Imágenes de páginas


mon a meeting of the corporation, unless required thereto, in writing, by Further pro- three of the members: And provided also, That he cause notice of the time and place of the said meeting to be given, in one or more of the public newspapers printed in the city of New-York, at least three days before such meeting; and that every member of the corporation resident in the city, shall be previously advertised, in writing, of the time and place of every such meeting.

To grant lite. rary honors

$7. And be it further enacted, That the said trustees and their and diplomas. successors shall have power and authority to grant all such literary honors and degrees, as are usually granted by any university, college or seminary of learning, in this state or in the United States, and in testimony of such grant to give suitable diplomas, under their seal and the signatures of the president, and such professors or tutors of the college as they shall judge expedient; which diplomas shall entitle the possessors respectively to all the immunities and privileges which, either by usage or statute, are allowed to possessors of similar diplomas, from any university, college or seminary of learning. To make by $8. And be it further enacted, That the said trustees and their successors shall have full power and authority to make all ordinances and by-laws, which to them shall seem expedient, for carrying into effect the designs of their institution: Provided always, That such ordinances or by-laws shall not make the religious tenets of any person a condition of admission to any privilege or office in the said college, nor be inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state, nor with the constitution and laws of the United States.



estate confir

and power to

Their former 9. And be it further enacted, That all the real and personal estate med to them, whatsoever and wheresoever, which were formerly vested in the gosell same, &c. Vernors of the college of the province of New-York, in the city of New-York, in America, or in the trustees of Columbia college, in the city of New-York, be and the same is hereby confirmed to and vested in the said trustees of Columbia college, in the city of NewYork, and their successors forever, for the sole use and benefit of the said college; and that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said trustees and their successors, to grant, bargain, sell, demise, improve and dispose of the same, as to them shall seem meet: Provided always, That the lands given and granted to the governors of the college of the province of New-York, in the city of New-York, in America, by the corporation heretofore styled "the rector and inhabitants of the city of New-York, in communion of the church of England, as by law established," on part whereof said college is erected, shall not be granted for any greater term of time than sixty-three years.


A certain grant to Un

$10. And be it further enacted, That the agreement made beon college by tween the trustees of Union College, in the city of Schenectady, and tha Schnee the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city, relative to the tady corpora tion confirm purchase or exchange of certain real estate lying within the bounds


Certain monies granted to Union col

of the said city, be and the same is hereby confirmed and declared valid in law, to every intent and purpose therein expressed and declared, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

S 11. And be it further enacted, That the sum of thirty-five thouJege, how sand dollars, heretofore paid to the trustees of the said college out of appropriated. the avails of certain lotteries, shall be and remain at interest, payable

vested and

annually, on approved landed security, or shall be invested in public stock, in such manner as the trustees of the said college, from time to time, by and with the consent, in writing, of the person administering the government of this state, or the chancellor thereof, shall direct and prescribe; and the annual income of such sum shall forever hereafter be solely and exclusively applied for the support of such professorships as are or may be instituted in the said college; and that it shall not be lawful for the said trustees or their successors, at any time hereafter, to lessen the said principal sum of thirty-five thousand dollars, or to appropriate the same, or any part thereof, to or for any use or purpose whatsoever; and the said trustees shall annually exhibit to the legislature a just, true and circumstantial account of their proceedings in relation to the disposition and application of the interest that shall accrue from the said principal sum of thirtyfive thousand dollars, and how the said principal sum is invested, or to whom, and on what security, placed at interest.

monies also

$12. And be it further enacted, That thirty-five thousand dol- Certain other lars, also paid, or to be paid, to the trustees, out of the avails of cer- vested and tain lotteries, shall be applied towards the erection of such additional appropriated. edifices for the accommodation of the students in the said college, as they shall deem proper; and ten thousand dollars, also paid, or to be paid, the said trustees, out of the avails of certain lotteries, shall be invested or put out at interest, in the manner declared in the preceding section, one half of the income whereof to be laid out by the said trustees in establishing and maintaining forever a classical library, from which library all the students in the seminary shall be furnished with the books which they are required to study, subject to such regulations as the board of trustees shall prescribe, paying for the use of the same one dollar and fifty cents per quarter: And fur- As to indither, All indigent students, who shall make it appear to the faculty gent students. of the college that they are embarrassed for the want of pecuniary resources, shall, during good behavior, be furnished, free of expense, with the books necessary for pursuing their education: And further, The remaining half of the income of the said ten thousand dollars shall forever be appropriated towards defraying the expenses of such indigent scholars as may be, from time to time, pursuing their educa tion in said seminary.

