ACT V. SCENE 1. Before the Cell of Profpero. Enter PROSPERO in his magick robes, and ARIEL. Pro. Now does my project gather to a head: Pro. I did fay so, When first I rais'd the tempest. Say, my spirit, How fares the king and his ? Ari. Confin'd together In the fame fashion as you gave in charge; In the lime-grove which weather-fends your cell; From eaves of reeds: your charm so strongly works them, That if you now beheld them, your affections Would become tender. Pro. Do'st thou think so, spirit? And mine shall. Ari. Mine would, fir, were I human. Hast thou, which art but air, a touch, a feeling One One of their kind, that relish all as sharply, Yet, with my nobler reason, 'gainst my fury Do I take part: the rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance: they being penitent, The fole drift of my purpose doth extend And they shall be themselves. Ari. I'll fetch them, fir. [Exit. Pro. Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes, and groves; And ye, that on the sands with printless foot Do chase the ebbing Neptune, and do fly him, When he comes back; you demy-puppets, that By moon-shine do the green-four ringlets make, Whereof the ewe not bites; and you, whose pastime Is to make midnight mushrooms; that rejoice To hear the folemn curfew; by whose aid (Weak masters though ye be,) I have be-dimm'd The noon-tide fun, call'd forth the mutinous winds, And 'twixt the green fea and the azur'd vault Set roaring war: to the dread rattling thunder Have I given fire, and rifted Jove's stout oak With his own bolt: the strong-bas'd promontory Have I made shake; and by the spurs pluck'd up The pine, and cedar: graves, at my command, Have wak'd their sleepers; oped, and let them forth By my so potent art: But this rough magick I here abjure: and, when I have requir'd Some heavenly musick, (which even now I do,) To work mine end upon their senses, that This airy charm is for, I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And And, deeper than did ever plummet found, [Solemn musick. Re-enter ARIEL: after him, ALONSO, with a frantick gefture, attended by GONZALO; SEBASTIAN and ANTONIO in like manner, attended by ADRIAN and FRANCISCO: They all enter the circle which PROSPERO had made, and there stand charmed; which PROSPERO obferving, speaks. A folemn air, and the best comforter Holy Gonzalo, honourable man, Mine eyes, even sociable to the shew of thine, To him thou follow'st; I will pay thy graces That yet looks on me, or would know me:---Ariel, Fetch me the hat and rapier in my cell; [Exit ARIEL. ARIEL re-enters, finging, and helps to attire PROSPERO. In a cowflip's bell I lie : After summer, merrily: Pro. Why, that's my dainty Ariel: I shall miss thee; And presently, I pr'ythee. Ari. I drink the air before me, and return Or e'er your pulse twice beat. [Exit ARIEL. Gon. All torment, trouble, wonder, and amazement Inhabits here; Some heavenly power guide us Out of this fearful country! Pro. Behold, fir king, The wronged duke of Milan, Profpero: For more afsurance that a living prince Does now speak to thee, I embrace thy body; And to thee, and thy company, I bid A hearty welcome. Alon. Or fome inchanted trifle to abuse me, Whe'r thou beest he, or no, Beats, A's late I have been, I not know: thy pulse I Beats, as of flesh and blood; and, fince I saw thee, I fear, a madness held me: this must crave (An if this be at all,) a most strange story. Thy dukedom I resign; and do intreat Thou pardon me my wrongs :-But how should Profpero Be living, and be here ? Pro. First, noble friend, Let me embrace thine age; whose honour cannot Be measur'd, or confin'd. Gon. Or be not, I'll not swear. Whether this be, You do yet taste Some fubtilties o' the isle, that will not let you. But you, my brace of lords, were I so minded, [Afide to SEB. and ANT. I here could pluck his highness' frown upon you, And justify you traitors; at this time I'll tell no tales. Seb. The devil speaks in him. No: For you, most wicked fir, whom to call brother Thou must restore. Alon. If thou beeft Profpero, Give us particulars of thy preservation : How thou hast met us here, who three hours fince My dear fon Ferdinand. [Afide. |