Extend National Wool Act of 1954: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Livestock and Feed Grains of the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, Eighty-fifth Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 9518, H.R. 9519, H.R. 9532, H.R. 9535, H.R. 9539, H.R. 9675, H.R. 9859, H.R. 9895, H.R. 9921, H.R. 9973, H.R. 9995, H.R. 10016, H.R. 10049, H.R. 10192, and H.R. 10567, Partes1-2U.S. Government Printing Office, 1958 - 186 páginas |
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Resultados 1-5 de 82
... Chairman WILLIAM S. HILL , Colorado , ex officio member of all subcommittees Mrs. MABEL C. DOWNEY , Clerk HYDE H. MURRAY , Assistant Clerk JOHN J. HEIMBURGER , Counsel FRANCIS M. LEMAY , Consultant SUBCOMMITTEE ON LIVESTOCK AND FEED ...
... Chairman WILLIAM S. HILL , Colorado , ex officio member of all subcommittees Mrs. MABEL C. DOWNEY , Clerk HYDE H. MURRAY , Assistant Clerk JOHN J. HEIMBURGER , Counsel FRANCIS M. LEMAY , Consultant SUBCOMMITTEE ON LIVESTOCK AND FEED ...
Página 1
... assembled , That section 703 of the National Wool Act of 1954 ( 68 Stat . 910 ) is amended by striking out " March 31 , 1959 ” and inserting in lieu thereof " March 31 , 1963. " 1 Hon . HAROLD D. COOLEY , Chairman , Committee on.
... assembled , That section 703 of the National Wool Act of 1954 ( 68 Stat . 910 ) is amended by striking out " March 31 , 1959 ” and inserting in lieu thereof " March 31 , 1963. " 1 Hon . HAROLD D. COOLEY , Chairman , Committee on.
Página 2
... Chairman , Committee on Agriculture , House of Representatives . DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE , Washington , D. C. , January 16 , 1958 . DEAR CONGRESSMAN COOLEY : This is in reply to your letter of August 30 , requesting a report on H. R. ...
... Chairman , Committee on Agriculture , House of Representatives . DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE , Washington , D. C. , January 16 , 1958 . DEAR CONGRESSMAN COOLEY : This is in reply to your letter of August 30 , requesting a report on H. R. ...
Página 6
... Chairman , I would like to point out that the number of sheep in this country is far smaller now than was the case 10 years ago . In my own State of Texas , we had , in 1945 , 81⁄2 million head of sheep . In 1957 , after 7 years of ...
... Chairman , I would like to point out that the number of sheep in this country is far smaller now than was the case 10 years ago . In my own State of Texas , we had , in 1945 , 81⁄2 million head of sheep . In 1957 , after 7 years of ...
Página 12
... Chairman , on August 29 , 1957 , I joined with many of my colleagues in introducing legislation to extend the National Wool Act of 1954 , the number of my bill being H. R. 9532. On that date , speaking on the floor of the House , I ...
... Chairman , on August 29 , 1957 , I joined with many of my colleagues in introducing legislation to extend the National Wool Act of 1954 , the number of my bill being H. R. 9532. On that date , speaking on the floor of the House , I ...
Términos y frases comunes
1956 marketing 300 million pounds 70 percent advertising and promotion American Sheep Producers areas average price received bill cents Chairman checkoff CLYDE Colorado committee commodities Congress Congressman consumer consumption cotton Dakota Department of Agriculture DIXON domestic wool drought duties collected extend farm fibers FISHER free market funds Government HILL important incentive payment income increase legislation livestock March 31 MATTHEWS mohair Montana National Farmers Union National Grange National Wool Act National Wool Growers operation organization POAGE president problem promotion and advertising promotion program question Representatives retailers sales promotion secretary section 708 sheep and wool Sheep Breeders Association Sheep Council sheep industry sheep numbers Sheep Producers Council shorn wool South Dakota specific duties statement tariff Texas Thank tion United unshorn lambs Utah wool and lamb wool and wool Wool Growers Association wool industry wool manufactures Wool Marketing wool production wool program woolgrowers Wyoming
Pasajes populares
Página 165 - Whenever, in any schedule of this Act, the word "wool" is used in connection with a manufactured article of which it is a component material, it shall be held to include wool or hair of the sheep, camel, goat, alpaca or other animal, whether manufactured by the woolen, worsted, felt, or any other process.
Página 102 - STATEMENT OF HON. FRANK A. BARRETT, A UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF WYOMING Senator BARRETT. Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the opportunity to c-oine back to this room here and to testify again before this committee.
Página 115 - It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress, as a measure of national security, to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation's children and to encourage the domestic consumption of nutritious agricultural commodities and other food, by assisting the States, through grants-in-aid and other means, in providing an adequate supply of foods and other facilities for the establishment...
Página 159 - Item 306.03 Other merchandise resulting during the usual course of manufacture of such enumerated articles which cannot be used (with or without further preparation) in the usual course of manufacture of such enumerated articles • • • Free.
Página 159 - ... (c) Only one term bond shall be required from each manufacturer, proces«"• • » a dealer, manufacturer, or processor may be relieved of liability under his bond with respect to any wool or hair entered under item 306.00 which is transferred In Its Imported or any other form to another dealer, manufacturer, or processor...
Página 110 - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is always a pleasure to appear before this...
Página 160 - ... board of any such vessel than is specified in the manifest, or if any such articles, whether shown on the manifest or not, are landed without a permit therefor issued by the collector, all such articles omitted from the manifest or landed without a permit shall be subject to forfeiture, and the master shall be liable to a penalty equal to the value of the articles.
Página 160 - Unwashed wools shall be considered such as shall have been shorn from the sheep without any cleansing; that is, in their natural condition. Washed wools shall be considered such as have been washed with water only on the sheep's back, or on the skin. Wools...
Página 10 - AMENDMENTS (in the nature of a substitute) intended to be proposed by Mr. Magnuson to the bill (S. 741) to amend title XII of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, relating to war risk insurance, in order to repeal the provision which would terminate authority to provide insurance under such title, viz: • Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the following: "That section 1214 of title XII of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, is amended by striking out 'five' and inserting in...
Página 160 - ... the Official Standards of the United States for grades of wool as established by the Secretary of Agriculture on June 18, 1926, pursuant to law, shall be the standards for determining the grade of wools.