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the foundation of religion, as with any other character; since we find their necessity no more hinders men from being benevolent than cruel; true than faithless; just than unjust, or, if the fatalist pleases, what we call unjust."1

1 Analogy of Religion, chap. vi, p. 159.




Absolute morality, 118, 145.

Action, antecedents of, 209 ff.

Alexander, S., 73.

Bonaventura, on conscience, 31.
Bradley, 142.

Brentano, on conscience, 41 f.
Burckhardt, 87.

Altruism, 126 f.; egoism and, 258 ff. Burton, 87.

[blocks in formation]

Bacon, 262 n. 7, 287.
Bahnsen, 289 n. 1.

Bain, 175, 214 n. 2, 230 n. 1, 233 n.

2, 262 n. 7, 329; on conscience, 57
ff.; on motive to action, 218 ff.;
on pleasure-pain as consequence
of action, 240.

Balance of pleasures, 293.
Barratt, 175.

Baumann, 214 n. 2.

Bentham, 177, 262 n.7; on con-
science, 55; on highest good, 168
f.; and Mill, 172 f.
Biology and highest good, 276 ff.


Butler, 36 n. 1, 80, 130 n. 2, 150, 262
n. 7; on conscience, 42 f.; on de-
terminism, 338 f.; on highest
good, 164 f.


Calderwood, 85; on conscience, 34f.
Calvin, 324 n.1.

Carlyle, on motives to action, 226 f.
Carneri, 73.

Categorical imperative, 61 ff., 133


Causality, 327 ff.; and will, 319 ff.
Character, 311 ff.

Christian conception, 190 n. 1.
Chrysostom, 29.
Cicero, 187.

Civilization and pessimism, 299 ff.
Clarke, S., 80, 85; on conscience, 33.
Conscience, analysis and explana-

tion of, 74 ff.; differences in, 87 f.,
96 ff.; empirical view of, 47 ff.;
evolutional view of, and morality,
111 ff.; genesis of, 93 ff.; and
heredity, 70 ff.; and inclination,
167 ff.; immediacy and infalli-
bility of, 105 ff.; innateness of, 100
ff.; intuitional view of, 28 ff.;
criticism of intuitional view of,
85 ff.; as judgment, 83 ff.; met-
aphysical view of, 28 ff.; myth-
ical view, 27 f.; as standard of
morals, 116 ff.; and teleological

or utilitarian theory, 129 ff.; | Ends or ideals, 250 ff.

[blocks in formation]

Criterion of morality and highest Epicurus, on highest good, 160 ff.,

[blocks in formation]

176, 207.

Ethical judgment, subject-matter
of, 9 ff.

Ethics, definition of, 4 ff.; differ-
entia of, 7 ff.; and metaphysics,
17 ff.; methods of, 20 ff.; as a
normative science, 23 n. 3; and
politics, 16 f.; and psychology,
13 ff.; theoretical and practical,
22 f.; value of, 23 ff.
Eudæmonism, 126 n. 1, 127 n. 1, 180
ff., 184 ff.
Evaluation, 5.
Explanation, 2 f.

[blocks in formation]

| Happiness and virtue, 303 ff.

Hartley, on conscience, 56 f.; on | Instincts, 210, 224 f.; explanations

sympathy, 262 n. 7.
Hartmann, 289 n. 1.

Hedonism, 126, 155 ff.; critique of,
205 ff.; metaphysical, 247 f.; psy-
chological fallacies of, 236 ff.;
summary of history of, 176 ff.
Hedonistic psychology, 217 ff.
Hegel, 325.
Hegesias, 159.

Helvétius, 262; on conscience, 53.
Herbart, 41, 83 n. 3.

Heredity, conscience and, 70 ff.,
101 ff.; environment and, 313 ff.
Highest good, 205 ff., 250 ff.; biol-
ogy and, 276 ff.; and criterion
of morality, 155 ff.; and moral-
ity, 278 ff.; theories of, 155 ff.
Hobbes, on conscience, 47 f.; on
egoism, 261; on highest good, 190.
Höffding, 73, 200, 230 n. 1, 257 n. 1,
262 n. 7; on motives, 228; on will,


Holbach, 53 n. 5, 262.
Humanity, ideal of, 253 ff.
Hume, 36 n. 1, 141 n. 1, 177, 262 n. 7,
276; on conscience, 39 ff.; on ego-
ism, 265 n. 1, 266, 267 n. 1; on
highest good, 166 f.

Hutcheson, 132 n. 1, 143 n. 1, 177,
262 n. 7; on conscience, 36 n. 1,
38 f.; on highest good, 165 f.
Huxley, 256 n. 1.
Hypothetical imperatives, 133 ff.


Ideal of humanity, 253 ff.
Ideals, 250 ff.

Ideo-motor action, 211.
Immediacy of conscience, 105 ff.
Impulses, 227 f., 233 f.; physiology
of, 233 f.; and pleasure-pain,
237 f.; and virtues, 312 f.
Impulsive acts, 211 f.
Inclination and duty, 107 ff.
Indeterminism, criticism of, 329 ff.
Infallibility of conscience, 105 ff.
Innate elements in conscience,
100 ff.

[blocks in formation]

Ladd, 98 n. 2, 230 n. 1, 233 n. 4, 240
n. 3; on conscience, 98 n. 2; on
egoism, 265 n. 2.
Lamettrie, 53 n. 5, 262.
La Rochefoucauld, 262.
Lear, 303.⚫

Lecky, 85, 87, 279.

Leibniz, 12 n. 1, 86 n. 1, 164 n. 3;
on free will, 326, 333.
Livermore, 315.

Locke, 177; on conscience, 48 ff.;
on highest good, 163 f.
Lotze, 214 n. 2.
Luther, 324 n. 1.

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