Imágenes de páginas

No. 21400, I-1298. inger, St. Joseph. No. 21401, I-1299. inger, St. Joseph. No. 21412, F-92.

Sample of Kos-Kola-Pop manufactured by N. BreidContains saccharin.

Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by N. BreidContains saccharin.

Sample of Cherry Phosphate manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21413, F-93. Sample of Appleade Soda manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21414, F-94. Sample of Maple Cream Soda manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21415, F-95. Sample of Orange Soda manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21418, F-98. Sample of Cream Soda manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21419, F-99. Sample of Raspberry manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21423, F-103. Sample of Pear Cider manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21424, F-104. Sample of Lemon Sour manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21426, F-106. Sample of Ple Zee manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21427, F-107. Sample of Cherry Cheer manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21429, F-109. Sample of Grape Soda manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21430, F-110. Sample of Sarsaparilla manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21431, F-111. Sample of Chocolate manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21432, F-112. Sample of Peach Soda manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21434, F-114. Sample of Jersey Creme bottled by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21436, F-116. Sample of Sherbet manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21437, F-117. Sample of Lemon Soda manufactured by A. L. Joyce, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21440, I-1303. Sample of Lemon Pop manufactured by Fred Anderson, Benton Harbor. Contains saccharin.

No. 21441, I-1304. Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by Fred Anderson, Benton Harbor. Contains saccharin.

No. 21442, I-1305. Sample of Lemon Sour manufactured by Fred Anderson, Benton Harbor. Contains saccharin.

No. 21443, I-1306. Sample of Root Beer manufactured by Fred Anderson, Benton Harbor. Contains saccharin.

No. 21444, I-1307. Sample of Strawberry Pop manufactured by Fred Andersen, Benton Harbor. Contains saccharin.

No. 21445, I-1308. Sample of Strawberry Pop manufactured by E. E. Rouse, Benton Harbor. Contains saccharin.

No. 21446, I-1309. Sample of Root Beer manufactured by E. E. Rouse, Benton Harbor. Contains saccharin.

No. 21447, I-1310. Sample of Lemon Pop manufactured by E. E. Rouse, Benton Harbor. Contains saccharin.

No. 21448, I-1311. Sample of Lemon Pop manufactured by E. E. Rouse, Benton Harbor. Contains saccharin. No. 21449, I-1312.

Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by E. E.

Rouse, Benton Harbor. Contains saccharin.

No. 21454, S-373. Sample of Iron Port manufactured by Magnetic Spring Water Co.. Saginaw. Contains saccharin.

No. 21455, S-374. Sample of Sherbet manufactured by Magnetic Spring Water Co.. Saginaw. Contains saccharin.

No. 21456, S-375. Sample of Sarsaparilla Soda manufactured by Magnetic Spring Water Co., Saginaw. Contains saccharin.

No. 21457, S-376. Sample of Chocolate Cream manufactured by Magnetic Spring Water Co., Saginaw. Contains saccharin.

No. 21458, S-377. Sample of Raspberry Cream manufactured by Magnetic Spring Water Co., Saginaw. Contains saccharin.

No. 21460, S-368. Sample of Birch Beer manufactured by Magnetic Spring Water Co., Saginaw. Contains saccharin.

No. 21461, S-369. Sample of Lemon Sour manufactured by Magnetic Spring Water Co., Saginaw. Contains saccharin.

No. 21462, S-370. Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by Magnetic Spring Water Co., Saginaw. Contains saccharin.

No. 21463, S-371. Sample of Orange Cider manufactured by Magnetic Spring Water Co., Saginaw. Contains saccharin.

No. 21464, S-372. Sample of Strawberry Soda manufactured by Magnetic Spring Water Co., Saginaw. Contains saccharin.

No. 21465, S-359. Stafford, Saginaw. No. 21466, S-360. Stafford, Saginaw.

No. 21467, S-361. Stafford, Saginaw. No. 21468, S-362. Stafford, Saginaw.

Sample of Orange Soda manufactured by John Contains saccharin.

Sample of Cream Soda manufactured by John Contains saccharin.

