business, 137. Black Hawk, 98.
"Bleeding Kansas," 367.
Bloomingdale, important convention at, 375.
"Blue Lodges" and "Social Bands," organization of, to control Kansas,
ABLE, BENNET, an early friend of Lin- Berry, Lincoln's partner in the grocery coln, 172. Abolitionists, excitement produced by the proceedings of, 201-205; scarcely heard of in Illinois in 1837, 205; regarded as robbers, 206; endeavors to repress them, 209; attempt to force Lincoln into their organization, 354. Adam and Eve's wedding-song, 61. Anti-Nebraska speech, 349. Armstrong, Jack, a rival wrestler, 91. Armstrong, Hannah, entertains Lincoln, 151; applies to him to defend her son in a murder trial, 328; visits the pres- ident elect, 465.
Ashmun, Hon. George, president of the
Republican National Convention, 453. Atkinson, Gen. commander of troops in the Black-Hawk war, 103.
Baker, E. D., bargains with Lincoln and others for a seat in Congress, 275; U. S. senator from Oregon, intro- duces Lincoln at his inauguration,
Banks and internal -improvement mania
in Illinois, 184; cause of great politi- cal contests, 193; collapse of the sys- tem, 212.
Bateman, Newton, interview with Lin- coln, 499.
Baldwin John, a great story-teller, 57. Bates, Mr. appointed to Lincoln's cabi- net, 458.
Bell, John, nominated for the presi-
"Border Ruffians," 367.
Breckenridge, John, impression of a speech of, on young Lincoln, 67. Breckinridge, John C., nominated for the presidency, 456; close of his term as vice-president, 528.
Browning, Mrs., important letter of Lincoln to, 181.
Buchanan, President, Kansas policy of, 385; close of his administration, 527 ; present at the inauguration of Lincoln, 528.
Burlingame, Anson, favors Douglas, 394, 396.
Bush, Sally, declines to marry Thomas
Lincoln, 10. See Lincoln, Mrs. Sarah. Butler, B. F., delegate to the Democratic Convention at Charleston, 454. Butler, William, receives Mr. Lincoln into his house, 224.
Calhoun, John, induces Lincoln to study surveying, 147.
Cameron, Simon, candidate for the Re- publican nomination for the presi- dency, 449; exertions of, to secure a seat in Lincoln's cabinet, 459; removal
of, from the secretaryship of war, 461.
Cartwright, Rev. Peter, candidate for
Congress in opposition to Lincoln,
Chapman, Mrs., gives an account of Lin-
coln's domestic habits, 472.
Chase, Salmon P., appointed to Lincoln's cabinet, 458.
"Chronicles of Reuben," 63. Clary's Grove boys, the, 91.
Clay, Henry, nominated for the presi- dency, 274; eulogy of Lincoln on the death of, 339. Cogdale, Isaac, 168.
Covode, John, friendly to Douglass, 394. Crawford, Andrew, Lincoln's third teach- er, 33.
speaks and votes with Republicans in U. S. Senate, 389; intrigues with Re- publican leaders, 390; personal influ- ence of, 396; what he thought of Lin- coln, 409; puts a series of questions, 410; answers Lincoln's questions- 416; re-elected to U. S. Senate, 419; nominated for the presidency, 456. Dred-Scott decision, discussion of, 384. Drummond Judge, address of, on the
death of Lincoln, 315.
Duncan, Rev. John, the playmate of Lincoln, 15.
Edwards, Miss Matilda, attracts Lincoln, and refuses Douglas and Speed, 240. Edwards, Mrs., sister of Miss Todd, 239.
Crawford, Josiah, offends Lincoln, and Elkin, David, employed to preach the is satirized in rhyme, 51.
Crawford, Mrs Elizabeth, contributes
valuable testimony relating to Lin- coln's early life, 41.
Cushing, Caleb, chairman of the Demo-
cratic Convention at Richmond, 455.
