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Tea-to per cent. additional on all £

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tea above 2s. per lb. Spirits 8d per gallon on rum, 1od. on Brandy, and rd. on wash Scotch Distilleries-541. per gallon per ftill

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Sugar-2s. 6d. per cwt. on fugar imported

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[ocr errors]
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Bricks-3s. 6d. per rooo on thofe
imported, and Is. ditto on home
Five per cent. on cuftomed goods,
and ro per cent on brimstone,
hemp, iron in bars or unwrought,
olive oils and ftaves (prize goods,
wine and coals, excepted)
Auctions-24d. in the pound on ef.
tates, and 3d ditto on furniture
Coffee and cocoa-9d. per lb.
Forage-1d. additional on 3d. and
To in proportion

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Canals-Is. 8d. toll duty on goods

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2,132,000 Befide the new regulations on Receipts, obliging every perfon who receives the money to pay for the ftamp.

portion the fupply. They were not to be
niggard of the means, nor yet lavish of ex-
penfe. They had to preferve the elasticity
of our commerce, and to prevent the mif-
chiefs which may arife even from the fup-
pofition of large remittances to foreign
Under all thefe circumftances he
was proud to avow, that minifters had held
it to be their duty to fupply the emperor,
in the courfe of last year, with no less a
fum than 1,200,000l. This was, of course,
a measure which would claim a separate
difcuffion. If the conduct of minifters
was approved, that houfe would fhew their
fenfe of the measures by giving them its
continued confidence. The money which
had been advanced was to be confidered as
a part of our retources. It was a facred
for of the good faith of the empe
ror no doubt could be entertained.

He then proceeded to account for the excefs of the navy debt, which had fur paffed 60,000 his estimate by no less than four millions.. 60,000 These exceedings were occafioned by cir22,000 cumitances, which, however he might regret, he could not poffibly forefee. A. mong thefe were the tranfport-fervice, which was now reduced; but which had 290,000 exceeded the estimate by no less than 1,300,000l. Another was the demurrage paid on the detention of neutral cargoes, many of which had been fold confiderably under their value. The lofs under this head amounted to 900,000l. The difcount on navy bills had occafioned a lofs of 600,000l. Thefe together formed a fum little fhort of 3,000,000. Other expences had occurred from the unforeseen addition of a new maritime enemy, and by the threatened defcent on our coafts. The former charges could never occur again, and he could but trust to the candour of the house for an inaccuracy arising from caufes not within the reach of human forefight.

He then proceeded to notice briefly fome circumstances which had tended to fubtract, in a certain degree, from the produce of the Confolidated Fund. These were the failure of the regulations respect ing Dutch prizes-the non-payment of the fum which ought to be furnished by the Eaft-India Company, and which had been neceffarily prevented by the war-and alfo the advance of 900,000l. to the Grenada merchants; which had not been repaid, though, from every circumstance, the amount was to be regarded as fully fecure to the public.

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Our last year's expenditure had been greatly fwelled by the affiftance which minifters had deemed it their duty to furnish to a valiant, a faithful, and honorable ally. They had thereby enabled him to refcue his dominions from an inveterate enemy, and thereby, probably, to fecure the independence of Europe. His majesty's miniiters were not ignorant of the rifque which they had incurred by this proceeding. They knew they had to steer between contending difficulties, They had to watch the neceffities of the emperor, and to pro

The houfe, he trufted, would not be found wanting in any effort to avert impending mifchief and certain difgrace; they would always vindicate the character which had been tranfmitted to them from their forefathers; they would look with confoled feelings to the profpect of a peace, but they would accept of no peece which was not likely to be attended with full fecurity. They must be happy to find that the tu multuous and unnatural efforts of the enemy had been met by us with the aid only of fober and regular induftry, and that in the fourth year of an expenfive war our credit and revenue had even gone beyond a peace calculation. It was with equal af

tonishment and fatisfaction that he could ftate the exports from this country as a mounting to the fum of thirty millions and exceeding by four millions thofe of 1795. The increafe, he was alfo happy to Hate, confifted chiefly in articles of British manufacture. He did not tay this to abate any regret for the burdens which they were now about to impofe, or to fubtract from the defire, which all muft naturally feel, of a peace. He used them as arguments to imprefs the house with a conviction that no peace was defirable, but fach a one as would enfure to us fafety at home, and respect abroad.

