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[Burrel White Exhibit No. 2-JANUARY 13, 1966]


To be read and reread until thoroughly understood by all officers and members. Also may be used as background material for discussions and lectures at local unit meetings.

The purpose and function of this organization is to preserve Christian Civilization. It has no other legitimate reason for existence, nor can any member have any other legitimate reason for belonging than to wholeheartedly help carry out this aim.

The world and all of the people in it are torn between two exactly opposite forces : 1. The Spiritual Force of Almighty God Championed by our Savior, Christ, Jesus. 2. The negative, materialistic force of destruction championed by Satan.

It is necessary that each and every member truly understand the above before he can ever become effective in this organization. It is necessary that each and every member keep a copy of the Holy Scripture close at hand at all támes for frequent, careful and PRAYERFUL reference. The Communist Conspiracy absolutely cannot be understood (and thereby successfully opposed) by any man, no matter how well educated he may appear to be, UNTIL that man has the FACT fixed clearly in his mind that when he is dealing with the Communist Conspiracy, he is dealing with an AGENCY of Satan, which owes all of its apparent successes to an evil, malignant, SUPERNATURAL Force. Until we all realise that we are up against a SUPERNATURAL Force, against which our FINITE minds and emotions ar.! abilities are, by themselves, POWERLESS to defeat, we shall continue to suffer dissappoi ments and defeats again and again.

Once, however, that we can bring ourselves to put our EGO aside and humbly admit to ou selves that our FINITE minds, and FINITEemotions, and FINITE abilities are, by themselves! incapable of defeating the Communist Conspiracy with its SUPERNATURAL assist from Satan, we will have taken a Tremendous step forward. We THEN, logically and practicall turn and ask for assistance from the ONE source of SUPERNATURAL POWER that can overcome Satan. This is where and when we align ourselves with Almighty God, our Creator, our Savior, and our Inspiration. We do not commit the popular blasphemy which says: "God is on our side", or "we are His Chosen people". Quite the contrary. WE have chose. GOD. We have placed ourselves under His Direction. We have become His Finite instrumen with which, we ernestly pray, He will choose to save Christian Civilization. He is our Shepherd, our Foundation, our Strength, without which we will be hopelessly devoured by the Agents of Satan. Let us choose, sirs, let us meditate soberly and seriously on t point. Christ has always been our Last Spiritual Hope. He is now become our Last Hop for earthly civilization and physical Life as we have come to know it under our gove mental system of Equal Justice under Law. It is the Duty of every member to pray an to read his Bible every day, and it is the Duty of the Chaplain of each and every uni to see that this is being done, and to stimulate the Spiritual warness of all member at all times, in order that our feet remain constantly on the Right Path. Our Survival and our Eventual Victory will depend upon a Constant, Christian awarness.

Every day, we hear so-called "anti-communists" and "wise men" praying aloud for The Almighty to"send us a Leader", some one who can show us the way out of this Collecti Horror that we have let ourselves get trapped into.

Sirs, we were sent a LEADER some two thousand years ago. He was the last True Leader that has been seen upon the earth since that time. We have been rejecting Him, in ong way or another, to a greater or lesser degree, ever since that time. We have NO come the END of the ROAD. We are NOW, right now, each and every one of us going to begin! to LIVE, IN WITH anf FOR the Spirit of Christ Jesus in ourselves and our civilized brethren about us, and thus purified, without Malice or Vengeance, begin, systematical` to DESTROY the athestic, Satanic agents of communism in our midst, OR, we are going see, before our very eyes, our society degenerate into a savage melee of brutal human ic animals, snarling and fighting among themselves for the bare necessities of anim existence.

This is a CHRISTIAN MILITANT Organization. We must, each of us, understand precisely what is meant by the combination of these two terms and ACT and govern ourselves accordingly. As Christians, we are disposed to kindness, generosity, affection and humility in our dealings with others.. AS MILITANTS, we are disposed to the use of physical force against our enemies. How can we reconcile these two apparently cort dictory philosophies, and at the same time, make sure that we do not violate the Divin Law by our actions, which may be held against us when we face that Last Court on t Day of Judgement ? The answer, of course, is to purge Malice, bitterness and vengear!u. · from our hearts. To pray each day for Divine Guidance, thet our feet shall remain the Correct Fath and test all of our Acts be God's Will working through ournhumir. selves bare upon this earth.

