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CONGRESS 42, SESSION 1. Extra, under conditions as applied to the two preceding Congresses.

This was the last Congress governed by the special provision.

CONGRESS 45, SESSION 1. Called by President Hayes; convened October 15, 1877. On account of the failure of the Forty-fourth Congress to make the usual appropriations for the army and for the ensuing fiscal year, the difference between the houses being the House provision in the fifth section of the bill, which imposed restrictions upon the President in regard to the use of troops in Louisiana and South Carolina for the purpose of installing and maintaining the Packard and Chamberlain governments in those States. Session ended December 3, 1877.

CONGRESS 46, SESSION 1. Called by President Hayes; convened March 18, 1879. Because the Forty-fifth Congress had adjourned (March 3, 1879) without making the usual appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial service, and for the support of the army for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1880.

CONGRESS 53, SESSION 1. Called by proclamation of President Cleveland, June 30, 1893; convened August 7, 1893. The Preamble reciting that "distrust and apprehension concerning the financial situation which pervade all business circles have already caused great loss and damage to our people, and threaten to cripple our merchants, stop the wheels of manufacture, bring distress and privation to our farmers, and withhold from our workingmen the wages of labor; that the present perilous condition is largely the result of a financial policy which the Executive branch of the Government finds embodied in unwise laws which must be executed until repealed by Congress."

CONGRESS 55, SESSION 1. Called by proclamation of President McKinley, March 6, 1897, directly for the enactment of a tariff law, in accord with the words of his inaugural "to stop deficiencies by the restoration of that protective legislation which has always been the firmest prop of the Treasury."



WHEREAS, public interests require that the Congress of the United States should be convened in extra session at 12 o'clock on the 15th day of March, 1897, to receive such communications as may be made by the Executive:

Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim and declare that an extraordinary occasion requires the Congress of the United States to convene in extra session at the Capitol in the city of Washington on the 15th day of March, 1897, at 12 o'clock, noon, of which all persons who shall at that time be entitled to act as members thereof are hereby required to take notice.

Given under my hand and the seal of the United States, at Washington, the sixth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-first.

By the President.

JOHN SHERMAN, Secretary of State.




Abolitionists. During the Revolution, and when the Constitution was made, various societies were formed for the abolition of slavery, the first originating in Philadelphia, April 14, 1775, with Benjamin Franklin as President. A second society, with the same purpose in view, formed in New York, January 25, 1785, with John Jay as President (later succeeded by Alexander Hamilton). These were the beginning of many throughout the States, their meetings, publications, and petitions being treated respectfully until the development of cotton planting in the early part of the nineteenth century raised the price of slaves, when the struggle between the anti-slavery and pro-slavery interests began. The contest out of which the term abolition grew, dates with William Lloyd Garrison's arraignment of slave-holders as criminals in 1829, he two years later publishing The Liberator. This was afterward followed by the formation in Boston of the New England Anti-Slavery Society, for the purpose of promoting the cause of emancipation, and with a similar object at Philadelphia, the creation of the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833.

The Abolition Party was organized in December, 1839, at Warsaw, Genesee County, New York, at a mass convention, nominating James G. Birney, of New York, for President, and Francis G. LeMoyne, of Pennsylvania, for Vice-President. The party had one vital principle, the abolition of slavery, looked upon as a movement of a few political cranks. Its total vote in 1840 aggregated 7069, one-third of which was cast in New York and one-fourth in Massachusetts. In 1840 the Abolitionists divided into two wings, one favoring abolition through constitutional amendment, the other denouncing the Constitution as a bulwark of slavery. Wendell Phillips was the chief spokesman of the latter faction, or Liberty Party (q.v.). Abolitionists was applied to the Whigs by the Democracy in 1840. Abolitionists and Republicans mated on the ground of anti-slavery in 1860, the advocacy of which culminated in the Emancipation Proclamation (q.v.) of January 1, 1863. In February, 1866, slavery was abolished forever from the territory of the United States by Act of Congress.

Abolitionist was a term of contempt applied by the Democrats in 1860 to all Republicans, and by the people of the South to all Northerners who were not Democrats.

