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WHEN I was a young man completing my studies at Jena (ah, woe is me! many and many a year has passed in tears and sunshine since) one of my most agreeable acquaintance was old Forest Counsellor Von Rödern, and some of my pleasantest hours were spent in his house. We used to assemble once or twice a week, a tolerably large circle, consisting partly of men like himself in the service of the State" angesteltle"-though when, and where, and how two-thirds of these served I never could make out, nor how the State could want such an army of them, for truly of those "angesteltle" in most German States their name is legion-and partly of such of the students as were less addicted to the uproarious merriment then and now in fashion among the Bürseken. Even some of the "roaring boys" would now and then like a quiet evening at the Counsellor's, by way of relief to their wilder carousals, though somewhat in the proportion of Falstaff's bread to his sack. The Counsellor was a kindhearted, cheerful old man, at peace with himself and all the world, perhaps because the world had gone well with him, or, perhaps, that from a natural felicity of temperament he had gone well with the world, never raising his expectations too high either of himself or others, and, therefore, escaping the ossifying and acidulating process so actively at work with those who have tasted too often of hope deceived, whether with or without any fault of their own. He never pretended to give entertainments; the refreshments, besides the glass or two of punch offered at parting, were limited to a cup of coffee, or of the anomalous beverage so innocently accepted by our kinsfolk the Germans, under the name of tea, and concocted in the proportion of a spoonful of the herb to a gallon of water. Many of the guests used to qualify the mixture with lemon, wine, or vanilla, which I wondered at till I tasted it in its primitive state, and then I held all means lawful which should make it taste of something. There was no want of amusement, though we neither declaimed tragedies, slandered our neighbours, nor played at cards. There was difference enough of age, temper, condition, and character among us to give variety to the conversation on whatever subject it chanced to fall; and when the discussion threatened to become too warm, the amenity of our host acted as a kind of general dulcifier of all acerbities, and brought about, if not an agreement of principle, an agreement to differ. One of the most successful means of producing this desirable result was the Counsellor's reminiscences of his earlier life. He possessed much of the talents "de coutier," so highly valued as an accomplishment of society by our neighbours. Some of his narratives I thought worth while transcribing, though I have small expectation of rendering them as agreeable to a reader as they were to a hearer.

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life was a continual warfare with himself and others, and
blamed the friends who had not understood him. Others
justified the friends, and asked which of his champions
could honestly assert he could have kept on good terms
with him for a month. The effects of opulence and in-
digence on the minds of gifted and right-minded men
came incidentally under discussion. What would Rous-
seau have been had he been born to purple and fine linen
-to be served instead of serving?
I remember a story,
or rather a couple of stories," said the Counsellor, "which
have some reference to the subject of your dispute. I
will not say they will settle it, but they may furnish some
farther argument. Both are singular in their way. One
was the best-executed practical joke I ever heard of. The
heroes of both were friends of my youth, and one of them
is still one of my best and dearest." Listen if you like
learn if you can!



AMONG my intimates at the University of Inbingen, Casimir Morn was the most distinguished by nature and fortune; one had given him a handsome person, considerable talents, and an excellent heart; the other a rich banker for a father, that the value of the diamond might not be impaired for want of a fit setting. Before entering the University he had travelled through the greater part of Germany, France, and Italy. His mind, already cultivated and enlarged, preserved him from contamination by the coarser excesses of the wilder part of his fellow students; while the succouring hand held out, to the more necessitous, attested that his temperance was the result not of prudence only but of choice.

Half a year before he left the University, I accompanied him in the vacation to his father's house. The elder Morn was banker to the Court, and lived in great splendour in the electoral city of Cassel, where he was visited by what are called the first people in the city.

Near Morn's house, or rather palace, stood an old delapidated gloomy-looking house, the abode of one Romanus, a grocer—a miserly old curmudgeon, who had the reputation of possessing the best-filled coffers and the prettiest daughter in the city. He was said to be a millionaire; yet he continued to weigh out coffee, pepper, cheese, and treacle, with his own hand-nay, if he were disabled, the fair fingers of the fair Caroline were pressed into the service, for a shopman had never been admitted behind the counter of Herr Romanus.