13. And be it further enacted, That the number of trustees of Number of said college shall not exceed twenty-one in number, and of that num-trustees de ber the chancellor, the justices of the supreme court, the secretary of mited. state, the comptroller, the treasurer, the attorney-general and the surveyor-general for the time being, shall respectively be ex-officio trustees of said college: And further, The regents of the university are Vacancies authorised to fill all vacancies of the said trustees, from time to time how filled. to take place, but nothing herein contained shall prevent the present trustees from holding and enjoying their said trust.

grants and

ion collego

$14. And be it further enacted, That the grants of funds and Certain land heretofore made to the said college by the people of this state be funds to Unand hereby is confirmed, but all former responsibilities and engage-confirmed. ments of the said college to the people of this state, by reason of any monies borrowed or advanced, shall be and remain in like manner as if this act had not been passed.

Gaming, &c.

in the first &

dy prohibited

to the stu

dents, and how.

$15. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for second wards any person to entice the students of the Union College, or of the gramof Schenecta mar-school belonging to the same, into the vice of gaming, by keeping within the first and second wards of the city of Schenectady, any billiard-table or other instrument or device for the purpose of gaming; and that if any person shall keep any billiard-table or other instrument or device for gaming within the aforesaid first and second wards of the city of Schenectady, or shall entice or permit any student of Union College, or of the grammar-school belonging to the same, to game or play at the said billiard-table or other instrument or device aforesaid, or shall entice or permit them, or any of them, to enter the place where the same is kept, every person so offending shall forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars for every such offence, to be recovered in an action of debt in any court having cognizance thereof, the one moiety to the use of the people of this state, and the other to the benefit of such person as shall prosecute therefor.


Duty of sheriffs, &c. at ment, &c.

$ 16. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county, together with the constables of the said city of Schenectady, to attend the annual commencement and the public exhibitions of the said Union College, to preserve peace and good or der, and prevent any unlawful assemblage and tumult about the same.

An act to amend the act, entitled "An act relative to the University." Passed April 17, 1815. Chap. 207, p. 208. WHEREAS the regents of the university, in their report to the legislature, have suggested an amendment of the law in respect to their meetings, and the same appearing to be reasonable: Therefore,

$1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That if any regent, (except such as reside in the city of New-York,) shall not attend at least once at any of the meetings of the regents to be held during any session of the legislature, when by law they are required to meet, without some just cause satisfactory to the board of regents, such non-attendance shall be deemed a resignation of their seats, and it shall be the duty of the regents to report to the legislature, from time to time, the names of the members whose seats shall thus become vacant, to the end that the same may be supplied.

An act for the further support and extension of common schools in the city of New-York. Passed April 25, 1829. Chap. 265, p. 397.

$1. The corporation of the city of New-York, are hereby authoris ed in addition to the amount now required to be raised for the support of schools in the said city, annually to raise and collect by tax upon the inhabitants thereof, a sum of money equal to one-eightieth of one per cent. of the value of the real and personal property in the said city, or liable to be assessed therein, to be applied exclusively to the purposes of common schools in the said city.

S2. The several sections of the seventh Article of Title second of Chapter fifteenth of Part First of the Revised Statutes, on the sub

ject of public instruction, from the one hundred and seventeenth section, to the one hundred and twenty-seventh section, both inclusive, so far as the same may be applicable, shall be deemed to apply as well to the monies by this act authorised to be levied, as to the monies in the said Article referred to.

An act to provide for the apportionment of school money, in the city of Schenectady. Passed April 30, 1829. Chap. 324, p. 484. $1. The amount of monies allowed to the city of Schenectady, by Apportion the superintendent of common schools, shall be apportioned by the mont. treasurer of the county of Schenectady, between the Schenectady Lancaster school society, and such common school districts and parts of districts as now are or hereafter may be organized without the bounds of the compact part of the city of Schenectady, called the police; and in a ratio proportioned to the number of children over the age of five and under sixteen years within such compact part, and the number of such children in such districts and parts of districts respectively, without such compact part.

