No. 23755, S-521. Sample of Coffee Compound manufactured by the Crescent Tea Co., address not given, and procured from the H. & P. Supply Co., West Saginaw. Not properly labeled. No. 24034, S-548. Sample of "Coffee" sold by the Imperial Tea Co., Detroit, and procured from Paul Leo, Saginaw. Product is a mixture of coffee, chickory and cereal. Package had no label of any description. Misbranded. COMPOUND (BUCKWHEAT FLOUR). No. 23073, I-1442. Sample of Compound Buckwheat and Wheat Flour put out by McNeil & Higgins Co., Chicago. Package is misbranded. No. 19318, E-99. Dennis, Rochester. No. 19889, G-42. FLAVORING PREPARATIONS. Sample of Vanilla Flavor handled by Geo. C. Sample of "Banana Synthetic" manufactured by E. A. Lange, West DePere, Wis. or compound. No. 20098, Unofficial. Sample of Vanilla Extract. ficial color. Not salable. Contains arti No. 20768, I-1260. Sample of Tropical Flavoring Vanilla and Vanillin manufactured by the Arctic Manufacturing Co., Grand Rapids. Not properly labeled. No. 21019, I-1277. Sample of Vanilline & Coumarine Flavor manufactured by W. M. Hoyt Co., Chicago. Not properly labeled. No. 21113, V-134. Sample of Peppermint Extract manufactured by Drucke, Lynch Co., Grand Rapids. Below standard. No. 21154, P-243. Sample of Vanilla (Liquid) manufactured by William Haigh Co., Baltimore, Md. Below standard for a vanilla extract. No. 21155, P-244. Sample of Vanilla (Liquid) manufactured by Franklin MacVeigh Co., Chicago. Not properly labeled as a mixture or compound. Sample of Lemon Extract manufactured by L. Not a standard lemon extract and therefore not No. 23068, I-1436. Perrigo Co., Allegan. properly labeled. No. 23122, I-1443. Sample of Lemon Extract manufactured by Laird Supply Co., Bangor. Not a standard lemon extract and therefore not properly labeled. No manufacturer's name and address on the label. No. 23124, I-1445. Sample of "Pure Extract of Lemon" manufactured by Laird Supply Co., Bangor, Mich. Not a standard lemon extract and therefore not properly labeled. No. 23206, G-467. Sample of Vanilla Extract, manufactured by the Day-Bergwall Co., Milwaukee, Wis., and found with T. E. Bawden, Laurium. Below standard. No. 23250, Unofficial. Sample of Vanilla Extract. Below standard. No. 23254, Unofficial. Samples of Extract Peppermint. Below standard. . No. 23313, I-1457. Sample of Red F Flavor Messina Lemon manufactured by the Union Extract Co., Kalamazoo. Below standard in oil content. No. 23315, I-1459. Sample of Dr. Clark's Red F. Flavor Lemon manu factured by the Union Extract Co., Kalamazoo. Below standard in oil content. No. 23593, G-510. Sample of Vanilla Extract (Special) manufactured by the Day-Bergwall Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Not a pure vanilla extract. No. 23702, S-476. Sample of "Vanillo" manufactured by T. H. Johnson, Detroit, handled by Central Grocery Co., Detroit, as jobbers, and found with the Flint Tea Co., Flint. Not properly labeled. FLOUR. No. 23680, U-303. Sample of Whole Wheat Flour put up by the Commercial Milling Co., Detroit. Weight not marked on sack. Misbranded. HORSE RADISH PREPARATION. No. 23752, I-1526. Sample of Horse Radish Cream manufactured by the Battle Creek Horse Radish Co., Battle Creek, and procured from H. S. Fuller, 370 W Main St., Battle Creek. Misbranded. ICE CREAM. No. 19411, S-115. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Alfred Neale & Co., Flint. Sample tested 10.5% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19491, G-36. Sample of ice cream manufactured by D. Booth, Sault Ste. Marie. Sample tested 7.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19493, G-38. Sault Ste. Marie. Sample of ice cream manufactured by D. Booth, Sample tested 6.5% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19494, G-40. Sample of ice cream manufactured by N. Montsatson, Sault Ste. Marie. Sample tested 9.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19495, G-39. Sample of ice cream manufactured by A. M. Combs, Sault Ste. Marie. Sample tested 11.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19551, S-128. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Wm. Pauloș, Saginaw. Sample tested 11.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19584, V-55. Sample of ice cream manufactured by West Michigan Ice Cream Company, Grand Rapids. Sample tested 10.4% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19587, I-1006. Sample of ice cream manufactured by B. T. Pierce, Grand Rapids. Sample tested 11.7% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19588, I-1007. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Wests Drug Store, Grand Rapids. Sample tested 11.3% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19591, I-1010. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Kelly Ice Cream Co., Grand Rapids. Sample tested 11.4% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19594, I-1013. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Piper Ice Cream Co., Grand Rapids. Sample tested 10.5% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19595, I-1014. Sample of ice cream manufactured by West Side Ice Cream Co., Grand Rapids. Sample tested 9.9% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19612, Y-14. Macatawa Park. Sample of ice cream manufactured by W. A. Weihe, Sample tested 9.8% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19666, S-145. