EXECUTIVE OFFICE, OHIO, Columbus, February 26th, 1835. To the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Wood county: SIR: I herewith transmit to you, by mail, post paid, forty copies of the Documents published by order of the General Assembly,-containing the Special Message of the Governor to the General Assembly, on the 6th instant, relative to the Northern Boundary of Ohio, together with the Preamble and Resolutions on the same subject, and the Act of the General Assembly defining the Northern Boundaries of certain Counties within this State, and for other purposes, passed February 23d, 1835; also, an Act of the Territory of Michigan, passed February 12th, 1835, with a request that you retain one copy in your office, and deliver one copy to each Associate Judge in your county; one copy to the President Judge, when he may arrive in your county; one copy to the Prosecuting Attorney; one to the Sheriff; one to the Coroner; one to the County Auditor; one to the County Treasurer; one to the County Assessor; one to each County Commissioner; one to the County Surveyor; one to the Master Commissioner in Chancery; and the balance to Justices of the Peace, Constables, and Trustees of Townships in your county, as you may deem most advantageous to the public. You will be pleased to inform the several officers to whom you deliver these documents, that it is expected by the Legislature, as well as by the Executive, that all officers in the county of Wood will be prompt and vigilant in carrying into effect the intentions of Ohio, as expressed in these documents. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, I am directed by the Commander-in-Chief to enclose you a copy of his Special Message to the General Assembly of Ohio, together with a copy of a Preamble and Resolutions relative to the Northern Boundary of the State of Ohio; also a copy of an act, passed the 23rd instant, defining the Northern Boundaries of certain counties within this : State and for other purposes-to which was added, by order of the General Assembly, an act of the Legislative Council of Michigan, passed the 12th instant. By this act of Michigan you will perceive the menacing position she assumes. This menace, I am directed by the Commander-in-Chief to represent to you, will be wholly disregarded by Ohio. By the 2nd Resolution of the 23rd inst. the General Assembly has declared that measures ought to be immediately taken by the Legislative and Judicial authorities of Ohio, to cause her jurisdiction to be fully established through every part of her territory as described in her Constitution, and to obtain for her laws and public officers that respect and obedience from all persons residing or coming within her borders, to which they are properly entitled; and in pursuance of this declaration, the Legislature passed the act of the 23rd instant, declarative of the Northern Boundary of the State, which act declares the counties of Williams, Henry, Wood, Sandusky and other counties shall be bounded on the north by the line run from the southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the most northern cape of the Maumee Bay, thence north east to the territorial line, being the northern boundary of the United States in Lake Erie, thence with the said northern boundary of the United States, through Lake Erie, to the Pennsylvania line. The second section of this act declares it to be the duty of all officers, civil, military, judicial and ministerial, that are authorized by the constitution and laws of the State to exercise jurisdiction within the aforesaid counties, to extend their jurisdiction to the north extremity of the boundaries described in the first section of this act: and as the counties of Williams, Henry, and Wood are included within your division, in pursuance of the resolutions and acts aforesaid, you are hereby commanded forthwith to extend your command and jurisdiction to the north boundary of said counties as described in said act, and to cause to be enrolled for military duty, all persons subject to military duty within the same. You are further commanded forthwith to cause to be organized such part of said counties (if any such there be) that have not heretofore been included and organized in military companies under the laws of the State; and also to cause all vacancies that may exist in the organization of the militia of these counties to be forthwith filled. A prompt and strict fulfilment of this order is expected by the Commander-in-Chief. By order, You will receive at the same time with this a general order relative to the organization of that part of your division which extends r within that part of the State line of Ohio now claimed by Michigan, together with the Special Message of the Commander-in-Chief, with all the proceedings of the Legislature, relative to this contested question. You will of course proceed immediately to organize that part of your division. The Commissioners appointed to run the State line agreeably to the provisions of the act, will meet at Perrysburgh on the 1st of April. The Commander-in-Chief will meet them there at that time, together with myself and perhaps some other of his staff. Your attendance at the same time is requested, together with that of your staff, and likewise the Brigadier General, commanding the 2nd brigade, with his staff, and the Colonels, and Commandants of Regiments in this brigade, as far as possible. It is desirable that the attendance of these officers be as full as possible on this occasion, but that they attend in the garb and character of citizens rather than in their military character-but at the same time prepared to assert the rights of the State, and aid and protect the Commissioners in the discharge of their duty, if any aid or protection should be requisite. It will be desirable that you obtain any information in your power as to the position which the Territory of Michigan assumes or means to assume in this dispute within the contested limits, and be prepared with such information; but let this information be positive and certain, not exaggerated reports, but such in short as may be relied on. I likewise forward at the same time with this 30 copies of the above Special Message and the proceedings of the Legislature, to be distributed by you among the General and Field officers of the 2nd brigade and the Captains of companies, and others as you may judge necessary and proper. You will see by the Message, the Legislative proceedings, and all the official papers enclosed, that the