To the Hon. G. M. Dame, Dairy and Food Commissioner of the State of Michigan: Sir: I have the honor to submit to you herewith, as required by law, the accompanying report for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1912. My duties during the year have required me to visit Shiawassee, Ingham, Bay, Saginaw, Eaton, Ionia, Barry, Cass, Clinton, Kent, VanBuren, Kalkaska, Antrim, Charlevoix, Emmet, Grand Traverse, Manistee, Benzie, Berrien, Newaygo counties. At Shiawassee county six colonies were examined and three found to be diseased. Ingham county, 108 examined and 6 diseased; Bay, 89 examined, all healthy; Saginaw, 48 examined and 1 diseased; Eaton county, 162 examined and 11 diseased; Ionia, 406 examined and 2 diseased; Barry county, 43 examined and 29 diseased; Cass, 484 examined and 77 diseased; Clinton 260 examined and 37 diseased; Kent 725 examined and 36 diseased; Van Buren, 100 examined and 65 diseased; Kalkaska, 370 examined and 14 diseased; Antrim county, 643 examined and 18 diseased; Charlevoix, 420 examined and 27 diseased; Emmet, 81 examined and 49 diseased; Grand Traverse, 17 examined and 1 diseased; Manistee, 71 examined and 51 diseased; Good... Benzie, 227 examined and 59 diseased; Berrien, 166 examined and 13 diseased; Newaygo, 47 examined and 15 diseased; Jackson, 171 examined and 82 diseased. European Foul Brood was found to exist in the counties of Barry, Berrien, Newaygo and Cass. In all cases instructions were given as to the necessary course to be pursued for the successful treatment of the disease, and as a rule owners of diseased bees were not only willing but anxious to follow instructions. GARRY E. SANDERS, INSPECTIONS-HOW REPORTED. Inspections of creameries, cheese factories, farm dairies and city milk supply are reported in the bulletins issued by the Department. By way of explanation the following pages are reprinted from a monthly bulletin. These bulletins, containing reports of inspections as shown on the pages reprinted, will be mailed to parties applying for same. Heater. Separator. Good Good. Good Good Good.. Good Good Good Good Good Good... Good Good.. Clean..! Good.. Good.. Good.. Good.. Good Good.. Fair Good.. Good.. Good.. Good.. Good. Good.. Good.. Good.. Good.. Good.. Good.. Fair |