in regard to the extension of the limits of the States of Ohio and Indiana northward to the Territorial line; and also as to the expediency of soliciting the Legislature of Indiana to unite with that of Ohio, in pursuit of this object. Thereupon, The Speaker announced as said Committee, Messrs. Hawkins, Whittlesey and McKaig. On motion of Mr. McMechan, The Senate adjourned until to-morrow morning, 10 o'clock. FRIDAY, June 12, 1835. The Senate met, pursuant to adjournment. A bill further to amend an act, entitled "An act regulating the mode of taking the enumeration of the white male inhabitants above the age of twenty-one years," passed January 10th, 1835, was read a second time. On motion of Mr. Kendall, The said bill was committed to a Committee of the whole Senate, and made the order of the day for this day. On motion of Mr. Howard, The Senate resolved itself into a Committee of the whole on the Orders of the Day; and after some time spent therein the Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. McMechan reported that the committee, according to order, had under consideration the bill further to amend an act, entitled "An act regulating the mode of taking the enumeration of the white male inhabitants over the age of twenty-one years," passed January 10th, 1835, and reported the same back without amend ment. The question being taken on the engrossment of the bill, it was Ordered to be engrossed, in order for its third reading and final passage on to-morrow. On motion of Mr. Doan, The Senate adjourned until to-morrow morning, 10 o'clock. * SATURDAY, June 13, 1835. * The Senate met, pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Anderson Presented the proceedings of a public meeting held in the town of Zanesville, in relation to the controversy between Ohio and Michigan Territory; Which was read, and referred to the Joint Select Committee to whom the Governor's Message and the Accompanying Documents were referred. : Mr. Walke, From the Standing Committee on Schools and School Lands, to whom were referred the petition of Thomas and James Callan, praying for the passage of a law enabling them to surrender their leases and take certificates of purchase Reported, That they have had the same under consideration, and respectfully submit the following resolution: Resolved, That the further consideration of said petition be indefinitely postponed. Which resolution was agreed to. A bill further to amend an act, entitled "An act regulating the mode of taking the enumeration of the free white mile inhabitants above the age of twenty-one years," Was read a third time, and passed. Ordered, That the title be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the House of Representatives be informed thereof. A message from the House of Representatives: Mr. Speaker, The House have passed the bill sent down for concurrence, entitled "An act supplementary to the act in relation to the Lunatic Asylum." Mr. Alexander gave notice, that on Monday, or some subsequent day of the session, he would ask leave to introduce a bill for the protection of females resident in the disputed territory, and to provide means for the release of Mr. Fletcher from imprisonment. The Speaker announced the following The Senate adjourned until Monday morning, 9 o'clock. MONDAY, June 15, 1835. The Senate convened, pursuant to adjournment. Mr. McMechan, From the Standing Committee on Finance, made the following report, to wit: The Standing Committee on Finance, to which was referred the petition of Warren Jenkins, praying for additional compensation for making an Index to the Journal of the last session Report, That they have examined the subject; and, without expressing any opinion as to the justice of the claim, recommend that the further consideration of the same be postponed to the first Monday of December next-for the reason that the Senate has already refused to act on business of a private or local nature. Which report was agreed to. The Speaker laid before the Senate two communications from his Excellency the Governor, accompanied by sundry documents from the Secretary of State and the Adjutant General, as follows: EXECUTIVE OFFICE, OHIO, Columbus, June 15th, 1835. TO THE HONORABLE, THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: The 25th section of the first Article of the Constitution, declares: "That the first session of the General Assembly, shall convene on the first Tuesday of March next, and forever after, the General Assembly shall meet on the first Monday in December, in every year, and at no other period, unless directed by law, or provided for by the Constitution." The 8th section of the second Article, declares: "That when any officer, the right of whose appointment is, by the Constitution, vested in the General Assembly, shall, during the recess, die, or his office, by any means, become vacant, the Governor shall have power to fill such vacancy, by granting a commission, which shall expire at the end of the next session of the Legislature;" and as several vacancies have occurred since the last adjournment of the Legislature, some of which have been filled by the grant of commissions, as aforesaid; and as doubts have arisen whether such commissions thus granted, would expire at the end of the present special session, or continue in force till the end of the next regular annual