Imágenes de páginas

Cardinal) John Henry Newman in the celebrated Tracts| ABBOTT, LYMAN, D. D., was born Dec. 18, 1835, in for the Times. He charged the author with introducing Roxbury, Mass., the third son of Rev. Jacob Abbott. rationalistic principles into religion and approaching So- He received a thorough collegiate education at New York cinianism. But the popularity of the series was unabated, University, graduating in 1853. Subsequently, down to and while thousands of copies were sold in the United 1860, he studied and practised law with his elder brothers, States, numerous editions were issued in England. Benjamin, Vaughan, and Austin, under the firm-name of Mr. Abbott was ordained Sept. 18, 1834, as an evan- Abbott Brothers. They published several legal works: gelist, and ministered to the Eliot Church, which he Admiralty Reports, 1 vol.; New York Practice Reports; had organized in Roxbury, Mass., but about a year Forms of Pleading under the New York Code; an edition later gave up his charge to his brother, John S. C., of Sedgwick on Damages, with notes; contributed a seand devoted himself chiefly to authorship, especially of ries of articles to various law and commercial magazines; works for the young. In 1834 he had commenced and together, under the nom-de-plume "Benauly,' "The Rollo Books," and when he removed to Farm- published the novel Conecut Corners, advocating the ington, Me., in 1839, he continued writing these and prohibitory temperance laws. Lyman later withdrew others of a similar character until 1843, when he made from the firm, and after studying theology with his his first visit to Europe. On his return he joined with uncle, the Rev. John S. C. Abbott, accepted a minishis brothers Gorham and Charles in establishing a terial charge over the Congregational Church of Terre school for young ladies in New York. In 1845 a school Haute, Ind., in 1860. He remained here five years, for boys was added, of which he was principal for five and in 1865 became associated with the American years, but in 1851 he relinquished teaching for author- Freedmen's Union Commission as its general secreship. He still resided in New York, but made several tary, in which service he continued for three years. voyages to Europe and frequent visits to Farmington. In 1866 he received and accepted a call to the New In 1870 he made the latter place his residence, and England Congregational Church in New York City, and died there, Oct. 31, 1879. He was the sole author of remained there for three years, resigning in 1869. In 180 volumes, and editor or joint author of 31. Most of 1871 he became editor of the Illustrated Christian these were issued in series, as the "Rollo Books" (28 | Weekly, of which he was the first editor and organizer, vols.), “The Lucy Books" (6 vols.), "Harper's Story-published by the American Tract Society. He retained Books" (36 vols.). He also prepared biographies of this position for six years, resigning it in the autumn many prominent persons of ancient and modern times. of 1876 to assume, with Henry Ward Beecher, the His last series was Science for the Young (4 vols., N. Y., joint-editorship of the Christian Union of New York 1871-73). His success was due to constant familiarity City. The paper was published under the double manwith children and to his good judgment, which limited agement until the autumn of 1881, when Mr. Beecher him to the work for which he was fitted by nature and withdrew and Mr. Abbott became editor-in-chief. Since experience. His style is clear and simple; he wrote 1869, Mr. Abbott has resided at Cornwall-on-the-Hudnot for literary effect, but with a moral purpose, and his son, engaged in literary and editorial duties. He has manner and spirit have had great effect on other writers published numerous works, of which the most important for the young. Many of his books have been repub-are-Jesus of Nazareth, His Life and Teachings, 1869; lished in Europe, and his religious writings have been Old-Testament Shadows of New-Testament Truths, translated into several European and Asiatic languages. 1870; Morning and Evening Exercises, selected from ABBOTT, JOHN STEVENS CABOT (1805-1877), an the Writings of Henry Ward Beecher, 1871; Laicus; American historian and religious writer, was born in or, The Experiences of a Layman in a Country Parish, Brunswick, Me., Sept. 18, 1805. He graduated at 1872; A Popular Religious Dictionary, 1873; Revision Bowdoin College in 1825, studied theology at An- of New-Testament Notes, by Jacob and John S. C. Abdover, and became pastor of a Congregational church bott, 1881; and is now (1882) engaged in writing a Comin Worcester, Mass. His first book, The Mother at mentary on the New Testament, the four volumes of Home, was published in 1833, and was soon followed which already published carry the student up to and by The Child at Home. These were favorably re- through the Acts of the Apostles. He received some ceived, and have since been translated into several years since the honorary title of D.D. from the New of the European languages, as well as by missionaries York University. in Asia and Africa. In 1836 he succeeded his brother Jacob in charge of the church in Roxbury, and afterwards removed to Nantucket. In 1844 he retired from pastoral labors to devote himself to literature, though at intervals he took charge of congregations for a short time. After writing Kings and Queens and some brief biographical works, he was led to attempt the more ambitious subject with which his name is chiefly connected, The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, first issued as a serial in Harper's Monthly Magazine from 1851 to 1855. In it he showed himself what had never before been found in the English language, an extravagant eulogist of the great emperor. Though his extreme partisanship has been universally condemned, in his subsequent works, Napoleon at St. Helena, Correspondence of Napoleon and Josephine, he maintained the same views, and in his History of Napoleon III. extended his advocacy to the latter. He wrote also The French Revolution of 1789, A History of the Civil War in America (1863-1866), Lives of the Presidents (1867), Histories of Austria, Russia, Spain, and Italy, and The History of Frederick the Second, called Frederick the Great (1871). The interest of his subjects and the animation of his style have secured him numerous readers, but he is deficient in the judicial traits which should characterize an historian. Among his later writings was a volume addressed to young men on Practical Christianity. He died at Fair Haven, Conn., June 17, 1877.

