Imágenes de páginas
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REM..—“Child” is the name of a young being, and, in this connection. 18 the proper object of "carried." But "home" is a name applied to a habitation, a building, and "they" probably did not "carry" that. They carried the child to some place-and that place was its home.

"He told ME his history."-He related TO ME his history.

I asked him his OPINION.

"Our dear Joachim has asked me for my opinion."-Michelet's Luther. He gave ME a book."-He gave a book to me."

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REM. In parsing examples like the above, the ellipsis should be supplied. Thus, "to his home" is an Adjunct of "carried." Hence, an Adverbial Phrase.

"Home," as a Representative of the Phrase, is an Adverb.

"Home,” as an Element in the Phrase, is a Noun-Object of to understood. Hence, in the Objective Case.

OBS. 10. The Verbs make, esteem, regard, consider, elect, bid, dare, feel, hear, see, and some others, are often followed by an Infinitive Phrase, having its Preposition (and sometimes the Verb) understood.

EXAMPLES.-1. "Lorenzo, these are thoughts that make* man MAN.”



these are thoughts that make man [TO BE] MAN.

2. "Teach them OBEDIENCE to the laws."

Teach them [TO YIELD] OBEDIENCE to the laws.

REM.-In examples like these the second Noun or Pronoun is the Object of the Verb understood or used in Predicate with it. Thus, "man" is used in Predicate with "to be," or "to become," understood; and "obedience" is the object of " 'yield."

EXAMPLES.-1. Intemperance makes a man [to become] a fool.

2. "He maketh the storm [ ] a calm." (See Diagram, p. 216.)

*The word make is generally thus used, when it signifies "to cause to be," "to cause to become."


NOTE IV.-Intransitive Verbs have no

EXAMPLES.-I sit-Thou art-He sleeps.

OBS. 1.-But some Verbs, commonly used Intransi have Objects of their own signification.

EXAMPLES.-1. I have fought a good fight. 2. We ran a race.

3. He sleeps the sleep of death.

4. "Luther **** blew a blast."

5. "[They] shout their raptures to the

NOTE V.-A few Verbs may be used T Intransitively.

EXAMPLES.-1. The sun set in the west.

2. He set the inkstand on the table.

3. Cool blows the wind.

4. The wind blows the dust.


OBS. 1.-When a Transitive Verb is followed by two O Object of the Verb, and the other the Object of a Preposit the Object of the Preposition is placed between the Verb

EXAMPLES.-1. "Mary gave me a ROSE."

2. "Bring home my BOOKS.'


REM." Me" is an abridged Adjunct of "gave" (see Adv sentation, p. 23), and is placed next its Verb according t the Position of Adverbs (see p. 259).

Exception. When the indirect Object suggests the impo or when it is the emphatic word in the Sentence, it is pla direct Object.

EXAMPLE. "They carried the CHILD home."

OBS. 2.-But, when the Preposition is expressed, the di placed next its Verb.

EXAMPLE." Mary GAVE a rose to me."

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PRIN.-Transitive Verbs may have, as their Objects,

Substantive Phrases.

EXAMPLES.-1. "I doubted his having been a soldier."

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nor "soldier," but the fact asserted by the whole Phrase" His having been a soldier."

2. "His being a minister, prevented his rising to civil power."

OBS. 1.-Object Phrases are limited, almost exclusively, to the Participial Form, Prepositional and Infinitive Phrases being commonly used as Adjuncts, and Independent Phrases as Logical Adjuncts. (See p. 20, Obs. 1; see also Clark's Analysis, p. 115.)

OBS. 2.-But Prepositional, Infinitive, and Independent Phrases may be used technically as Objects of Transitive Verbs.

EXAMPLES.-1. "The maniac repeated, on a bed of green sea-flowers,' during the interview."

2. The damsel could not say "to be loving," without em


OBS. 3.-Infinitive Phrases following Verbs, commonly indicate purpose or cause, and serve to limit the signification or application of Verbs. Such are properly called Adverbs.

EXAMPLES.-1. Pupils are allowed to read.

2. Pupils appear to read.

3. Pupils assemble to read.

4. Pupils ought to read.
5. Pupils begin to read.

6. Pupils wish to read.

REM. 1.-In Sentences (1), (2), (3), and (4), the Phrase "to read" is plainly Adverbial, the Predicate Verbs being necessarily Intransitive.

In the analysis of Sentences like (5) and (6), two sentiments obtain with prominent grammarians-1, that "to read" is the Object of "begin"


and "wish" (see Welch, p. 205, and others); 2d "wish" are here Intransitive Verbs. (See Brown, p

The test given by these and other authors for det of a Verb, viz., the question what? does not seem to Pupils beign-what?.... do Pupils wish-what?

.to do

If the question what? is more appropriate, "to rea "wish." But,

If the question to do what? is more appropriate, junct of "wish."

OBS. 4.-The Transitive Verbs having Objects ex limited by Infinitive Phrases.

EXAMPLES.--1. The teacher REQUESTED William to re

2. I BELIEVE the milk-man to be honest.

REM. 2.-" To recite" is a Phrase, Adjunct of "request request. William" is the Object of "requested."

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"To be honest" is a Phrase Adjunct of "believe:" Object of the modified Predicate "believe to be honest

OBS. 5.-This construction should be carefully disting in which the Infinitive Phrase is Adjunct of the Object.

EXAMPLES.--1. The general gave the ORDER to fire.

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2. The subordinate manifested a DISPOSITI 3. The truant manifested no inclination t 4. Idle pupils manifest little anxiety to in 5. "But half of our heavy task was done, When the bell tolled the HOUR for ret 6. "We have our various duties to perfor 7. "I have meat to eat that ye know not

REM. 3.-" To fire" limits "order;" hence, an Adjectiv "To dictate" limits "disposition;" hence, an Let the Pupil place Sentences (2), (3), and (4) Diagram; and vary the Diagram for (5), (6), and (7).


PEIN. Many Transitive Verbs have as their Objects Substantive Auxiliary Sentences.

OE-Object Sentences are distinguished as direct Objects and indirect bjects.


Direct-1. "But Brutus says he was ambitious."

2. "Nathan said unto David, Thou art the man.'

lirect.-3. "The ancient Russians believed that their northern moun tains encompassed the globe."

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4. "God never meant hat man should scale the heavens oy


strides of human wisdom.”

5. Can you tell where my Highland laddie's gone?"

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6. He hastily demanded why i came."

7. "The village all declared how much he knew.*

8. "Did you but know to whom I gave the ring."

9. "He little dreamed what dangers threatened him.” 10. "We can not learn who did it."

LEM. 1.—The Pupil will notice that Sentences used as Indirect Objects, ar, introduced by a Word or a Phrase which constitutes, logicalty, the essential part of the Object. Thus in Sentence (4) "that" stands for the whole Proposition.


"Their northern mountains encompassed the globe."
"The ancient Russians believed that."

"My Highland laddie has gone,”

'--can you tell where?

"I gave the ring,"-did you but know to whom.

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'Dangers threatened him"-he little dreamed what.

"Who did it?"-we can not learn.

REM. 2.--Still we are to regard the entire Auxiliary Sentence as the Grammatical Object of the Principal Predicate.

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