Duty of coun

$2. The treasurer of the county of Schenectady, shall pay the amount thus apportioned to the Schenectady Lancaster school society, ty treasurer. to its treasurer, for the use of said society, and the amount thus apportioned to such school districts and parts of districts, to the commissioners of common schools for the several wards of the city of Schenectady.


3. The commissioners of common schools for the several wards of school of the said city, shall distribute and pay to the trustees of such school commissiondistricts and parts of districts, the amount so received by them from the county treasury, in proportion to the number of children residing in each, over the age of five and under that of sixteen years, as the same shall have appeared from the last annual report of their respective trustees.

54. The assessors of the several wards of the city of Schenectady, of assessore. shall every year in their respective wards, take a census of the children between the ages of five and sixteen years, residing within the compact part of said city, and shall between the first day of May and the first day of October, in each year, make and transmit a report of the same to the clerk of the county of Schenectady.

$5. The reports required by law to be made by the trustees of the school trus common school districts and parts of districts, without the bounds of tees. the compact part of the city of Schenectady, to the commissioners of common schools, for the several wards of the said city, shall be verified by the affidavit of the said trustees.

ney collected

$ 6. The monies received by the treasurer of the county of Sche- Apportionnectady, from taxes collected in said city, under the laws relative to ment of mo common schools, shall be apportioned by him between such common by tax. school districts and parts of districts, without the bounds of the compact part of said city, and the Schenectady Lancaster school society, in the ratio proportioned to the amount of the assessments of the real and personal estates of the taxable inhabitants residing in such districts and parts of districts, and the assessments of all real estate situ

[blocks in formation]

Laucaster school.

Abstracts of





in laying out

lands for the

support of the gospel and schools.

ate therein and owned by persons residing out of such districts and parts of districts, and the amounts of the assessments of the real and personal estates of all the taxable inhabitants of the city, after deducting thereout the aggregate of the assessments last mentioned.

$7. The treasurer of the county of Schenectady shall pay the amount apportioned by virtue of the last preceding sections to the Schenectady Lancaster school society, to its treasurer, for the use of said society, and the amount apportioned under said sections to such school districts and parts of districts, to the commissioners of common schools for the several wards of said city, which amount so paid to the said commissioners, shall be distributed and paid by them in the manner provided in the third section of this act.

$ 8. To enable the treasurer of said county to make the apportionment required by the sixth section of this act, the assessors of the several wards of the city of Schenectady shall annually, within the time limited in the fourth section of this act, for taking the census therein mentioned, make out and deliver to the treasurer of said county, an abstract from the assessment rolls of their respective wards, containing the names, and the amounts of the assessments, of the real and personal estates of each of the taxable inhabitants residing in the said school districts or parts of districts, together with the amount of the assessments of all real estate situate therein, and owned by persons residing out of such districts or parts of districts.

$9. The fifth, sixth, seventh and ninth sections of the act, entitled "An act relative to the city of Schenectady," passed April 21st, 1828, are hereby repealed.

Acts relating to the lots reserved for the support of the Gospel and Schools.

An act for the sale and disposition of lands belonging to the people of this state. Passed 25th February, 1789.1

$ 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That neral's duty in every township so laid out or to be laid out as aforesaid, the surveyor-general shall mark one lot on the map, gospel, and one other lot schools; which lots shall be as nearly central in every township as may be, and the lots so marked shall not be sold, but the lots so marked gospel, shall be reserved for and applied to supporting the gospel in such township, and the lot marked schools, for the use of schools in such township.


and two com

An act relative to the lots of land reserved for the support of the gospel and schools, in the counties of Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca. Passed April 4, 1807. Sess. 30, Chap. 135.2

S1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, remissioners to presented in Senate and Assembly, That the supervisors and two commissioners, from time to time to be chosen by the towns in which (1) K. & R. v. 2, 254. (2) W. v. 5, 152.

lease lots.

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