Casimir Morn and the pretty groceress had played together as neighbours' children, and seemed by no means inclined to drop the acquaintance, now that they had ceased to be children. The banker, however, began to The conversation fell one evening on Rousseau's writ- make somewhat of a wry face at the familiar tone of the ings, and his own character-his morbid susceptibility young people towards each other. He was aspiring in his scorn, whether real or affected, of the rich and his views, and thought of purchasing a patent of nobility; great-his proud poverty-and the contradiction between and then, with the magic Von before his name, and his his misanthropy and his zeal for the reformation of own handsome face and figure, his son might look for a society. better quartering in his escutcheon than a sugar loaf and Some defended the unhappy philosopher, whose whole Swiss cheese parted per pale. The grocer, on the other


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hand, might perhaps have held it expedient to keep the flies from buzzing too near his sweets; and, no doubt, it was with this view that he always charged Casimir treble the usual price, whenever he made the purchase of any of the other's wares the pretence for entering the shop. Caroline Romanus was a diligent correspondent. CasiBut Casimir, who was honestly and seriously in love, had mir was informed of everything that happened in the no intention that affairs should remain on this ambiguous good city of except what he most desired to know footing. On the contrary, he gravely assured his father-viz., that Herr Romanus had changed his mind. But that if ever he brought home a wife it must be Caroline no; the old man was as immoveable as the wooden negro Romanus, and Caroline assured her father that no young at his own door. His son-in-law must be a grocer: he man was endurable to her eyes saving and excepting Ca- had said it, and he stuck to it. The only consolatory simir Morn. The banker loved his only son. He had no- part of Caroline's letter was the concluding paragraph thing personally to object to the roses and the lilies, for"After all, we can wait a little; I am only sixteen, and get-me-not eyes and raven curls of Caroline, and saw you three-and-twenty." something greatly to admire in her father's million. Finding his son resolute, he was inclined to give way. Herr Romanus had, on his side, nothing to say against the banker's son. His father carried on the first business in the electorate; and when, to these considerations, was added, that the lovers had already sworn fidelity to all eternity and beyond, it must be confessed that the marriage was highly expedient. Who would have guessed that we were all reckoning without our host?

Four months had thus passed away, when one morning Casimir burst into my room with an open letter in his hand, and consternation in his countenance. It was from the banker Morn, and contained this laconic and astounding information :-"I am a bankrupt and a fugitive: I must leave directly. I am going to England, and thence to the West Indies. The ten thousand florins, secured to you by the enclosed paper, you will receive on application. It is all I have been able to save for you from the wreck."

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Very naturally, such an unexpected blow of fate had a tendency to lengthen the visage even of a lover of three

The unlooked-for obstacle arose in the shape of a grave proposal of Herr Romanus, that his future son-in-lawthe handsome, graceful Casimir, the darling of the fair, with all his university honours blushing thick upon him-and-twenty. The sum transmitted was not a third part should forthwith renounce the flowery paths of literature, forsake the thornier crown awaiting the successful pursuit of severer science, and, donning a white apron, serve sugar and snuff for the remainder of his days! Herr Romanus had no faith in any pursuit above or below a counter. Learning was nothing in his eyes; "the service," no better than legalised thieving; banking, gambling according to law.

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The banker was furious. His son, to whom his natural and acquired advantages, and his own connexions with the Court, opened the way to the first employments in the State, who had already been named Referendary to the High Court of something or other-for the first six months without salary certainly, but with the positive assurance of speedy advancement ;-and now came this ridiculous old grocer, with the preposterous demand that he should renounce all these splendid prospects (the patent of nobility included), and sell treacle and herrings at three farthings a-piece to the worthy burghers of. Was ever a lover reduced to such an absurd dilemma before! At three-and-twenty, it is hard to say what would not be undertaken for a fair and beloved maiden ;-batteries might be stormed, wounds and death defied, a desert held as a paradise, Satan himself dared to mortal combat; all might be borne ;-but to sink from a minister of state in expectation, to a seller of tea, coffee, tobacco, and snuff, was worse than battery, desert, death, and the duel!

It struck me as somewhat odd, that instead of breaking off at once with the absurd old humourist, the proud banker should in private counsel his son to capitulate. Caroline, however, herself opposed her father's whim. It was agreed that Casimir should return to the University for half-a-year; and, in the meantime, every engine should be set to work to soften the heart of Herr Romanus, including tears, fainting, and threats of going into a consumption.

of his mother's fortune which had been secured to Casimir. I attempted some words of consolation. He made a sign to me to be silent, and passing his hand rapidly over his brow-" Do not mistake me," said he, faltering; “it is not the poverty I feel, but the disgrace. And do not attempt to console me for either: for one there is no consolation, and for the other no need of it. I should despise myself if the mere loss of wealth could sadden the future to me. Help to divert my thoughts for to-day, if you can; to-morrow I shall not need your help.”

