409. Braids, plaits, laces, and willow sheets or squares, composed wholly of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, osier, or rattan, suitable for making or ornamenting hats, bonnets, or hoods, not bleached, dyed, colored or stained, fifteen per centum ad valorem; if bleached, dyed, colored or stained, twenty per centum ad valorem; hats, bonnets, and hoods, composed of straw, chip, grass, palm leaf, willow, osier, or rattan, whether wholly or partly manufactured, but not trimmed, thirtyfive per centum ad valorem; if trimmed, fifty per centum ad valorem. But the terms "grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances in their natural form and structure, and not the separated fiber thereof. 410. Brushes, brooms and feather dusters of all kinds, and hair pencils in quills or otherwise, forty per centum ad valorem." 411. Bristles, sorted, bunched or prepared, seven and one-half cents per pound. BUTTONS AND BUTTON FORMS: 412. Trousers buckles made wholly or partly of iron or steel, or parts thereof, valued at not more than fifteen cents per hundred, five cents per hundred; valued at more than fifteen cents per hundred and not more than fifty cents per hundred, ten cents per hundred; valued at more than fifty cents per hundred, fifteen cents per hundred; and in addition thereto on each and all of the above buckles or parts of buckles, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 413. Button forms: Lastings, mohair, cloth, silk, or other manufactures of cloth, woven or made in patterns of such size, shape, or form, or cut in such manner as to be fit for buttons exclusively, ten per centum ad valorem. 414. Buttons or parts of buttons and button molds or blanks, finished or unfinished, shall pay duty at the following rates, the line button measure being one-fortieth of one inch, namely: Buttons known commercially as agate buttons, metal trousers buttons, (except steel), and nickel bar buttons, one-twelfth of one cent per line per gross; buttons of bone, and steel trousers buttons, one-fourth of one cent per line per gross; buttons of pearl or shell, one and one-half cents per line per gross; buttons of horn, vegetable ivory, glass, or metal, not specially provided for in this Act, three-fourths of one cent per line per gross, and in addition thereto, on all the foregoing articles in this paragraph, fifteen per centum ad valorem; shoe buttons made of paper, board, papier mache, pulp or other similar material, not specially provided for in this Act, valued at not exceeding three cents per gross, one cent per gross; buttons not specially provided for in this Act, and all collar or cuff buttons and studs, fifty per centum ad valorem. 415. Coal, bituminous, and all coals containing less than ninety-two per centum of fixed carbon, and shale, sixty-seven cents per ton of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel; coal slack or culm, such as will pass through a half-inch screen, fifteen cents per ton of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel: Provided, That on all coal imported into the United States, which is afterwards used for fuel on board vessels propelled by steam and engaged in trade with foreign countries, or in trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States, and which are registered under the laws of the United States, a drawback shall be allowed equal to the duty imposed by law upon such coal, and shall be paid under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; coke, twenty per centum ad valorem. 416. Cork bark, cut into squares or cubes, eight cents per pound; manufactured corks over three-fourths of an inch in diameter measured at larger end, fifteen cents per pound; three-fourths of an inch and less in diameter, measured at larger end, twenty-five cents per pound; cork, artificial, or cork substitutes, manufactured from cork waste and not otherwise provided for, eight cents per pound. 417. Dice, draughts, chessmen, chess balls, and billiard, pool, and bagatelle balls, of ivory, bone, or other materials, fifty per centum ad valorem. 418. Dolls, doll heads, toy marbles of whatever materials composed, and all other toys not composed of rubber, china, porcelain, parian, bisque, earthen or stone ware, and not specially provided for in this Act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 419. Emery grains, and emery manufactured, ground, pulverized, or refined, one cent per pound; emery wheels, emery files, and manufactures of which emery is the component material of chief value, twentyfive per centum ad valorem. EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES: 420. Firecrackers of all kinds, eight cents per pound, the weight to include all coverings, wrappings, and packing material. 421. Fulminates, fulminating powders, and like articles, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem. 422. Gunpowder, and all explosive substances used for mining, blasting, artillery, or sporting purposes, when valued at twenty cents or less per pound, four cents per pound; valued above twenty cents per pound, six cents per pound. 423. Matches, friction or lucifer, of all descriptions, per gross of one hundred and forty-four boxes, containing not more than one hundred matches per box, eight cents per gross; when imported otherwise than in boxes containing not more than one hundred matches each, one cent per one thousand matches. 