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written is a matter to be determined by the authorities of the schools where the series may be used. It is probably a correct opinion that written drill increases accuracy because it associates the motor nerve elements with the activity of the mind. At the same time, to hear good spellers (as in spelling-matches) no doubt assists those who find difficulty in this exercise. Of course, we seldom need to know the true spelling of a word save when we ourselves must write it.

The reviews in each of the higher books of this series contain not only words presented for the first time in the text, but also such words from the earlier books as have been found by experience most difficult for the pupils to learn and to retain.

Words printed in boldface are synonymous.

The International Dictionary has been followed as the standard of authority for syllabication, and the Century Dictionary for spelling.

In all language lessons, it is important to distinguish the division of words for syllabication from that for pronunciation. The syllabication of the Latin words has been presented in general accordance with the principles of English syllabication.

For a discussion of methods and devices of teaching spelling, see Spelling: Principles and Methods, by the editor. Good tests as to whether spelling is being well taught determine whether or not the pupils are learning to observe and to remember the spelling of new and of old and difficult words. The object of the spelling lesson is not only to learn certain assigned words, but equally to develop the power of attention to all words.

"Opportunity," by E. R. Sill, and the extract from the "Commemoration Ode," by J. R. Lowell, are used by permission of and by special arrangement with Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Company, the authorized publishers of Sill's and Lowell's works.

W. E. C.



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The cautious through fear guard against existing evils and dangers; the wary are suspicious and guard against deception and the artifices of designing men; the circumspect carefully weigh and deliberate in matters of immediate concern.



"Kindness is the substance of politeness. is neither obsequiousness nor arrogance in the nature of a true gentleman. A graceful behavior with both inferiors and superiors is always safe. Let not graceful self-possession descend into flippancy or impertinence. Gentleness is the force by which the tiny daffodil in spring raises and pierces the cloud." Smiles.

"The great man usually makes the opportunities that he appears to find."

To abate is to diminish in force or to destroy; to subside is to relapse into a quiet state.

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