See Vol. I.
p. 31 Am.

ed. (p. 26

Edin. ed.).

ABBREVIATIONS. American usage has modified many of the abbreviations in use in Europe, and has established several classes in distinctive forms little applicable to use elsewhere or known in other countries, yet indispensable to the general student. They may be classified as-first, those applicable to the government, the army, and the navy; second, those in use in legal proceedings and the statutes; third, those applied to the States, or geographical; fourth, scientific and medical; fifth, those relating to weights, measures, money, and business; sixth, those used by secret and other societies; and seventh, those of various religious bodies, etc. The increasing use of abbreviations in ordinary writing might justify the enlargement of these classes or the addition of others; but the rule here adopted is to accept nothing lacking in the requirements of both necessity and fixedness as a distinctive and significant abbreviation, meaning what it stands for, and not to be mistaken for anything else.

A. A. G., Assistant Adjutant- A. Q. M. G., Assistant Quar

First-The Government, Army, and Navy.





A., or Adjt.-Gen., Adjutant- Asst. Sec., Assistant Secre-
Agl. Dept., Department of Asst. Supt., Assistant Super-


A. Q. M., Assistant Quarter- Asst. Treas., Assistant Treasmaster.


Atty., Attorney.

Int. Rev., Internal Revenue. | Mex., Mexico.
Atty.-Gen., Attorney-Gene- Lt., or Lieut., Lieutenant.
Maj., Major.

Brig.-Gen., Brigadier-Gene- Maj.-Gen., Major-General.

[blocks in formation]

M. C., Member of Congress.
Mess. & Docs., Message and

Pat. Of., Patent Office.
P. M., Postmaster.

P. M.-Gen., Postmaster-Gen-

Com. & Nav., Commerce and P. O., Post-Office.

[blocks in formation]

Pres., President.

Pub. Doc., Public Document.
Q. M., Quartermaster.
Q. M.-Gen., Quartermaster-
Sec., Secretary.

Eng. Dept., Department of Sen. Doc., Senate Document.

[blocks in formation]

Mich., Michigan.
Minn., Minnesota.
Miss., Mississippi.
Mo., Missouri.
Mon. or Mont., Montana.
Mts., Mountains.
N. A., North America.
N. B., New Brunswick.
N. C., North Carolina.
N. E., New England.
Neb., Nebraska.
Nev., Nevada.

N. H., New Hampshire.
N. J., New Jersey.

N. M.or N. Mex., New Mexico.
N. O., New Orleans.
N. S., Nova Scotia.
N. Y., New York.
O., Ohio.

Or, or Oreg., Oregon.

[blocks in formation]

Phila. or Phil., Philadelphia.

P. R., Porto Rico.
Prov., province.

R. or Riv., river.
R. I., Rhode Island.
S. A., South America.
S. C., South Carolina.
Tenn., Tennessee.
Tex., Texas.
Tp., township.