On the morrow, I had invited a few of our common friends to drink a glass of punch in my rooms : Casimir was of the party; and one of the most cheerful. He related his misfortune himself; and if pity and vows of friendship till death could console one for unmerited illluck, he had plenty of it. Only one of the company, Engelbert, one of the best heads amongst us, came up to him laughing. "You are all fools together," said he. "For my part, I congratulate you that you are rid of your cumbersome money. You will find out now what you are really good for, which you never would have done had you remained the rich banker's son; and I know you are sterling! A millionaire, a prince, and a pretty girl, are three things of which one can never say whether, setting aside the strong box, the tinsel, and the fair face, they have any intrinsic value or not.”

There was a general outcry against Engelbert's opinions. I myself saw only a sort of crazy enthusiasm in the doctrine he here advanced, particularly when he went on to say

"If I had the formation of society, only born blockheads, those crippled in body or in mind, and old people, should receive money from the State; and when they died, it should return to the State. On the other hand, those young and vigorous in mind and body should not have a farthing. They should feed themselves by the sweat of their brow. We should then see real greatness, instead

of the tawdry trumpery that goes by the name amongst
us. The servants of the State-generals, priests, and |
the rest—should be simply clad, live on simple food, and
dwell in modest houses, that the real value of the men
might be understood, and the people no longer misled by
the tags and frippery now used to disguise their moral
poverty. The wisest, the bravest, the most active, the
most virtuous, should be called the richest, for they are
s. In my Utopia, the poor in spirit should be the
millionaires. But we live in a perverted world. It is
said that Fortune is blind in her gifts. But I say that
what we call her blindness is Divine wisdom: to the
bockhead is given wealth; to talent and merit, the
beggar's staff-only as a due adjustment of the balance."
"What," cried one of the auditors, shall I then la- |
bour for nothing? I rejoice in my powers of mind and
body, because, by their exertion, I may acquire power
and wealth."

another tune from that, young man," said he, twirling his queer-looking wig round and round upon his head, as he was wont on similar occasions. "Your father, Herr Casimir, is a clever fellow He would make a capital Finance Minister!. What would you wager, now, that he has brought his sheep to dry land in time?" and here Romanus dropped the fingers of his right hand into the hollow of his left, with a significant look, as if counting money. "How long is it to be before he makes his appearance amongst us again as a rich man ?"

Casimir coloured deeply.... "His father," he said, "had been unfortunate-thoughtless, perhaps but he was no deliberate deceiver."

When Romanus saw that Casimir was really unable to pay the eight thousand dollars, he demanded, without ceremony, all he had in part payment at least.

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"How, then, am I to live?" asked the young man. "As yet I receive no salary from my appointment." "That," replied Engelbert, "is to dig for sand with My heavens!" whined the miser, "you are a learna spade of pure gold, You will end by sending a bulleted man, Herr Casimir. You may be secretary to somethrough your own head." body; but what is to become of me? Oh! I am a poor, ruined old man, driven out of house and home. If I am to lose all this monstrous sum, I and my poor child must beg from door to door.".. "No,

"I care little for power or wealth," said Casimir. "I am quite of Engelbert's opinion, I will be of some worth by myself, and am content if my merit be acknowledged."

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You are not at all of my opinion,” cried Engelbert. "How acknowledged? What is it to me if I shine like the sun, and the world maintain I am as black as a coal? Men are self-seekers through feebleness of mind; and none troubles himself really much about the other. We must love them but out of compassion."

"No, no," exclaimed Casimir; "man is naturally good and noble, and, therefore, my fellow-men are dear to me. I should not like to live in a world, such as it appears to you."


Indeed, are you really poor?" cried Morn, you shall not beg. Take my little capital into your trade, and give me Caroline's hand. Make of me what you will. Industry and economy will soon make up for the past. We shall be the happiest people in the world.” Casimir said this with so much warmth and evident sincerity, that the old grocer was, to use a homely phrase, fairly dumbfoundered.

"What," said he at length in his harshest tone," is it a matter of rejoicing that your honourable papa then has cheated me out of my whole property? And, to reward

"Poor Casimir Morn, you are born to misanthropy," such honest dealing, I shall give you my daughter, shall I? was Engelbert's reply.

