626 Senator Finn offered the following amendment: Amend section 15 by striking out the word "five" in the eighteenth line of the printed bill, and inserting the word "ten" in lieu thereof. Adopted. Senator Waterman offered the following amendment: Amend section 15 by inserting after the word "mine" in the twelfth line the following: "Provided, that in any mine over seventy-five feet in depth, air shafts used as escapes, where fans are employed for ventilation, may be provided with appliances for hoisting and lowering men in lieu of stairs; but such appliances shall consist of a cage and engine which shall be kept ready for immediate use.' Adopted. Senator Cheshire offered the following substitute to section 32: SECTION 32. The county attorney of any county shall, upon complaint being made by the mine inspector, institute proceedings to punish any person, firm or corporation charged with the violation of the provisions of this act. Adopted. Senator Reynolds offered the following amendment to section 17: Insert in seventeenth line of section 17, after the word "current," the words: "Unless specially permitted by the Mine Inspector where powder is not used in blasting coal." Lost. Senator Waterman offered the following amendment to section 26: Senator Riggen offered the following amendment to section 31: Lost. Senator Riggen moved the bill be engrossed and read a third time to-morrow. Carried. By unanimous consent Senate file No 355, à bill for an act to establish a school of mines for the State of Iowa, with report of committee recommending amendments and when so amended that the same do pass, was taken up, considered and the report of the committee adopted. Senator Waterman moved that the rule be suspended and the bill be considered engrossed and read a third time now, which motion prevailed, and the bill was read a third time. On the question, "Shall the bill pass?" the yeas were: Senators Andrews, Baldwin, Bishop, Boardman, Brower, Carpenter, Chantry, Cheshire, Conaway, Dent, Downey, Everall, Garst, Groneweg, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Jamison, Kelly, Kilburn, Lewis, Oleson, Palmer, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Rea, Reynolds, Riggen, Vale, Waterman-32. The nays were: None. Absent or not voting: Senators Craig, Eaton, Ellis, Finn, Funk, Gorrell, Green, Harper, Hurst, Jewett, Lehfeldt, Mattoon, Phelps, Rowen, Terry, Turner, Upton, Yeomans-18. So the bill passed and the title was agreed to. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. The following message was received from the House: MR. PRESIDENT-I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House has passed the following bill, in which the concurrence of the House was asked: Senate file No. 146, a bill for an act for the better protection of persons manufacturing, bottling or selling soda, mineral, or areated waters, cider, milk, cream, or other lawful beverages, owning or using boxes, bottles, casks, kegs or barrels. Senate file No. 128, a bill for an act to provide a room for the Grand Army of the Republic, department of Iowa, in the Capitol building, and for an appropriation therefor. Also: I. K. WILSON, MR. PRESIDENT-I am directed to inform your honorable body that the House has passed the following bill, in which the concurrence of the Senate is asked: House file No. 22, a bill for an act to regulate the liability of insurers against loss or damage by fire, lightning, tornadoes or wind storms. I. K. WILSON, Chief Clerk. Senator Cheshire moved that House messages be taken up for consideration. Carried. HOUSE MESSAGES. House file No. 4, a bill for an act to repeal sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 15, of chapter 52, of the acts of the Twenty-first General Assembly, and to repeal section 6, of chapter 52, of the acts of the Twenty-first General Assembly as amended by Senate file No. 51 of the Twenty-fifth General Assembly and approved February 12, 1894, and to enact substitutes therefor, to prohibit the manufacture, sale, keeping for sale and fraudulent use of substances designed as imitation butter and cheese, and to regulate the manufacture, sale, and keeping for sale of any substances designed to be used as a substitute for butter and cheese, was read first and second times and passed on file. House file No. 220, a bill for an act to reimburse the members of Second and Third lowa Infantry for "grey" uniforms purchased dur ing the war, was read first and second times and referred to Committee on Claims. House file No. 302, a bill for an act to amend sections 515, 516 and 532 of the Code of 1873 in relation to the appointment of marshals of cities of the second class and incorporated towns, their deputies and police, was read first and second times and referred to Committee on Claims. House file No. 22, a bill for an act to regulate the liability of insurers against loss or damage by fire, lightning, tornadoes, or wind storms, was read first and second times. Senator Reynolds asked that it be passed on file but it was referred to Committee on Insurance. Saturday's journal was read, corrected and approved. Senator Dent moved that the Senate do now adjourn. Carried. The Senate adjourned. DES MOINES, Iowa, Tuesday, March 27, 1894. Senate met in regular session at 9 o'clock A. M., and was called to order by President Dungan. Prayer was offered by Rev. I. E. Pearson, of Keokuk county. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Senator Rowen presented a petition from Rev. B. S. Taylor, Des Moines, Iowa, asking amendments to Senate file No. 28. Referred to Committee on Ways and Means. Senator Chantry presented a petition from E. W. Williams, of Glenwood, Iowa, on same subject. Same reference. Senator Waterman presented petitions from citizens of Ottumwa, Iowa, on same subject. Same reference. Also: A petition from A. W. Lee and other citizens of Ottumwa, asking for the repeal of the hunters' trespass bill. Referred to Committee on Agriculture. Senator Harsh presented a petition from E. P. Howard and other citizens of Lamoni, Iowa, asking for the formation of a county board of guardians for children, with form of bill attached. Referred to Committee on Charitable Institutions. Senator Phelps presented a petition from citizens of Cass county, Iowa, asking the repeal of the hunters' trespass law. Referred to Committee on Agriculture. Senator Rowen presented petition from citizens of Belmond, Eagle Grove, Jewell and Eldora, Iowa, asking the passage of Senate file No. 103 and House file No. 187, relative to building and loan. associations. Referred to Committee on Banks and Banking. Also: A petition from citizens of Henry county, asking passage of a law raising the age of consent. Referred to Committee on Public Health. Senator Finn presented a petition from Frank Greeley and 130 other citizens of Taylor county asking passage of a law placing textbooks and their publication under State control. Referred to Committee on Schools. Senator Bishop presented a petition from members of the Iowa Protective Insurance League asking certain insurance legislation. Referred to Committee on Insurance. Senators Turner, Rowen, Lehfeldt and Harper were granted leave of absence until Wednesday. Senator Harsh offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That Senate file No. 340 known as the revenue bill and reported for passage by Committee on Ways and Means, be set down for consideration at 10 o'clock A. M., Thursday, March 29, 1894, and for that purpose rules be suspended and a special order made accordingly. Objection being made by Senator Finn it went over under the rule. Senator Funk asked that House Joint Resolution No. 12 be referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments and Suffrage. It was so ordered. Senator Ellis moved that his motion to reconsider the vote by which House file No. 495 passed the Senate, be taken up for consideration. Carried. The question being on the motion to reconsider the vote by which House file No. 495 passed the Senate. Upon this the yeas and nays were demanded. On the question, "Shall the vote by which House file No. 495 passed the Senate be reconsidered?" the yeas were: Senators Baldwin, Ellis, Groneweg-3. The nays were: Senators Carpenter, Chantry, Cheshire, Conaway, Craig, Dent, Downey, Eaton, Everall, Finn, Garst, Gorrell, Harmon, Harsh, Henderson, Hipwell, Jewett, Kilburn, Lewis, Mattoon, Palmer, Penrose, Perrin, Perry, Phelps, Rea, Reynolds, Riggen, Upton, Vale, Waterman-31. Absent or not voting: Senators Andrews, Bishop, Boardman, Brower, Funk, Green, Harper, Hurst, Jamison, Kelly, Lehfeldt, Oleson, Rowen, Terry, Turner, Yeomans-16. So the motion to reconsider was lost. |