contain no other words or printing thereon, and said words "Renovated Butter" so printed shall not be in any manner concealed. If packed in tubs or other receptacles the words "Renovated Butter" must be printed in Gothic letters at least three-eighths of an inch square on two sides of the same. If uncovered or not in a case or package a placard containing said words in the same form as above described shall be attached to the mass in such manner as to be easily seen and read by the purchaser: Provided, If at any time the laws of the United States provide that butter manufactured as is described in this act, shall be labeled "Process Butter," then and in such case only shall such substitution be permitted and the labeling of said butter as "Process Butter" shall be deemed a compliance with this act. Saccharine. The use of saccharine in all food products is prohibited. Syrup.-Syrup mixed with glucose must be distinctly branded or labeled "Glucose Mixture" or "Corn Syrup" in plain Gothic type not less than three-eighths of an inch square. It shall also have the name and percentage by weight of each ingredient contained therein plainly stamped, branded or stenciled on each package in plain Gothic letters not less than one-fourth of an inch square. Every package of syrup either simple or mixed shall bear the name and address of the manufacturer. It shall have no other designation or brand that represents or is the name of any article which contains a saccharine substance and all brands or labels shall be an inseparable part of the general or distinguishing label, which shall be that principal and conspicuous sign under which it is sold. Spices. Must be pure and true to name. Cannot be mixed or compounded with any other article and sold under the name of any ingredient thereof, even though the package be labeled mixture or compound. (See Pepper.) Sweet Chocolates and Sweet Cocoas.-If containing no other substance than cocoa mass, and not to exceed 60 per cent of sugar and flavoring, will not be classed as a compound or mixture. They must be plainly and distinctly labeled sweet chocolate or sweet cocoa, and bear the name and address of the manufacturer. Vinegar. All packages containing vinegar must be branded with the name and address of the manufacturer. All vinegar must contain not less than four per cent by weight of absolute acetic acid and must not contain any preparation of lead, copper, sulphuric acid, or ingredients injurious to health. All vinegar made by fermentation and oxidation must be branded "fermented vinegar," with the name of the fruit or substance from which the same is made, must be free from foreign substance and must contain not less than one and three-fourths per cent by weight of solids contained in the fruit or grain from which said vinegar is fermented, and not less than two and a half tenths of one per cent ash or mineral matter, the same being the product of the material from which said vinegar is manufactured. All vinegar made wholly or in part from distilled liquor must be branded "Distilled Vinegar," and must be free from artificial coloring matter. Only vinegar made from pure apple juice, free from foreign substances, drugs, or acids, and containing not less than one and three-fourths per cent by weight of cider vinegar solids, can be sold as apple, orchard or cider vinegar. |