424. Percussion caps, thirty per centum ad valorem; cartridges, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; blasting caps, two dollars and thirty-six cents per one thousand caps. 425. Feathers and downs of all kinds, including bird skins or parts thereof with the feathers on, crude or not dressed, colored, or otherwise advanced or manufactured in any manner, not specially provided for in this Act, fifteen per centum ad valorem; when dressed, colored, or otherwise advanced or manufactured in any manner, including quilts of down and other manufactures of down, and also dressed and finished birds suitable for millinery ornaments, and artificial or ornamental feathers, fruits, grains, leaves, flowers, and stems or parts thereof, of whatever material composed, not specially provided for in this Act, fifty per centum ad valorem. 426. Furs, dressed on the skin but not made up into articles, and furs not on the skin, prepared for hatters' use, including fur skins carroted, twenty per centum ad valorem. 427. Fans of all kinds, except common palm-leaf fans, fifty per centum ad valorem. 428. Gun wads of all descriptions, twenty per centum ad valorem. 429. Hair, human, if clean or drawn but not manufactured, twenty per centum ad valorem. 430. Hair, curled, suitable for beds or mattresses, ten per centum ad valorem. 431. Haircloth, known as "crinoline" cloth, ten cents per square yard; haircloth, known as "hair seating," and hair press cloth, twenty cents per square yard. 432. Hats, bonnets, or hoods, for men's, women's, boys', or children's wear, trimmed or untrimmed, including bodies, hoods, plateaux, forms, or shapes, for hats or bonnets, composed wholly or in chief value of fur of the rabbit, beaver, or other animals, valued at not more than five dollars per dozen, two dollars per dozen; valued at more than five dollars per dozen and not more than ten dollars per dozen, three dollars per dozen; valued at more than ten dollars per dozen and not more than twenty dollars per dozen, five dollars per dozen; valued at more than twenty dollars per dozen, seven dollars per dozen; and in addition thereto on all the foregoing, twenty per centum ad valorem. 433. Indurated fiber ware and manufactures of wood or other pulp, and not otherwise specially provided for, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. JEWELRY AND PRECIOUS STONES: 434. Articles commonly known as jewelry, and parts thereof, finished or unfinished, not specially provided for in this Act, including precious stones set, pearls set or strung, and cameos in frames, sixty per centum ad valorem. 435. Diamonds and other precious stones advanced in condition or value from their natural state by cleaving, splitting, cutting, or other process, and not set, ten per centum ad valorem; imitations of diamonds or other precious stones, composed of glass or paste, not exceeding an inch in dimensions, not engraved, painted, or otherwise ornamented or decorated, and not mounted or set, twenty per centum ad valorem. 436. Pearls in their natural state, not strung or set, ten per centum ad valorem. LEATHER, AND MANUFACTURES OF: 437. Hides of cattle, raw or uncured, whether dry, salted, or pickled, fifteen per centum ad valorem: Provided, That upon all leather exported, made from imported hides, there shall be allowed a drawback equal to the amount of duty paid on such hides, to be paid under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. 438. Band or belting leather, sole leather, dressed upper and all other leather, calfskins tanned or tanned and dressed, kangaroo, sheep and goat skins (including lamb and kid skins) dressed and finished, chamois and other skins and bookbinders' calfskins, all the foregoing not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem; skins for morocco, tanned but unfinished, ten per centum ad valorem; patent, japanned, varnished or enameled leather, weighing not over ten pounds per dozen hides or skins, thirty cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; if weighing over ten pounds and not over twenty-five pounds per dozen, thirty cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; if weighing over twentyfive pounds per dozen, twenty cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; pianoforte leather and pianoforte action leather, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; leather shoe laces, finished or unfinished, fifty cents per gross pairs and twenty per centum ad valorem; boots and shoes made of leather, twenty-five per centum ad valorem: Provided, That leather cut into shoe uppers or vamps or other forms, suitable for conversion into manufactured articles, shall be classified as manufactures of leather and pay duty accordingly. Gloves 439. Gloves made wholly or in part of leather, whether wholly or partly manufactured, shall pay duty at the following rates, the lengths stated in each case being the extreme length when stretched to their full extent, namely: 440. Women's or children's "glace" finish, Schmaschen (of sheep origin), not over fourteen inches in length, one dollar and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; over fourteen inches and not over seventeen inches in length, two dollars and twentyfive cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, two dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" finish, Schmaschen (sheep), three dollars per dozen pairs. 