U. S., United States.
Va., Virginia.
Vt., Vermont.
Wash., Washington.
W. I., West Indies.
Wisc., Wisconsin.

W. T., Washington Territory.

W. Va., West Virginia.

Pa., or Penn. or Penna., Penn- Wy. Ter., Wyoming Terrisylvania.


[blocks in formation]

Wheat., Wheaton's Supreme A., acre.
Court Reports.

Wood., Woodbury & Minot's
U.S. Circuit Court Reports.


Ari. or Ariz., Arizona.

Ark., Arkansas.

Balt. or Balto., Baltimore.

Bost., Boston.

Cal., California.

Ches., Chesapeake.

[blocks in formation]

Fla., Florida.

Ga., Georgia.

Galv., Galveston.

Ia., Iowa.

Id., Idaho.

Ill., Illinois.
Ind., Indiana.

Ind. Ter., Indian Territory.
I., is. or isl., island.

Kan. or Kans., Kansas.

Ky., Kentucky.

L., Lake.

La., Louisiana.

Lat., latitude.

[blocks in formation]

Fifth-Business, Weights, and Measures.

acct., account. agt., agent. avdp., avoirdupois. advt., advertisement. bbl., bbls., barrel, barrels. bdls., bundles.

bds., bonds.

bk., bark-a vessel.

bls., bales.

br., brig.

bus., bushel, bushels. bx., bxs., box, boxes.

c., cts., cent, cents-money. cent., centum, hundred.

cert., certif., certify, certificate.

Co.. company.

[blocks in formation]

C. O. D., Collect (or Cash) on Dr., debtor.


Cr., creditor.

cs., cases.

csks., casks.

ctl., ctls., cental, centalsweights of one hundred

dr., drachms or drams.

E. E., errors excepted.

f. o. b., free on board.

fr., frs., franc, francs-19 cents United States cur rency.

[blocks in formation]

M., mille, one thousand. m. or mi., mile.

Messrs., Messieurs, Sirs. mfd., manufactured. mfs., manufactures. ms. or mth., month.

T., ton.

t. f., till forbid; printer's mark on advertisements. ult., ultimo, the last month. val., value. wt., weight. lyd., yard.

[blocks in formation]

A. B.C. F. M., American Board Coad., coadjutor. of Commissioners for For- C. P., or C. Pass., Congregatio eign Missions. Passionis, Passionist Father. A. B. M. U., American Baptist . P. S., Congregational PubMissionary Union. lishing Society. A. B. H. M. Š., American Bap- C. SS. R., Congregatio Sanctist Home Missionary So- tissimi Redemptoris, Reciety. demptorist Fathers. Abp., Archbishop. D. D., Doctor of Divinity. A. B. P. S., American Baptist D. F. M. S., Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (of the P. E. Church). Dio., Diocese.

Publication Society.

A. B. S., American Bible Society.

A. C. A., American Congrega- Dis., Discipline. tional Association. E. L., Evangelical Lutheran. A. C. U., American Congre- F. B., Free Baptist. gational Union. F. M., Foreign Mission.

A. F. B. S., American and For- F. W. B., Freewill Baptist.

eign Bible Society.

H. M., Home Mission.

Ref., Reformed.
Rev., Reverend.

Rt. Rev., Right Reverend.
R. P., Reformed Presbyterian.
S. B. C., Southern Baptist

S. I. M., Society for the Increase of the Ministry (P. E. Church).

S. J., Society of Jesus.
S. P. R. L., Society for the
Promotion of Religion and
Learning (P. E. Church).
S. S., Sunday School.
SS., Saints.

(S. T. D., Doctor of Sacred Theology (Sacræ Theologiæ Doctor).

U. B., United Brethren.
U. P., United Presbyterian.
V. G., Vicar-General.

W. B. M., Women's Board of

W. B. M. I., Women's Board
of Missions of the Interior.
W. C. A., Women's Christian

W. C. T. U., Women's Chris-
tian Temperance Union.
W. H. M. A., Women's Home
Missionary Association.
X., Xplorós, Christ.
Xmas, Christmas.
Y. M. C. A., Young Men's
Christian Association.