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'You are all dreaming together," said I, interposing. "The world is neither so good nor so evil as you make it out. Everything has its light and dark side; rain to day, sunshine to-morrow. Take, like reasonable people, the life as it is, not as you wish it to be, and learn moderation in all things. The middle path is the best." Engelbert laughed, and patted me on the cheek, as one does to a child who talks with an affectation of prudence unsuited to its years, raised his glass, and, clinking it against mine, Rödern," said he, 'you are a capital fellow; you will get on famously with your moderate plan, and always swim with the tide; rejoice in clean Swaddling clothes, and cry over broken soap bubbles. You will find things neither too right nor too wrong." I relate this conversation because the result made it remarkable. Engelbert, as it turned out, had spoken like one inspired, and prophesied to us all round. Casimir, returned to His father's splendid house, with all belonging to it, had been already sold. The whole city cried out upon the runaway banker, and pitied the son, except the old grocer. He had lost eight thousand dollars by Morn's bankruptcy. At first, he had comforted himself with the hope that Casimir would be able to make it up to him out of his mother's fortune; but, when the young man frankly confessed that the same cause had deprived him of the greater part of this fortune, the old man laughed deridingly. "Whistle me

Your humble servant! If your worthy father has made me a beggar, I will hold no beggar's wedding in my house, I promise you. Be so good as to take yourself off will you? And, if I may be so bold as to ask a favour, I would beg that you never darken my doors again, I wash my hands of you. I have not brought up my girl to fling her into the arms of the first fellow without a penny in his pocket that has the impudence to ask her." And this was the result of poor Casimir's interview with Herr Romanus.



Whichever way the unfortunate young man turned, he heard execrations on his father's name. Those who, during the banker's prosperity, had been his basest flatterers, now distinguished themselves by the bitterness and violence of their reproaches. In consequence, the news of his father's death, which reached Casimir a few months after, brought with it a kind of melancholy consolation, notwithstanding his unfeigned sorrow. The unfortunate banker died at Antwerp of inflammation of the lungs, which had been neglected probably in the overwhelming griefs and vexations consequent on his bankruptcy. The death of Morn at least put an end to the storm of hos

tility, and the worthy people of expressions of pity for the son at last.

Casimir's courage rose again, after the first stunning effects of the blow, with that elastic vigour natural to his age. When the storm had somewhat blown over, he addressed himself for employment to some former friends of his family, and met with a civil reception from all. His appointment as Referendary to the Electoral Chamber was confirmed.

even found some | feet the very dirty pavement before the low, dark, strongflavoured shop of grocer Romanus; and what was more, to shed the light of their countenance on the cunning, miserly, old curmudgeon himself. A beauty like Caroline, and the heiress of a million, was well worth the sacrifice of all the genealogies, orders, and diplomas in Yet, neither counts, barons, knights, state, war, court, chamber, justice (civil and criminal), finance, police, church, or public instruction-privy or public counsellor, could touch the heart of the old grocer, or his charming heiress. On the one hand, Herr Romanus adhered with the obstinacy of a whole herd of mules to his resolution of finding or making his future son-in-law a grocer; and on the other, the damsel herself was as indifferent to the galaxy of stars in the Court firmament as if they had been so many farthing rushlights in her papa's shop.

"You must study at the law, Roman and financial," said the Minister," and I will think of you in time. Of course, as youngest in the office, you must work without salary. But, in a year or two, I hope we shall be able to do something for you. You are still very young; one cannot expect much at four-and-twenty!”


Morn was well contented for the time. He fixed himself in a respectable citizen's house, right opposite the once splendid dwelling of his family less haunted by the memory of former magnificence than allured by the vision of Caroline's blue eyes and rose-tinted cheek; for, although the old chandler had prohibited him from crossing his threshold, he could not prevent eyes from visiting as they listed.

Casimir's sitting room and that used by Caroline Romanus were, by good fortune, exactly opposite, and when the sun shone, not a corner of either was invisible to the other. Each knew when the other came in or went out, how they were employed, when they were glad, when they were sorry. After the fashion of maidens of her class in Germany, Caroline's constant seat, when not employed in household duties, was perched up at the window; so there was nothing very remarkable in her preferring her knitting needles to all other employment. Never, even among her country-women, was there such an indefatigable knitter.