441. Women's or children's "glace" finish, lamb or sheep, not over fourteen inches in length, two dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; over fourteen and not over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, four dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" finish, lamb or sheep, four dollars per dozen pairs. 442. Women's or children's "glace" finish, goat, kid, or other leather than of sheep origin, not over fourteen inches in length, three dollars per dozen pairs; over fourteen and not over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, four dollars and seventyfive cents per dozen pairs; men's "glace" finish, kid, goat, or other leather than of sheep origin, four dollars per dozen pairs. 443. Women's or children's, of sheep origin, with exterior grain surface removed, by whatever name known, not over seventeen inches in length, two dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and fifty cents per dozen pairs; men's, of sheep origin, with exterior surface removed, by whatever name known, four dollars per dozen pairs. 444. Women's or children's kid, goat, or other leather than of sheep origin, with exterior grain surface removed, by whatever name known, not over fourteen inches in length, three dollars per dozen pairs; over fourteen inches and not over seventeen inches in length, three dollars and seventy-five cents per dozen pairs; over seventeen inches in length, four dollars and seventyfive cents per dozen pairs; men's, goat, kid, or other leather than of sheep origin, with exterior grain surface removed, by whatever name known, four dollars per dozen pairs. 445. In addition to the foregoing rates there shall be paid the following cumulative duties: On all leather gloves, when lined, one dollar per dozen pairs; on all pique or prix seam gloves, forty cents per dozen pairs; on all gloves stitched or embroidered, with more than three single strands or cords, forty cents per dozen pairs. 446. Glove tranks, with or without the usual accompanying pieces, shall pay seventy-five per centum of the duty provided for the gloves in the fabrication of which they are suitable. 447. Harness, saddles and saddlery, or parts of either, in sets or in parts, finished or unfinished, forty-five per centum ad valorem. MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURES: 448. Manufactures of amber, asbestos, bladders, cork, catgut or whip gut or worm gut, or wax, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 449. Manufactures of bone, chip, grass, horn, india-rubber, palm leaf, straw, weeds, or whalebone, or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, thirty per centum ad valorem; but the terms "grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances in their natural form and structure, and not the separated fiber thereof. 450. Manufactures of leather, finished or unfinished, manufactures of fur, gelatin, gutta-percha, human hair, ivory, vegetable ivory, mother-of-pearl and shell, plaster of paris, papier mâché, and vulcanized india-rubber known, as "hard rubber," or of which these substances or either of them is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for in this Act, and shells engraved, cut, ornamented, or otherwise manufactured, thirtyfive per centum ad valorem. 451. Masks, composed of paper or pulp, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 452. Matting made of cocoa fiber or rattan, six cents per square yard; mats made of cocoa fiber or rattan, four cents per square foot. 453. Musical instruments or parts thereof, pianoforte actions and parts thereof, strings for musical instruments not otherwise enumerated, cases for musical instruments, pitch pipes, tuning forks, tuning hammers, and metronomes; strings for musical instruments, composed wholly or in part of steel or other metal, all the foregoing, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 454. Paintings in oil or water colors, pastels, pen and ink drawings, and statuary, not specially provided for in this Act, twenty per centum ad valorem; but the term "statuary" as used in this Act shall be understood to include only such statuary as is cut, carved, or otherwise wrought by hand from a solid block or mass of marble, stone, or alabaster, or from metal, and as is the professional production of a statuary or sculptor only. 455. Peat moss, one dollar per ton. 456. Pencils of paper or wood filled with lead or other material, and pencils of lead, forty-five cents per gross and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; slate pencils, covered with wood, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; all other slate pencils, three cents per one hundred. 457. Pencil leads not in wood, ten per centum ad valorem. 458. Photographic dry plates or films, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 459. Pipes and smokers' articles: Common tobacco pipes and pipe bowls made wholly of clay, valued at not more than forty cents per gross, fifteen cents per gross; other tobacco pipes and pipe bowls of clay, fifty cents per gross and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; other pipes and pipe bowls of whatever material composed, and all smokers articles whatsoever, not specially provided for in this Act, including cigarette books, cigarette book covers, pouches for smoking or chewing tobacco, and cigarette paper in all forms, sixty per centum ad valorem. |