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fcarce times, is fufficient for their fubfiftence. This,' continues Mr. Hearne, however odd it may appear, is but too true á defcription of the fituation of women in this country: it is at least so in appearance; for the women always carry the provifions, and it is more than p obable they help themfelves when the men are not prefent.' Page 55.

In his third excurfion to the Copper Mine River, Mr. Hearne met [April 18, 1771] with a tent of Northern Indians, on the north fide of Thelewey-aza River. From thefe Indians,' fays Mr. Hearne, Matonabbee purchafed another wife; fo that he had no less than feven, most of whom would for fize have made good grenadiers. He prided himfelf much in the height and ftrength of his wives, and would frequently fay, few women would carry or haul heavier loads; and, though they had, in general, a very mafculine appearance, yet he preferred them to thofe of a more deficate form and moderate ftature. In a country like this, where a partner in exceffive hard labour is the chief motive for the union, and the fofter endearments of a conjugal life are only confidered as a fecondary object, there feems to be great propriety in fuch a choice; but if all the men were of this way of thinking, what would become of the greater part of the women, who, in general, are but of low ftature, and many of them of a moft delicate make, though not of the exacteft proportion, or most beautiful mould Take them in a body, the women are as deftitute of real beauty as any nation I ever faw, though there are fome few of them, when young, who are tolerable; but the care of a family, added to their conftant hard labour, foon makes the most beautiful among them look old and wrinkled, even before they are thirty; and feveral of the more ordinary ones, at that age, are perfect antidotes to love and gallantry. This, however, does

not render them lefs dear and valua ble to their owners, which is a lucky circumftance for those women, and a certain proof, that there is no fuch thing as any rule or ftandard for beauty. Afk a Northern Indian, what is beau ty? He will anfwer, a broad flat face, fmall eyes, high cheek-bones, three or four broad black lines across each cheek, a low forehead, a large broad chin, a clumfy hook-nofe, a tawny hide, and breafts hanging down to the belt. Thofe beauties are greatly heightened, or at least rendered more valuable, when the poffeffor is capable of dreffing all kinds of kins, convert ing them into the different parts of their clothing, and able to carry eight or ten stone * in fummer, or haul much greater weight in winter. Thefe, and other fimilar accomplishments, are all that are fought after, or expected in a Northern Indian woman. As to their temper, it is of little confequence, for the men have a wonderful facility in making the most ftubborn comply with as much alacrity as could poffibly be expected from thofe of the mildeft and moft obliging turn of mind; fo that the only difference is, the one obeys through fear, and the other complies cheerfully from a willing mind; both knowing that what is commanded must be done. They are, in fact, all kept at a great dif tance; and the rank they hold in the opinion of the men cannot be better expreffed or explained, than by obferving the method of treating or ferv ing them at meals, which would ap pear very humiliating to an European woman, though cuftom makes it fit. light on thofe whofe lot it is to bear it. It is neceffary to obferve, that when the men kill any large beaft, the women are always fent to bring it to the tent. When it is brought there, every operation, fuch as fplitting, drying, pounding, &c. is performed by the women. When any thing is to be prepared for eating, it is the women that cook it; and when it is

The ftohe here meant is fourteen pounds.

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done, the wives and daughters of the greatest captains in the country are never ferved, till all the males, even those who are in the capacity of fervants, have eaten what they think proper; and, in times of fcarcity, it is frequently their lot to be left without a fingle morfel. It is, however, natural to think, they take the liberty of helping themselves in fecret; but this must be done with great prudence, as capital embezzlements of provifions, at fuch times are looked on as affairs of real confequence, and frequently fubject them to a very fevere beating. If they are practifed by a woman whose youth and inattention to domeftic concerns cannot plead in her favour, they will for ever be a blot in her character, and few men will choose to have her for a wife.'

Page 91.

A plurality of wives, Mr. Hearne thinks not to be furprising among thefe people, as it is fo well adapted to their fituation and manner of life. In my opinion,' fays he, no race of people under the fun have a greater occafion for fuch an indulgence. Their annual haunts, in queft of furs, are To remote from any European fettlement, as to render them the greatest travellers in the known world; and as they have neither horfe nor water carriage, every good hunter is under the neceffity of having feveral perfons to affift in carrying his furs to the company's fort, as well as carrying back the European goods which he receives in exchange for them. No perfons in this country are fo proper for this work as the women, becaufe they are inured to carry and haul heavy loads from their childhood, and to do all manner of drudgery; fo that those men who are capable of providing for three, four, five, fix, or more women, generally find them humble and faithful fervants, affectionate wives; and fond and indulgent mothers to their children. Though cuftom makes this way of life fit apparently eafy on the generality of the women, and though, in general, the

whole of their wants feems to be comprifed in food and clothing only, yet nature, at times, gets the better of cuttom, and the fpirit of jealousy makes its appearance among them: however, as the hufband is always arbitrator, he foon fettles the bufinefs, though perhaps not always to the entire fatisfaction of the parties.' Page 121.

