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OBS. 5.—When the same word is qualified by two or more Adjectives, the one denoting the most definite quality should be placed next it; and, when one Adjective specifies and the other qualifies, the Qualifying Adjective is placed next the Noun.

EXAMPLES.-1. An industrious YOUNG man.

2. A large SWEET apple.

3. "Sound the LOUD timbrel o'er Egypt's DARK sea.”

NOTE V.-An Adjective in Predicate is placed immediately after its Verb or Participle.

EXAMPLES.-1. "Which MAKETH glad the heart of man."

2. "Canst thou GROW sad as earth GROWS bright ?"

3. "His palsied hand WAXED strong."

4. "And the eyes of the sleepers WAXED deadly and chill.” 5. "How various his employments whom the world

CALLS idle."

OBS. 1.-EXCEPTION.-When the Verb is Transitive, its Object is sometimes not always-placed between it and the Adjective in Predicate.

EXAMPLES.-1. "Vanity often RENDERS man contemptible."

2. "Winter MAKETH the light heart sad.”

OBS. 2.-EXCEPTION 2.-For the sake of euphony, for emphasis, or for rhythm, the Adjective is sometimes placed before the Verb.

EXAMPLES.-1. "Hard is my fate, cried the heart-broken stranger." 2. "Bloodless ARE these limbs, and cold."


Hard, hard, indeed, was the contest for freedom."

OBS. 3.-This construction should be carefully distinguished from that in which the Adjective qualifies the Object of the Verb.

EXAMPLES.-1. "But we left HIM alone with his glory."




234.—What is an Adjunct?

What may be the forms of Adjuncts?

1. "A man who has talents, will succeed in b
Condense this by replacing the Sentence Adjunc
Replace the Phrase by an equivalent Word.
Are all Adjunct Words, Phrases, and Sentences i
235.-What Elements of Sentences may be affected by
How are Adjuncts of Substantives to be parsed
236.-How are Logical Adjuncts commonly construed?

Repeat RULE 7.-Make Sentences to illustrate.
In what distinct methods do Adjectives describe
Is Word used Adjectively in one Sentence, alw
Wherein do Adjectives commonly differ in form
of similar signification?

238.-Repeat NOTE I.-Make Sentences to illustrate.
What Adjectives are commonly used in Comparis
239.-What Word introduces the second term of the Co
Supply the proper Words omitted in the following
2. "Anna is-tall as Clarissa."

3. "Rachel is not-tall as Mary."

Repeat NOTE II.-Make Sentences to illustrate. What Word introduces the second term of a Co equality?

4. "Delia is taller-Isabella, but not fairer-He Supply the proper Words in the above Sentence.

240.-Repeat NOTE III.-Make Sentences to illustrate. Correct the following Sentences, and give proper each criticism:

5. "Shakspeare is more faithful to the true langu than any writer."-Blair.

6. "Cibber grants it to be a better poem of its k was written."-Pope.

7. "The Christian religion gives a more lovely God, than any religion ever did.”—Murray. 8. "Of all other nations, ours has the best form of It is, of all others, that which most moves us.'


241.-Repeat NOTE IV.-Make Sentences to illustrate.

Correct the following errors by the Note, or by the Observations: 9. "Northern Spy is fine specimen of an apple."

10. "Lawrence is abler mathematician than a linguist."

11. "The highest title in the State is that of the Governor."
12. "Organic chemistry treats of the animal and vegetable

13. "The north and south poles are indicated on the map.”
14. "Mary, widow of the late Col. Clark, and the mother of
the Governor, resides with us."

242.-Repeat NOTE V.-Make Sentences to illustrate.

15. "Substitutes have three Persons; the First, Second, and the
Third."-Pierce's Grammar.

16. "In some cases we can use either the Nominative or Accu-
sative, promiscuously."-Adam's Latin Grammar.
17. "I doubt his capacity to teach either the French or English

18. "The passive and neuter verbs I shall reserve for some
future consideration."-Ingersoll's Grammar.

19. "E has a long and short sound."-Bicknell's Grammar.
20. "The perfect participle and imperfect tense ought not to
be confounded.”—Murray.

21. "There is, however, another, and a more limited sense."
Adam's Rhetoric.
22. "Novelty produces in the mind a vivid and an agreeable


23. "Jewell the poet and the professor of English literature has criticised it."

243.--Repeat NOTE VII.-Make Sentences to illustrate.

Correct the following errors:

24. "I have not been in London this five years."

Webster's Grammar

25. "If I had not left off troubling you about those kind of


26. "They are these kind of gods which Horace mentions."


27. “Many things are not that which they appear to be."

Sanborn's Grammar



243.-Repeat NOTE VIII.-Make Sentences to illustra Correct the following errors:

28. "The wall is ten foot high."-Harrison's
29. "A close prisoner, in a room twenty foo
30. "These verses consist of two sort of rhyr
81. ""Tis for a thousand pound."-Cowper.

Repeat RULE 7.-Make Sentences to illustrate.
Correct the following errors:

32. "I have neither John nor Eliza's books."-
33. "James relieves neither the boy nor the
84. "Which, for distinction sake, I shall put
35. "King James translators merely revise
tions."-Frazee's Grammar.

244.-Repeat NOTE I.-Make Sentences to illustrate.

245.-Repeat NOTE II.-Make Sentences to illustrate. Correct the following errors:

36. "The General in the army's name, pub


87. "The bill passed the Lord's house, but fa


88. "It is curious enough that this Sentence itself, ungrammatical."-Cobbett's Gran 89. "We should presently be sensible of the m 40. "This depends on their being more or les on the vowel-sound being long or short 41. "Whose principles forbid them taking part tration of the government."-Liberator. 248.-Repeat NOTE III.-Make Sentences to illustrate.

250.-Repeat NOTE IV.-Make Sentences to illustrate. Correct the following errors:

42. "The group of little misses appeared m beautifully."

43. "Heaven opened widely her everlasting gate

44. "The poor girl feels very badly about it."-
45. "The sight appeared terribly to me."
46 "Did not Lois look most beautifully at the l

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RULE 9.-Adverbs belong to Verbs, Adjectives, and other Adverbs which they modify.

OBS. 1.-An Adverb may consist of a Word, a Phrase, or a Sentence.

[blocks in formation]

They, the true-hearted, came."

OBS. 2.-An Adverb may modify a Word, a Phrase, or a Sentence.


1. William STUDIES diligently.

Arthur went almost To BOSTON.


[blocks in formation]










conqueror comes




NOTE I. In the use of Adverbs, that form should be adopted which is in accordance with the best authority.

OBS. 1.-Most Adverbs are derivative words, and are generally formed by adding ly (formerly written lie--a contraction of like) to its Primitive. EXAMPLES.-A just man will deal justly.

A foolish man will act foolishly.

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