The slavery agitation had two periods; during the first, 1780-1819, it was general and spiritless; during the second, 1820-1865, it became sectional and aggressive. It was during this latter period the term abolitionist was first applied to the agitators for emancipation.

The word abolitionist had been applied in England and her colonies to the anti-slavery agitators, led by William Wilberforce, who, on May 22,

1787, formed a committee "for the abolition of the slave trade," under the presidency of Granville Sharp. As a word, abolitionist had been in use in America by the Quakers of Pennsylvania before the Revolution, as early as 1696. As a party name, it belongs distinctively to the movement of which Garrison was the first apostle.

The Abolition, Whig, and Federal were parties of liberal ideas and aggressiveness; when their mission was accomplished, each disappeared until called into life to meet a new crisis.

Absaloms. Appeared in New York City during the National Campaign of 1900, the word originating with the New York Sun. The Democratic party pushed forward young men as candidates, forming Young Men's Leagues to rouse enthusiasm among the first voters. The application of the sobriquet was to the type of young man who wants to anticipate the course of nature in stepping into the shoes of his elders.

Agrarians. Sometimes applied to the Loco-focos (q.v.), or “equal rights" party, founded in 1835. Later the Abolitionists and Republicans were branded as Agrarians by the pro-slavery party.

Agrarian Law, from the Latin ager, land, is a law for making land the common property of a nation, and not the particular property of individuals. In a modified form, it means a re-distribution of land, giving to each citizen a portion.

Albany Regency. A Democrat section (see Buck-tails), a junta of astute Democratic politicians, having their headquarters at Albany, N. Y. They controlled the action of the local Democratic State Party for many years (1820 to 1854), which gave them great weight in national politics. By a soft, conciliatory perseverance, they gained the entire control of the Republican party in the State, with its patronage and machinery.

The Allied Third Party. A product of Public Ownership men, Populists of all persuasions, Free Silver Republicans, Socialists, Single Taxers, and Bryan Democrats, formed at Kansas City, Missouri, June 19, 1901, as a local or State party, which expected to be finally taken up by the dissatisfied in the old parties from other States. Principles:

Public ownership of all public utilities, as railroads, telegraphs, etc.

While awaiting the legislation necessary to secure public ownership, rigid control of freight and passenger rates, and severe penalties for rebates and other discriminations by railroads.

Taxation of railroads and other public utility corporations in the same proportion as the value of farm and other property.

Direct legislation by the initiative and referendum, to the end that the people may initiate good legislation and veto bad legislation.

A graduated income tax, to the end that wealth, which receives government protection, shall bear its just share of the cost of the government.

That whatever is used as money shall be full legal tender, issued by the general government in sufficient volume for business purposes, and that volume fixed in proportion to population.

Just election laws throughout the State.

Home rule for cities, and abolition of the present system of using the police as a standing army to carry primary elections in the interest of dishonest politicians, representing still more dishonest special privilege corporations.

Election of United States Senators by popular vote.

Amalgamationists. Applied by the apologists of slavery to the Abolitionists, claiming they were favoring a miscegenation of the white and black races. Miscegenation was a (1860) war-coined word. Webster notes it as "ill-advised," should be Miscegeneration.

American. The Kansas-Nebraska bill of 1854 occasioned a split in the Whigs in 1854, who allied with the Know-nothings (q.v.) and became the American party. It disappeared from national politics in 1860, having split into "North Americans" and "South Americans." 'In the South, the "South American" faction took the place of the Whigs. In a way, the Constitutional Union party (1860) was its successor.

In convention at Philadelphia, September 16-17, 1887, the name again assumed by a party politic, founded on "love for our country and its institutions. . . believing that America should be governed by Americans." (See "Know-nothings.")

The platform of principles adopted was:

1. Restriction (regulation) of immigration.

2. Extension of the time required for naturalization to fourteen years. 3. The protection and promotion of the American Free School System. 4. American lands for American settlers.

5. No public lands for sectarian uses.

That immigration should be restricted, not prohibited; that the pauper and criminal classes, the anarchist and the socialist-men whose avowed principles are antagonistic to the laws-should be inhibited from becoming American citizens.