Davis, Judge David, 312; eulogy of, on Lincoln, 313; statement of, concern- ing Lincoln's religious opinions, 489. Dayton, William L., nominated for vice- president, 379.
funeral sermon of Nancy Hanks Lin- coln, 28.
Ellis, A. Y., describes Lincoln's personal appearance during his first campaign,
Everett, Edward, nomination of, for the vice-presidency, 456.
Fell, Jesse W., statement of, in relation to Lincoln's religious opinions, 490. Felton, Mr., railroad president, takes pre- cautions for Mr. Lincoln's safety, 512.
Democratic National Convention at Ferrandina, Capt., accused of plotting Charleston, 454.
Dickey, Hon. T. Lyle, seeks to suppress Lincoln's radical speeches, 398. Dorsey, Hazel, Lincoln's second school- master, 33. Douglas, Stephen A., first appearance
to assassinate the president elect, 515. Federal control of slavery, opinion of the "fathers" in relation to, 426. Ford, Gov., gives an account of the old
way of conducting elections in Illi- nois, 124.
Forquer, a leading politician in debate with Lincoln, 188. Fremont, John C., candidate for the presidency, 379.
of, in Illinois, 185; rapid advancement of, in political life, 191; jealousy of, of Lincoln, 195; elected a judge, 219; refused by Miss Mary Todd, 238; debates of, with Lincoln in 1852, 340; makes a truce, 358; debate of, on Kansas affairs, 383; discusses the Dred-Scott decision, 384; breaks with Buchanan's administration, 387; ville, 24.
Geary, John W., appointed governor of Kansas, 385. Gentry, James, the founder of Gentry-
Gentryville, character of the early set- | Herndon, J. R. 127, 135. Herndon, "Row," 156.
tlers of, 24; social peculiarities and superstitions of, 42-44. Gillespie, Mr., testimony of, to Lincoln's sensitiveness, 237.
Gilmore, Mr., of North Carolina, offered
a seat in the cabinet, 458. Godbey, Squire, anecdote of, 140. Graham, Minter, the schoolmaster of
New Salem, instructs Lincoln, 95. Greeley, Horace, in favor of Douglas, 394, 396.
Herndon William H., lectures on Ann Rutledge, 187; law-partner of Lin- coln, 316; determines to make him an Abolitionist, 352; indorses the "House-divided-against-itself" speech, 402; letter relating to Lincoln's reli- gious belief, 489, 492.
Henry, Gen., an officer in the Black- Hawk war, 114.
Hicks, Thomas, treasonable letter of, 518.
Green, W. G., an intimate friend of Lin- Hill, Samuel, burns Lincoln's book, 158. coln, 90. Hilliard, a Baltimore conspirator, 514. Green, Bowlin, a devoted friend of Lin- Holland, J. G., biographer of Lincoln, coln, 146. Grigsby, Aaron, marries Lincoln's sister, "House-divided-against-itself" speech,
Grigsby Nat, amusing meeting of, with Lincoln, 274.
"Immortality," the poem on, 166.
Grigsbys, feud between Lincoln and the, Inauguration of President Lincoln, 528. Irrepressible conflict," opening of the, 366.
Gulliver, Rev. Mr. a clerical flatterer, 442. Guthrie, Mr., of Kentucky, offered a seat in cabinet, 458.
Hamlin, Hannibal, nominated for the vice-presidency, 450; takes his seat as president of the senate, 528. Hanks, Dennis, a constant companion of Lincoln, 22; value of his testimony, 46, 48.
Hanks, John, describes Lincoln's early habits, 37; splits rails with him, 49; brings rails into Republican Conven- tion, 445.
Hanks, Nancy, becomes the wife of Thomas Lincoln, 10; characteristics of, 11; death of, 28.
Hannah, William H., statement of, in relation to Lincoln's religious belief,
Hardin, John J., bargains for a seat in Congress, 275.