Mr. Hearne flates, to the honour of the Northern Indian women, that they are the mildest and most virtucus women he had feen in any part of North America; although fome, he obferves, think this is more owing to habit, cuftom, and the fear of their husbands, than from inclination. It is undoubtedly well known,' he fays,

that none can manage a Northern Indian woman fo well as a Northern Indian man; and when any of them have been permitted to remain at the fort, they have, for the fake of gain, been eafily prevailed upon to deviate from that character; and a few have, by degrees, become as abandoned as the Southern Indians, who are remarkable, throughout all their tribes, for being the moft debauched wretches under the fun.'In general, however, the Northern Indian women are fo far being like the latter, that it is very uncommon to hear of their ever being guilty of incontinency. Page 128.

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It may appear ftrange, continues Mr. Hearne, that while I am extolling, the chastity of the Northern Indian women, I fhould acknowledge that it is a very common cufiom among the men of this country to exchange a night's lodging with each other's wives. But this is fo far from being confidered as an act that is criminal, that it is esteemed by them one of the ftrongest ties of friendship between two families; and, in cafe of the death of either man, the other confiders himfelf bound to fupport the children of the deceafed. Thofe peo ple are fo far from viewing this engagement as a mere ceremony, like most of our Christian godfathers and

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Mr. Hearne adds in a note:


godmothers, who (notwithstanding their vows are made in the most folemn of the Southern Indians, as well as manner, and in the presence of both, the Athapufcow and Neheaway tribes, God and man) fcarcely ever after- are entirely without fcruple in this ward remember what they have pro- refpect. It is notoriouly known, mised, that there is not an inftance of that many of them cohabit occafion a Northern Indian having once neg- ally with their own mothers, and freleted the duty he is fuppofed to have quently efpoufe their fifters and daughtaken upon himself to perform. The ters. I have known feveral of them Southern Indians, with all their bad who, after having lived in that ftate, qualities, are remarkably humane and for fome time, with their daughters, charitable to the widows and children have given them to their fons, and all of their departed friends; and as their parties been perfectly reconciled to fituation and manner of life enable it. them to do more acts of charity with lefs trouble than falls to the lot of a Northern Indian, few widows or chil-, dren are ever unprovided for among them."

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In fact, notwithstanding the fe verity of the climate, the licenticuf nefs of the inhabitants cannot be ex ceeded by any of the Eastern nations, whofe luxurious manner of life, and genial clime, feems more adapted to excite extraordinary paffions, than the fevere cold of the frigid Zone.

It is true, that few of thofe wha live under the immediate protection of the English, ever take their fifters or daughters for wives, which is proba bly owing to the fear of incurring their displeasure; but it is well known that acts of inceft too often take place among them, though, perhaps, not fo frequently as among the foreign In dians. Page 130.


In philofophy and religion, the bigots of all parties are generally the most pofitive.' WATTS.

To the Editor of the Univerfal Magazine.

Sir, AS S the following fentiments on bi- of opinions, which he ftands up for gotry, have no relation to one with more conceit and zeal than the party or fet of opinions more than to reafon and importance of them reanother, I hope they will not be un- quire. It is used by French writers acceptable in a mifcellany which pro- to fignify hypocrify and fuperftition, feffes impartiality; and I truft they a falie fhow of zeal, and fondnefs for will be found not ill calculated to fhow, little things. It commonly refpects what it is very neceffary to be ac matters of religion, efpecially the outquainted with, that there is a much ward circumftances and minuter ap greater fhare of bigotry in men's, pendages of it; and may indifferently minds than they are aware of. relate to what is right or wrong: an unreasonable and difproportionate zeal in a right way, partakes of the

Bigotry is an exceffive fondnefs for a man's own fentiments, or for any fet


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nature of this vice, as well as any lower degrees in a wrong. It is fometimes extended to other things befide religion. There is a bigotry in politics, in philofophy, and in common life; the former confifts of an adherence to peculiar opinions; the latter is an affectation of fingularity.

Bigotry feems always to involve in it partiality and violence; partiality to one's own way, with rigour and feyerity toward that of other men. It engenders a conceited temper, or a perfecuting fpirit. It fands oppofed to that generous freedom and enlargement of foul, which takes in the whole compafs of a cafe, and lies open to the evidence of truth, and to Christian charity, notwithstanding that other men may poffefs another turn of mind, and other apprehenfions of things. It is diftinguished from true zeal or earneft contending for truth, which is always according to knowledge, is meafured by the weight of things, and keeps within due bounds; while bigotry is a difproportionate concern to the weight of the matter, and to the prejudice of fome other truth.' Zeal is a ftaid and regular warmth, like the natural heat of the body; bigotry is preternatural and intemperate, like a faint and feverish heat.

Bigotry is often conftitutional, and arifes from an unhappy temper or make of mind; a narrownefs and littleness of foul, confined and limited in its views; or from a natural fury and fiery zeal, tranfporting men with paffion, and carrying them beyond reafonable bounds in whatever they efpoufe; or from pride and conceit of ourfelves, over-rating our understandings, and making them the measure of truth, and standard to other men; or from selfishnefs of mind, an over care for our own interefts, and unconcern and difregard for the welfare of others.