That the time for naturalization should be extended to fourteen years. Perhaps an educational qualification might be added. Some foreigners might be permitted to vote in a less period of time, but the great mass do not understand our language, are almost uneducated, and know nothing of our laws or customs.

That the American Free School System should be protected and extended to and in every city, town, and village in our land, that all children may have an opportunity to secure an education, that no division of the schoolfund be made for schools under religious control or in which doctrines of the creed are taught.

That American lands should be reserved for American settlers -not exclusively American born - but such citizens as will occupy and improve them, not for syndicates or foreign capitalists.

That no public funds or property, or money raised by taxation, be applied to sectarian use. That there should be an entire separation of Church and State, every religious denomination to support its own institutions.

American National. A mass convention held in Pittsburg, Pa., June 9, 1875, nominating a president and vice-president; the party disappearing with the convention. The platform based on religious principles,

prohibition of intoxicating drinks and secret lodges, the cultivation of the morals of men, specie payment, justice to Indians, abolition of electoral colleges.

The American Party. A new party, was organized at St. Louis, Mo., August 25th and 26th, 1897, adopting a strong American home protective platform, based on freedom of thought, and "freedom from foreign influences which are not wholly in harmony with our American republican form of government."

American Prohibition.

Held a convention in Chicago, June 19, 1884. Its platform, in the main, was an exact reproduction of the American National (q.v.).

The American Protective Association—or, A. P. A., as it is more often styled. A secret political regulator, with a claim of "America for Americans," not only of native birth, but for "all who will be true Americans, irrespective of race, color, creed, original nationality, or previous condition of life," sound legislation impartially and unfailingly enforced. Its declaration of principles as published are:

First, "loyalty to true Americans, which knows neither birthplace, race, creed, nor party.

Second, disclaims political partisanship, teaching its members "to be intensely active in the discharge of their political duties in or out of party lines, because it believes that all problems confronting our people will be best solved by a conscientious discharge of the duties of citizenship by each individual."

Third, while tolerant of all creeds, holds that support of any ecclesiastical power of nonAmerican character, which claims higher sovereignty than that of the United States, is irreconcilable with American citizenship.

Fourth, upholds the constitutional guaranty of religious liberty, interpreting it as restricted to the individual.

Fifth, considers “the non-sectarian free public schools" as "the bulwark of American institutions," and protests "against the employment of the subjects of any un-American ecclesiastical power as officers or teachers of our public schools."

Sixth, condemns "the support from the public treasury ... of any sectarian school, reformatory, or other institution not owned and controlled by public authority.'

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Seventh, believes "exemption from taxation is equal to a grant of public funds," demanding that no real or personal property be exempt from taxation, the title to which is not vested in national or State governments."

Eighth, protests "against the enlistment in the United States army or navy, or in the militia of any State, of any person not an actual citizen."

Ninth, demands for the protection of our citizen laborers, the prohibition of the importation of pauper labor, and the restriction of all immigration to persons who can show their ability and honest intentions to become self-supporting American citizens."

Tenth, demands "change of naturalization laws by a repeal of the act authorizing the naturalization of minors without a previous declaration, that no aliens shall be naturalized or permitted to vote in any State... who cannot speak the language of the land, and who cannot prove seven years' continuous residence in this country from the date of his declaration of intention."

Eleventh, protests "against the gross negligence and laxity with which the judiciary.. administer the present naturalization laws, and against the practice of naturalizing aliens at the expense of committees or candidates, as the most prolific source of the present prostitution of American citizenship to the basest of uses."

Twelfth, demands "that all hospitals, asylums, reformatories, or other institutions in which people are under restraint, be at all times subject to public inspection, whether they are maintained by the public or private corporations or individuals."

Thirteenth, demands "that all national or State legislation affecting financial, industrial, or commercial interests be general in character, and in no instance in favor of any one section of the country or any one class of the people."

The A. P. A. was founded by H. F. Bowers, who says:

"The condition of affairs in this country in 1887, and up to that time, was such that the institutions of our Government were controlled and the patronage was doled out by an

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