Sample of Lemon Soda manufactured by John Contains saccharin.

Sample of Birch Beer manufactured by John Contains saccharin.

No. 21469, S-363. Sample of Sherbet manufactured by John Stafford, Saginaw. Contains saccharin. No. 21470, S-364. Stafford, Saginaw. No. 21471, S-365. Stafford, Saginaw. No. 21472, S-366. Stafford, Saginaw. No. 21474, F-75. Sample of Cera Soda manufactured by Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

Sample of Jersey Creme manufactured by John Contains saccharin.

Sample of Orcherade manufactured by John Contains saccharin.

Sample of Cherry Cheer manufactured by John Contains saccharin.

No. 21475, F-76. Sample of Strawberry manufactured by Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21476, F-77. Sample of Cocoa manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21477, F-78. Sample of Champagne Cider manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21478, F-79. Sample of Lemon Sour manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21479, F-81. Sample of Birch Beer manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin. No. 21480, F-82. Sample of Concord Grape manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21481, F-83. Sample of Apple Cider manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21482, F-84. Sample of Orcherade manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21483, F-85. Sample of Raspberry manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21484, F-86. Sample of Chocolate manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21485, F-87. Sample of Lemon Soda manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin. No. 21486, F-88. Sample of Root Beer manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin. No. 21487, F-89. Sample of Orange City Bottling Works, Traverse City.

Soda manufactured by the Queen
Contains saccharin.

No. 21488, F-90. Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21489, F-91. Sample of Raspberry Still manufactured by the Queen City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21490, F-80. Sample of Green Seal manufactured by the Queen

City Bottling Works, Traverse City. Contains saccharin.

No. 21492, F-119. Sample of Chocolate manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21493, F-120. Sample of Peach Phosphate manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21494, F-121. Sample of Sherbet manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21496, F-123. Sample of Raspberry manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21498, F-125. Sample of Orange Cider manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21499, F-127. Sample of Lemon Sour manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21500, F-128. Sample of Carbonated Raspberry manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21501, F-129. Sample of Sarsaparilla manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21502, F-130. Sample of Orcherade manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21503, F-131. Sample of Root Beer manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21504, F-132. Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21505, F-133. Sample of Birch Beer manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21507, F-135. Sample of Lemon Soda manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21509, F-137. Sample of Strawberry manufactured by the Cadillac Bottling Works, Cadillac. Contains saccharin.

No. 21515, V-202. Sample of Cherry manufactured by J. J. Spitzley, Ionia. Contains saccharin.

No. 21516, V-203. Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by J. J. Spitzley, Ionia. Contains saccharin.

No. 21517, V-204. Sample of Orcherade manufactured by J. J. Spitzley, Ionia. Contains saccharin.

No. 21518, V-205. Sample of Strawberry manufactured by J. J. Spitzley, Ionia. Contains saccharin.

No. 21519, V-206. Sample of Lemon Sour manufactured by J. J. Spitzley, Ionia. Contains saccharin.

No. 21520, V-207. Sample of Birch Beer manufactured by J. J. Spitzley, Ionia. Contains saccharin.

No. 21521, V-208. Sample of Sherbet manufactured by J. J. Spitzley, Ionia. Contains saccharin.

No. 21522, V-209. Sample of Iron Port manufactured by J. J. Spitzley, Ionia. Contains saccharin.

No. 21523, V-210. Sample of Root Beer manufactured by J. J. Spitzley, Ionia. Contains saccharin.

No. 21524, S-379. Sample of Iron Beer manufactured by D. H. Chapman, Caro. Contains saccharin.

No. 21525, S-380. Sample of Root Beer manufactured by D. H. Chapman, Caro. Contains saccharin.

No. 21526, S-381. Sample of Lemon Sour manufactured by D. H. Chapman, Caro. Contains saccharin.

No. 21527, S-382. Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by D. H. Chap man, Caro. Contains saccharin.

No. 21528, S-383. Sample of Strawberry Soda manufactured by D. H. Chapman, Caro. Contains saccharin.