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Jerome B. Stevens & Son, Bay City. Sample tested 11.1% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19667, S-146. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Robert Paris and L. C. Witt, Bay City. Sample tested 10.0% butter fat. standard. Below No. 19668, S-147. Sample of ice cream manuufactured by Frank J. Ackerman, Bay City. Sample tested 11.7% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19671, S-150. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Wm. Charouhis, Bay City. Sample tested 11.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19689, Z-134. Sample of ice cream manufactured by The Rowima Co., Ypsilanti. Sample tested 11.5% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19751, I-1059. Sample of ice cream manufactured by George Klemos, Battle Creek. Sample tested 11.3% butter fat. Below stand ard. No. 19763, U-61. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Floyd Lehner, Pontiac. Sample tested 9.2% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19776, A-9. Sample of ice cream manufactured by J. H. Gatz, Mt. Clemens. Sample tested 11.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19778, K-39. Sample of ice cream manufactured by C. B. Kuhn, Detroit. Sample tested 10.8% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19781, K-42. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Central Drug Co., Detroit. Sample tested 11.4% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19797, U-34. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Detroit Creamery Co., Detroit. Sample tested 11.7% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19800, U-37. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Standard Ice Cream Co., Detroit. Sample tested 11.6% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19807, U-44. Sample of ice cream manufactured by the Detroit Creamery Co., Detroit. Sample tested 11.4% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19810, U-47. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Anthony Colego, Detroit. Sample tested 7.8% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19811, U-48. Cotaldo, Detroit. No. 19813, U-50. Graziano, Detroit. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Gincoppe Sample tested 6.9% butter fat. Below standard. Sample of ice cream manuractured by Rosilino Sample tested 10.2% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19816, K-44. Sample of ice cream manufactured by G. B. Ferguson, Detroit. Sample tested 10.8% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19819, K-46. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Detroit Creamery Co., Detroit. Sample tested 10.5% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19820, K-47. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Melonakos & Lacakis, Monroe. Sample tested 10.9% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19821, K-48. Sample of ice cream manufactured by The Velvet Ice Cream Co., Adrian. Sample tested 9.6% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19880, I-1079. Sample of ice cream manufactured by C. W. Vanderbilt, Kalamazoo. Sample tested 11.2% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19886, I-1085. Sample of ice cream manufactured by the Arctic Ice Cream Co., Kalamazoo. Sample tested 10.9% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19937, K-49. Sample of ice cream manufactured by the Velvet Ice Cream Co., Adrian. Sample tested 10.5% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19938, K-50. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Val F. Fox, Adrian. Sample tested 10.4% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19939, K-51. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Pospan & Kokkales, Adrian. Sample tested 7.9% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19981, I-1113. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Dalton Creamery, Muskegon. Sample tested 8.7% butter fat. Below standard. No. 19999, P-137. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Dalton Creamery Co., Muskegon. Sample tested 9.5% butter fat. Below stand ard. No. 20047, K-53. Sample of ice cream manufactured by F. M. Colwell, Jackson. Sample tested 8.7% butter fat. No. 20051, K-57. Sample of ice cream manufactured by the Fassett' Ice Cream Co., Jackson. Sample tested 11.2% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20074, P-160. Sample of ice cream sold by Fischer Candy Shop, Holland. Sample tested 10.5% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20077, I-1123. Sample of ice cream manufactured by J. VanWessams, Grand Haven. Sample tested 9.9% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20090, W-6. Sample of ice cream manufactured by N. H. Winans & Sons, Lansing. Sample tested 9.6% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20101, G-48. Sample of ice cream manufactured by August Burrali, Calumet. Sample tested 11.6% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20128, U-116. Sample of ice cream sold by Stephen Bramsby, Ann Arbor. Sample tested 11.3% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20156, U-129. Sample of ice cream sold by Peter Mellos, Mt. Clemens. Sample tested 8.2% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20225, U-154. Sample of ice cream sold by A. D. Neale & Co., Flint. Sample tested 11.2% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20340, P-170. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Rouse Ice Cream Co., Benton Harbor. Sample tested 11.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20341, P-171. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Rouse Ice Cream Co., Benton Harbor. Sample tested 10.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20342, P-172. Sample of ice cream manufactured by H. O. Wilson, St. Joseph. Sample tested 8.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20343, P-173. Sample of ice cream manufactured by H. O. Wilson, St. Joseph. Sample tested 6.8% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20351, P-174. Sample of ice cream manufactured by F. F. Smith & Sons, Watervliet. Sample tested 7.6% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20352, P-176. Sample of ice cream manufactured by H. O. Wilson, St. Joseph. Sample tested 5.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20354, P-177. Sample of ice cream manufactured by H. O. Wilson, St. Joseph. Sample tested 7.2% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20355, P-178. Sample of ice cream manufactured by H. O. Wilson, St. Joseph. Sample tested 5.8% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20356, P-179. Sample of ice cream manufactured by E. E. Rouse, Benton Harbor. Sample tested 11.10% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20369, G-143. Sample of ice cream manufactured by D. Booth, Sault Ste. Marie. Sample tested 9.8% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20372, G-146. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Joseph Maltas, Sault Ste. Marie. Sample tested 9.6% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20378, G-152. Sample of ice cream manufactured by N. Montsat son, Sault Ste. Marie. Sample tested 10.1% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20379, G-153. Sample of ice cream manufactured by A. M. Comb, Sault Ste. Marie. Sample tested 9.2% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20380, G-154. Sault Ste. Marie. No. 20398, V-81. ery Co., Muskegon. No. 20399, V-82. ery Co., Muskegon. No. 20424, P-189. Cream Co., Kalamazoo. ard. Sample of ice cream manufactured by D. Booth, Sample tested 9.9% butter fat. Below standard. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Dalton CreamSample tested 9.4% butter fat. Below standard. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Dalton CreamSample tested 9.6% butter fat. Below standard. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Piper Ice Sample tested 11.1% butter fat. Below stand No. 20427, P-192. Sample of ice cream sold by John Venson, South Haven. Sample tested 7.2% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20558. Unofficial. Sample of ice cream. Sample tested 5.9% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20564, P-200. Sample of ice cream manufactured by P. A. Hults & Son, Charlotte. Sample tested 9.3% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20565, P-201. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Geo. Akas, Charlotte. Sample tested 9.6% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20567, W-7. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Edward Killian, Lansing. Sample tested 9.6% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20635, P-217. Sample of ice cream manufactured by I. W. Carrel, Berrien Springs. Sample tested 8.1% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20677, V-84. Sample of ice cream manufactured by the West Michigan Ice Cream Co., Grand Rapids. Sample tested 5.5% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20678, V-83. Sample of ice cream manufactured by the West Michigan Ice Cream Co., Grand Rapids. Sample tested 7.0% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20759, P-220. Sample of ice cream manufactured by J. L. Turner, South Bend, Ind., handled by Hopkins & Hocking, Cassopolis. Sample tested 10.3% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20798, P-221. Sample of ice cream manufactured by A. Traverse, Constantine. Sample tested 10.1% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20820, P-224. Sample of ice cream manufactured by S. Brody, Marcellus. Sample tested 10.1% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20821, P-225. Sample of ice cream manufactured by J. L. Turner, South Bend, Ind., handled by Claude R. Miller, Marcellus. Sample tested 10.8% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20822, P-226. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Fritz Thur-, kow, Marcellus. Sample tested 8.7% butter fat. Below standard. No. 20901, V-88. Sample of ice cream manufactured by Dalton |