Territory of Michigan has taken a most threatening and unconciliatory stand, and that the Executive of this State and the Legislature view their proceedings as most unwarrantable, and of such a character as leaves them no choice how to act. The most perfect unanimity of feeling prevails on the subject, and the law and acts of the Legislature in compliance with the suggestion of the Governor in this matter, passed with but one dissenting voice. I will observe further, that in order to facilitate the organization and proper condition of the Militia, blank commissions for officers will be taken on by us to Perrysburgh, in order that such officers as may be elected may be promptly commissioned. With respect, Your obedient servant, SAMUEL C. ANDREWS, Adjutant General. : TOLEDO, WOOD COUNTY, OHIO, To His Excellency, ROBERT LUCAS, SIR: Governor of Ohio. At the request of a large number of my fellow-citizens, I hasten to advise you of the aspect of our affairs in this quarter of the State, that your Excellency may adopt such measures to protect their rights and maintain the laws of the State, as under existing circumstances may be deemed necessary. A notice was last week issued, calling a meeting at Tremainsville, of "the citizens of that portion of the State of Ohio lying north of an east and west line drawn through the southern extreme or bend of Lake Michigan, and which had heretofore been under the temporary jurisdiction of the Territorial Government of Michigan."The object of this meeting was to spread intelligence among the people, and to prepare them for the extension of the jurisdiction of the State to its entire constitutional limits, and to guard against any chance of division, by the industrious efforts of certain emissaries, who had been sent out by the Acting Governor of Michigan, to create an interest in favor of the Territory and to prevent the operation of the laws of Ohio. The meeting assembled yesterday afternoon, to the number of some three hundred persons. A deputation was sent out from Michigan, consisting of Gen. Brown, of Lenawee county, Gen. Umphrey, of Monroe, Mr. Bacon, of the Legislative Council, and a number of the judicial and military officers of Monroe county, ostensibly to confer and consult with our citizens, but whose real object was to overawe and divide our meeting. As the nature of their visit was understood, a resolution was unanimously passed at the commencement of the meeting, inviting all strangers, who might feel any interest in its proceedings, to attend; but declaring it "indecorous, improper, and out of order" for any persons to take part in its deliberations, who was not interested as a resident of Ohio, or called by the language of the notice under which we had assembled. Notwithstanding this decisive and unanimous resolution of our citizens, repeated efforts were made by Gen. Brown, through his associ ates, to get a hearing from our audience, and to procure the reading of an order from the Acting Governor of Michigan. It at length came into the hands of a citizen, who happened to be in the Michigan interest, and who had just received a commission from Gov. Mason, and the order was by him offered to the meeting, and permission asked to read it aloud; but as soon as the signature was discovered, it was indignantly rejected by the meeting, and its reading declared out of order, according to the spirit of our first resolution. The purport of this order, as I afterwards learned, was certain instructions from Acting Gov. Mason, to Gen. Brown, to proceed forthwith to this place, and other towns in the northwestern part of Ohio, and to ascertain what public officers were in the interest of the State, for the purpose of having them removed and replaced by others more loyal to the cause of Michigan; and if, after all his efforts, he could not create a division, or raise a party among our citizens, sufficiently strong to maintain the laws of Michigan, then to raise a posse, and proceed forthwith with the public authorities of the adjacent counties, and forcibly support the jurisdiction of Michigan, and particularly, to put into effect the late unconstitutional and unprecedented enactments of the Legislative Council of the Territory, subjecting our citizens to a fine of one thousand dollars, and imprisonment at hard labor, for a term of five years, if they should so far assert their rights as to receive or hold a commission under the State, from whose Constitution they had a right to claim protection. But notwithstanding all this, and in the very presence of these very gentlemen who had come to promulgate these mandates--to put into exécution these instructions and to overawe the populace, when the special message of your Excellency, and the resolutions and enactments of the General Assembly of Ohio, extending to them their rights as citizens of that State, and the protection of its laws, were read, the meeting strongly and firmly resolved to support the laws and Constitution of Ohio. To this resolution there were but four or five voices in the negative. After the meeting had adjourned, Gen. Brown read his orders to the populace, and assured them that the laws of Michigan should be enforced, and that, before the State of Ohio should extend her jurisdiction over this part of her constitutional limits, she would have to march over the dead bodies of that portion of her citizens, who had heretofore been under the jurisdiction of Michigan.. Every effort has been made by Gen. Brown and his emissaries, to create divisions and intimidate our citizens. For this purpose threats were used the aid of the General Government was freely pledged to those who would come out on the side of Michigan-and where intimidation and threats failed to produce the effect, commissions were freely offered and granted. I herewith send you the last number of the "Michigan Sentinel," from which your Excellency will be able to gather the feelings and sentiments of the citizens of that part of the Territory upon the subject; which, from its immediate vicinity, and from its former relations to us, has it in its power materially to harrass and oppress our citizens. With sentiments of the deepest respest, DEAR SIR: I am, Sir, your Excellency's ob't. serv't. ANDREW PALMER. EXECUTIVE OFFICE, OHIO, Your letter of the 1st inst. was received last evening, and its contents read with peculiar interest. The people residing within that part of Ohio that has been under the temporary jurisdiction of Michigan, may rest assured that the Resolution and Act of the General |