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Washington, D. C., October 10, 1881.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Subsistence Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, with such remarks and recommendations in connection therewith as are thought to be for the best interest of the government and the Army.


The following statement exhibits the aggregate fiscal resources and expenditures of the department for the year mentioned, and the balances remaining unexpended at the close of the fiscal year:


Amounts in the Treasury to the credit of appropriations of the Subsist

ence Department on June 30, 1880, as follows:

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$41,004 17

Amount to the credit of officers of the Subsistence Department and of officers doing duty in the Subsistence Department, with the Treasurer, assistant treasurers, and designated depositaries, and in their personal possession, on June 30, 1880, as follows:

Subsistence of the Army, 1880....

391, 043 19

Amounts deposited to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States and in process of cover into the appropriations on June 30, 1880, since covered in, as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Amount in hands of representatives of deceased officer to be collected :
Subsistence of the Army, 1878

109 84

Amounts appropriated for the Subsistence Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, as follows:

Subsistence of the Army, 1878, and prior years, act

Subsistence of the Army, 1881, act May 4, 1830.

March 3, 1881

2,212 44 2,250,000 00

Commutation of rations to prisoners of war in rebel
States, per act March 3, 1881

Claims for quartermaster's stores and commissary sup-
plies, act July 4, 1864, per act June 15, 1880
Claims for quartermaster's stores and cominissary sup-
plies, act July 4, 1864, per act March 1, 1881......

$10,305 87

15,062 29

3,268 51

Amounts collected from various sources and refunded to the appropria-
tions of the Subsistence Department on the books of the Treasury
during the fiscal year 1881, as follows:
Subsistence of the Army, 1878 and prior year.
Subsistence of the Army, 1879.
Subsistence of the Army, 1880..

Subsistence of the Army, 1881

349 89

$2,280, 849 II

473 36 41, 257 13 104, 258 70

146, 339 (

Amounts received by officers of the Subsistence Department and by of-
ficers doing duty in the Subsistence Department, from sales of subsist-
ence stores to the following purchasers during the fiscal year 1881,
and taken up for immediate disbursement under the appropriation,
Subsistence of the Army, 1881:
Sales to officers of the army, $461,912.58; to enlisted men, $239,884.33;
to companies, detachments, and hospitals, $144,424.54; to civil
employés, $15,297.06; to Fort Leavenworth Military Prison,
$17,334.72; to civil engineers, $2,847.66; to railroad engineers,
$780.98; to civil employés of Agricultural Department, $384.77;
to Mullan road employés, $284.53; to steamers, $156.14; to Indi-
ans, $153.02; Indian Commissioners, $122.06; to Quartermaster's
Department, $103.80; to railroad employés, $73.17; of condemned
stores at auction, $6,697.23; of boxes, barrels, &c., $746.30; of
garden seeds and agricultural implements, $1,325.41; total.....
Amounts received from sales of public property to be deposited as "mis-
cellaneous receipts"..

Amounts taken up by officers doing duty in the Subsistence Department,
on account of stores lost, damaged, &c., and in correction of errors
in their accounts, &c., during the fiscal year 1881:
Subsistence of the Army, 1881

Amounts arising from various sources and deposited to the credit of the
Treasurer United States during the fiscal year 1881, under the follow-
ing appropriations, viz:

892,528 31 54 1

2, 115 44

Subsistence of the Army, 1879.


Subsistence of the Army, 1880.

60 00

Subsistence of the Army, 1881.

37 50


Amounts charged against officers (deceased and resigned) on account of
funds alleged to have been lost by theft, &c., as follows:
Subsistence of the Army, 1879 and prior years

Amounts charged against officers, still in service, on account of funds alleged to have been lost by theft, &c., and for which relief can only be obtained in the Court of Claims under sections 1059 and 1062, Revised Statutes, (including all sums of this character heretofore entered in this statement), as follows:

Subsistence of the Army, 1879 and prior years...

3,000 @

2,772 8

Total resources..


Amounts expended on the books of the Treasury from the appropriations of the Subsistence Department during the fiscal year 1881, as follows: Subsistence of the Army, 1877 and prior years, act

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$3,760, 177 69

Claims "for quartermaster stores and commissary supplies, act July 4, 1864," per act March 1, 1881, being portion for "commissary" supplies.. Subsistence of the Army, 1879

Subsistence of the Army, 1880.

