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Hitchcock Military Academy

Located 18 miles from San Francisco

In the most healthful and most beautiful part of California where the climate is conducive to out-door life. School fully accredited. Highest rank accorded by U. S. War Department. High morals and strict attention demanded. Experienced instructors, Physical Culture, Track, Ballfield, Rifle range-just those things that make a boy manly. Separate room for each pupil. Juniors in separate building. Write for beautiful illustrated catalogue. Address REX N. SHERER, President, San Rafael, Calif.

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Has behind it the Experience, Tradi-
tions, and Ideals of fifty years.

Is a College Preparatory School with Military Drill and Discipline which have received the highest rating of the U. S. War Department (Honor School). Is a church school -not run for profit. In Grounds, Buildings, and Athletic Equipment is equalled by but few schools. Shattuck appeals to the boy and commands the respect of the parents. For catalogue and views, address C. W. Newhall, Headmaster, Box 440, Faribault, Minn.

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Old-fashioned home-life and modern intellectual advantages. Esteemed by
parents who value thorough work and wholesome pleasures for their daughters.
College certificate. Outdoor sports. Folk dancing and horseback riding.

Correspondence Schools

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The War has created unlimited opportunities for those who know Spanish, French, German or Italian, Better your position or increase your business. You can learn quickly and easily, at home, during spare moments, by the


And Rosenthal's Practical Linguistry You listen to the living voice of a native professor pronounce the foreign language, over and over, until you know it. Our records fit all talking machines. Write for Booklet, particulars of Free Trial. The Language-Phone Method, 978 Putnam Bldg., 2 W. 45th St., N. Y.

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Success in school advertising depends on the recognition of well-established principles. Simple as these principles are, their observance is absolutely necessary to satisfactory publicity.

Appropriate a certain amount of money for advertising. Figure this expenditure as you figure the salary of your best teacher-a service you cannot do without.

Plan your campaign. Make it adequate.

Make your copy comprehensive-plain and definite. Make it fit

your school. Let it be characteristic of you and your institution. Use some ome copy-though it be small-every month in the year. People do not choose a school in a day. The fact that their children will need one is present from the first, and thoughtful parents take time to decide such matters.

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What every boy needs, and what he has a right to demand, is the opportunity to develop the best that is in him. How to aid in this development is the anxious thought of every parent.

In the complex process of education of the boy the quality which more than every other makes for success is the quality of self-reliance. Until the boy acquires. this quality progress is both slow and painful. Without it there is no real joy in effort.

The development of a child is a thing of such absorbing interest that one is apt to lose the true perspective with relation to the child. The child himself is also apt to get an exaggerated notion of his importance by reason of his being the centre of family interest and attention. From this he must inevitably suffer when later he is subjected to the unbiased evaluation of other children. The importance of other children in any scheme of child education is often lost sight of.

The indulgence of the boy in the home, the desire to smooth away all rough places in his path and to lighten every burden for him, leaves him scant opportunity to develop independence of either thought or action. We insist upon doing his thinking for him. We fail to realize that only by the exercise of judgment and suffering the consequences of his mistakes will he acquire the ability to form correct judgments.

After six years' experience in camp-management it is my firm conviction that a well-organized and well-conducted vacation camp affords a boy the best opportunity for self-discovery. The indulgence of the home is wanting, and the boy is thrown largely upon his own resources. Not that he is in any sense neglected, for all necessary assistance is sympathetically given, but the


inclination to rely upon others, to look to them for suggestion and direction is discouraged. The result is that even very young boys quickly learn to love the feeling of independence which comes with thinking and acting for one's self. To many this feeling is wholly new.

Vacation camps are schools of the very best sort. Many fields of attractive effort are open, and under such conditions of freedom to choose the thing that pleases, no boy chooses to be idle. The stimulus of the desire to equal the accomplishment of some other boy is a spur to sustained effort that usually yields gratifying results, gratifying alike to the boy and to his parents.

To have friends one must be friendly, and every normal boy wants to have friends. Snobbery or anything that smacks of it is in camp a thing almost unknown, for it carries its own inevitable penalty of social isolation. The broad democracy of the camp is one of its charms. Leaders become such by their proved fitness to lead, and ability in any line of camp effort never fails of discovery. Such democracy is sure to develop the best that is in a boy, and as a result camp spirit is strong, and loyalty to camp is a cardinal virtue.

Though new and prized friendships are formed and new stores of energy are acquired, it seems to me this feeling of independence and self-reliance, or, as I have before called it, "self-discovery," is for many boys the best thing gained at camp.

What has been said of boys' camps is, if any difference, to a greater extent true of girls' camps. My experience covers both, and it is my belief that girls have even greater need than do boys for the free, out-of-door life of the camp.

Summer Camps

An Ideal Summer Camp for Boys on Lake Champlain. Waterproof tents. Two motor-boats. Rowboats, canoes, fishing, swimming, baseball, tennis. Short hikes and trips to points of interest. Tutoring. References required. Booklet from

Wm. H. Brown, 311 West 83rd Street, New York City.


Eleventh season. Land and water sports. Horseback riding,
tutoring; experienced counselors. Illustrated booklet.
Miss Pond, Miss Weiser, 324 Mt. Prospect Ave., Newark, N. J.

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(Camp advertising continued on following pages)

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In charge of the famous scout himself. On shore of beautiful
Pennsylvania mountain lake. Dan Beard will help you make a
real American of your boy. Make muscle, mind, morals, man-
hood. Address Winter Quarters, 91 Bowne Ave., Flushing, L. I.


William W. Clendenin, 120 Vista Place, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.



Ideal Camp for Mental and Physical Improvement of girls. Bungalow and
tents. Nature study, woodcraft, manual training, swimming, boating, fish-
ing, horseback riding, tennis under direction and chaperonage. Exclusive.
Price includes all expenses. Booklet from
Wm. H. Brown, 311 West 83rd Street, New York City.



French Camp for girls. Salt water swimming, canoeing, golf, tennis, horseback riding, basket ball, music, tutoring, etc. Address Miss Wimberly, Secretary, 57 East 74th Street, New York City.


15th Season. On beautiful Lake Cobbossee-Contee, under fragrant Maine pines. Give your boy a chance to enjoy wholesome outdoor sports under ideal conditions, where his natural manly instincts will develop into firm character under the supervision of leading college men as councillors. Best equipped, healthiest and most popular Camp in America; refined surroundings and influences. Write today for interesting booklet and full information. R. L. MARSANS, Director, Shandaken Institute, Shandaken, New York. H. R. MOONEY, Advisory Director.


Lobstering, deep-sea fishing, clambakes, and ALL the land sports of the usual camps. Seven-day hike from Portland over Mt. Washington. Trip down the St. Lawrence River, visiting Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands. Saguenay River, shooting the Rapids, and visiting Montreal and Quebec. This trip is made on foot, and by auto, boat, and by train, sleeping outside and traveling on the Canadian side. Membership limited to twenty boys, none under thirteen. Rates $250; absolutely no extras. 1 hr. military drill daily. For booklet and copies of camp paper, address, Edgar P. Paulsen, Principal, U. S. M. A., Children's School, West Point, N. Y.

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