Mr. Grey and Mr. Fox both fpoke againft the minifter's favourable fatement of our commerce and finances, which they alleged to be a delufive reprefentation; and Mr. Fox, in particular, made fome fevere remarks on the circumftance of fending 1,200,000l. to the emperor, without the previous confent of parliament. Of what paffed on this head, we fhall not take any notice, as, on a subsequent day, it became a more ferious fubject of difcuffion.

The refolutions proposed by the chan-
cellor of the exchequer, were then put and
[ To be continued. ]


YESTERDAY, in the court of King's-
bench, Mr. Law prayed the judg-
ment of the court upon Thomas Hall, efq.
a magiftrate, and major of a volunteer
fencible corps at Berwick, and Alexander
Macleane, captain in the fame corps, for
an abufe of their power as military officers,
in keeping several soldiers in the fame regi-
ment out of the way, under pretence of
military difcipline, in order to prevent
their voting at the election for mayor of
the borough of Berwick.-On behalf of
the defendants, a number of affidavits,
made by very refpectable perfons, were
produced and read in mitigation of punifh
ment. In these affidavits, the defendants
were reprefented to be gentlemen of ho-
nour, and who had for fome years paft
rendered fome meritorious fervices to their
country. It appeared that the expences
of their trial had colt the defendants 500l.
After counsel were heard on both fides,
the court fentenced the two defendants to
be imprifoned one month in the King's
bench prifon, and as an additional punish-
ment, major Hall was fined gol.


Mr. Pitt's plan for a voluntary loan was yesterday communicated to a very numerous meeting of Bank proprietors, held at the Bank of England. It is as follows: Every perfon fubfcribing tool. to receive 112. 10s. in 5 per cent. ftock, to be irredeemable, unlefs with the confent of the owner, until the expiration of three years after the prefent 5 per cents. fhall have been redeemed or reduced, but with the option of the holder, to be paid at par, at any fhorter period, not lefs than two years from the conclufion of the definitive treaty of peace.'.

Payment in either cafe to be made in

money, or, at the option of the holder, in a 3 per cent. ftock, valued at 75; liable, if wifhed, to be converted for a certain proportion into a life annuity.

The first payment on the 13th of January, the fecond in March, the remaining inftalments, between March, and the October following. The receipts not to be iffuable till after the fecond instalment, or till after 201. has been depofited on each 100l. Discount as usual on prompt payment.

It was no fooner known that the books of fubfcription were opened, than the principal merchants and bankers in the city affembled in 'crowds to the Bank to infcribe their names to this voluntary con→ tribution. The Bank directors, in their corporate capacity, firft fubfcribed one million fterling; and afterward in their individual capacity, the fum of four hundred thousand pounds fterling. The Eaft India directors, as individuals, have fubfcribed for themselves three hundred thou fand pounds; and other corporate bodies in proportion to the extent of their con


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was a fcene of the utmoft confufion. Many gentlemen were altogether difap pointed; and those who could get near the books to put down their names, did fo with the utmost difficulty. There was very little remaining to be fubfcribed; for a great number of orders had been received by Mr. Newland in the morning from the country, which claimed a preference; and accordingly the doors were fhut fome time until thefe commiffions were written down.-There cannot be a greater proof of the patriotifm of all ranks of people in thus affilting government, becaufe at the time the loan was opened, the other funds were confiderably the cheapest purchase.

The fame day, a court of commoncouncil was held at Guidhall, to confider a motion for granting an aid to govern ment on the prefent exigencies of affairs. The lord-mayor laid before the court the requifition he had received from feveral members of the court; alfo a letter from Mr. Pitt, and his lordthip's anfwer thereto, which were read.-Mr. Dixon began by ftating, that he had learned that the books were shut at the Bank, and that it was too late to fubfcribe; he had therefore a propofition to make, which was to refer it to a committee to confider of fome further plan for affifting the exigencies of the ftate in the prefent conjuncture, and to fubmit the fame to the confideration of the court. Debates enfued for a long time, in which it was urged that no notice ought to be taken of the report that the loan was filled up; but, on the contrary, the court fhould fubfcribe a fum equal to the dignity of the city. Alder nan Newnham then moved for a fubfcription of 100,000l. on the terms propofed at the Bank, which was agreed to on a divifion, there being for the queftion eight aldermen, 71 commoners, and two tellers, and against it three commoners, and two tellers, majority 76. The lord-mayor was requested to write in the name of the court a fubfcription of 100,000l. A comanittee of all the aldermen and a commoner out of each ward was appointed to confider the best means of raifing the money on the credit of the city.-The chamberlain having ftated the balance of cash in hand to be nearly 40,000l. Mr. Goodbehere inoved an amendment, by leaving out all the words after the word That,' and fubftituting this court feel highly gratified at the completion of the loan of 18 millions; and being defirous at all times to give every conftitutional fupport to the country, this corporation will referve its