We are all going to fave the fact that we must fight and estroy our enemies in order to save our Lives, our Nation, and our Christian Civilization, but we must remember s' at all times, Consciously and Constantly, that we are Christian Soldiers, and we must luct ourselves with Honor, as did our forbears of old. This is not going to be easy So do. We are all of us in a highly irritated and excited State of "ind at this time. The communists in the governmental administration and their fellow conspirators in the NAACP are deliberately trying to goad us into making mistakes, which they can exploit to their political advantage. To counteract this, we must keep our heads and get down to WORK. We must not make the classic military blunder of permitting the ENEMY to choose the battleground and set the conditions of the battle. Je must design our OWN attack program, and STICK TO IT without distraction 11

The affairs in our own domestic house have been in turmoil for several months, but wo can now see that we have a reasonable chance to achieve a sound and stable government under our new constitution. The entire success or failure of this organization of ours is going to rest with the individual member, and how well he is going to be able to make his local unit function. The new constitution was deliberately designed to make the leading offices as unimportant as possible, since any student of communist technique knows that any organization which depends on a powerful FUERHER can easily be wrecked simply by killing the FUERHER, but that a Materially foose, DECENTRALIZED Organization of Careful, Sober, Christian MILITANTS, who are RIDIGIDLY UNITED in Principle and Devotion, and who have trained themselves to think for themselves in the midst of confusion and emergencies, will constitute a Force in Being which will be ve difficult to destroy. Any man can be killed, but an IDEAL of Christian Militancy whic lives and burns in the hearts and minds of each and every member of this order, will NEVER be destroyed, and THAT is what is IMPORTANT to us at this time.

The Militant phase of our organization at the local level is divided into Three Primary Branches or Fields of Work, with almost infinite subdivisions under them. These Three Primary Branches are: 1. SECURITY 2. INTELLIGENCE 3. PROPAGANDA.

When a Local Unit is FIRST, maintaining a high degree of Christian Spirit among all of its members, and THEN maintaining absolute Secrecy and Military Protection and Security in connection with all phases of its work, and THEN maintaining a constant flow of INTELLIGENCE Information concerning all phases of enemy activity in their local aroa, to the higher headquarters, together with recommendations, and THEN systematically operating a verbal and printed PROPAGANDA network in their own area, in order to convince the average citizen that OUR organization is a necessary and worthwhile asset to the community, while those who oppose us are Dangerous Enemies who are responsible for all of the trouble in the local area; WHEN, a local unit is doing all of the se things, and maintaining all of these phases of our work, Effeciently, Continuously and Simultaneously, then it can be said of the Officers and Members of that Unit, that they are TRULY accomplishing the PURPOSE for which this organization was designed.

We will

Volumes can, and have been written on SECURITY, INTELLIGENCE and PROPAGANDA. discuss them only briefly here, and each local unit should obtain some of the many worthwhile books available on these subjects, and Local Unit Officers should drill this information into the membership at frequent intervals, some of it at every meeting.


SECURITY takes in: 1. The ability of a unit and its members to remain undected by outsiders. 2. The ability of a unit to protect its mectings from detection and intrusion from outsiders. 3. The ability to protect the families of the membership from outside forces. 4. The ability to protect the entire community from outside forces. Obviously, only the first ability is within the grasp of a new unit. The other abili ties must be acquired thru skill, discipline and patience. But each unit should start to work immediately on acquiring and refining the First.

Let us start with a few PROVEN rules and sec to it that they are STRICTLY Observed :

1. Be careful that you are not followed in going to and from meetings. Do not park large numbers of cars around meeting places. Go in groups in one car or park several blocks away and walk. Train yourself to see yourself as a skilled detective would see you. Always behave in a normal, average manner. You may ACT foolish in publie, but you must BE careful.

2. In recruiting new members, always learn as much as possible, and make sure that he is strictly reliable before you approach him. Just being a "conservative" or a "segregationist" is not enough. WE are looking for men who are Christian, American Patriots, to whom all secondary issues are SECONDARY. Do not hesitate to ask for an investigation on any proposed new member that you do not know. When in doubt, SCRATCH. A good man can always be brought in later, but a bad one causes real turmoil. Remember, the men who join you are going to be walking around with your life in their hands. Do not object to a good ran simply because you have a personal. grudne agsnot him. This is e Christian organization and grudges must be forgott

5. Always have several secret meeting places and mail drops in reserve so that you can switch on short notice. Chango mccting places frequently, but do not confuse your own members about this.

