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After that, as a subject fo full of difficulties ought to be viewed in every poffible light, it might not be amifs to confider whether, fuppofing the caufe of an earthquake fituated in the earth, that cause may not be capable of affecting the atmosphere, in fuck a manner as to occafion those appearances in it which we find fo difficult to explain; or whether, if the cause be fuppofed to be feated in the atmos phere, certain tracts of country may not (from fome circumftances with which we are unacquainted) poffefs a peculiar difpofition to bring that caufe into action, by co operating with it.

I have ventured to propofe the confideration of thefe mixed caufes *, if I may fo term them, because I think it very certain that none of the theories hitherto formed refpecting earthquakes, are by any means adequate to explain their various phenomena. I leave it to future theorifts, should any adopt the principle, to determine which of the elements is concerned in a primary, and which in a fecondary way; alfo what share in the

attendant phænomena is to be affigned to each element.

In whatever light the fubject is viewed it feems to prefent fo many difficulties, that perhaps the best we can do is, to confider our knowledge refpecting earthquakes as confifting merely in a certain number of facts, to which many more must probably be added, before we fhall be able to understand the caufe of a phænomenon, whofe dreadful effects have, in all ages, been too well known in every quarter of the world. So frequent indeed are earthquakes in fome parts, that it is impoffible, without being fully fenfible of our happiness, to reflect on their comparative infrequency here; which is fuch as to give us every reafon to hope, that (whatever philofophy might gain by the extenfion of our knowledge on fo interefting a fubject) the island we inhabit will contribute but a small fhare of thofe materials which are still wanting to form a complete theory of earthquakes.

a farther proof that earthquakes either differ from each other, or appear to do fo to different perfons, I may add, that though I have endeavoured to fhow that the flowness with which earthquakes fometimes move is a strong argument against their being caused by electricity, yet Dr. Stukeley, the first promulgator of the electric theory, as one of his arguments in its favour, fays that, as far as he could learn, the earthquake of Sept. 30, 1750, was felt over its whole extent precifelv at the fame inftant. Beccaria alfo, whofe theory is an electric one (though very different from Dr. Stukeley's, inafmuch as he confiders the electric fluid within the earth to be the chief agent) lays great ftrefs, in fupport of his theory, upon the velocity with which, as he fays, earthquakes move.


*Dr. Hales' theory of earthquakes was founded upon a fort of mixed caufe: he fuppofed fulphureous vapours to arife from the earth, and to form clouds, the explofive lightning of which kindled the afcending vapours in the earth, and thereby caused what he calls an earth lightning; which lightning he confidered as the immediate cause of earthquakes. Yet, fo imperfect was the aerial chymistry of those days, that the experiment by which he illuftrates the operation of his fulphureous vapours, confists only in mixing together nitrous gas and common air, to fhow the red fumes, and diminution of bulk produced. If Dr. Hales had been acquainted with modern chymistry, he would undoubtedly, I think, have made inflammable gas the basis of his theory; and indeed, when it is confidered that there are great quantities of this gas in the earth, that it readily afcends into the atmosphere, and that, when inflamed, it is capable of producing the most violent effects, it appears to me that it has at least as much claim as the electric fluid, to be reckoned among the probable agents in earthquakes.

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N my last letter, I attempted to defcribe the peculiar features and confequences of bigotry; I now proceed to conclude the fubject with an enquiry, whether it be not poffible to adminifter a remedy for a diforder which is equally the opprobrium of literature, religion, and civilization. Bigotry is, indeed, nothing lefs than a fpecies of civilized favagenefs, if I may use the expreffion, or polite ferocity.

Some confiderations there are, which, if only attended to, may have an effect, at leaft, to foften the refentments of bigots.

The first confideration ought to be, that the wifeft of us are as falible as the weakest; that we are naturally prone to error, and that he who confides moft in his own ftrength and attainments, is frequently the foremost to run into errors and abfurdities. It may not be amifs, alfo, to confider, that there are very few opinions of mere human invention which have ftood the test of time; that the human mind is daily acquiring new light; that frequently the opinions which we efpoufed with warmth and eagerness when young, have been rejected by us, upon maturer experience, with contempt.

We are apt, especially in youth, to prejudge an opinion, and to with it to be true, before we know that it is fo. This may be owing, either to our taking a too fuperficial view of it, or to our having been deceived by the artful reprefentations of others. It is aftonishing how many people there are who content themselves with opinions at fecond-hand; who, in reading the works of a man who has a name in the world, are charmed with his flyle, perfuaded by his arguments, and fubscribe to his opinions, without giving themselves time to examine whether the foundations, upon which he has built fo fine a fuperftructure, are found,


The exclamation is, this is ing, beautiful, fublime;' but we feldom hear the queftion, Is this true ? Are thefe facts? Is there no exaggeration, no mifreprefentation? In this loofe way men borrow the opinions of others, and deal them out with warmth and obitinacy too great for oppofition. To be contradicted, is deemed an infult; and they are content to continue wrong, from a falfe flame, which prevents them from condefcending to be fet right.