Hazel, Caleb, Lincoln's first schoolmas- ter, 16.
Jackson campaign, 122. Jayne, William, announces Lincoln as a
candidate for the State Legislature, 359. Johnston, John D., character of, 46; let- ters of his step-brother to, 337. Johnson, H. V., nominated for the vice- presidency, 456.
Johnston, Mrs. Sarah, marries Thomas
Lincoln, 29; her care of his children, 31; love for Abraham, 39; receives a visit from the president elect, 463; fears of his assassination, 464. Jones, William, of Gentryville, employs Lincoln as a clerk, 56. Judd, Norman B., accompanies the pres idential party to Philadelphia, 518.
Kansas-Nebraska territorial bill, 342. Kansas, struggle between the Free-state and Slave-state men in, 366; Reeder appointed governor of, 368; letter of Mr. Lincoln relating to, 368; over- throw of the proslavery party in, 386.
Kelso, a school-teacher, influences Lincoln to become a student of Shakspeare and Burns, 144.
Kentucky, character of the early settlers of, 6.
Keys, I. W., testimony relating to Lin-
coln's religious views, 490. Kirkpatrick, Bill, a rival, 101. Know-Nothingism, corruptions of, 378.
Lamon, Col. W. H., selected to accompany
the president to Washington, 522. Lane, Joseph, nominated for the vice- presidency, 456.
Lecompton Constitution, formation of,
386; considered an "outrage" by Mr. Douglas, 387; conflict in Congress con- ncerning, 389.
Lincoln, Abraham, birth and ancestry,
1; schooling, 16, 33-36; love for read- ing, 37; taste for public speaking, 40; employed on a ferry-boat, 49; feats of strength, 52; never became a sports- man, 53; fond of music, 58; specimen of his rhymes, 61; fighting qualities, 65; attends the courts, 67; writes on temperance for the newspapers, 69; trip to New Orleans, 70; goes to Illi- nois with his father, 74; makes an- other trip to New Orleans, 79; forms his opinions of slavery, 83; his first public official act, 88; a clerk in New Salem, 89; encounters and defeats a bully, 89-93; grows in the favor of the people, 94; begins to study, 95; pilot of a steamboat, 96; out of work, 98; enlists a company for the Black-Hawk war, and is chosen captain, 101; ar- rested for disobedience of orders, 103; influence with his men, 108; meets his match in wrestling, 110; care for his men, 111; enlists as a private, 113; narrative of his individual experience, 116; popularity enhanced by his ser- vice in the war, 121; his first public speech, 121; becomes a candidate for the Legislature, 122; classed as a
"nominal Jackson man," 123; adopts the leading principles of the Whig party, 126; address to the people of Sangamon County, 129; is defeated, 134; engages in the grocery business with Berry, 137; failure of the firm, and loss of Lincoln's personal property, 138; begins to read law, 139; studies natural philosophy, chemistry, &c., 141; relish for popular songs, 142; inordi- nate love for Shakspeare and Burns, 145; studies surveying, and becomes a deputy of J. C. Calhoun, 147; post- master of New Salem, 148; disposition to succor the weak, 153; elected to the Legislature, 1834, 155; inclined to free-thinking in religion, 157; engaged to Ann Rutledge, 163; grief at her death, 164; acquaintance and corre- spondence with Miss Mary Owens, 172, 173; takes his seat in the Legislature, 184; one of the "Long Nine," 186; elected again in 1836; a leader of the Whigs in 1836 and 1840, 193; aims to become "the DeWitt Clinton of Illi- nois," 195; endeavors to keep even with public opinion, 199; begins his antislavery record, 201; protest against proslavery resolutions, 209; re-elected to the Legislature in 1838, and a can- didate for speaker, 212; introduces resolutions relating to public debt in (1840), 213; jumps out of a window to prevent an adjournment, 217; pro- tests against the judges' bill, 219; be- comes a law-partner of John T. Stuart, 221; removes to Springfield to prac- tise law, 223; lectures before the lyceum, 226; descends into the court- room through a trap-door, 231; takes part in a joint debate with Douglas and others, 232; candidate for presi- dential election in 1840, 236; thirst for distinction the leading object of his life, 237; becomes acquainted with Miss Todd, 238; engaged to be married, 239; insane, 240; his condition in