Y. M. C. U., Young Men's
Christian Union.

S. T. B., Bachelor of Sacred Y. W. C. A., Young Women's Theology. Christian Association. ABD-UL-AZIZ (1830-1876), the thirty-second sultan of the Turkish empire, was born Feb. 9, 1830. He was the second son of Mahmoud II. (1785-1839), the first sultan who fully recognized the superiority of Western civilization and endeavored to introduce its results among his subjects. The eldest son, Abd-ul-Medjid (1823-1861), had continued the same policy, but, owing to his weak disposition, with less success. Abd-ul-Aziz, on his accession, June 25, 1861, manifested the same inclination as his predecessors. He even went further, and, besides largely reducing the civil list, dismissed the seraglio, announcing his intention to have but one wife. He confirmed the liberal constitution, Hatti-humayun, granted by his brother in 1856, attempted various reforms in administration, and promised equality of rights to all his subjects. These measures, however, were in many cases in opposition to Mohammedan law as well as to the prejudices of the people, and were imperfectly executed. His chief advisers in public affairs were Aali Pacha and Fuad Pacha, each of whom was in turn grand vizier. Both were men of superior capacity, and throughout their career acted in harmony. They negotiated treaties of commerce with England, France, and Italy. The internal affairs of the empire were greatly disturbed by the conflicting demands of the various religions, races, and nationalities comprised in it. The Danubian principalities secured a greater degree of independence. The Christians of Montenegro, who had excited insurrections in the neighboring provinces, were defeated in 1862 by Omar Pacha, after a bloody war. and was for a time openly supported by the king and A still more formidable rebellion began in Crete in 1866, people of Greece. At last the great powers, alarmed at the probable consequences, induced Greece to withdraw her support, and Crete was obliged to submit in 1869. To bind Egypt more firmly to his power, the sultan had visited that country in 1863, and four years later he bestowed on Ismail Pacha the title of khedive. In the summer of 1867 the sultan attended the Exhibition at Paris, and visited also England, Germany, and Austria.

A. F. C. U., American and H. Y. M. A., Hebrew Young This journey, like the previous one to Egypt, was con

Foreign Christian Union. Men's Association.

A. H. M. S., American Home Luth., Lutheran.

Missionary Society.

Meth., Methodist.

A. M. A., American Mission- M. E., Methodist Episcopal. ary Association.

Mgr., Monsignor.

ducted at an extravagant cost, but eventually did not produce the results that were expected from it either by his ministers or the people of Western Europe. However, he returned to Constantinople still more deeply imbued with French ideas, established a high school N. S., New School or New open equally to Christians and Moslems, encouraged

A. P., Associate Presbyterian. Monsig., Monsignore.
A. R. P., Associate Reformed M. P., Methodist Protestant.

A. S. S. U., American Sunday School Union.

Side. N. V., New Version.

A. T. S., American Tract So- N. W. E. C., North-western ciety.

A. V., Authorized Version.
B. V. M., the Blessed Virgin

Education Commission.

Dominican Friar.

O. P., Ordinis Prædicatorum, O. S., Old School or Old Side. O. S. B., Ordinis Sancti Benedicti, Benedictine Friar. C. M., Congregatio Missionum, O. S. F.. Ordinis Sancti FranLazarist Fathers. cisci, Franciscan Friar.

Bp., Bishop.

Card., Cardinal.

scientific work, and directed the supreme court to revise and publish the civil code. The ambitious Ismail had continued his efforts to secure the independence of Egypt, but in 1870 he was persuaded by Aali Pacha to visit Constantinople and renew formally his allegiance to the sultan. This was the last success of Abd-ul-Aziz; from this time his career was a series of disasters. The downfall of the French Empire in 1870 gave Russia an opportunity to demand modifications of the Treaty of Paris of 1856, and in Jan., 1871, the unrestricted use

liged to submit to further loss; Austria took possession of Bosnia; the territory of Greece was enlarged by the districts of Epirus and Thessaly; and in accordance with a provision which for a time was kept secret England took possession of Cyprus. The sultan resisted the execution of several of these arrangements as long as he dared, and displayed an energy and ambition which had not been expected. Devoutly believing that he is the head of the true faith, he has listened eagerly to the assurances of the fanatical priests that, in spite of the appearances to the contrary, Islam will yet conquer the world. Anxious to hasten its triumph, he has sent his agents to other Mohammedan countries to unite the people in a great effort for this end. Aware of the corruption which had prevailed at Constantinople in former reigns, and distrusting the civil officers by whom he is surrounded, he has endeavored to adminis ter all affairs himself, and has almost effaced the Sublime Porte, or council of government. Yet, compelled to use new and untried agents, he has often failed in improving the administration. Though acute and active, he is wanting in resoluteness and persistency. His irregular methods have produced contradiction and confusion. The modern Turkish party have not ceased to agitate for a change, and to threaten to restore his brother Murad to the throne, on the ground that he is the rightful heir. To strike terror into his foes the sultan determined to remove the most prominent. Midhat Pacha was arrested on the charge of murdering the former sultan, Abd-ul-Aziz. With scarcely a pretence of a trial he was condemned to death, but at the protest of the British Government this sentence was commuted to banishment to Southern Arabia. The sultan, still haunted by fears of assassination, leads a secluded life.

