energies for the benefit of the state. We lost one of our force during the year, Mr. Palen, the former Drug Analyst, who tendered his resig nation during the early part of the year to accept a more lucrative position with manufacturing concern. I wish to take opportunity to thank my associates for their earnest and painstaking efforts to keep the Michigan Dairy and Food Department up to the high standard it has attained and assuring you of our continued interest in all things relating to this Department and our earnest desire to do all in our power toward the enforcement of the laws coming under your jurisdiction as Dairy and Food Commissioner, I beg to remain, Yours very truly, F. L. SHANNON, No. 23720, I-1520. Sample of Bacon procured from A. L. Chilson, Battle Creek. Artificially colored with a coal tar dye. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. No. 23286, S-433. Sample of Buckwheat Flour manufactured by the Owosso Milling Co., Owosso. Not a pure buckwheat flour. No. 23292, S-434. Sample of Buckwheat Flour manufactured by the Owosso Milling Co., Owosso. Not a pure buckwheat flour. No. 23500, S-462. Owosso Milling Co., Sample of Buckwheat Flour manufactured by the No. 23717, S-503. Sample of Buckwheat Flour manufactured by the Owosso Milling Co., Owosso. Not a pure buckwheat flour. BUTTER. No. 20857, A-11. Sample of "Butter" purchased from Delehanty & Curtis, 117 Adams Ave., East Detroit. Sample is oleomargarine. No. 21060. Butter. Unofficial. Sample of Butter. Product is Renovated No. 23391, I-1462. Sample of "Butter" taken from the table of Julia Caldwell's restaurant, Ypsilanti. Product is oleomargarine. No. 23452, S-459. Sample of "Butter" taken from table of Mrs. D. Vantine's restaurant, Montrose. Product is oleomargarine. No. 23658, K-139. Sample of butter handled by Lafer Bros., Detroit, and procured from Joseph Kudla, 1143 Chene St., Detroit. Sample is not pure butter. No. 23756, A-87. & Butter Co., No. 5 No. 23769, G-576. Sample of "Butter" purchased of the Detroit Tea Central Market, Detroit. Product is process butter. Sample of "Butter" purchased from John Catsapis, Sault Ste. Marie. Sample is oleomargarine. No. 23838, I-1549. Sample of "Butter" taken from table in hotel dining room of Stanley A. Thomas, Ann Arbor. Product is oleomargarine. No sign posted. No. 23899. Y-93. Sample of "Butter" procured from Hotel Ruhl, Jackson. Product is oleomargarine. No sign posted. No. 24121, S-550. Sample of "Butter" taken from dining room of Hotel Walton, Olivet. Sample is oleomargarine. No oleomargarine sign displayed in dining room. No. 24131, G-586. Sample of "Butter" procured from Wm. Wollner, Laurium. Product is a mixture of butter and oleomargarine. No. 24478, G-610. Sample of "Butter" procured from Jos. Baur (Walker Hotel), Ironwood. Product is oleomargarine. CANDY. No. 19339, A-5. Sample of Grab Bag Candy purchased from Valentine Schroeder, 38 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Candy is unwholesome for human consumption. CANNED GOODS. No. 20819, G-173. Sample of Mixed French Vegetables procured from E. R. Hixon, Houghton. Contains copper sulphate, an injurious color. CEREALS. No. 23262, I-1455. Sample of "You Like" brand Coffee, Cereal and Chicory manufactured by the Eureka Coffee Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and procured from Wm. Austin, Kalamazoo. Misbranded. No. 23356, V-278. Sample of "Zesto" manufactured by the Zesto Cereal Company, Palo, Mich. Misbranded. No. 20811, U-177. Elliott & Co., Detroit. Not properly labeled. CHERRIES (MARASCHINO.) Sample of Maraschino Cherries handled by C. No. 23321, U-261. Sample of Maraschino Cherries handled by Taylor, McLeisch & Co., Detroit. Label does not state name and address of manufacturers. Misbranded. CHICORY. No. 21020, I-1278. Sample of Coffee & Chicory handled by Kidd, Dater Co., Benton Harbor. Label does not bear the words "Coffee Compound." Not properly labeled. No. 21186. Unofficial. Sample of Chicory (ground). name and address not on label. Not properly labeled. No. 21187. Unofficial. Sample of Chicory (ground). name and address not on label. Not properly labeled. COFFEE. Manufacturer's Manufacturer's No. 24034, S-548. Sample of "Coffee" handled by Imperial Tea Co., Detroit, and found with Paul Leo, Saginaw. A mixture of coffee, chicory and cereal. Package had no label of any description, nor the manufacturer's name and address. No. 24096, I-1575. Sample of No. 5 Compound manufactured by the F. Widlar Co., Cleveland, Ohio, and procured from Davis & Metz, Albion. Sample is coffee compound, misbranded. COFFEE COMPOUND, No. 23070, I-1438. Sample of Ever Ready brand of a Compound of Coffee, Cereal and Chicory put up by John A. Tolman & Co., Chicago, and handled by Fred Armstrong, Benton Harbor. Sample is misbranded. No. 23072, I-1441. & Co., Chicago, Ill. No. 23137, G-463. Sample of Cafe Special put up by Reid, Murdock Sample of Combination Cereal, Coffee and Chicory put up by W. F. McLaughlin & Co., Chicago, Ill. Package is misbranded. No. 23207, G-468. Sample of Coffee, Rye, Peas and Chicory put out by Reid, Murdock & Co., Chicago. Package is misbranded. No. 23667, I-1517. Sample of You-Try-It substitute for coffee manufactured by Dwinell-Wright & Co., Boston, Mass., handled by Godsmark, Durand Co., Battle Creek, and procured from W. J. Hensen, Battle Creek. Misbranded. No. 23706, 8-496. Sample of Grandmother's Blend Coffee Compound manufactured by Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Jersey City, New Jersey, and procured from the Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Flint. Misbranded. No. 23707, S-497. Sample of "Granulated 8 o'clock Breakfast Compound" manufactured by Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Jersey City, New Jersey, and procured from the Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Flint. Misbranded. No. 23709, S-499. Sample of Gehlert's Famous Coffee Compound manufactured by the Gehlert Coffee Co., Detroit, procured from H. A. Johnson, Durand. Misbranded. No. 23754, S-520. Sample of "Kaffee Klatch" manufactured by the Crescent Tea Co., address not given, and found with the H. & P. Supply Co., West Saginaw. Misbranded. |