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ray of immortality and everlasting life, dawning from the blessed Gospel. But how is this salvation to be obtained? The same scripture that reveals it, reveals also the way in which any of the sinful race of man may become possessed of it, and the evidences and effects it produces. God's everlasting love to ruined man, was the origin of salvation; Christ's incarnation, obedience, sufferings, and death, are the meritorious cause. The application of it (by which we become actual partakers of the benefit,) is by the gracious Spirit's holy influences on our hearts, working in us those dispositions which are necessary to our receiving the truth. These are, deep sorrow for sin, hatred against it, and a determined forsaking of it; together with a humble believing dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour, as he is freely offered in the Gospel; a hearty acceptance of him as our Saviour; and willingness to be saved by him in his own way, a way of humility, self-denial, faith, and holiness. Add to these great truths of revelation, (the being and dominion of God, the state of man as a sinner before him, and the method of salvation by Jesus Christ,) a fourth, which gives importance and energy to all the rest, viz. That God Almighty "has appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained;" even the God-Man Christ Jesus. That same Jesus who took on him our mortal flesh, and lived and bled to take away our guilt, and rose triumphant from the grave, and ascended to the highest throne in glory, shall thence return on the clouds of heaven, "with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God," attended by myriads of angels, and shall call every individual of the human race from the darkest recesses of earth and sea, to assemble round his dread tribunal, and hear from his unerring lips, the sentence that shall irrevocably fix their doom in unutterable bliss or agonizing torments; a sentence founded on the character sustained on earth, according to the deeds done in the body, whether they were good or evil. These, my brethren, are the leading topics of our ministry; to one or other of these grand truths all our addresses have a direct or remote reference now say, are they, or are they not, worthy of your serious consideration? Consider, are these matters true? Try if you can prove that they are false, that you may no longer be harassed with any uncertainty about them, but may eat and drink, (since to-morrow you die,) and enjoy your mirth and wine, undisturbed by one intruding suggestion"What if there should be an hereafter? what if for all these things God should bring thee into judgment?" But I can scarcely suppose there is one in the presence of God disposed to deny these truths; then consider whether they are important; consider what salvation is; consider what is the conse quence of dying in a state of enmity with God; what it is to have an omnipotent arm inflicting everlasting vengeance; consider how tenfold will be the guilt and condemnation of those who have heard the news of mercy only to despise and reject, to crucify the Son of

God afresh, and pour contempt upon the Spirit of grace; consider how you can stand before God in judgment, or whether there is any possible way of escaping from it; consider what will be the consequence of being acquitted or condemned; think whether it is worth while to sell your souls and everlasting bliss, for worldly gains or sinful pleasures. Consider, again, whether what you hear is scriptural. We are far, very far from wishing you to take it for granted that all we say must be true; it is our earnest desire to speak according to the oracles of God; and it is your duty (a duty which we most earnestly and affectionately entreat you will fulfil) to search the Scriptures daily whether these things are so. Consider whether they are as certain, as interesting, and as important as we represent them to be; and if so, whether you receive and act upon them accordingly; whether, seeing the Lord is your maker and constant benefactor, you are endeavouring to fulfil the duties you owe him, of love, gratitude, and obedience. Allowing yourselves to be sinners against God, have you ever been humbled and alarmed on this account? have you ever cried out, with feeling anxiety, “Oh, wretched man that that I am! who shall deliver me? What shall I do to be saved?" has the news of salvation been sweet, and the Saviour precious in your esteem, as he is to all them that believe? Expecting the Lord Jesus to come again and judge the world, is it your chief concern that you may be then found of him in peace, without spot and blameless, and stand accepted, not having your own righteousness, but the righteousness of Christ which is by faith? Thus it is the duty of every hearer of the gospel to consider and apply what he hears." [pp. 3-8.]

With such a sample of Mr. Hewlett's manner, we need only mention a few of the subjects, in order to give our readers a general idea of the character of the volume: Christ, the object of supreme regard, the Saviour's legacy,-Christ crucified,-Nature and advantages of acquaintance with God-the important inquiry,-the consistent Christian, the refuge in trouble, the Christian pilgrimage, call to early piety,-consolation under spiritual darkness,-pious youth commended to the blessing of God,--the pastor's valedictory address.

As an instance of the author's deeply pious and affectionate manner, we quote the introduction to the last sermon in the volume. It was delivered on the first Sabbath in the year 1819, and proved the last New Year's address his people were to hear from their pastor's lips,-the text is, "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all."

"This is the apostolical benediction which closes the book o God. The words that immediately precede it employed our medi

tations on the last Sabbath. We anticipated the Saviour's promised return, and described the dispositions necessary to our meeting him with composure, confidence, and joy. And now, brethren, on this day that commences the sabbaths of another year-this Sabbath that opens the fifteenth year of my ministerial labours among you; anxious for the success of the past, and uncertain as to the continuance of the future; not knowing whether your minister may be spared to preach, or you to hear at his mouth the words of eternal life; what language can more suitably express the new year's wish of ministerial affection on your behalf, than that with which the inspired apostle closes the canon of divine revelation? Brethren, from my heart and soul I wish you a happy new year! but I dare not wish it you in the enjoyment of life, health, wealth, honour, or domestic happiness; for man is blind, and, asking for temporal good, would often ask amiss: these things if, and as the Lord will. Your times are in his hand, and may you ever be well satisfied to leave them there. But without any limitation or restriction, I wish and pray that through this new year, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ may be with you all; for this will sanctify and sweeten all; then all will be right and well, whether life or death, sickness or health, comfort or affliction, honour or contempt, poverty or abundance. This will prepare you for all, enable you to do your duty under all, and at last bring you out of all into everlasting glory. Therefore receive your pastor's affectionate wish and ardent prayer, "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." [pp. 417, 418.]