A fecond remedy for bigotry would be to reflect, that, after all the pains we may have taken to enquire into the truth, after viewing the fubject in all its lights, and liftening to every argument pro and con, it is yet poffible that the conclufion we draw may be wrong. Whoever has attended to the difputes and controverfies which have raged in Europe, fince the revival of literature, will fee how greatly modesty becomes a man who delivers his opinions to pofterity, who has no more light and knowledge than the age he lives in happens to afford, and who cannot but know that, in the progrefs of the human mind, there is a continual preffing forward, and an improvement on what is paft. Befides, it is not only certain that the ableft men, after the faireft and fulleft enquiries, are liable to mistakes, but it is as certain that there are none of that defcription, who have not actually committed mistakes. One fingle inftance of this kind, it is but fair to fuppofe, ought to make a man diffident of his acquifitions, and cautious in his affertions. Happy would it be for controversy, if this were the cafe, if pride and refentment did not get the better of experience, and if men were difpofed to improvethe future by the past. It would also procure a more fubftantial gratification to vanity, than ever can arife from remaining obftinate; for the world is pretty generally agreed in venerating the character of a man who confefles, and liberally retracts his


Thefe, therefore, who perfift in a contrary conduct, muft derive their applaufe from themselves only, a fource neither very lasting, nor honourable. Having become thoroughly fenfible of our own fallibility, we fhall know how to make allowances for the failings of others. We shall think it even a duty to address them in the language of mildness and forbearance, and however forcibly we may perceive their error, and however abfurd it may appear to us, we shall not upbraid their ignorance, nor defpife their flow advances, but content ourselves with expreffing a hope that more mature deKiberation will impart to them that conviction which we once required ourfelves. Nor fhall we be irritated at their warmth, when we recollect that, fo opposed, we should, ourselves, have been once as violent and overbearing. Far lefs fhall we defcend to that lowest of all' fpecies of bigotry, the calling of names, and returning evil for evil. Antagonists of this defcription ought not to write; they ought not to pollute the schools of literature. Their proper weapon is the cudgel, and their proper place the bear-garden.

There will be no difficulty what ever in bearing with the failings of others, when we have learned that we ourfelves are fallible. This, therefore, is the first confideration in point of importance. Once attained, all the reft becomes eafy. The mind is quiet and tranquil, the temper moderate, and its fruits are meeknefs, gentleness, long-fuffering.'

Another cure for bigotry depends on the selection of our company. This requires a free conversation with men of different forts, and not confining our friendship and confidence to thofe of any party; but converfing freely with men of capacity and integrity in the feveral perfuafions among us. This would infallibly open and enlarge the mind, rescue us from abundance of prejudices, and difpofe us to enlarged and generous thoughts. Thofe who are confined to one fet of men, gene


rally come into the world with a stingy narrowness, and intemperate heat. To fuch, promifcuous converfation will be useful, by making them fee less reafon to lay great ftrefs upon fome things, in which perhaps they were right, and to be fenfible that other men had more to say for themselves, than they fuppofed, in things that may be wrong. I believe that much of the political bigotry which is prevalent at this time, arifes from clubs, into which none are admitted but who are of one opinion, and who agree brand each other with fome nickname, implying every thing that is bad. The affociations of men to fupport certain principles have appeared to me in a light, in which, perhaps, they are not generally viewed; and I mention it with diffidence. It appears to me as if they wished to fupport their principles by the tumultuous approbation of numbers, rather than by thofe cool arguments which are fooner investigated in the clofet than in the tavern. One evil certainly flows from them; when a man who has haftily adopted, that is, fubfcribed to fuch principles, becomes, on farther examination, doubtful of their foundnefs, he is apt to be branded by the opprobrious name of Apoftate, although his change of opinion be from real conviction, ⚫ from a conviction he has come honeftly by."

All obftinacy, however, is not to be cenfured. To remove any prejudice which may yet remain, when a judgment is deliberately formed, we are not obliged to alter or give it up, upon any other confideration than the clear evidence of a mistake. This, however, is not so much obftinacy, as a degree of conftancy and perfeverance, which becomes every man, not to part with the leaft truth, wherefoever he may have picked it up, without farther light; or even a probable truth, unlefs upon greater appearance of probability. What appears an important truth may bear hard upon others; it may fhame their conduct, and expofe their principles to con-

tempt, but it is not to be furrendered upon that account. It is in the nature of things, that truth will difgrace error, and that virtue will render vice odious. Nor should we blame thofe who are fond of displaying their opinions, as being difpofed to differ obtrufively with others. When a man thinks himself in the right, he is not to be censured, because he wishes to bring others over to the fame opinion. Let his means be fair, and his language gentle, and he will at leaft give no offence, if he make no converts.

To conclude, the only probable methods by which the warmth of bigotry may be leffened, are a conviction of our own weakness, and a temper confequently difpofed to bear with the errors of others. And it may not be unneceffary to reflect, that all fubjects of difpute are not of equal importance, and that no man's character is neceffarily involved in the dispute in which he takes a part, unless he chooses to be prefumptuous and over

bearing, to ftake his reputation upon his affertions, and to confider his enemies as completely vanquished by his prowess.

