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of committee recommending that it do pass, was taken up, considered, and the report of the committee adopted.

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Senator Lewis moved that the rule be suspended, and the bill be considered engrossed and read a third time now, which motion prevailed, and the bill was read a third time.

On the question, "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas were:

Senators Andrews, Baldwin, Bishop, Boardman, Brower, Chantry, Cheshire, Conaway, Craig, Dent, Downey, Eaton, Ellis, Funk, Garst, Gorrell, Green, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Hurst, Jewett, Kelly, Lewis, Mattoon, Oleson, Palmer, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Rea, Reynolds, Riggen, Upton, Vale, Waterman-38. The nays were:


Absent or not voting:

Senators Carpenter, Everall, Finn, Groneweg, Harper, Jamison, Kilburn, Lehfeldt, Rowen, Terry, Turner, Yeomans-12.

So the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

Senator Lewis moved that House messages be taken up for consideration.



House file No. 370, a bill for an act making an appropriation for the penitentiary at Ft. Madison, was read first and second times.

Senator Lewis moved that House file No. 370 be taken up for consideration now.


Senator Lewis moved that the rule be suspended and the bill read a third time now.


The bill was read a third time.

On the question, "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas were:

Senators Andrews, Baldwin, Bishop, Boardman, Carpenter, Chantry Cheshire, Conaway, Craig, Dent, Downey, Eaton, Ellis, Everall, Funk, Garst, Gorrell, Green, Groneweg, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Jewett, Kilburn, Lewis, Oleson, Palmer, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Rea, Reynolds, Riggen, Terry, Upton, Vale, Waterman-39.

The nays were:


Absent or not voting:

Senators Brower, Finn, Harper, Hurst, Jamison, Kelly, Lehfeldt, Mattoon, Rowen, Turner, Yeomans-11.

So the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

House file No. 342, a bill for an act making appropriations for the

Iowa School for the Deaf at Council Bluffs, Iowa, was read first and second times.

Senator Lewis moved that House file No. 342 be taken up for con

sideration now.


Senator Lewis moved the rules be suspended, and the bill be read a third time now.

Senator Lewis moved to amend by striking out "1895" in third line of section 2 and inserting in lien thereof the figures "1894."


The motion that the rules be suspended and that the bill be read a third time now prevailed.

Bill was read a third time.

On the question, "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas were:

Senators Baldwin, Bishop, Boardman, Carpenter, Chantry, Cheshire, Conaway, Dent, Downey, Eaton, Ellis, Everall, Finn, Funk, Garst, Gorrell, Green, Groneweg, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Jewett, Kelly, Kilburn, Lewis, Oleson, Palmer, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Rea, Reynolds, Riggen, Terry, Upton, Vale-38.

The nays were:


Absent or not voting:

Senators Andrews, Brower, Craig, Harper, Hurst, Jamison, Lehfeldt, Mattoon, Rowen, Turner, Waterman, Yeomans-12.

So the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

House file No. 444, a bill for an act making appropriations for the Iowa Industrial School, girls' department, at Mitchellville, Iowa, was read first and second times.

Senator Lewis moved that House file No. 444 be taken up for consideration now.


Senator Lewis moved that the rules be suspended and the bill be read a third time now.


The bill was read a third time.

On the question, "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas were:

Senators Baldwin, Bishop, Boardman, Carpenter, Chantry, Cheshire, Conaway, Craig, Dent, Eaton, Everall, Finn, Funk, Garst, Gorrell, Green, Groneweg, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Hurst, Jewett, Kelly, Kilburn, Lewis, Mattoon, Oleson, Palmer, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Rea, Reynolds, Riggen, Terry, Vale, Waterman-39. The nays were:


Absent or not voting:

Senators Andrews, Brower, Downey, Ellis, Harper, Jamison, Lehfeldt, Rowen, Turner, Upton, Yeomans-11.

So the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

House file No. 127, a bill for an act making appropriations for the Hospital for the Insane at Independence, Iowa, was read first and second times.

Senator Lewis moved that House file No. 127 be taken up for consideration now.


Senator Lewis moved that the rules be suspended and the bill read a third time now.


The bill was read a third time.

On the question "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas were:

Senators Baldwin, Bishop, Boardman, Carpenter, Chantry, Cheshire, Conaway, Dent, Downey, Eaton, Ellis, Everall, Funk, Garst, Gorrell, Green, Groneweg, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Hurst, Jamison, Jewett, Kelly, Kilburn, Lewis, Oleson, Palmer, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Rea, Reynolds, Terry, Upton, Vale-38. The nays were:


Absent or not voting:

Senators Andrews, Brower, Craig, Finn, Harper, Lehfeldt, Mattoon, Riggen, Rowen, Turner, Waterman, Yeomans-12.