of the Black Sea was restored to her by a conference of the great powers at London. Fuad Pacha had died in Feb., 1869, and Aali Pacha died in Sept., 1871. Deprived of these advisers, the sultan fell more and more under the influence of the Russian ambassador, Gen. Ignatieff. The khedive again visited Constantinople in 1872, and, taking advantage of the sultan's financial embarrassments, purchased a practical independence, and at the same time secured the right of succession for his eldest son. The social and financial condition of the Turkish empire became every day more alarming, but Abd-ul-Aziz, exhausted by his earlier attempts to introduce reform, seemed bent only on amassing a private fortune and securing the succession to the throne for his eldest son, in violation of the very custom to which he owed his own position. He had from the first lavished large sums upon the army, and felt secure of its support in any emergency. But the revenues were diminishing, while the taxes were enormous. At last, in 1875, some villages in Herzegovina resisted the tax gatherers, and soon the insurrection spread through Bosnia. The sultan was unable to take effective measures for its suppression, and in October Turkey declared her inability to pay more than half the interest on the public debt. Another conference of the great powers was held, and the sultan was induced in Feb., 1876, to accept some measures of reform proposed by them. The Moslems, however, stoutly resisted the attempts to confer equal rights upon the Christians, and in some towns massacres took place. The Softas, or theological students, who were gathered in Constantinople to the number of 20,000, clamored for the abdication of the sultan, and at last the sheik-ul-Islam, or head of the Moslem faith, pronounced him unworthy to be caliph. He was deposed May 30, 1876, and his nephew, Murad ABEL DE PUJOL, ALEXANDRE DENIS (1785V., was proclaimed his successor. A few days later 1861), a French artist, was born at Valenciennes, Jan. it was announced that Abd-ul-Aziz had committed sui- 30, 1785. He was descended from an aristocratic family, cide (June 4). (J. P. L.) his father being the baron de la Gran et de Pujol. He ABD-UL-HAMID II., the thirty-fourth sultan of began his studies at Valenciennes, and continued them the Turkish empire, was born Sept. 22, 1842, and is at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts of Paris, and under David. the second son of Abd-ul-Medjid. His brother, Murad As a pupil of the Beaux-Arts he in 1811 won the pric V., had reigned only three months when his unfitness de Rome. The style of Abel de Pujol was greatly influto rule, through insanity brought on by dissipation, be-enced by the precepts and example of David, and his came manifest. He was therefore deposed by the sheik- works are marked by a certain stiffness and hardness ul-Islam, and Abd-ul-Hamid succeeded to the throne of manner-a manner which in the early part of the Aug. 31, 1876. He had been exposed to the same century was dignified by the title of "classic," but which temptations as his brother, but his more vigorous con- later has been condemned as "academic." Abel de stitution enabled him to escape the same fate, and in Pujol's most important works are decorations at the later life he has been temperate. His visit to the Paris Museum of the Louvre and the palace at Fontainebleau, Exposition in 1867, in company with his uncle, Sultan and at the convent of the Sacred Heart. Among his Abd-ul-Aziz, had enlarged his views and led him to take pictures may be mentioned The Death of Britannicus, some interest in the study of geography. He has adopt- at the Museum of Dijon; St. Stephen Preaching the ed French habits and dress, yet he has always been an Gospel, at the church of Saint Etienne-du-Mont; Joorthodox Turk, and belongs to the Old Turkish party seph Explaining the Visions, at Lille; The Baptism of rather than to the imitators of Western civilization who Clovis, at the cathedral of Rheims; and The Raising of have borne sway in the Ottoman empire since 1840. Tabitha, at the church of St. Peter at Douai. He was At his accession the empire was in a chaotic state; in- made a member of the Institute in 1835, and an officer surrections were raging in Herzegovina and Bulgaria; of the Legion of Honor in 1854. He died Sept. 28, war had been commenced in Servia, and Russia had 1861. almost completed her preparations for joining in it. ABENAKIS, the name usually given to the tribes Turkey's credit had been utterly destroyed, and she had of Algonkin Indians which formerly occupied the terno ally to whom she could look for help. The adherents ritory of Maine and New Hampshire. Under this title of the different religions in the empire were engaged in were included tribes extending from the Kennebec to bitter strife, which was ready to break into open vio- the St. John River. The name is of somewhat loose lence at any moment. To regain the allegiance of his application, but is generally considered as including the Christian subjects, Abd-ul-Hamid made the same decla- Caribas of the Kennebec, the Tarratines of the Penobration as his predecessors had done, that all his subjects, scot, the Malacites of the St. John, and other smaller whatever their religion, should have equal rights before tribes. Possibly there was a league or confederacy of the law. But this had no effect in winning back those these tribes. At all events, Capt. John Smith, who who were already in arms. Russia declared war April first described them, says that each tribe was governed 24, 1877, and, in spite of the unexpected bravery shown by a sachem, and that all the sachems were subordinate by the Turks, prosecuted the war with such vigor and to a general chieftain called the bashaba. The customs success that on March 3, 1878, the sultan agreed to the of these tribes are like those of the Algonkins generally, peace of San Stefano. By this his dominions were but their language is the harshest of the Algonkin diagreatly reduced; Roumania and Servia were enlarged lects. From their position between the French settleand made entirely independent; the Bulgarian prov-ments in Canada and those of the English in New Enginces were erected into an independent princedom. At land they became involved in the wars of those bitter the Berlin Congress, July 13, 1878, the sultan was ob- foes, and played an active part as allies of the French