Within a year's time, the language of looks and signs had been brought to such perfection that all they thought, wished, hoped, or feared, was mutually understood, without exchanging a word.

Cheered by the glad eye and radiant smile of the fair and faithful Caroline, young Morn laboured with unwearied diligence, not only in his own peculiar vocation, but was always ready to assist the superiors in office, who having easier employment and more pay, found, of course, less leisure, with their accounts, memorials, minutes, &c. &c. He stood, therefore, high in the good graces of his colleagues, every one eulogised his talents and acquirements, asked his advice, and accepted his services; and, in return, no one in the city received more invitations to balls, soirées, and pic-nics.

The fathers praised his ready head and ready hand, the daughters declared that he sang admirably, waltzed divinely, and declaimed like an angel, in their private theatricals; but alas! in spite of this universal favour, Casimir Morn remained, at six-and-twenty, the generallyesteemed but unpaid junior Referendary of the Electoral Chamber of.

"Never mind," as Caroline's unfailing topic of consolation; "you are but six-and-twenty, and I am just nineteen." The lovely Caroline was now in the full bloom, and beyond dispute the fairest maiden in the city. The fame of her beauty and her probable wealth even reached the Court. Princes and Counts, with unimpeachable quarterings, condescended to press with their noble

All her pretty coquetries, her winning glances, and gracious smiles-for which counts and counsellors looked and sighed in vain—were lavished, unasked for and by the dozen, on the honorary junior Referendary of the Electoral Chamber.

This ought to have been consolation enough; but, when two more years had passed over his head, without bringing any alteration in his prospects, Casimir's brow began to cloud sometimes, and other sighs than those of love to steal from his bosom. Old Romanus was as immoveable as a rock to lovers' entreaties, and the Minister seemed to have forgotten him altogether. Mora was an admirable labourer in the official vineyard, a man of the strictest honour, of the clearest head-these were facts that no one ventured to gainsay—and yet, when a place became vacant, no one thought any more of the untainted honour, the clear head, and gratuitous labours of the unpaid Referendary, Casimir Morn, than if there had been no such merits in existence, or no need of them in the electoral city of - People had their sons, or their nephews, or their cousins thirty times removed, to provide for; young men, who had neither served half so long nor deserved half so well, were continually put over his head; and if he made any complaint, he was answered by a silent shrug, or a head-shaking at the nepotism of some brother-official, or grave exclamations at the ingratitude of great men, sweetened, perhaps, by a vague assurance that although the omission of his name had been unavoidable this time, another he might depend, &c. &c.

No sooner, however, was the complainant's back turned, than the complainee was amazed at the assurance with which such claims were advanced, as if Mr. Casimir Morn really looked on himself as their equal, as if his pretensions admitted of any comparison with those of Von this, and Von the other! If people of that class were wanted they would be called for, and so forth. With all his clear-headedness, Morn was of those thoroughly good-hearted people who forgive as easily as they are injured. In the blindman's buff game of fortune, somehow they are always buff-are paid for real hard service by a friendly pressure of the hand or a cordial word-and run through fire and water for their friends, to get nothing but the singeing and the sousing for their pains. They cannot comprehend such a thing as smiling treachery; and the astonishing readiness with which some will be guilty of the basest compliances, for the meanest objects, is absolutely incredible to them. Morn looked willingly on the bright

side of human life, and would gladly have ignored the ❘ be a new survey made of the domain with all its regalities, existence of the shadow altogether. The belief in the moral purity of his fellow-men was a positive necessity for him.

He bere his lot, therefore, with patience, if not with pleasure at least so he said to himself, his merit was acknowledged and loved." That it should be so often and so oddly passed over in the distribution of the loaves and fishes of office, did certainly appear to him unjust; yet in his own heart he doubted whether, after all, the fault might not be his own. He thought his services ought to speak for him instead of his lips; he was not fond of showing himself in a great man's antichamber, which, indeed, he seldom or never entered, unless business called him there; courteous and obliging by nature and habit, he was yet more frank in the exposition of his opinions than beseemed an expectant; and, more than all, he had an honourable reserve in speaking of his circumstances; and if he allowed his acquaintance to think him, er to pretend they thought him much richer than he was, the weakness had its origin in a pardonable if not a praiseworthy motive. Perhaps others were esteemed more in need of advancement than himself, and therefore he was passed over.-Poor Morn!

