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Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That the Governor's Message, and the accompanying Documents, be referred to a Joint Committee, of five members on the part of the Senate, and members on the part of the House, to report thereon by bill or otherwise.

Ordered, That the House of Representatives be informed thereof, and their concurrence requested.

A message from the House of Representatives:

Mr. Speaker,

The House have adopted a resolution for printing 5,000 copies of the Message of his Excellency the Governor; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate.

Mr. McDowell.

Moved to amend the resolution under consideration, by striking out 5,000, and inserting in lieu thereof 8,000;

Which amendment prevailed.

Ordered, That the House of Representatives be informed thereof, and their concurrence requested.

Mr. Anthony,

Pursuant to notice heretofore given, introduced a bill supplementary to the act in relation to the Lunatic Asylum;

Which was read the first time.

Ordered, That the House of Representatives be informed thereof. On motion of Mr. Morris,

The Senate took a recess until 3 o'clock, P. М.

Three o'clock, P. M. - Senate convened, pursuant to adjournment. A message from the House of Representatives:

Mr. Speaker,

The House have agree to the amendment of the Senate, to the resosolution for printing 5,000 copies of the Governor's Message, with the Accompanying Documents:

The House have agreed to a resolution of the Senate, referring the Governor's Message with the Accompanying Documents, to a Select Joint Committee, and have filled the blank with ten, on the part of the House.


The Speaker announced the following as the Select Committee on the part of the Senate, to wit:

Messrs. McDowell, Anthony, Vance, Lyman and Whittlesey.

On motion of Mr. Osborn,

The claims of Warren Jenkins and others, were taken up, and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

A message from the House of Representatives:

Mr. Speaker,

The House have adopted a resolution referring a certain document accompanying the Governor's Message to a Joint Committee, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate.

On motion of Mr. Vance,

The resolution from the House, referring a certain document accompanying the Governor's Message to a Select Joint Committee, was referred to a Select Committee of one.


The Speaker announced Mr. Vance as said Committee.

Mr. Vance reported:

The Select Committee, to whom was referred the resolution from the House, referring a certain document accompanying the Governor's Message to a Joint Committee, have had the same under consideration; and report the same back with the following amendment, to wit:

Strike out all after "Representatives," and insert, That the Joint Select Committee to which has been referred the communication of the Governor of Ohio, together with the accompanying documents, be discharged from the further consideration of the document, (marked C.) signed by John Biddle; and the same be referred to a Joint Com

mittee of

members on the part of the Senate, and

bers on the part of the House, to report thereon.

On motion of Mr. Doan,



Resolved, That the resolution from the House, and the amendment

proposed by the Select Committee, be indefinitely postponed.

Mr. Taylor,

Presented sundry petitions from the citizens of the county of Wood, and the adjoining territory, praying for the erection of a new county; which,

On motion,

Were referred to the Select Joint Commsttee to whom the Governor's Message and the Accompanying Documents were referred.

Mr. Spangler,

From the Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections, made the following Report:

The Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections, to whom was referred the certificate of a special election for a member of the Senate for the counties of Tuscarawas and Holmes, have had the same under consideration, and


That, from an examination of said certificate, it appears that, on the 1st day of June, instant, Walter M. Blake, Esq. was duly elected a Senator for the counties of Tuscarawas and Holmes, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Henry Laffer.

Your committee are therefore of opinion, that said Walter M. Blake is entitled to his seat for the balance of the said Constitutional term, until the second Tuesday in October, 1836.

Which report was agreed to by the Senate.

On motion,

The Senate adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

WEDNESDAY, June 10, 1835.

The Senate convened, pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. Pilson

Presented the proceedings of a public meeting of the citizens of Adams county, in relation to the controversy between the State of Ohio and the Territory of Michigan; which was referred to the Select Joint Committee to whom was referred the Governor's Message and the Accompanying Documents.

A bill to amend the act in relation to the Lunatic Asylum, was read a second time, and committed to a Committee of the whole Senate, and made the order of the day for this day.

A message from the House of Representatives:

Mr. Speaker,

The House have adopted a resolution relative to the printing of certain documents, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate. The question being taken on the adoption of the resolution from the House, it was decided in the affirmative-Yeas 20, Nays 12.

Those who voted in the affirmative, were

Messrs. Anderson, Atkinson, Blake, Doan, Hawkins, Hopkins, Howard, McMechan, Morse, Newell, Osborn, Pilson, Ravenscroft, Robinson, Shepler, Spangler, Taylor, Vance, Walke and Yeo-20.

Those who voted in the negative, were

Messrs. Alexander, Anthony, Kendall, Lind, Lyman, McDowell,
McKaig, Morris, Steele, Vincent, Whittlesey and Speaker-12.
The Speaker laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec-
retary of State; which was read, as follows, viz:


Columbus, Ohio, June 10, 1835.