1841-42, 241; re-engagement and marriage, 243; confidential letters to Speed, 244–252; challenged by Shields, 260; the parties reconciled, 260–269 ; continues his practice at the bar, 269;
on the stump" for Clay in 1844, 274; bargains with Baker, Hardin, and Logan for a seat in Congress, 275; elected to Congress, 278; opposed to the Mexican war, 281; speech, 283; dissatisfaction in his district, 291; de- livers an internal-improvement speech, 297; makes campaign speeches in New England, 307; letter from his father, 308; record on the Wilmot Proviso, 309; standing as a lawyer, 311; letter showing the character of his early practice, 316; engaged in a remarkable murder trial, 318; his first speeeh be- fore the Supreme Court, 321; his honesty, 324; defends and clears the son of Jack Armstrong, 328; receives a large fee from the Illinois Railroad, 331; offered the Governorship of Ore- gon, 333; writes to his dying father, 336; letters to his step-brother, 337; delivers a eulogy on the death of Henry Clay, 339; engages in debates with Douglas in 1852, 340; his views con- cerning slavery, 344; opposed to Know-Nothingism, 348; great anti- Nebraska speech, 349; debate with Douglas on the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, 354; truce with Doug- las, 358; candidate for the U. S. Senate, and defeated, 362; letter to Speed on affairs in Kansas, 368; op- poses resistance to Government in Kansas, 372; takes a stand with the Abolitionists, and attends Bloomington Convention, 375; voted for in Repub- lican Convention for vice-presidency, 380; discusses "Popular Sovereignty," 395; nominated for U. S. Senator, 397; great influence of his "House-divided- against-itself" speech, 399; what he thought of Douglas, 408; answers to
Douglas's questions, 412; propounds interrogatories to Douglas, 416; disap- pointment in non-election to U. S. Sen- ate, 419; in the capacity of lecturer, 421; suggested as a candidate for the pres- idency, 422; letter on the tariff, 423; goes to Kansas, 424; speech in New York, 425; letter in relation to selling a political speech, 441; visits New England, 441; quizzes Rev. Mr. Gul- liver, 443; presented to the Republican State Convention of Illinois, 1860, 444; nominated for the presidency, 450; his conduct during and after the balloting, 451, 452; letter accepting the nomination, 453; elected to the presi- dency, 457; selects his cabinet, 458; visits his relations, 462; his personal appearance, 468;, habits, 470; not happy in his domestic relations, 473; his morbid presentiments, 476; literary tastes, 477; humorous stories, 478; temperate habits, 480; politics his world, 482; ambition, 483; religious opinions, 486; belief in the supernatu- ral, 503; his melancholy due to his want of religious faith, 504; takes his leave of Springfield, 505; speeches on the road, 508–511; plot to assassinate him, 512; night journey to Washing- ton, 524; arrival at the capital, 526; makes arrangements for constructing his cabinet, 527; feelings upon the approach of his inauguration, 528; ap- pearance in the Capitol, 529; delivers his inaugural address, 529; takes the oath of office, 536; retires to the ex- ecutive mansion, 537.
Lincoln, Abraham, father of Thomas, 3. Lincoln, corruption of the name of, 9. Lincoln family of Virginia, the, of Eng-
lish descent; no relation to the Lin- colns of Massachusetts, 2; location of different branches, 3. Lincoln, Mrs. Mary, opposes her hus-
band's election to Illinois Legislature, 359; her marriage to Mr. Lincoln a
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