Sometimes bigotry proceeds from prejudices of education, or the tincture, we receive from the earliest impref fions. A fchool, or univerfity, the refpect of our teachers, or the first fet

of principles we happen to imbibe, often determine our belief, and fix our party for the reft of our lives. Sometimes, it may be traced to the converfation of others, efpecially of one fort of men. The wit and addrefs of those whom we esteem and admire, eafily infinuate and perfuade, and delight us like a charm. Men naturally run into the fentiments of thofe with whom they frequently converfe, without any opportunity of hearing the other fide, or ever feeing the thing in another light. This will be beft understood and illuftrated by certain inftances in matters of opinion and practice.

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In matters of mere opinion, we often fee men fo tenacious of their own apprehenfions, as to be impatient.of contradiction, or of hearing any thing that differs from their opinion. You kindle their paffion by the gen left breath of oppofition, and put them into a pofture of defiance at the firft appearance of an attack. If you once attempt to fhock their principles, or pretend to convince them of a mistake, they will break in upon all the rules of decency, and all the ties of friendship. They take it for an unpardonable rudeness and prefumption, to offer to fhow them that they are in the wrong or to endeavour to fet them right. Or they give a higher affent to the truth of a thing than they have proper evidence to fapport, and often reckon a thing certain upon doubtful proof, or upon arguments which, impartially weighed, appear at molt but probable. Sometimes they lay a greater, ftrefs upon a certain truth than it deferves, either confidered in itself, or compared with other truths. A bigot will commend and carefs a man who agrees with him in a favourite tenet, though he has fcarce one valuable quality that belongs to him; and overlook or depreciate the moft fhining excellence.. in thofe who happen to differ from him in a darling fentiment. What Hume in his hiftory fays of faction may be applied here, It is no wonder fay's that writer, that faction

is fo productive of vices of all kinds; for, belide that it inflames all the paffions, it tends much to remove thofe great reftraints, honour and fhame, when men find, that no iniquity can lofe them the applaufe of their own party, and no innocence fecure them against the calumnies of the oppofite.'

There is often, in bigotry, an inconfiftency of fentiments. Truth fome times breaks forth in generous principles, but when a favourite notion comes to be touched by it, they are ready to abandon the principle, or fritter it away into nothing. We fee men often laying down fuch principles in contending with one party, as they are ready to be ashamed of when they they are attacked by another, crying up a fet of principles at one time, and in one circumftance of things, which they are ready to diffemble and difown in another. Thofe grow fhy and filent, who were before open and clamorous, and are either afraid to own a truth, or ashamed to confefs a miftake.


This will farther appear, if we confider the matter in what relates to practice. Men obftinately adhere to their own way, without fufficient argument, and against reafonable evidence: They are fettled and fixed in their prefent opinion, and become proof against the ceareft light, and often irritated against the faireft me thods of convincing them. We fee how commonly men retain the principles of their forefathers, and tread the beaten road, notwithstanding strong prefumptions of being in the wrong. And we rarely find a man fo free and generous, as always to lie open to conviction, and dare to embrace a new truth, or rectify and difcard an old mistake.

A fervile adherence to other men's judgments, without ufing our own reafon, or thinking for ourfelves, is a very common, but very pernicious inftance of bigotry. Many give themfelves up blindfold to the conduct of others, and follow them right or wrong, supposing them to fee farther


than themfelves, and confequently to be more fit to judge, not confidering that it is his own account and not another's which a rational creature is to give. The fame of great and admired names has drawn in multitudes to the fame opinion, and difcouraged free enquiries even in the cafe of the moft plain and important inftances of truth. Such men fwallow opinions as filly people do the medicines of quacks, without knowing the ingredients, or how they will operate, or as foldiers follow their commander, without examining the cause for which they contend.

Men often read only one fide of a controverfy; magnify the wisdom and learning of their own writers, white they difparage thofe of the other fide, without making themfelves acquaint, ed with them. Of this inftances are rather too obvious to require us to fpecify them.

Bigotry is a weed which muft be rooted up, or it will quickly ruin all the good productions of the foil where it

grows. It will eat out the heart of religion, and the heart of the country too, if it be not timely checked and deftroyed. It is vicious in its whole nature, and in all its causes and confequences. It is unmanly, for men shut their eyes against the light, and follow others who are in the dark. They neglect the nobleft gift of God and the beft power of their nature, what is moft effential to a rational creature, to think for himself, and fee with his own eyes, and judge according to the best information he can get. It is ungenteel; for a bigot is always pofitive, and apt to be out of temper, rude and troublefome. Upon the principle of an obftinate adherence to a man's own fentiments right or wrong, it is impoffible to keep up mutual civility and decorum. One man has the fame right to infift as another, and upon this fuppofition, neither muft yield or give way.

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Nor is it lefs unchriftian; for 1 thing is more oppofite to the fpirit of Chriftianity, which is all kindness and goodness, infpiring the most generous

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