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Yesterday an indictment was preferred against John Smith, for publishing a false, fcandalous, and feditious libel, intitled The Duties of Citizenship, for the ufe of the London Correfponding Society,' reflecting on the king and government of the country.-The fact of publifhing be ing proved against the defendant, the jury, without hefitation, pronounced him guilty. He will receive fentence next term. pamphlet is the fame, for the publication of which Jofeph Birks was lately fentenced to two years imprisonment in the house of correction, Clerkenwell. See page 379.


Yesterday morning, Francis Dunn and William Arnold, were executed oppofite the debtor's door of Newgate, for the murder of Mr. Brewer in the affray at Cow-crofs.


Several letters, and the Gazettes received from Lifbon, by the Emerald frigate, in which the marquis of Bute came paffenger, mention, that various accounts had arrived there, that an actual infurrec tion raged in Spanish America, at Santa Fe, and feveral other places; and that in different conflicts with the natives, the Spaniards had loft fuch a number of men, that it would be neceffary to send a ftil) greater reinforcement to that quarter. The reason why a more circumftantial detail was not to be had, was imputed to the vigilance of the Spaniards, in placing fentinels on board the thips from Peru, &c. to prevent any perfon from fpeaking to ftrangers before an oath of fecrecy was adminiftered to the crews. The rigour of the police, it feems, in oppofing the entrance of frangers into Spanish America, was greater than ever.


Yesterday morning, one of the Irish meffengers arrived at the fecretary of state's office, with difpatches from the lord-lieutenant of Ireland, who came over in the packet from Holyhead. It appears from the accounts by this channel, that tranquillity is at length reftored to the counties that were fome time fince declared to be out of the king's peace.


G. O, Head Quarters, Brighton, Dec. 9, 1796. Captain Francis Galini, of the West

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Has been acquitted of the first article of charge, and found guilty of the fecond and third articles, in breach of the 2d article of the 7th fection of the articles of war; and fentenced to be cashiered. But the court, taking into confideration the whole of the circumstances, did most humbly recommend that his majefty will be graciously pleafed to mitigate the fentence (which the court was bound to adjudge,) in fuch a manner as his majefty might be pleafed to direct.

Colonel N. Bayly, of the fame regiment, tried by a general court-martial at Canterbury, on the 29th of the faid month, and on fubfequent days,

For behaving in a fcandalous, infamous manner, fuch as was unbecoming the character of an officer and a gentleman, by ftriking major Richard Wood a blow on the face, in a room adjoining the room in which the general court-martial was then affembled, and by reafon of the very improper conduct and behaviour before the faid court, prior to his retiring into the faid room with the faid major Wood, thereby betraying the utmoft contempt and difrefpect for the faid prefident and members, has been found guilty of that part only of the article of charge which relates to the striking of major Wood, in defiance of good order, but not to the intent as is defcribed in the faid article of charge; and is adjudged to ask pardon of the faid major Richard Wood, in the prefence of the general commanding in Canterbury, and the officers commanding corps in that garrifon.

The following is a copy of a letter received by general fir Charles Grey, from the judge-advocate-general, on this fubject; and his majefty's pleasure thereby fignified, is to be fully and immediately executed:

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9th day of November laft, and on fubfequent days, for the trial of captain F. Galini, of Welt Middlefex regiment of Militia; and alfo the proceedings of a general court-martial, held at Canterbury, on the 29th day of the faid month, and on fubfequent days, for the trial of colonel N. Bayly, of the fame regiment; the charges against whom refpectively, together with the refpective fentences of the general court-martial, are hereunto annexed.

The king having taken the fame into his royal confideration, has commanded me to exprefs, that his majefty had for a confiderable time noticed, with concern, the diffenfions and animofities which have prevailed in the Weft Middlefex regiment.. of militia; and when at last his majesty had entertained hopes of those animofities having fubfided, has been much difappointed to find that fome latent fparks of refentment have kindled and burft forth afresh.