The Secretary of State would respectfully represent, that since the adjournment of the last session, (in order to supply the calls of the State Printer for paper to finish printing the Laws and Journals of that session,) he has been compelled to purchase, at various times, a quantity of paper, not then anticipated; and for that purpose has drawn on the Stationary Fund to the amount of $1364-which leaves a balance of that fund of only $809 94 5, including all previous appropriations. As various items of stationary have already been, and must hereafter be procured. for the use of the Legislature at the present session, and paid for out of this fund, it is evident that the balance will be wholly inadequate to supply the demands of the State for the residue of the current year, aad make the annual purchase required by law.

It is also well known to the General Assembly, that the duty of procuring a Standard of Weights and Measures for this State, was imposed on the Secretary by a law of last session, and the necessary expenses appropriated out of his Contingent Fund. A correspondence


has been opened with the Secretary of the State of New-York, on the subject of procuring the standard directly from the originals in his office, and the probable expense thereof, together with such practical information as he may deem useful in supplying the people of this State with a correct standard of weights and measures. The necessary expense of procuring the originals is not yet known at this office, but the balance of the Contingent Fund is only $407 68 5. It is therefore suggested, whethether the interests of the State do not rerequire additional appropriations, at the present session, for the purchase of stationary, and to the Contingent Fund of the Secretary of State.

Very respectfully submitted,


Secretary of State.

Which communication was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

On motion of Mr. Hawkins,

The Senate took up the communication signed John Biddle, and the

accompanying documents; which, On his motion,

Were indefinitely postponed.

Mr. Kendall introduced the following resolution, to wit: Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That his Excellency the Governor be required to issue his Proclamation, requiring the Assessors in each county in the State, who have failed to make and return, according to law, the enumeration of the white male inhabitants above the age of twenty-one years, for the year 1835, to make and return the same on or before the 1st day of November next, in the same manner as is required by law.

On motion of Mr. Whittlesey,
The resolution was laid on the table.

The Speaker announced the following

Standing Committee on the Judiciary-Messrs. Anthony. Whittlesey and Lyman.

On motion of Mr. Kendall,

The resolution requiring his Excellency the Governor to issue his Proclamation, requiring the Assessors in each county in the State, who have failed to make and return, according to law, the enumeration of the white male inhabitants above the age of twenty-one years, for the year 1835, to make and return the same on or before the 1st day of November next, was taken up, and referred to the Standing Committee on the Judiciary.

On motion of Mr. Anthony,

The Senate resolved itself into a Committee of whole on the Orders of the Day; and after some time spent therein the Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Walke reported that the committee had, according to order, under consideration a bill to amend the act in relation to the Lunatic Asylum, and had made no amendments thereto.

Mr. Taylor moved the postponement of the bill to the first Monday of December next.

The question being taken, was decided in the negative.

Said bill was then amended by the Senate, and

Ordered to be engrossed, in order for its third reading and final passage on to-morrow.

Mr. McMechan moved the reconsideration of the vote taken on yesterday, in relation to the introductton of the bill to amend the act, entitled "An act to incorporate the town of Worthington."

The question being taken thereon, was decided in the negative.
On motion of Mr. Spangler,

The Senate adjourned until to-morrow morning, 10 o'clok.

THURSDAY, June 11, 1835.

The Senate convened, pursuant to adjournment.
Mr. Hawkins

Presented a certificate in relation to the claim of Warren Jenkins;

which was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

Mr. Osborn

Presented a claim of H. Pinney for repairing and putting down the carpeting in the Senate Chamber and Hall of the House of Representatives; which was referred to the Standing Committee on Finance. Mr. Lind

Presented the petition of Thomas and James Callin, lessess of section 15, township 24, of range 17, of the Virginia Military School Lands, praying for the passage of a law enabling them to surrender their leases, and obtain certificates of purchase; which petition was laid upon the table.

Mr. Lyman, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported a bill further to amend an act, entitled "An act regulating the mode of taking the enumeration of the white male inhabitants above the age of twenty-one years, passed January 10th, 1835; which was read the first time.

Ordered, That the House of Representatives be informed thereof.
The Speaker announced the following Standing Committee:
On Schools and School Lands-Messrs. Walke, Shepler and Doan.
On motion of Mr. Lind,

The petition of James and Thomas Callin was taken up, and refer

red to the Standing Committee on Schools and School Lands.

On motion of Mr. Hawkins,

The Senate adjourned until 3 o'clock, P. M.

Three o'clock. Senate convened, pursuant to adjournment.

On motion of Mr. Hawkins,

Resolved, That a Select Committee of three be appointed, with instructions to inquire as to the expediency of memorializing Congress

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