ii. 202.
heathen, x. 175.

Suppliant, a fortunate, iii. 179.
Surgeon and patient, vi. 82.

reply of the, vi. 320.
Symbol, answer by, iv. 155.
Sympathy, Christian, vii. 211.
with poor vii. 205.


TABLE of the governor, v. 71.
Taking off the Methodist, x.

Talent without principle, vii.


Talk, high-falutin, vii. 339.
Talker, advice to a, vii. 132.
Tapestry, Bayeux, i. 373.
Teacher, reward of a, vi. 344.
Teaching, Divine, vi. 64.
Temper, good, vii. 239.
Temperance, doubtful, ii. 129.

saint of, ii. 128.
testimony to, ii. 257.
Temple, chambers in, ix. 367.
Temptation, iv. 369.

avoiding, vii. 34.
resisted, vii. 36.
running into, vii. 39.


Threshold, ix. 372.

Thwarted, an evil purpose, ill.


Tide retarded, iii. 19.
Tiger, ix. 270.

Tillotson. Archbishop, vii. 156,


Time, an inch of, vi. 118.
Tithes, bring ye all the, x. 313.
Title and character, vii. 232.
of books, vi. 51.
Titles, spreading, iii. 48.
Titus, arch of, i. 368.
Tomb of Esther and Mordecai,
v. 144.

Tongue, ruling the, vii. 87.
Trade in the East, x. 86.

infancy of British, ix. 321.
morality, vii. 25, 73.
Tradesman and prince, vii. 271.
reduced, vi. 209.

Tradition, Hindoo, x. 159.

of the Fall, i. 19.

Training, female, x. 95.
Traitor, reward of a, iii. 88.
Traveller, improvident, vii. 39.
Treachery, iv. 351.

victims of, viii. 196.
Treasure, hidden, viii. 273; vi

Trees, figurative use of, viii. 334.
Trials might have been greater,
our, iii. 383.

of missionaries, early, iii.

save us, our, iii. 77.
Triarii, the, iii. 255.
Triumphing before the battle,

iv. 92.

Trouble at midnight, v. 329.
God present in, vi. 104.
God's presence in, vi. 281.
help in, vi. 379.

of an aged Christian, ül

prayer in time of, ix. 34.
Trust, vi. 321, 339.

in God, iv. 255; v. 137.

Trust in God, ground for, iv. 175.
in God, proof of, iv. 177.
in God, value of, v. 235.
in man, iv. 174.

in mercy of God, ix. 113.
in the living God, vi. 241.
versus anxiety, viii. 130.
Trusting in God, vii. 281.
the promises, i. 68.
Truth, vii. 111.

influence of, i. 112.
power of, vi. 330.
rewarded, vii. 157.
speaking the, vii. 23.
Turenne, Marshal, vii. 30.
Two standpoints, v. 165.
Tyrants, death of, i. 244.


UGOLINO and children, Count,
ix. 203.

Uncomfortableness in church,
x. 151.

Unconsciously guided, iii. 217.
Undecision and decision con-
trasted, iii. 98.
Understanding, believing with-
out, viii. 228.

Unfound, lost and, vii. 122.
Union, Christian, vii. 312.
Universalism, x. 313.
Universalists, four, vii. 15.
Unveiled, Christ, x. 49.
Uprightness, iv. 265.



WAITING for an answer, iv. 40.

the Lord's time, vi. 72.
Wall, a tottering, vi. 147.
Want now, not what I, x. 243.
War and Christians, iii. 41.

and peace in church, iii. 167.
barbarities of, viii. 225.
chariots and horses, iv. 380.
cost of, iv. 244.
defences, folly of, ii, 260.
engines of, iii. 23.
fruits of, vi. 160.
havoc of, iv. 235.
illustrated, iii. 45.
no good in, ii. 229.
primitive, iii. 232.
Prince Eugene on, iv. 236.
reward of, iii. 30.
trophy, iv. 230.
unchristian, ii. 112.
Washington on, iii. 29.
Warfare, Eastern, x. 223.
Warlike alliances, iii. 36.
Warning, ix. 154.

an abused, iv. 45.
despised, vii. 324.
Warnings, i. 296.

Warrior and children, vi. 346.
Washing linen in the East, iii.