against the English. They were early approached by | fort, and in a skirmish Lord Howe, the ablest officer in the Jesuit missionaries, whose converts were induced to remove to Canada, where they composed the mission of St. Francis. These christianized Indians were employed by the French in raids on the English settlements, which they assailed with the crusading zeal of new converts, and whose inhabitants they massacred with the cruel torture of the savage aborigines. At a later date Jesuit missions were established among the Indians who had remained in their old haunts, and they became generally christianized.

We first hear of them in connection with "King Philip's War." A number of them were treacherously captured by Major Waldron of Dover, N. H., and sold into slavery, on the charge of having engaged in this war. In 1689, angered by the pressure of settlers upon their territory, and perhaps instigated by French emissaries, they broke into open enmity, captured the town of Dover (then Cocheco), and barbarously murdered Major Waldron in reprisal for the injury he had done them thirteen years previously. This war continued for years, during which the English settlers suffered severely. The settlements at Salmon Falls and at Oyster River were raided and their inhabitants massacred, the towns of Wells and York were captured, and Fort Royal, on the site of the present city of Portland, was taken, while the whole border was devastated. In the year 1703, instigated by the French, they made a simultaneous attack on the English frontier settlements, and burned, slaughtered, and destroyed along the whole border. In the quaint words of the chronicler, they spared "neither the milk-white brows of the ancient nor the mournful cries of tender infants.' In 1704 they made a winter assault on the town of Deerfield, Mass. This was one of the most terrible of Indian raids. The town was utterly destroyed, many of its inhabitants slaughtered, and 112 prisoners carried by a frightful winter journey through the wilderness to Canada. This war was finally quelled by an English invasion of the Indian country.

War broke out again in 1722, caused by English insults to the Abenakis. The settlers suffered severely, but the Indian country was invaded and the Jesuit mission at Norridgewock assailed. This war ended in the brutal slaughter of Sebastian Rasles, the last of the Catholic missionaries in New England, and the breaking up of the community of Christian Indians which he had formed. Peace was concluded with the tribes in 1726, and was never broken. During the American Revolution they embraced the cause of the colonies and did some service.

the English army, was killed. On July 8, Abercrombie attacked the defences on the isthmus leading to the fort, and, as he persisted in observing the same rules of war which had brought disaster on Gen. Braddock's army three years before, he was completely defeated, losing 2000 men. He then retreated across Lake George, and remained inactive until superseded by Sir Jeffery Amherst in September. He returned to England in 1759, and, afterwards entering Parliament, opposed the rights of the American colonies. While acting as dep uty governor of Stirling Castle in Scotland he died, April 28. 1781.