session, I have thought it advisable to submit the subject, together with a list of the vacancies, to your consideration. If you are of opinion that the commissions granted, as aforesaid, expire at the end of the present special session, you will, of course, proceed to fill the vacancies; but if you should be of opinion, after an examination of the subject, that the appointments continue in force till the end of the next regular session, they will be suffered to remain, and the vacancies that have not been filled, will be filled by pro tem. appointments of the Executive, accordingly. The subject is respectfully submitted to your consideration, by To His Excellency, ROBERT LUCAS, SIR: ROBERT LUCAS. SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE, Governor of Ohio. I have the honor to report the following list of vacancies, which have occurred since the adjournment of the last General Assembly, and of commissions, the terms of which, will, in my opinion, expire at the end of the present session of that body, to wit: Stephen M'Lain, appointed an Associate Judge in and for the county of Union, in place of Elizier Abbott, removed out of said county. 1 Vacancies occasioned by resignation, and which have not been filled, to wit: John Davenport, Associate Judge in and for the co'ty of Belmont, George Poe, do. do. Joseph Whipple, do. do. do. Crawford, To the Honorable, the General Assembly: I have received a report from the Adjutant General of Ohio Militia, which I herewith transmit for your consideration. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, ROBERT LUCAS. Having soon after the close of the last session of the General Assembly, received directions from your Excellency, to that effect, I issued to Major General Bell, of the 17th Division, a general order directing him to proceed, and cause the military jurisdiction of Ohio to be extended to our Northern Boundary, agreeably to the line specified in our State Constitution, and the act of the General Assembly of last winter. At the same time the above order was forwarded, there was likewise transmitted to General Bell, agreeably to your Excellency's directions, a list of instructions; the object of which was to impress upon this officer, the necessity of proceeding in as amicable a manner as possible, in order not to give any just cause of offence to the citizens of Michigan, who were then, as it was understood, in a state of very considerable excitement. General Bell was likewise invited in this communication, to attend at Perrysburgh, and meet your Excellency and the Commissioners appointed for running the line, at that place, together with his staff and such other field officers of his Division, as could attend the time of meeting to be on the first day of April. The officers thus invited to attend at Perrysburgh, were particularly directed to attend in the garb and character of citizens, rather than in their military character; but were instructed at the same time, that it would be expected of them, that they would aid and protect our Commissioners in the discharge of their duty, should any aid or protection be found necessary. And as the law of the Legislative Council of Michigan, making it penal for our citizens to accept offices in that part of Ohio, to which Michigan had laid claim, was already known; and it was understood that force had been threatened, General Bell was desired to collect such information relative to the state of things, as could be relied on; and to transmit the same to this office. The above general order and letter of instructions, were forwarded on the 26th of February. On the 18th of March, I received from General Bell, a reply to the above communication, acknowledging the receipt of the general order, aforesaid, and detailing the information he had been able to collect the amount of which, was, that in attending to the discharge of his duties under the said general order, he had found the people on the disputed ground, very generally in favor of Ohio, while among the citizens of Michigan, a high degree of excitement prevailed; and numbers of these had suffered themselves to be wrought up to a pitch (as he expressed it) of frenzy; while an officer, who styled himself General Brown, was issuing official orders, and urging the inhabitants to a forcible resistance of our jurisdiction. It did not, however, appear that General Bell had met with any resistance in the execution of his orders; but he gave it as his opinion, that the re-marking of the line, when that should be entered upon, might perhaps be opposed by force. On the same day I received the above communication, I returned an answer to General Bell, approving the manner in which he had discharged his duty under the order, and notifying him that the express determination of the Commanderin-Chief, was to carry into effect the laws of the State-but to avoid entirely that course of hasty and inconsiderate conduct, which those who opposed them, appeared bent upon pursuinga copy of this reply is herewith transmitted, marked A. The above general order, letter of instructions and reply, were all the steps of a military nature, taken by Ohio, until the 15th of April. I insert this fact for the purpose of correcting a statement which was early put in circulation, and with a view, as would seem, of impressing the public with the belief, that Ohio |