He still lived opposite Romanus's house, and the blue heaven of Caroline's eyes still rained on him light and life. One morning in March-it was his birth-day-and she made her appearance early at the window, wearing in her bosom the nosegay of snow-drops, of which she made a yearly imaginary offering to her lover. To-day you are eight-and-twenty, and I twenty, she telegraphed-the pretty fingers lingered in tracing the last word. Twenty is not a desperate age, certainly; but yet, when a girl has not only made up her mind for the last four years to be married, but actually fixed on the man, to turn her back upon the "teens" is a step in a maiden's life, particularly when we consider that another twenty might pass before Krämer Romanus would alter his mind. In the meantime, Caroline's beauty was at its height; by a necessary deduction the next step must be downwards, and "I an growing an old bachelor," sighed Casimir. He turned from the window, and sat down on the sofa with bis back to the light.


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Some one knocked at the door. It was a servant of Privy Counsellor Count Von Bitterblolt, &c. &c. &c., who brought a gracious intimation that his lord wished to say a few words in private to Referendary Casimir Morn. A few words in private" from Count Von Bitterblolt, the confidential minister of his Highness the Elector, was no small honour. Casimir flew to him on the wings of curiosity and expectation. He was received by the favourite with extraordinary graciousness. The Count had the gift of appearing excessively amiable and condescending towards his inferiors when he wanted to gain a point by them, and as outrageously insolent and arrogant when his point was gained; he not only, like another great man, his countryman, threw away the peel when he had sucked the orange, but kicked it into the gutter.

"It is his Highness's wish, my dear young friend," began Count Von Bitterblolt, "that his newly-acquired territory should as much as possible be principally assimilated to the old. In ursuance of this object, there must

rights, and privileges, and a certain conformity of adminis tration introduced, and projects for a new system of taxation, suitable to the nature of the acquired lands, and the exigencies of the State, be drawn up. His Highness has already appointed an extraordinary commission. The affair, my dear Mr. Morn, is a delicate and a difficult one. The two Chamber Counsellors at the head of it are men advanced in life. They will never bring the business to an end. I have said as much to his Highness. But they are old and faithful servants of the State, and cannot be passed over; though, between ourselves, my dear young friend," in a charming tone of confidence added the Count, "two more unfit men could scarcely be found. To give perhaps a little more vivacity to their proceedings, it has also pleased his Highness to join my son to the commission, though, I give you my honour, I really opposed the appointment. I thought it my duty to do so. But princes, you know, my dear Sir, do not love contradiction, and our excellent Elector is no exception. Unfortunately, my son's health is exceedingly delicate. I foresee the business will be horribly spun out, and that must not be. I have, therefore, thought of associating you, my dear Referendary, as secretary to the commission. Your expenses, of course, will be paid; and if my son, with your assistance, accomplishes his task, as I have no doubt he will, to the satisfaction of his Highness, it will create a most admirable opportunity for bringing your uncommon merit to the observation of his Highness. I have already proposed to myself the pleasure of conferring on you the first vacant office in the newly-acquired domain."

Morn, as may well be supposed, readily closed with the offer, the motives of which he perceived easily enough. The two elderly gentlemen were a couple of superannuated old blockheads, only thrust in to give a colour to the appointment of the young Von Bitterblolt, a raw youth not long from the University, totally ignorant of that or any other business. From these premises might be deduced the very obvious conclusion, that the whole weight of the employment must fall on the shoulders of Mr. Secretary Morn. No matter, he was not afraid of labour; no doubt the Minister must feel the weight of his services, and would reward them accordingly! The exceeding liberality of the Count in paying his expenses was not at present a matter of indifference to him. As he had served the State for four years without fee or reward, the interest of his little capital had been insufficient even for his moderate expenses. Every year saw consequently a portion of the capital itself sunk, which again diminished the interest, which tended farther to the impoverishment of Mr. Casimir Morn.

He took a tender leave of his Caroline, and left with the noble Commissioners, full of the most animating hopes. It will be taken for granted that he had previously arranged a plan of correspondence with his beloved, and even this was not so simple a matter as it may at first appear, since the cunning old millionaire, by way of teaching his daughter the right value of money, had hit upon the admirable plan of never giving her a farthing; consequently, the cost of the correspondence fell wholly upon Morn. Casimir's life in the capital of the new province was pretty much what it had been at the Electoral. He laboured hard in his vocation, made few acquaintances, that he might avoid useless expense, re

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