Washington and his friends, v.
184; x. 156.

confession of, vi. 23.
death of, vi. 212.
prayerfulness of, i. 236.
truthfulness of, vii. 111.

VALLEY, walking in the, vi. Watch-care of God, x. 212, 242.


Value depends on place, iii. 357.
Vanity, all is, vii. 319.

of worldly greatness, vii.

rebuked, v. 131.

reward of, v. 122.
Vashti, beauty of, v. 115.
Vendetta, ii. 240.
Venus, vii. 63.

Victoria and the Bible, Queen,
viii. 237.

Victors, welcoming the, iii. 254.
Victory in death, viii. 148.
Village of Abbott's Inn, viii.

Vinegar, vi. 166.

Vineyard, cottage in a, viii. 10.
Violet-sower, vii. 97.
Virgin of Eden, v. 32.
Visit of God, vi. 109.
Visiting and saving His people,
vi. 273.

Voice of nature, ii. 279.
Volney, vii. 128.

Voltaire, vii. 188.
Voluntaryism, ii. 133.
Vow, i. 132.

a romantic, ii. 225.
Vows, heathen, ii. 334.
paying, ii. 101.

Water, a cup of cold, x. 278.
Alexander's cup of, iii. 380.
facts about, vi. 272.
refusing, ii. 184.
strife of, i. 108.

the cruse of, iii. 282.
Waugh, reproof from Dr. vii. 78.
Rev. Dr. viii. 161.
Weakness of idols, vi. 247.
Wealth and extravagance, iv.

bearing loss of, vii. 220.
niggardliness of, vii. 85.
Weaning in the East, i. 83.
Weapons of war, viii. 18.
Wellington and officer, vii. 146.
Wells, stopping, i. 107.
Wesley, vii. 333.

and J. Bradford, J. vii. 321.
Wet the ropes, vii. 336.
What doest thou here? iv. 90.
Whately, death of Archbishop,
ii. 239.
Wheat imports, x. 114.
Whirlwinds, Eastern, iv. 111.

in the East, v. 154, 345.
Whitefield and Lady Hunting-
don, ix. 107.

and the church, viii. 193.
and the lantern boy, vii.

Whitefield, Mr. viii. 165.
Rev. G. vi. 28; ix. 295.
Venn's account of, ix. 85.
Wicked defeated, vi. 42.
Wickliffe, vi. 307.
Widow and the Turk, i. 197.
and two sons, vii. 142.
inquiry of a, iii. 172.
Wife after battle, ii. 358.
literary, vii. 123.
Wilberforce, W. ix. 32.
Wilderness, flowers from the,
viii. 360.

Will, how to execute a, iv.

of Luther, ix. 179.
set aside, a, ii. 309.
to work, vi. 38.
William, king, ii. 332.
Wilmer, Mr. vii. 125.
Wind and blossoms, v. 236.
Windstorm in America, ix. 46.
Wine-press, viii. 363.
Wisdom, a poor man's, vii. 26.
advantage of, vii. 35.
example of, vii. 64.
human, v. 288.

Wise, wisdom of the, v. 213.
Wishart, Rev. G. vi. 107.
Witchcraft, ii. 76.
Witness, v. 95.

a poor and honest, iv. 118.
a profligate, ii. 75.
an American, vii. 377.
an omniscient, i. 303.
apartments of, v. 119.
at Montreal, vii. 252.
judgment of, ii. 217.
old, ix. 342.

reform of an abandoned, i.

rights of, ii. 247.

Word, a good man's last, vii.

from Robert Hall, v. 368.
hearing the, x. 187.
in season, v. 324; vii. 59,
143, 153, 173, 244.
influence of the, vi. 334.
joy at having the, vi. 324.
longing for the, vi. 320.
may save a soul, viii. 178.
neglected, x. 96.

of a king, iv. 254.

of God, delighting in, vi.


of God precious, iii. 197.
power of a, vii. 240.
timely, vii. 171.
Words, acceptable, vii. 348.
not wasted, vii. 349.
suitable, v. 336.
unadvised, vi. 277.
Work and pray, 560.

in order to give, v. 62.
love of, vii. 203.
personal, v. 58.
power of, v. 99.
to the end, ii. 369.
Workers, Christian, vii. 333.
World, subjugation of the, vili.


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