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Repeal of Sec

tion 4 and substitution.

Public documents, indictments &c may be written, typewritten or printed on paper.

Bills to be on
uniform paper
and authenti-
cated by clerk.

Further respecting authentication.

Cap. Promulgation and Construction of Statutes 17 Geo. v.

1.Section 4 of Chapter 1 of the Consolidated Statutes (Third Series) entitled "Of the Promulgation and Construction of Statutes" is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor:—

4. Notwithstanding any Act or law in force in this Colony, no Bill passed by the Legislature, and no Act of the Legislature, nor any Commission or other public document under the Seal of the Colony, or under the privy seal of the Governor; nor any public indictment, information, deed or other document, nor any portion of any such document shall be required to be on parchment; but the same being wholly or in part written, typewritten, or printed, on paper shall be as valid in all respects as if written, typewritten, or printed on parchment; but nothing herein contained shall be construed as declaring that it was necessary to the validity of any such document heretofore preferred, filed, issued, signed, sealed or executed, that such document or any part thereof should be or have been on parchment.

(a) Bills originating and passed in either House of the Legislature shall, when sent to the other House, be printed or written in the exact form in which they passed, on durable paper, of

uniform dimensions, and be authenticated on each page by the signature of the Clerk of the House in which they were passed;

(b) Bills as finally passed by both Houses shall be written or printed on paper as aforesaid, and authenticated on each page by the Clerk of the House finally passing such Bills, before being presented to the Governor or Officer administering the Government of the Colony, for signature by him;

(c) The Bills aforesaid shall, at the close of each Bills to be session of the Legislature, be durably and Bound &c. uniformly bound, and after such binding, shall be deposited with the Colonial Secretary for safe-keeping;

(d) Messages from either House, relating to Bills Respecting messages from and amendments thereto, if any, shall be writ- either House. ten on durable paper of uniform dimensions, and be authenticated on each page by the signature of the Clerk of the House sending such messages and amendments;

Bound &c.

(e) The messages and amendments aforesaid shall, Messages to be at the close of each session of the Legislature, be durably and uniformly bound, and after such binding, shall be deposited with the Colonial Secretary for safe keeping;

(f) Binding as aforesaid shall be under the con- Control of trol and direction of the Commission of Inter


nal Economy.


An Act to amend 15 Geo. V., Cap. 8, entitled "Of the House of


(Passed June 9, 1926)



SECTION 1.-Amendment.

E it enacted by the Governor, the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Legislative Session convened, as follows:

1. Sub-Section 15 of Section 1 of the Act 15 Geo. V., Cap. VIII., is hereby amended as follows:

(a) By striking out the heading to said sub-section, namely the word "Exploits" and substituting therefor the words "Grand Falls."

(b) By striking out the word "Exploits" in the first line of said sub-section and substituting therefor the words "Grand Falls."


An Act Respecting The United Church of Canada.



2.-Respecting The United


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

17.-Power to issue Deben-
tures and to secure pay-
ment by Mortgage.
18.-Respecting continuation
of powers, rights &c. of
governing bodies of Met-
hodist Church.

19. Orders and judgements
of General Council to be
binding in this Colony.
20. Acts and proceedings of
Nfld. Conference since
June 10, 1925 to have

21.-Resolutions of General Council to have effect. 22.-Admissibility in evidence of copies of documents &c. 23. Ratification of Basis of Union in Schedule A.

[blocks in formation]

WHEREAS The Presbyterian Church in Canada, The Methodist Church and The Congregational Churches of Canada have united and formed one body or denomination of Christians under the name of "The United Church of Canada" and The United Church of Canada has been incorporated by Statute of the Parliament of Canada passed in the year 1924, Chapter 100; and whereas The Methodist Church and The Newfoundland Conference of The


Respecting The
United Church.

Vesting of

Methodist Church were constituted bodies corporate within this Colony by an Act passed in the year 1884, Chapter


AND WHEREAS the United Church of Canada and The Newfoundland Conference of The Methodist Church have petitioned that an Act be passed with respect to The United Church of Canada within this Colony; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition.

BE it Enacted by the Governor, the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Legislative Session convened, as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The United Church of Canada Act.

2. From and after the coming into force of this Act the petitioner, The United Church of Canada, hereinafter called The United Church shall have and may exercise and enjoy within this Colony the rights, authorities, powers and privileges hereinafter by this Act conferred and shall be subject to the duties and obligations thereby imposed. The Methodist Church and The Newfoundland Conference of The Methodist Church shall continue to exist only in and as part of The United Church of Canada and shall cease to exist as bodies corporate at such time as the General Council of The United Church shall so declare. All persons who were on the 10th day of June, 1925, or are now ministers or members of the Methodist Church or of the United Church within this Colony shall be ministers or members, as the case United Church within this Colony.

may be, of The

3. Save as hereinafter provided, all property real and personal belonging to or held in trust for or to the use of The Methodist Church or The Newfoundland Conference of The Methodist Church, or belonging to or held in trust

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