No. 21538, I-1322. Sample of Lemon Soda manufactured by the Kalamazoo Bottling Co., Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21539, I-1323. Sample of Strawberry Pop manufactured by the Kalamazoo Bottling Co., Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21540, I-1324. Sample of Concord Grape manufactured by the Kalamazoo Bottling Co., Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21541, I-1325. Sample of Cherry Phosphate manufactured by the Kalamazoo Bottling Co., Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21542, I-1326. Sample of Sarsaparilla manufactured by the Kalamazoo Bottling Co., Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21543, I-1327. Sample of Coke manufactured by the Kalamazoo Bottling Co., Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21544, I-1328. Sample of Strawberry Pop manufactured by the City Bottling Works, Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21546, I-1330. Sample of Jersey Creme manufactured by the City Bottling Works, Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21547, I-1331. Sample of Lemon Sour manufactured by the City Bottling Works, Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21548, I-1332. Sample of Cocola manufactured by the City Bottling Works, Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21549, I-1333. Sample of Sarsaparilla manufactured by the City Bottling Works, Kalamazoo. Contains saccharin.

No. 21569, G-290. Sample of Lemon Soda manufactured by Roger Jackson, Crystal Falls. Contains saccharin.

No. 21570, G-291. Sample of Sarsaparilla Soda manufactured by Roger Jackson, Crystal Falls. Contains saccharin.

No. 21571, G-292. Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by Roger JackContains saccharin.

son, Crystal Falls.

No. 21572, G-293. Sample of Cream Beer manufactured by Roger Jackson, Crystal Falls. Contains saccharin.

No. 21573, G-294. Sample of Atlas Brew manufactured by Roger Jackson, Crystal Falls. Contains saccharin.

No. 21574, G-295. Sample of Cream Soda manufactured by Roger Jackson, Crystal Falls. Contains saccharin.

No. 21575, G-296. Sample of Strawberry Soda manufactured by Roger Jackson, Crystal Falls. Contains saccharin.

No. 21576, G-297. Sample of Orange Soda manufactured by Roger Jackson, Crystal Falls. Contains saccharin.

No. 21577, G-298. Sample of Cremo manufactured by Roger Jackson, Crystal Falls. Contains saccharin.

No. 21578, G-299. Sample of Artificial Raspberry manufactured by Roger Jackson, Crystal Falls. Contains saccharin.

No. 21579, G-300. Sample of Iron Soda manufactured by Roger Jackson, Crystal Falls. Contains saccharin.

No. 21580, U-186. Sample of Orange Chavey handled by National Beverage Co., Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21586, U-192. Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by McBride, Earl & Pollard, Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21588, U-194. Sample of Orange Cider manufactured by McBride, Earl & Pollard, Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21589, U-195. Sample of Cream Soda manufactured by McBride, Earl & Pollard, Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21590, U-196. Sample of Black Pop manufactured by McBride, Earl & Pollard, Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21591, U-197. Sample of Lemon Pop manufactured by McBride, Earl & Pollard, Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21592, U-198. Sample of Wild Cherry Phosphate manufactured by McBride, Earl & Pollard, Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21593, U-199. Sample of Birch Beer manufactured by McBride, Earl & Pollard, Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21594, U-200. Sample of Raspberry Cream manufactured by McBride, Earl & Pollard, Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21595, U-201. Sample of Strawberry Pop manufactured by McBride, Earl & Pollard, Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21596, U-202. Sample of Cream Soda manufactured by Herman Westphal, Detroit. Contains saccharin.

No. 21597, U-203. Westphal, Detroit. No. 21598, U-204. Westphal, Detroit.

Sample of Lemon Sour manufactured by Herman Contains saccharin.

Sample of Birch Beer manufactured by Herman
Contains saccharin.

Sample of Cherry Phosphate manufactured by Her-
Contains saccharin.

No. 21599, U-205. man Westphal, Detroit.

No. 21600, U-206. Sample of Orange Ale manufactured by Herman Contains saccharin.

Westphal, Detroit.

No. 21601, U-207. Westphal, Detroit.

Sample of Ginger Ale manufactured by Herman
Contains saccharin.

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