Subsistence of the Army, 1881

$3,192 91
147 25

20,184 15
93 85

$62,789 09

Amounts disbursed by officers of the Subsistence Department and officers doing duty in the Subsistence Department during the fiscal year 1881, as follows:

Subsistence of the Army, 1880....
Subsistence of the Army, 1881

390,150 14

2,835, 953 36

3,226, 103 50

260 04

Amounts dropped by officers doing duty in the Subsistence Department in correction of errors in their accounts during the fiscal year 1881 : Subsistence of the Army, 1881..

Amount deposited to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States and covered into the Treasury as "miscellaneous receipts on account of sale of public property"

Amounts carried to the surplus fund on June 30, 1881:

Subsistence of the Army, 1878 and prior years..

Subsistence of the Army, 1879.

Total expenditures..

54 10

359 60

28,818 40

29, 178 00

$3,318, 384 73


Amounts in the Treasury to the credit of appropriations of the Subsistence Department on June 30, 1881, as follows:

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Amounts to the credit of officers of the Subsistence Department, and of officers doing duty in the Subsistence Department, with the Treasurer, assistant treasurers, and designated depositaries, and in their personal possession, on June 30, 1881, as follows:

Subsistence of the Army, 1880
Subsistence of the Army, 1881

169 38

412,327 70

412, 497 08

Amounts refunded to the Treasury near close of fiscal year 1881, but not carried to the credit of the appropriations by June 30, 1881:

[blocks in formation]

Amount in hands of representatives of deceased officer to be collected:

Subsistence of the Army, 1878...

109 84

Amounts charged against officers (deceased and resigned) on account of
funds alleged to have been lost by theft, &c., as follows:
Subsistence of the Army, 1879 and prior years

Amounts charged against officers, still in service, on account of funds
alleged to have been lost by theft, &c., and for which relief can only
be obtained in the Court of Claims under sections 1059 and 1062, Re-
vised Statutes, (including all sums of this character heretofore entered
in this statement), as follows:

Subsistence of the Army, 1879 and prior years...
Subsistence of the Army, 1880

Subsistence of the Army, 1881

[blocks in formation]


The settled rule of the department of making all purchases of subsistence stores as near the points of consumption as practicable-regard being had to quality and prices, as compared with those of stores procurable at remote places, including cost of transportation-has been adhered to during the fiscal year. Tabular statements of the stores required in bulk for the various military departments where troops are serving in large bodies are, under existing orders, transmitted to the Commissary. General, at proper intervals, who orders the articles from the different purchasing stations; and thus stores of the best quality for Army use obtainable in particular sections or markets of the country are procured. In future it is intended to authorize chief commissaries of departments, after their tabular statements have been acted upon by the CommissaryGeneral, to draw, directly upon the purchasing depots selected by him, at such times and for such quantities named on the tabular statements as in their opinion may be necessary. The Commissary-General will thus select the localities from which the supplies are to be obtained, with a view of obtaining for the Army the best and cheapest articles the markets of the country afford, leaving to the chief commissaries of the departments the details as to quantities and times of the respective shipments, which are often dependent upon or influenced by local contingencies, best known to the chief commissaries themselves.


During the fiscal year ended June 30, 1881, 154 newspaper advertisements and 191 circulars and posters, inviting proposals for subsistence stores, were reported to this office. The disbursements for advertising for the year, on accounts approved by the Secretary of War, amounted to $7,829.45. There were also received, during the same period, 219 contracts for fresh meats, 29 contracts for miscellaneous articles, 34 contracts for complete rations for recruiting parties and recruits, and 2,384 informal contracts made under written proposals and acceptances.

The average price each month of each of the principal components of the Army ration, purchased at the principal subsistence purchasing depots, is reported monthly to the Commissary-General of Subsistence, under the Army regulations. The following table, prepared after the manner pursued in the preparation of like tables heretofore published, exhibits the average for the twelve months of the fiscal year, 1881, of these monthly average prices, taken from the monthly reports referred to, viz:

Average (for the twelve months of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881) of the monthly average prices paid for the component parts of the ration purchased for principal

the United States

Army at the



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