4. rch unit must have one officer designated as Security Officer who shall watch and criticise the other members for un sound conduct, loose talk or actions, carelessn etc. The Local Unit Head will demand obedience to Security matters at all times for all Cfficers and embers. A schedule of small fines for careless members should be sct up and enforced at once.

5. Assume that all telephones are tapped (which they probably are). Learn to talk over the telephone in code in short, quick sentences. Talk in such a way that no outside could understand the meaning of what you are saying. Use public phones.

6. Always use deceptive language when sending letters. Do not sign letters or any other paper in connection with this organization. USE YOUR NUMBER. /rite with a typewriter that cannot be traced to you. On very important messages, write with the message enclosed in an envelope after it has been wrapped in carbon paper or tinfoil or sor thing that will short circuit the cute infra-rod reading machines which our enemic: are now using to check PATRIOTIC (but not communist) mail. Never put a return address on a letter unless it is typwritten and completely fictitious. Seal all joints on the envelope with Scotch tape. Always try to mail letters from as far away from yo home as possible, another city, if convenient. Each and every member is required to obtain two pairs of gloves. One pair of DARK, cheap cotton gloves, and one pair of~: high quality rubber gloves. These gloves must be worn at all times when handling printed material that is to be sent out, or when handling any other type of material that can be traced by fingerprints.

7. Occasionally, organize a systematic mailing campaign to see that certain of our enemics start receiving all kinds of "wild" suspicious mail, implicating him in all kinds of subversive plots and schemes. This will confuse the postal pimps and help protect our other members. Also, in reverse, you should try to act like you are a "pinko" yourself, who is really against our organization, and wishes that everybody would just bo "peaceful". Do this without encouraging anyone else to believe this way, however. Remember, it is just as important to TRICK, CONFUSE, and DECIEVE our

enemies as it is to fight them. Each member must do his share of both. 8. Keep all records and communications at an absolute minimum, and carefully hidden, and in code. Kep them in such a manner that they can easily and quickly be desti Always include a large number of enemy names on the list of any of our records, so that the list will be confusing to any outsider.

9. Observe the "Need to Know" Rule. This means that no officer nor Member should have any ir.formation that he does not absolutely have to have in order to perform his duty. No member should feel "left out" because he is denied such information. Instead, every member should strive to avoid knowing anything that he does not necd to know. Modern techniques of drugs, hypnotism and brain manipulation have made it impossible for any man to withold information under capture. Our only defense against this is that a man cannot tell what he does not know.

10. All members in a local unit should informally segregate themselves into groups according to the "name" of being a patriot that they have in their local community. Under group A would be those who are known to be MEMBERS by the Public or the Law Enforcement Agents. Under group B would those be who are not known to be members but who are known Patriots in their community.. Under group C would be those who are not generally recognised as being patriots in their local community. Under group D are those who are unknown to even the other members of the unit except for the one who SPECIALLY recruited him. All members of these various informal groups should be very careful of having any outside, public contact with members who are in a different group than themselves. Each member must CCNSTANTLY respect the Secrec and Security of any other member and never reveal the identity of any other member to another member without Specific Permission on each occasion. 11. If you are already known to be a member or an outspoken patriot, you should start righ' away to change your public "image" to that of a person who has become disil usic...d with the "right-wing" and the "conservative" movement in general. You mu be careful not to discourage anyone else while you are doing this, however. 12. Do not write patriotic letters to magazines or newspapers under your own name. O.K. to write if you have the ability, but DO NOT sign a correct name or address. Use a typewriter at all times. Never RITE a letter in handwriting. 13. Each local unit rust maintain a squad of at least 8 well-armed men, each man wit minimum of 50 rounds of ammunition. This squad should should hike, drill, and s together frequently and become proficient as an infantry squad. This squad will be the guard unit for the meetings.


14. A reserve supply of arms and ammunition should be cached or buried in several plas. within range of the local unit, so that if an overnight crackdown of arms possess comes, the unit would not be disarmed. The "blue ribbon" weapons of the unit must always be kept in a secure and handy place. The squad should have among its arms both short range, saturation fire weapons, and medium and long range precision accuracy weapons. quad members should become proficient with the knowledge and use of the simplest and latest bow-rade weapons. The local unit treasury should help in the purchase of any expsasive as that might imrose ar undue hardship on induvidual equid number. Hotover, as a general rule, it may be said that each s member Furnjakes his own basic args,

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