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the same, and that Mr. Speaker had appointed Messrs. Allds, Hill and Fitzgerald as such committee on the part of the Assembly.

The President appointed as such committee on the part of the Senate, Messrs. Raines and Martin.

Ordered, That the Clerk return said resolution to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have appointed a like committee on the part of the Senate.

A message from the Governor, at the hands of his secretery, was received and read in the words following:

ALBANY, May 29, 1899.

To the Legislature:

I recommend for your consideration at this extraordinary session of the Legislature an appropriation sufficient to pay in full the expenses thereof. THEODORE ROOSEVELT.

Ordered, That said message be laid upon the table.

The Assembly sent for concurrence a bill (not printed) entitled "An act making an appropriation for the expenses of the special session of the Legislature, called by proclamation of the Governor to convene on May 22, 1899" (Rec. No. 1), which was read the first time and by unanimous consent was also read the second time.

On motion of Mr. Higgins, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading.

A message from the Governor, at the hands of his secretary, was received and read in the words following:



To the Legislature:


It appearing to my satisfaction that the public interest requires it; Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of section 15 of article 3 of the Constitution and by virtue of the authority thereby conferred upon me, I do hereby certify to the necessity of the immediate passage of Assembly bill (Int. No. 1) entitled "An act making an appropriation for the expenses of the special session of the Legislature called by proclamation of the Governor to convene on May 22, 1899."

Given under my hand and the privy seal of the State at the Capitol in the city of Albany this twenty-fifth day of May L. s.] in the year of our Lord one thousand eighteen hundred

and ninety-nine.

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Secretary to the Governor.

Said bill was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the necessity for the immediate passage of the same having been certified by the Governor pursuant to the provisions of section 15 of article 3 of the Constitution, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly, and request their concurrence therein.

The Assembly returned the following entitled bills, with a message that they have concurred in the passage of the same:

"An act to amend the Tax Law, in relation to the taxation of public franchises as real property." (No. 3, Int. No. 1.)

"An act making an appropriation for the expenses of a celebration in honor of the return of Admiral George Dewey to the United States." (No. 4, Int. No. 2.)

"An act making an appropriation for the State Board of Tax Commissioners for the compensation of needed assistants in its office, and for other expenses." (No. 5, Int. No. 3.)

"An act to amend the State Finance Law, in relation to the manufacturing funds of the State prisons." (No. 6, Int. No. 4.) Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bills to the Governor.

The Assembly sent for concurrence a resolution in the words following:

Resolved (if the Senate concur), That when this Legislature adjourns without date it be on Thursday, May 25, 1899, at 5.30 o'clock p. m.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative.

Ordered, That the Clerk return said resolution to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate have concurred in the passage of the

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Mr. Brown presented the following report:

The joint committee of the Senate and Assembly, appointed to arrange for a suitable memorial to the late ex-Governor Roswell P. Flower, respectfully report that they recommend that when the Legislature now convened in extraordinary session adjourns, it adjourn out of respect to the memory of ex-Governor Flower, and that upon the convening of the Senate and Assembly at the next regular session of the Legislature a day be set apart for the presentation of a suitable memorial of his life and public services.

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The President, pursuant to the provisions of the Legislature Law, appointed James S. Whipple, Clerk; Charles A. Ball, assistant clerk; Lafayette B. Gleason, journal clerk; William P. Dodge, financial clerk, and L. G. De Caut, assistant journal clerk, as officers to remain eight days after the close of this extraordinary session, and perform duty under the direction of the Clerk.

Messrs. Kelsey and Roche, a committee from the Assembly, appeared in the Senate Chamber and announced that the Assembly had completed its labors and was ready to adjourn.

Mr. Humphrey offered the following:

Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed to wait upon the Assembly and inform that body that the Senate has completed its labors and is ready to adjourn.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative.

The President appointed Messrs. Humphrey and Mitchell as such committee.

Messrs. Humphrey and Mitchell, the committee appointed to wait upon the Assembly and inform that body that the Senate had

completed its labors and was ready to adjourn, reported that they had performed that duty.

Mr. Marshall offered the following:

Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed to wait upon the-Governor and inform him that the Senate has completed its labors and is ready to adjourn.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative.

The President appointed Messrs. Marshall and Plunkitt as such committee.

Messrs. Marshall and Plunkitt, the committee appointed to wait upon the Governor and inform him that the Senate had completed its labors and was ready to adjourn, reported that they had performed that duty.

The hour of 5.30 o'clock having arrived, the President declared that, pursuant to concurrent resolution heretofore adopted, and in respect to the memory of the late Roswell P. Flower, the Senate was adjourned sine die.




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