ABERDEEN, the county-seat of Monroe co., Miss., is on the west bank of the Tombigbee River, at the head of winter navigation for Mobile boats, and is connected with the Mississippi and Ohio Railroad by the Aberdeen branch road, 9 miles long. It has a fine iron bridge, a handsome court-house, good public schools, a female college, three hotels, and seven chalybeate artesian wells. It is in a rich farming district, and ships annually about 25,000 bales of cotton. Population, 2339.

See Vol. I.

ABEYANCE, in law, the condition of an estate of inheritance where there is no person in being p. 50 Am. in whom it is vested. Where, for example, ed. (p. 48. an estate is devised or conveyed to A for Edin. ed.). life, with remainder to A's unborn son, the inheritance is said to be in abeyance until the birth of A's son, there being no person actually in being in whom it can be said to be vested. Some writers, instead of using the phrase "abeyance," prefer to say that the inheritance is in nubibus or in gremio legis.

Mr. Fearne, in his Essay on the Learning of Contingent Remainders, has expressed the opinion that the inheritance can never be said to be in abeyance, but that it remains vested in the grantor or testator or his heirs until the birth or ascertainment of the person, who is under the grant or will entitled thereto, enables it to vest in him. In this opinion he is sustained by the weight of modern authority. The title to personal property is also sometimes said to be in abeyance when it is undetermined, the property being meantime in the grasp of the law. Where, for example, a vessel is captured in time of war, and brought into port for condemnation, the title thereto is said to be in abeyance until she is duly declared by the admiralty court to be a prize. (L. L., JR.)

ABIOGENESIS (Gr. a privative; Bios, life; yéveois, See Vol. I. generation), the generation of living from p. 51 Am. not living matter-a modern form of the ed. (p. 49 old doctrine of generatio æquivoca, or "sponEdin. ed.).

ABILENE, the county-seat of Dickinson co., Kan., is on the Kansas Pacific Railroad, 96 miles west of Topeka and 446 miles east of Denver, Col. It has good Some of the Abenakis still exist in Canada, where public schools, a high school, an academy, seven there are two villages bearing their name. Their rem- churches, two weekly newspapers, a Holly company nants in Maine are called Penobscots and Passamaquod-water-works, gas-works, a fine court-house, an operadies. Their language was studied by Sebastian Rasles, house, and many other handsome buildings. It has whose dictionary is of importance. Their history has grown rapidly and has a large trade. Population, 2360. been written by Rev. E. Vetromile (N. Y., 1866) and in more detail by Rev. J. A. Mauvault (Sorel, 1866). (C. M.) ABERCROMBIE, JAMES (1706-1781), a British general, was born at Glasshaugh, Scotland, in 1706. Having entered the army, he became colonel in 1746 and major-general in 1756. He then came to America as second in command to Lord Loudoun. Little was done by them for the protection of the colonies, but, in spite of the protests of the citizens, the soldiers were billeted in private houses in New York and other cities. In 1758, Loudoun was recalled, and Abercrombie had the chief command. An expedition against Canada was planned, and an army of 15,000 men, of whom 9000 were colonial troops, was gathered. With this, the largest force of European origin that had ever been assembled in America, Abercrombie marched against Ticonderoga, where the French had a fortified camp called Carillon. Gen. Montcalm, who held it with about 3600 men, though aware of the large force marching against him, decided to take the risk of remaining. On July 6, 1758, Abercrombie's advance landed near the

taneous generation." Since life upon this planet must have had a beginning in time and place, abiogenesis is a necessary postulate of a consistent theory of evolution. It is believed by most modern scientists and by all logically-consistent evolutionists that abiogenesis, once resulting in living protoplasm, has never been re-enacted. Others, however, hold that life is continually coming into material being by abiogenesis in the cases of the lowest Protozoans. Reasonable as the supposition may be upon a priori grounds, no shadow of the proof has hitherto been forthcoming. The experiments which have been adduced in support of abiogenesis proceed upon the argument that living matter is killed by a certain degree of heat; that liquids have been subjected to such degree, entry of germs from without being effectually precluded; and that living organisms have subsequently appeared in such liquids. Commenting upon the probable fallacy of

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