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KNOW YE that in order to insure an effective organization within the Realm of Louisiana, to assist in the accomplishment of our worthy objects and purposes, to perpetuate our great fraternity, to preserve forever its principles, and to consumate its mission, I, the Grand Dragon of the Realm of Louisiana, Original Ku Klux Klan, do hereby proclaim this Konstitution, embodying all of the original precepts, to be the Supreme Law of the Realm, and do invoke the blessing and guidance of Almighty God in behalf of our united effort to save our country, our homes and our race from the works of the Devil and the designs of the enemies of liberty;

KNOW YE FURTHER that for a period of ten days from the date of this proclamation each Klavern, through its Exalted Cyclops, shall have the right to submit in writing to the Grand Kligrapp, specific amendments to this Konstitution, which amendments shall be considered by the Kabinet for proposal under Article IX of this Konstitution.


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We, the members of the Original Ku Klux Kian, Realm of Louisiana, reaffirming the principles for which our forefathers mutually pledged and freely sacrificed their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor two centuries ago; reaffirming the principles and honoring the accomplishments of our courageous fathers who established the invisible empire a century ago; and met in our own time by a renewed assault of the skilled and godless enemies of liberty; do ordain and establish this Konstitution, that we may best preserve, protect and transmit to our posterity the priceless heritage so painfully delivered to us. Let all mankind know that as freeborn Christian men and as worthy sons of our Fathers, we will do no less.


The objects and purposes of this organization shall be:

To foster and promote the tenets of Christianity;

To preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies whomsoever, both Foreign and Domestic; To teach and practice pure Patriotic Americanism;

To maintain forever Segregation of the races and the Divinely directed and historically proven supremacy of the White Race;

To preserve public peace and good order; to maintain Justice under the Law and to protect the weak, the innocent and the defenseless from the indignities, wrongs and outrages of the lawless, and from all impositions and oppressions whatsoever;

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To relieve the injured and the oppressed; to succor the suffering and, especially to aid and support those, and the widows and orphans of those, who may suffer and fall in our cause; and

To promote true responsible manhood, loyal fraternity or brotherhood, and generous mutual cooperation and assistance among ourselves; to further happiness among our people by constantly practicing and teaching our children to practice all of these objects and purposes.


Membership in this Organization shall be by invitation only, and shall be limited to Mature, Native-born, White, Gentile Men, of the age of eighteen years and upwards, who profess and practice the Christian Faith but who are not members of the Roman Catholic church

No Alien shall be invited nor shall he be admitted to membership until he shall have been vouched for in klavern as fully qualified, unquestionable loyal to the objects and purposes of this organization, and dependable to death, by at least two members in good standing who have known him personally for at least three years and intimately for at least two years. Each such Alien so vouched for shall be voted upon in klavern on two separate occasions, and upon each such occasion one negative vote shall require careful investigation and report before proceding further and two negative votes shall require rejection.

Upon approval as aforesaid, or where for the manifest good of the organization the Grand Dragon has expressly authorized approval in another manner, and upon solemnly swearing the oaths of obedience, secrecy, fidelity and klanishness, before an officer of this organization authorized to administer the same, qualified aliens shall become full members of, assume all of the obligations of, and be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of this organization.

Any member who, after fair notice and opportunity to be heard, shall be found to lack the qualifications, the loyalty or the dependability required for membership, or who shall be so found to be guilty of acts or omissions violative of his oaths or otherwise de

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trimental to the organization or its objects and purposes, shall be forthwith expelled or banished. The Grand Dragon shall, by edict, prescribe the form of notice, the form and manner of hearing, and the offenses for which banishment may be decreed. Banished persons shall be forever ostracized by all members of this organization.

No member shall ever be required to perform any act or accept any obligation contrary to the dictates of his conscience, in violation of his Religious convictions or against which he has real moral scruples, provided only that he timely make his objection known. Any member in good standing and against whom no charges which might result in his expulsion or banishment are pending, may resign his membership under honorable conditions upon solemnly swearing the discharge oath before an officer of the organization authorized to administer the same and, where physically possible, in the presence of one or more members of his klavern.


This organization is and shall remain absolutely sovereign in the Realm of Louisiana, recognizing the authority of no other so-called Ku Klux Klan organization in the Realm. For the furtherance of our objects and purposes and the protection of our members, no such person or persons not members of and subject to the discipline of this organization will be permitted to act in the name of the Ku Klux Klan within the Realm. Such persons are not Klansmen and, under penalty of banishment, may not be dealt with as Klansmen within the Realm by members of this organization.

The Grand Dragon, with the advice and consent of the Kabinet, may recognize, exchange envoys with, enter into treaties and agreements with, and otherwise mutually cooperate with any and all Ku Klux Klan organizations exercising actual effective jurisdiction over all or a substantial part of another Realm, having substantially the same objects and purposes as this organization, and governed by substantially the same oaths and discipline as this organization.


The Government of this Realm shall consist of the Grand

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