Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes and groves, And ye that on the sands with printless foot Do chase the ebbing Neptune and do fly him When he comes back ; you demi-puppets that By moonshine do the green sour ringlets make, Whereof the ewe not... The Plays of William Shakspeare. .... - Página 64por William Shakespeare - 1800Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 1058 páginas
...them, Sir. \Exit, Pro. Ye Elves of Hills, Brooks, {landing Lakes and Groves, And ye that on the Sands with printlefs Foot Do Chafe the ebbing Neptune, him When he comes back; you Demy-puppets that By Moon-ihine do the green four Ringlets make, Whereof the Ewe not bites; and you whofe Paftime Is to... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1733 - 600 páginas
...elves of hills, brooks, ftanding lakes and groves, And ye, that on the fands with printlefs foot JDo chafe the ebbing Neptune -, and do fly him, "When he comes back > you demy-puppets, that By moon-fhine do the green four ringlets make, Whereof the ewe not bites > and you, whofe paftime Is to... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1745 - 582 páginas
...II. • - . i - .. ' . ' ' ' '•" . ' ,r Pro. Ye elves of hills, brooks, {landing lakes and groves, And ye that on the fands with printlefs foot Do chafe...ebbing Neptune, and do fly him ' ' When he comes back j you demy-puppets that By moon-mine do the green four ringlets make, Whereof the ewe not bites ; and... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 576 páginas
...I'll fetch them, Sir. [£*//. SCENE II. Pro. e Ye elves of hills, brooks, Handing lakes and groves, * And ye, that on the fands with printlefs foot * Do...him, When he comes back -, you demy-puppets, that By moon- mine do the green four ringlets make, Whereof the ewe not bites ; and you, whole paftime Is to... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 556 páginas
...[Exit. SCENE II. Pro. * Ye elves of hills, brooks, Handing lakes and groves, ' And ye, that on the lands with printlefs foot « Do chafe the ebbing Neptune...' When he comes back ; you demy-puppets, that ' By moon-fhine do the green four ringlets make, « Whereof the ewe not bites ; and you, whofe paffime '... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 550 páginas
...I'll fetch them, Sir. [Exit. SCENE II. Pro. * Ye elves of hills, brooks, (landing lakes and groves, ' And ye, that on the fands with printlefs foot ' Do chafe the ebbing Neptune ; and do fly him, 4 When he comes back ; you demy-puppets, that ' By moon-fhine do the green four ringlets make, ' Whereof... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1762 - 460 páginas
...themfehes. ' dri. I'll fetch them, Sir. \Exit. Pro. Ye elves of hills, brooks, ftandfng lakes and groves, And ye, that on the fands with printlefs foot Do chafe...him, When he comes back ; you demy-puppets, that By moon (Line do the green four ringlets make, Whereof the ewe hot bites ; aad you, whofe pailitne Is... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1767 - 488 páginas
...themfelves.. Art. I'll fetch them, Sir. \Exiu Pro. Ye elves ofhills,brooks,ftandinglakes and groves, And ye, that on the fands with printlefs foot Do chafe the ebbing Neptune; and do fly him, (a8) Paffion'd as tby,} Thus Mr. Pope in both his editions. But all the autlientick copies read j *... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1768 - 330 páginas
...fetch them, Sir. [Exit. SCENE II. Pro. "T/E e ^ ves of hills, brooks, ftanding lakes and JL groves, And ye, that on the fands with printlefs foot Do chafe...back ; you demy-puppets, that By moon-mine do the green four ringlets make, Whereof the ewenot bites; and you, whofepaftime Is to make midnight mumrooms,... | |
 | Mrs. Montagu (Elizabeth) - 1769 - 300 páginas
...before he difmifles them ? PR OSPERO. • , Ye elves of hills, brooks, ftanding lakes, and groves, And ye that on the fands with printlefs foot Do chafe...Neptune ; and do fly him . • When he comes back ; ye demy-puppets, that, By the moonfhine, the green four ringlets make, Whereof 342 On the Preternatural... | |
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