With regard to captain Galini, inaf much as it appears that he had not a premeditated intention of quarrelling with captain Bird at the time in queftion, but hafty and petulant words, reciprocally ufed, gave fudden rife to the challengehis majefty, adverting alfo to the recom mendation of the court-martial, is gracioufly pleased to overlook this inftance of misconduct, and to-remit the fentence. But his majefty expects that capt. Galini and capt. Bird do refpectively pledge their honour to the general officer commanding. his majefty's forces at Canterbury, that their mifunderstanding shall not have any further confequences.

As to colonel Bayly, whofe fuperior fituation of colonel of the regiment should naturally have led him to fet an example of moderation, his majefty laments that he should have suffered a gust of passion so far to have got the dominion over him, as to have given a blow to the major of the regiment, and his majesty cannot but think the offence aggravated by the time and the occafion on which it happened; namely, when the queftion between them was actually under the confideration of the arbitrators, to whom it had been referred with their mutual confent; but as the court-martial has thought that the matter may be adjusted, confiitent with the ho nour of both parties, by colonel Bayly's afking pardon of major Wood, in the manner prefcribed by the fentence, his majesty is graciously pleafed to affent to that measure, expecting that each of those officers do likewife pledge his honour the

the affair shall not have any further confequences.

His majefty has further commanded me to intimate, to the end that it may be announced to the officers of the faid regiment collectively, that if any officer fhall in future fuffer any quarrel or difpute to break in upon the peace and good order of the corps, his majefty will, however reluctantly, give orders for fuch officer being difplaced.

I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) CHARLES MORGAN. General fir Charles Grey, K. B. &c.


Yefterday, there was a meeting of the livery in London in common-hall, when the lord mayor informed them, That, in confequence of a requisition signed by 55 gentlemen of the livery, he had called the meeting; that he intended to take no part in the queftion himself, and affured the livery they might rely on his acting with the strictest and most upright juftice. Mr. Hanfon then moved as follows: That the reprefentatives of this city in parliament be inftructed to move, or fupport a motion in the houfe of commons, for cenfuring the minifters for having taken upon themselves to fend the money of the people of Great Britain to the emperor of Germany during the fitting of parliament, without the confent of parlia

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Copy of the letter tranfmitted to all the Admirals and Captains, whofe names were mentioned in the Gazette by Earl Howe, as having fignalized themselves in the action of the ft of June, 1794, accompanying the medal which has been prefented to them. My Lord, or Sir,

THE King having been pleafed to order a certain number of gold medals to be ftruck, in commemoration of the victory obtained by his majesty's fleet under the command of earl Howe over that of the enemy, in the actions of the 29th of May, and 1ft of June, 1794, I am comanded by his majefty to prefent to your

lordship one of the medals abovementioned, and to fignify his majesty's pleasure that you fhould wear it when in your uni form, in the manner described by the directions which (together with the medal and ribband belonging to it) I have the honour to tranfmit to you.

I am also commanded by his majesty to acquaint your lordship, that, had it been poffible for all the officers on whom his majefty is pleased to confer this mark of his approbation, to attend perfonally in London, his majefty would have prefented the medal to each of them in perfon; but that being, from various caufes, at this time impoffible, his majesty, in order to obviate all further delay, has therefore been pleafed to direct them to be forwarded in this manner.

Allow me to exprefs the great fatisfac tion I feel in being made the channel of communicating to your lordship fo diftinguished a mark of his majesty's approbation.

I have the honour to be, &c.

Admiralty, Nov. 39, 1796.

The admirals to wear the medal fuf pended by a ribband round their necks. The captains to wear the medal fufpended to a ribband, but faftened through the third and fourth button hole, on the left fide. The colour of the ribband blue and white.

The following article, on the praiseworthy fubject of a propofed voluntary contribution, appeared in one of the Bath papers of Friday laft.

Sir, Guildhall, Bath, Dec. 9. You will be fo good as to advertise in your paper the following proposals of subfcription. It would be a great prefumption in me, as a private individual, to addrefs the public on this occafion ; but fome perfon or other muft ftand forward, and, as firft magiftrate of this city, I hope it will not be confidered as improper or unbecoming in me to fet the example to my fellow-citizens, and other inhabitants, to prove themselves worthy the constitution they live under, by ufing every exertion for its defence and protection.

The fum I fubfcribe for the further profecution of the war, should it unhap"pily be found neceffary, I confider about a tenth part of what I am worth, and as given up to fecure the remainder, as well as to preferve the throne, our liberties, refigion, and laws.

I am, Sir, your's, &c. &c.
J. PALMER, Mayor

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