So the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

House file No. 181, a bill for an act making an appropriation for the Industrial Home for the Blind at Knoxville, was read first and second times.

Senator Lewis moved to take up House file No. 181 for consideration.


Senator Lewis moved the rules be suspended and the bill be read a third time now.


The bill was read a third time.

On the question, "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas were:

Senators Baldwin, Bishop, Boardman, Carpenter, Chantry, Cheshire, Conaway, Craig, Dent, Downey, Eaton, Everall, Funk, Garst, Gorrell, Green, Groneweg, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Hurst, Jamison, Jewett, Kelly, Kilburn, Lewis, Oleson, Palmer, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Rea, Reynolds, Terry, Upton, Vale-38. The nays were:


Absent or not voting:

Senators Andrews, Brower, Ellis, Finn, Harper, Lehfeldt, Mattoon, Riggen, Rowen, Turner, Waterman, Yeomans--12.

So the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

House file No. 81, a bill for an act making appropriations for the Hospital for the Insane at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was read first and second times.

Senator Lewis moved that House file No. 81 be taken up for consideration now.


Senator Lewis moved that the rule be suspended and the bill be read a third time now.


The bill was read a third time.

On the question, "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas were:

Senators Baldwin, Bishop, Boardman, Carpenter, Chantry, Cheshire, Conaway, Dent, Downey, Eaton, Ellis, Funk, Garst, Gorrell, Green, Groneweg, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Hurst, Jamison, Jewett, Kelly, Lewis, Oleson, Palmer, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Rea, Reynolds, Terry, Vale-35.

The nays were:


Absent or not voting:

Senators Andrews, Brower, Craig, Everall, Finn, Harper, Kilburn, Lehfeldt, Mattoon, Riggen, Rowen, Turner, Upton, Waterman, Yeomans-15.

So the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

President Dungan in the chair.

House file No. 52, a bill for an act to amend chapter 58, acts of the Twenty-fourth General Assembly, to increase the efficiency of farmers' institutes, was read first and second times and passed on file.

House file No. 208, a bill for an act to amend section 1, chapter 3, acts of the Seventeenth General Assembly, relative to the consolidation of municipal corporations, was read first and second times and referred to Committee on Cities and Towns.

House file No. 239, a bill for an act to amend section 2961 of the Code, in relation to action to recover on bond of attachment, was read first and second times and referred to Committee on Judiciary.

House Joint Resolution No. 13, providing for the publication and distribution of House file No. 537, was read first and second times and referred to Committe on Printing.

On motion of Senator Lewis, Senate file No. 157, a bill for an act making an appropriation for Benedict Home at Des Moines, with report of committtee recommending amendments and when so

amended that the same do pass, was taken up, considered, and the report of the committee adopted.

Senator Lewis moved that the rule be suspended, and the bill be considered engrossed and read a third time now, which motion prevailed, and the bill was read a third time.

On the question, "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas were:

Senators Andrews, Baldwin, Bishop, Boardman, Brower, Carpenter, Chantry, Cheshire, Conaway, Dent, Downey, Eaton, Everall, Finn, Funk, Garst, Gorrell, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Hurst, Jewett, Kelly, Kilburn, Lewis, Oleson, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Rea, Reynolds, Riggen, Upton, Vale, Waterman-37.

The nays were:


Absent or not voting:

Senators Craig, Ellis, Green, Groneweg, Harper, Jamison, Lehfeldt, Mattoon, Palmer, Rowen, Terry, Turner, Yeomans-13.

So the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

Senator Lewis from Committee on Appropriations, reported back House file No. 432, and asked that it be passed on file.

So ordered.

Senator Lewis moved to take up for consideration House file No. 432, a bill for an act appropriating fuads for the State Fish Com



Senator Lewis moved the rules be suspended and the bill be read a third time now.


The bill was read a third time.

On the question, "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas were:

Senators Andrews, Baldwin, Bishop, Boardman, Brower, Carpenter, Chantry, Cheshire, Conaway, Dent, Downey, Eaton, Eilis, Everall, Finn, Funk, Garst, Gorrell, Green, Groneweg, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Hurst, Jewett, Lewis, Oleson, Palmer, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Rea, Reynolds, Riggen, Upton, Vale, Waterman-39.

The nays were:


Absent or not voting:

Senators Craig, Harper, Jamison, Kelly, Kilburn, Lehfeldt, Mattoon, Rowen, Terry, Turner, Yeomans-11.

So the bill passed and the title was agreed to.

Senator Lewis moved Senate file No 251, a bill for an act appropriating funds for the support of the State fish commissioner be indefinitely postponed.

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