To look at the conduct of controverfial writers in general, one would think that the conteft was for victory, and not for truth; that all fubjects were of equal importance, and that the highest importance-that no more allowance was to be made for a man who differed on the quadrature of the circle, than for him who doubted of the being of a God; and that watering meadows and reforming parliaments had an equal claim on the irafcible paffions. While men thus think more of themselves than of their fubject, while pride ftifles charity, and the hope of conqueft is paramount to the wish to do good, religious, moral, and political controversy, must continue to lie under the reproaches which the vain and frivolous have ever caft upon them. I am, fir, &c.

[From the French. }

Tertion fuficient in cafes that re-
quire abfolute proof, resemble the man
who faid, I have the honour to af
fure you, that the world revolves round
the fun.'

HOSE who think their bare as

In great matters, men fhew themfelves as they would wish to appear; in little matters, as they are.

What is a philofopher? He is a man who opposes nature to law, reafon to custom, his confcience to opinion, and his judgment to error.

Inftead of punishing those perfons whose whims are infupportable in fociety, it would be better to punifh those who encourage them.

There are some men whofe object is to elevate themselves above others, at any expence. It is equal to them whether they appear at the suppers of a fcoundrel, in the theatre, or on the throne, or on the scaffold, provided they attract attention.

P. O.

The unhappiest day a man can spend, is that on which he has had no occafion to laugh at any thing.

In order to be philofophers, we should not despair at the afflicting dif coveries we often make in acquiring a knowledge of mankind. It is neceffary, in order to know them, to triumph over the displeasure they create, as an anatomist triumphs over nature, its organs and irregularities, that he may acquire fkill in his profeflion.

There is something in the value of men, like that of diamonds, which are estimated according to the groffnefs, purity, or perfection, and have a price fixed upon them, which is nothing after all if no one can be found to become a purchaser.

The mass of mankind give little credit to the purity of certain virtues and fentiments; and, in general, the mafs of mankind do not rife much above groveling ideas.

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Hope is a rogue, that is always cheating us. I never was happy till I had done with it.

In order to avoid fcoundrelifm, you must avoid fcoundrels; for if you don't become one in their company, the whole gang will throw ftones at you.

I know of no wisdom without fear. The Scripture fays, that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. I am fure the fear of man is fo.

Wicked men fometimes do good actions. It is an experiment. They are curious to know whether goodness be followed by thofe rewards which good people pretend.

Do you wish to know how far a man is made better or worfe by a particular ftate of fociety? You must go to thofe who have lived long in it; you must go to the old. Examine, for inftance, an old courte fan, an old prieft, an old lawyer, an old furgeon, &c.

Celebrity is the advantage of being known by thofe who do not know


Those who refer every thing to opinion, refemble certain comedians who play ill, to be applauded when the public tafte is bad. An honest man plays as well as he can, without thinking of the gallery.

There is a fort of pleafure attached to the courage which places us above the gifts of fortune.

I have often remarked that the firft motion of those, who have performed fome heroic action, who have given their minds to fome generous impreffion, who have faved the unfortunate, run fome great rifk, or procured fome great advantage, whether in the caufe of the public, or of individuals, I fay, I have often obferved that their firit motion was to refuse the recompenfe offered. This is found among the poorest and loweft claffes of people.

There are more fools than wife men, and in a wife man more folly

than wisdom.

When I hear any one fay that in

fenfible people are the happiest, it reminds me of the Indian proverb; it is better to fit than to ftand, and better to lie than to fit, but, in my mind, it is better to be dead than either.

The changes of fashions is the tax, which the induftry of the poor impofes on the vanity of the rich.

It is not a pleafant thing to reflect that the glory of many great men has been, that they have employed their whole lives in combating prejudices or follies, which engage our pity, and which, one would think, never ought to have entered into the head of man.

He who would have happiness too ftrictly connected with reason, who examines things too nicely, and cavils with his enjoyments, in purfuit of pure and delicate pleasure, will never poffefs any thing. He is like a man who cards his mattrafs until there is none of it'left, and he fleeps on the ground.

The world can never be known from books. That knowledge must be the refult of a thoufand delicate obfervations, which felf-love will not let us impart to any one, not even to our best friend. We are afraid to show ourselves bufied in little things, and yet little things are very important to the accomplishment of great matters.

We may confider the edifice of fociety, as an edifice compofed of different niches or compartments of greater or leffer fize. Places with all their rights and prerogatives for these different niches or compartments. They are durable, but men pass away. Thofe who fill them are for a time great or little, and fcarcely one is made for the place he is put `into. Behold that giant crouching and contracted in his niche; and that dwarf under a lofty arch. Rarely is the niche made for the ftatue.. Round the edifice is a great concourfe of men of all fizes, waiting for a vacancy which fome one expects to fill, and boasts of his birth and his pretenfions.

We give expenfive dinners to a fet.

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