We cordially recommend these sermons as evangelical, judicious, simple and perspicuous in their style,—and well calculated for village reading, and the purposes of domestic instruction. We should have been gratified, if, in addition to the portrait, a brief account of the excellent author had been prefixed to the volume. We should like to know something of a life that was so laboriously devoted to the glory of God, and honoured to be so eminently


The little tract on Confirmation is calculated to be of service to those who receive that rite, especially to remove from their minds any false and superstitious notions of its supposed spiritual virtue.

"Never forget," says Mr. Hewlett," that if you are made new creatures and Christians, you were made so by the blessed God himself; you were not born in that state, your baptism did not make you so, &c." We perfectly coincide with this sentiment, but at the same time are at a loss how to reconcile it with the following answer to the question in the catechism of the Established Church," Who

gave you that name?"-Answer, "My godfathers and godmothers in my baptism, wherein I was made a member of Christ, a child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of


LORENZO; or, The Tale of Redemption. By J. Roby. Third Edition, 8vo. pp. 90. London, 1821. Westley.

UNFORESEEN circumstances, unnecessary to lay before our readers, have hitherto prevented our notice of this poem, until a third edition, rather unceremoniously, stared us in the face; reminding us somewhat peremptorily of our duty, and giving at the same time, rather a broad hint at our remissness, unavoidable as it was, in not sooner bringing forward, for the gratification of our friends, a work which ought to be known and read, and of which, we should feel happy if another edition were the consequence, and a very welcome apology to the author for our seeming neglect.In other words, we hope our late notice will serve to direct the public attention again to his poem, and prevent its wellwrought pages from sinking to the tomb of all the Capulets. Indeed it would be a bitter reproach to the literary world, if, whilst the luxurious effusions of our more favoured poets, or the troublesome suffusions of our Cockney bardlings, are each occupying a place in the records of the day, and in the thoughts and creations of cotemporary intellect; a poem of far superior interest, whose imports bear on everfasting things, should slip unnoticed from the gaze of a capricious world, or should be checked in its growth by the rank luxurance of weeds, poisonous and unseemly, which, alas, flourish but too proudly in our literary domains.

Far be it from us, to recommend any given quantity of syllables made up into lines of recurring uniformity, merely on account of the importance of the subject, or the religious sentiments they contain; on the contrary, we would most strenuously discourage the youth of the present era of widely diffused knowledge, from all attempts, however wellmeaning, which only serve to bring true piety into contempt, and injure the cause they wish to promote.

In this poem, we confess ourselves to have been as highly pleased with the execution, as with the object and design. The tale is simple, and exceedingly well told. The characters are well grouped; the circumstances and situations interesting; and the incidents pleasingly developed.

The first portion which fastened more particularly on our attention, was the following "Song" as it is called, though Elegy we would suggest as a more appropriate term, to the memory of a youth, who acts a conspicuous part in the events which the poem unfolds. We hope our readers will pardon us for giving it entire, as any abridgment would be doing great injustice to the author.

Hark! on that sigh a soul hath risen to rest,

Sweet was the smile that bid it burst to life;
A heaven-born beam illum'd his dying breast,
And gently still'd its last convulsive strife:
Calm was the setting of that summer sun,
And round its throne still glory bursts on high;
Tho' sunk awhile, not yet its race is run,
It decks another, and a brighter sky;

Still round those lips a smile celestial plays,
Sweet presage of the soul's unchanging lot;
Each weeping friend awhile may sadly gaze
Till grief amid the memory be forgot.

A holy triumph sits around his brow,

Calm seems that cheek, as if'twere bliss to die!
But where is fled the soul's expression now,
Where the deep lustre of that liquid eye?

"Tis clos'd on earth, to joy, or pain, or woe,
Yet not fór aye it sleeps in death's dark night,
Again 'twill in seraphic rapture glow,

Again 'twill rise, and kindle into light!

Attend, ye sons of wealth, and pomp, and power,
Gaze on that form, and mark its heavenly mien,
Your gayest looks in pleasure's brightest hour,
Ne'er wore one feature of that bliss serene:

Your pleasure is but as the light'ning's glare
Thro' jarring clouds of elemental woe,
A transient gleam athwart the dusky air,
That wraps in deeper gloom the world below!

"Twas his, the settled sunshine of the soul,

That ever cheer'd the scene so mild and fair,
O'er that clear sky perchance a cloud might roll,
But still the sun of life and light was there:

His glorious deeds no future tongue may tell,
And history's page may ne'er record his name;
What though no loud achievement e'er shall swell
The brazen trumpet of unhallow'd fame,

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